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A shower thought I just recently had about angel/demon vs. human fan fics A shower thought I just recently had about angel/demon vs. human fan fics

For those who like GO fan fics: Do you prefer angel/demon or human Aziraphale/Crowley scenarios? How do you fit them into your personal GO universe?

I read both kinds but I greatly gravitate towards the original angel/demon/6000 years of love stuff, really enjoying them both (or just Crowley) denying or misinterpreting of what is going on but finally setting their differences aside, coming out, confessing their love, and living happily ever after.

There are also plenty of lovely and funny human A/C fics around but it was difficult for me to fit them into the same universe.

Well, now I see how to smoothly interweave them all.

The angel/demon beings is the canon. At some point they are finally together. But as any other old married couple, they need some kinks to spice up their relationship from time to time. Their particular kink is role playing, specifically: role playing as two regular humans who just met, probably didn't like or understand each other first but then warmed up, hid but then confessed their love, and are together at the end.

As supernatural beings, they can actually create a sample of such world where a human Aziraphale and a human Crowley live and meet and fall in love. Like two shopkeepers in London, or two new neighbours, or something like that. They temporarily live in such a constructed world, enjoying the process of discovering each other and building up their relationship, up to the grand finale. Then maybe they say a code word and are back to their shared cottage.

So, all these numerous human fics are just glimpses of the angel and demon playing with each other. All fits in perfectly!

Why don’t any of the Whickber Street residents recognize Crowley? Why don’t any of the Whickber Street residents recognize Crowley?

In Season 2, nobody seems to recognize Crowley (Maggie, Nina, etc), but hasn’t he been hanging out at the bookshop A LOT since Armageddon? I don’t know what the timeline is re: how long it’s been since Armageddon in the S2 premiere, but Crowley says “you never go to the pub,” which implies to me he’s around enough to know Aziraphale’s daily routine. And Aziraphale says they “both get plenty of use” out of the bookshop. Also, Crowley has a pretty distinctive car/hair/style 😂, you’d think someone would remember. Was this explained or am I missing something timeline wise?

I was watching good omens again and noticed this I was watching good omens again and noticed this

(Sorry if my english is bad, It is not my first lenguage and i had a little help of Google Translator)

Think about it with me: Doctor Who exists in the Good Omens universe, right? So this means that David Tennant also exists in Good Omens at the same time as Crowley, but as different people.

Does Crowley see a photo of David Tennant and thinks "this guy looks a lot like me"? lol

Writing fanfiction - how bad is present tense? Writing fanfiction - how bad is present tense?

Edit: Thanks for all the nice responses! I think I'll stick with present tense for now but I might start writing some little things in past tense to get into that as well <3

[First time poster - wasn't sure if I should use the 'Fic' or 'Question' flair]

I've written a lot of fics [and other creative works] in my life but I'm about to start writing my first fic in English - obviously it's gonna be a Good Omens fic. I also only recently started writing roleplays in English [if you're miraculously around here, Toni, bless you] and I quickly figured out that I prefer using present tense for writing English roleplays. For creative writing in my native language I always use past tense.

Here's my struggle: I'm already so used to using present tense in writing, it's really hard to switch to past tense. I started writing my first chapter in past tense, but it just feels unnatural and forced. Now I'm contemplating if I should just stick to being comfortable or bite the bullet and "force" myself to write in past tense.

I'm not a big fic reader so I'm not sure how common fics written in present tense are. Would you skip a fanfiction entirely if you don't like/if you're not used to the tense it's written in? Do people even read fics that are written in present tense?
I'm just struggling a bit because it would obviously be nice if more than one person [looking at you, Toni] would read this and/or my future fics.

Are our flag means death and good omens very simular? Are our flag means death and good omens very simular?

I've finished watching Our flag means death yesterday and i'm OBSESSED. I wanted to find a show or movie that is simular to OFMD and a lot of people recommended good omens. Today i tried to watch the first episode of good omens, but tbh i though it kinda confusing and honestly kinda boring . . . Does the show get better? Should i give it another go? Any thoughts? (Sorry if i made any grammar mistakes English isn't my first language 😅)