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Market movers

The prospect of another Trump administration presents threats and opportunities for China.

Why the world fears four more years of Trump

Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance has made the likelihood of a second Trump term far more real and has China and the rest of the world on edge.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz



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King River Resources is preparing for a drill program to target high-grade gold anomalies in the Top End.

King River drilling to zero in on high-grade NT gold

King River Resources is set to unleash the drill bit in a new campaign designed to home in on high-grade gold targets at its Tennant Creek project in the NT.

  • by James Pearson
Venture Minerals’ Jupiter prospect has the potential to become Australia’s biggest clay-hosted rare earths discovery.

Cashed-up Venture poised to pounce after sealing Jupiter deal

A cashed-up Venture Minerals is ready to make good on its promise to explore the vast potential of its record-breaking Jupiter rare earths deposit in WA.

  • by Andrew Todd

Opinion & Perspectives

Why we’re going into the new financial year carrying last year’s problems

It is difficult to see anything much that will stimulate corporate profits in the remainder of this calendar year.

Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight

Business columnist

Why the world fears four more years of Trump

Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance has made the likelihood of a second Trump term far more real and has China and the rest of the world on edge.

Stephen Bartholomeusz
Stephen Bartholomeusz

Senior business columnist

Why interest rate speculators should get back in their box

The future of interest rates needs more brainpower and a lot less idle speculation.

Ross Gittins
Ross Gittins

Economics Editor

Banking & finance


Small business

Max Mustard is the eponymous heroine of the VR game by Gold Coast developers Toast Interactive.

Meet Max: She’s the top-selling VR game on Meta, and created in Queensland

Like many great ideas, Max Mustard owes her existence to someone being told not to do something.

  • by Nick Dent

Booktopia might be on the brink, but your local bookshop probably isn’t

As Australia’s largest online bookseller struggles to forge a viable business model, many independent booksellers have found ways to thrive.

  • by Jessica Yun

Popular in Business
