Downloading your eBook
After you complete your purchase, you will get an email receipt containing download links (Mobi or EPUB, see below). If for some reason there is a problem with the link in your email receipt, login to the My Account page and select the Downloads tab.
eBook Formats
eBooks purchased from Monthly Review Press come in the following two formats:
- EPUB (.epub extension). This is a universal file that can be converted into any format.
- Mobipocket (.prc or .mobi extension; also called Mobi). We offer this format for some older books (it was originally used for Amazon Kindle Readers) but it has been depreciated. We recommend simply downloading the EPUB file, which should work on all modern readers.
It is no longer necessary to decompress any files when purchasing an eBook from the Monthly Review website. After completing your purchase you will get immediate access to two separate download links (one for each eBook file type), which should allow you to open either the ePub or Mobi file directly from your reading device, and import it into your library.
eBook Software, Conversion and Transfer
Nearly all e-readers will recognize the EPUB file format. However, if you need to convert to a different format, we recommend using Calibre, which is available on both Macs and PCs.
We also recommend using Calibre for transferring eBook files to your tablet device. Calibre has excellent support for all available tablet devices.
Transferring to Apple Devices
Mac users can simply add EPUB files to the program iBooks (included with OS X). Make sure to change your sync settings in iTunes so that eBook files are transferred to your device when backing up/syncing.
- Read here on how to set up eBook syncing in OS X between your computer and iPad.
- Read here for instructions on transfer Mobi files to the Kindle App for iPad using iTunes.
Transferring to Kindle Devices
Read an eBook on your computer
If would like to read an eBook on your computer follow these instructions.
iBooks (OS X only)
- Locate the file(s) you downloaded from the receipt page of your Monthly Review Press order.
- Find the file with the “.epub” extension.
- Double-click and the iBooks will open automatically.
Kindle Desktop Software
- Download and install the Kindle Desktop Software (available for Mac or PC)
- Install the software and open the new Kindle Desktop Application
- Locate the file(s) you downloaded from the receipt page of your Monthly Review Press order. Find the file with the “.prc” or “.mobi” extension (this varies depending on which book you purchased).
- Open the newly installed Kindle Desktop Software and sign-in to your Amazon account.
- For PC users: Double-click the file with the “.prc” or “.mobi” extension.
- For Mac users: Drag the file with the “.prc” or “.mobi” extension onto the Kindle Desktop Software icon in your Dock.
- The eBook will load in the Kindle Desktop Software. However, it will not load on your Kindle tablet device. Use Send to Kindle instead.