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Clean up & Clarification of the Sub Rules

Left the theater. Left the theater.
Boomer Story

I had planned on seeing Horizon yesterday. When I got to theater I was the youngest person my a good 20 to 30 years. Not surprising since it's a Kevin Costner western.

As the film began both the couple in front of me and behind me couldn't stop talking. Next thing I know two different cellphones rang and one person kept coughing so loud there was no way they even tried to cover their mouth.

I went to the box office and the manager was nice enough to exchange my ticket after I explained the situation.

Fun fact: The kids at Inside Out 2 were better behaved than those adults.

Edit: To those who asked why I didn't tell the people to shut up, I've done that before and had a person tell me that, "If I didn't like it I should move".

And I do understand that anyone can be obnoxious in a theater, but recently it has definitely been the older generation that have been rude jackasses.

Boomers are scared Boomers are scared
Boomer Story

That’s why they are the way they are. The greatest example I have of this is my father. I’m sad to say he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic. Cancer. This is basically a death sentence. All his life he’s wanted to go to Italy. He’s never left North America and I figured it was a fear of flying but he’s flown to Alaska and Hawaii and from where he lives are longer flights than ones to Europe. I told him he should really prioritize a trip to Italy while he can still comfortably enjoy life. He told me (while wearing his TAKE AMERICA BACK bracelet) that “nowhere outside of the US is safe for Americans”….what? I have traveled out of the US, this is untrue, unless he is planning to travel to idk, Palestine? The man is dying, and has wanted to go to Italy his whole life, but won’t because Fox News told him it’s too scary and the world is out to get him. It’s really the saddest thing. Anyway, I’m reading “Walking each other home” by Ram Dass and it talks about how fear is the root of seperateness and hate. I’m sad the this entire generation gives into that fear.

Aldi Boomer Aldi Boomer
Boomer Story

Long-time reader, first-time poster.

Checking out at Aldi today. Boomer couple behind me. The guy starts heckling the cashier, saying “Go faster, go faster!” (Note: She was scanning my items very quickly as it was.)

As Mr. Impatient is heckling, he’s also jiggling his cart forward and backward, and in doing so, he pushed the cart against my butt. I said, somewhat sharply, “Excuse me.”

He said nothing and started heckling and jiggling again, hitting me with the cart again. I said, “Sir, please stop pushing your cart into me.” He had the nerve to say, “What’s the big deal? You’ve got enough padding.” And pushed the cart against me AGAIN.

His wife had the awareness to look ashamed, though she didn’t say a word. I was speechless for a moment, then said, “That doesn’t give you the right to assault me.”

Guess “assault” was the magic word, because he finally backed up, sputtering about me being “ridiculous.”

I moved away from the register to bag my groceries, only to hear Mr. Impatient start in again with “Go faster!”

And the cashier, to her eternal credit, calmly said, “I’m not ?going faster’; I’m denying you service. You’re being rude to me and you assaulted a customer. You can leave now.”

Of course he started yelling, but his red-faced wife just grabbed his arm and started pulling him away. Hurrah for the cashier!

Was once asked “who is ever going to love you?” at a hotel pool Was once asked “who is ever going to love you?” at a hotel pool
Boomer Story

This was maybe 8-9 years back but it’s always stuck with me as one of the few “boomer” interactions I’ve had.

My family and I were in Florida for a wedding of a close family friend (we’re all from NY, even the FL couple getting hitched). We stayed at a bit of a nicer hotel because as my brother and I have gotten older it’s harder to do the family style vacations my mom and dad love doing with us.

I am heavily tattooed. Probably 70% or more covered. Full back, mostly full front and sides, both arms sleeved and one leg almost completely covered. I usually make the joke “time to flip out the squares!” when I go to the beach or a pool. My family and the family of the couple getting married are all enjoying some drinks and snacks by the pool when an older boomer lady approaches

B: My that’s a lot of tattoos!

Me: Yeah! It’s an expensive hobby lol

And usually with most people this is where the convo ends or they ask about how long/how much money/meaning etc (I have a huge portrait of bob barker on my leg so I just like artwork - I digress)

B: why do you have so much?

Me: I really like carrying around artwork and a lot of my good friends are tattoo artists so I get to support them at the same time

B: But who is ever going to love you looking like that? No one that’s worthwhile could ever love or marry you looking like that.

Everyone in our group has turned to look at this point. I was kind of taken back at how flippant she was with her questioning. Just right out the gate it’s incomprehensible that someone with tattoos such as me is deserving of love or even capable of being loved at all. With my parents and future wife (we’d been together for a few years at this point) just within earshot too.

Me: well whoever does love me one day will love me for everything I am, not just what I look like on the outside.

B: grumble grumble there’s no way anyone could shuffle shuffle

Me: enjoy your day!

I forgot that as soon as you get more than 2 tattoos that you instantly become a criminal or murder and you lose your capacity for love from others.

Boomer freaked out when he found out I’m not part of his HOA Boomer freaked out when he found out I’m not part of his HOA
Boomer Freakout

My parents had this rental property that they passed on to me when they died and the house has been there since before the neighborhood next to it was built so it’s not part of its HOA. it’s been established several times with the previous renters and my parents. While we were renovating to prepare to move in, we installed gates at the three entrances to the property because we didn’t want people to come into the property.

A month after we finished, we had a visit from this boomer, who opened our back gate since the front one is locked, just to give us the welcome to the HOA packet. I told him that we are not part of the neighborhood so the HOA doesn’t apply to our property. He huffed and said that I am since his property is right next door. I nicely repeated myself and asked him to not come into my property again without permission. He scoffed saying he didn’t see any no trespassing signs so he could do what he wanted. Eventually he left.

The next day we installed locks on the gates and no trespassing signs. The next thing we know we are getting HOA violation letters in our mail box. The letters also listed things that were happening in our backyard that someone could only see if they were looking over the fence.

After the 5th notice, that threatened eviction ,I called the number listed and explained to a lady the situation and she said that the HOA president said we were and was the one reporting us but all we had to do was prove we weren’t and they would waive the fines and leave us alone.

I gathered the paperwork and went to the next meeting where I gave them the paperwork which proved I was right. The Boomer then lost his mind and said that it didn’t matter and we still needed to follow HIS rules and change the things HE wanted. Apparently the reasons he was upset is that we installed gates and fixed the fence that prevented him from going where he wanted when he went on his walks, the gates fence also prevents his family from taking a shortcut to the pool, the backyard was filled with things he didn’t want seeing from his second story balcony and the trees we planted and the new fence prevented him from seeing our entire property.

He got so angry that he needed to be brought to a different room. I left soon after but I haven’t heard a thing since.

It’s amazing how entitled some boomers are ???

Dumb Train Granny Dumb Train Granny
Boomer Story

This literally happened 3 minutes ago. I’m on an Amtrak train that just left Penn Station heading to Philly. I’m in the quiet car. An announcement comes overhead about not using cell phone, keeping conversations short… typical quiet car stuff. So I pop in my headphones and start my music. At this point the woman hasn’t even come to check tickets yet. I feel a hard tap on my shoulder. I look and there is an angry looking woman, probably 65 or so (I’m 55m btw). I turn down my music and ask her what she wants. She starts getting loud, not quite yelling but loud enough, telling me I’m not allowed to cellphone and didn’t I hear the announcement. I ask if my music was loud out of my headphones. Then she does yell, “It doesn’t matter, you can’t use your cell phone in this car.” Before I could respond the ticket collector comes and she starts yelling at this poor woman about me. The ticket collector managed to calm her down and tried explaining to the woman that the announcement meant not to talk on your cellphone but people could text, go online, listen to music with headphones. At this point boomer woman is near tears repeating “That’s not what the announcement said.” I told her I’ll be listening to my music now and to please leave me alone. Now her and her ancient husband are scowling at me, giving me the stink eye and getting more angry because I’m sitting here smiling at them. If anything else happens I’ll update since we’re only 15 minutes into an 85 minute ride. 🤷‍♂️

Almost hit him. Almost hit him.
Boomer Story

I have one! I have one!

Driving my daughter to work yesterday. I was driving 25mph with another car in front and behind me. This white male boomer (cause they are the WORST) almost walks into the car giving me the finger cause he thought I was speeding. Just with his eyes alone he was able to tell that I was going above the speed limit not the other cars around me. He was yelling and I thought he was going to break my window. Scared the crap out of my daughter. Funny thing is, I know where he lives with his Trump signs and flags and bumper stickers.

They are really crazy aren’t they? Their parents who fought so hard for them in WWI and II and they are the most entitled group of people I’ve met in my life. Especially those white males ages 65-80. I really hate them all and can’t wait for them to die off.

Boomer accused me of being on drugs... may end up regretting it. Boomer accused me of being on drugs... may end up regretting it.
Boomer Story

So obviously I wasn't on drugs.

I was however running an above 100 degree fever, but needed groceries and medicine. Made my way as in and out of the place as quickly as possible but was sweaty and definitely looked pale. Boomer lady walked up to me dragging a store employee behind her and accused me of being on 'drugs' and she could tell. I let her know I was sick, but she didn't buy it and wanted the store employee to detain me, which store employee declined to do.

Boomer Karen followed me out of the store and was on her phone telling me not to leave and giving my license to presumably the police. I did not stick around obviously to prove that I was innocent and nothing came of it, it was just a surreal experience.

The thing is, she was in my space kind of a lot, so I'm hoping that whatever shitty bug I had was air transmissible and she's going to have the same terrible weekend I had.

My aunt refuses to call me by my name. My aunt refuses to call me by my name.
Boomer Story

So my parents half started calling me by my middle name and when I was 7 I started school with another kid in my class with the same first name. So I started just going by my middle name. My mom’s family took about a year at most to adjust. My dad’s family refused, particularly my aunt. A couple months ago she called me by my first name and got mad when I didn’t answer and then she sarcastically said “oh I mean…” and said my middle name. I said “yeah that’s the name I go by” and she has the audacity to say: “not to me. I got used to your first name and it’s too hard to remember the other one. Not sure why you expect us to use it”. Now, I was 7 when I started going by my middle name, which is still part of my legal birth name, and I am now 30. She has had 23 years to get used to it. It’s extremely frustrating.

EDIT: I should also add that my uncle (her brother) and grandmother (her mom) both go by their middle names and that’s no issue at all.

Boomer put hands on me at pharmacy counter Boomer put hands on me at pharmacy counter
Boomer Freakout

I was picking up medications at my local pharmacy. When it was my turn, I was called up. I got my medications, and pulled my card out to pay. The tech was telling me what medication he had for me along with the indications. A boomer lady with smeared lip stick armed with a cell phone on speaker came up behind me, physically pushed me aside, and threw her phone at this guy. She yelled “Talk to them. I said talk to them NOW.” Looking at how flustered this kid was, I asked her if she could kindly back up and let me finish my transaction. She told me she would not. I got a little sharper and said “my medications are private and I need you to back up away from me until I’m done.” She replied with “oh shut up you asshole!” I look kind and sweet because I’m a small woman. This is a higher income area. I am not from a higher income area and I am not nice or sweet. She was completely taken back when I cussed her up and down, clutching her pearls and such. She never said another word to me, but the pharmacy manager found me in the store and informed me that she was removed from the premises and she is banned from filling medications there for life. A small justice. I need to know where the entitlement and audacity is sold for such a low price.

But they're cats!!! But they're cats!!!
Boomer Story

So about a year and a half ago I had a family member suddenly pass and my family offered to sell me their house at the cost of the remaining mortgage. My fiance and I jumped on it, the house needed a good deal of work but for two people in their mid 20's the chance to get a home for less than 50K, it was too good to pass up plus my family has been working on homes my entire life so we've done most of our renovations for next to nothing.

Now we live in a cul-de-sac as the last house and we have a neighbor tonour left that is a mega-boomer lol. I've known her since she bought the house 15 years ago and we've always been on good terms despite the fact that is was clear she is crazier than a fox. The first issue...she has 16 plus cats let that sink in 16 plus cats. For the longest time it wasn't terrible a bit annoying with the smell if you got too close to her house but it was something you could ignore. All that changed right around xmas last year.

So we had some robberies in the area and to be safe I ended up installing a number of google nest cameras to keep an eye on everything and at the same time I started noticing things on my patio getting weird smelly stains and getting scratched up. Well sure enough I check the cameras and I see multiple instances in a week of her cats coming back and peeing on my house and $500 blackstone which had a grill cover on it. They had peed and the back corner of the house to the point it had developed a weird black coating from all the pee and I thought it was just dirty for the longest time.

So I did as any normal person would, I asked her if she could please keep the specific troublemakers in the house because they've been coming over to my house and damging things. Huge mistake looking back.

She agreed and gave a weak ass apology and kept them in the house...for 2 days lmfao. Well 2 days later guess what happened they all came back realized I had washed the grill cover and proceeded to piss all over the entire thing like how dare he wash my piss off and ofc piss all over house corners.I caught her coming back home the next day and tried to ask her if she could keep them in house as they've gone back to tearing things up and she tells me "I'm not talking to you right now." I told her thats fine but you should keep in mind there are 5 other homes in our cul-de-sac that are tired of this and we'll have to take action if she doesn't.

That pissed her off something crazy, and she threatend to call the police over my cameras. I pulled out the ordinace that gave me permission to put them up and she even called the cops and they told her to get over it he's allowed to put a camera up to view anything visible from the street. Then to top it off she told them I was a cat murderer and I was going to kill her babies.... this is the same woman that let one die of an infected jaw. By the time it passed its jaw was the size of a softball.

So I got the health inspector to pay her visit. When he went to that house he was floored. Now she had a two week head start to get the house clean before they did an inspection and no joke she quit her job to clean every single day. Despite all of her cleaning he told me that when he measured the Urea & ammonia levels in the house they were just below the levels they would typically condemn a house over, the floors were destroyed and buckled from absorbing so much pee and every wall was schredded from the cats scratching them. He even saw one of them climbing a wall solid snake style when he first entered even.

In reatliation she ended up throwing boxes of leftovers in the yard to feed the strays which the health inspector told her she could not do. I do not mean just a little either one day she came out flipped my camera the bird and dumped half a bucket of bird seed in the front yard, an eight piece of fried chicken, leftover spagetti, a bag of bagels, an entire loaf of bread, and a blueberry pie.

At this point I made it clear to her that she isnt allowed on my property any more. Despite all of the things she had done she still had felt she had the right to open my gate and go into my backyard to get her cats and go on my porch and even into my fucking garage. She went beserk called my wife a bitch and me nigeria not even the N-word just screaming the word Nigeria hahahahahaha.

Then proceeded to just scream "Why are you doing this THEY'RE JUST CATS!!!" When I tried to explain that they've peed on my grill, on my house and shit on other neighbors camero 6 times. That's not a joke they climbed onto the camero and shit on it's hood as well as in my front yard and under my front porch she just didnt care and said we were all nigerias and nigers. Lol like from the country niger not the N-word again.

I will admit though we all started just saying Nigeria to piss her off one day she heard me say it to my wife while working on our front porch and just lost it screaming, THAT'S 🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵💯💯💯💯💯❗❗❗❗❗FUCKING🦅💯🔥🥵🦅🙏🔥ITTTTTT🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ sorry had to include some brain rot.

She made a threat of shooting me and the police ended up searching her house to be sure she had no weapons. I ended up just ignoring her for months which pissed her off to no ends until she just became wore out and half assed apologized and asked to just let things go back to normal

Months later we are somewhat cordial but I've built an entire enclosure to prevent them from being able to get on my patio and enclosed my front prch so they can't shit under it and layed cat repellent everywhere.

Ngl can't wait for her to die already lol.

TL;DR Neighbors 16+ cats use the neighborhood as a bathroom and boomer sees nothing wrong. Ends up dealing with johnny law and getting real racist over it.

Edit 1: Forgot to add. She's very batshit like she put the body of one of her cats, THAT DIED UNDER VERY UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES, in the freezer to make a granddaughter move out. The cat was probably killed by her, this was before I bought the house but I was around for the spectacle. She has a drinking problem and tried to unalive herself like 3 years and the GD was just there to help her recover but reallllly disliked her yea she killed her cat and placed it i. The freezer on top of the granddaughters food.... Worst of all the story was told to me by the two family members that used to live in my house and two other neighbors that lived in the cul-de-sac. Plus the actual boomer in question told me a lie and said it died of an illness which I really don't believe...

Edit 2: forgot that I had this couple weeks ago because she doesn't take care of her house part of her siding fell off and she assumed that I got up on a ladder and pulled her siding off no joke. Bonus she muttered something about me being a fucking Satanist quote which I don't mess with none of that so LOL . So you guys can see the nightmare I deal with.

Sorry for spelling issues on mobile will fix later

Boomer Campground Host Boomer Campground Host
Boomer Story

TL;DR: Boomer Campground Host saw we were under 50 and assumed we were shitheads, and invented regulations to intimidate us into complying with rules we were already following.

This happened a couple years ago, remembered as I'm packing for a holiday weekend camping trip.

The US National Forest system has campgrounds scattered across the country, many (most) with a seasonal campground host. Invariably this is a Boomer, or a Boomer couple, paid a couple hundred bucks to spend the summer making sure folks pay the camping fee, that privies are cleaned, trash is taken out, etc. Fifty percent of the time, these Boomer Campground Hosts are innocuous. Twenty-five percent of the time they're weird, but harmless. The other twenty-five percent of the time, though, they're pricks on a power trip.

I'm tent camping out west with buddies- we get to the campground and drive around the loop, looking for an unoccupied spot. I notice someone has duct-taped over the 1 on the 15 mph sign and think nothing of it. We find an unoccupied camping spot, go back to the kiosk and drop our money, park at the camping spot and start setting up.

Boomer comes flying down the road on his ATV and hops off, "you know how fast you were going?!?"

Me: *shrugs* I dunno, ten?

Boomer: The speed limit's five!

Me: The speed limit's 15, someone just stuck duct tape over the 1. I was going about ten.

Boomer: The speed limit is 5!

Me: The speed limit is fifteen, and someone has defaced federal property.

Boomer: If you don't slow down I'll write you a ticket!

Me: Ok. How fast were you going on your ATV?

Boomer rides off in a huff. Buddies and I think it's funny, watching him fly up and down the loop at fifteen or twenty miles an hour in his ATV, screaming at folks that the speed limit is five.

He gets weirder as the week progresses. Comes over to our campsite when we're cooking or eating dinner and says "If we were in Montana, I'd write you a ticket."

I look at my friends, and then at Boomer Campground Host. "What?"

"If we were in Montana, I'd write you a ticket."

"For what?"

Boomer Campground Host motions towards the picnic table where we're sitting, eating.

"If we were in would give us a ticket...for cooking dinner?"

"There's trash everywhere," Boomer Campground Host says. There's trash nowhere. Food is in the bear-proof storage bin provided by the campground, trash is in the bear-proof garbage bin provided by the campground, all that's on the picnic table is the still-hot stove and skillet, and the food we're eating.

"So...if we were in would write us a ticket for...eating? But we're not in Montana, so you can't write us a ticket for eating, so..."

"I'm just sayin' if we were in Montana I'd write you a ticket! Clean it up!" Boomer Campground Host says as he storms off, hops on his ATV, and does about twenty-three back to his camper.

Over the course of the week we're there, it gets to the point where Boomer Campground Host threatens to call the Ranger and have us removed. I practically beg him to go ahead- I'd love to hear from the Ranger what rule I've violated doing 10 in a 15, or by storing food in the food storage container. I tell Boomer Campground Host if he wants to waste his time, waste the Ranger's time, and ruin all our day's in the process, that's his prerogative. The last two or three days of the trip I didn't see much of Boomer Campground Host, and wondered if he had called the Ranger, and the Ranger told him to grow up.

Or maybe he just found a new target.

Why do boomers get mad at the amount of hours I work? Why do boomers get mad at the amount of hours I work?
Boomer Story

I work 3 days (nightshift) a week. 12hr shifts in healthcare. Double income as my wife works M-Th 10 hrs dayshift. I have 3 kids (4/2/11mo) I take my kids everywhere instead of a certain demographic bragging about how much they worked in the past. Was at the grocery store and some boomer asked me if I was a stay at home dad with 3 kids. Told him no, I work 3 days a week. Guy goes on about how that’s not work and had to tell him fulltime for me is 3 12hr shifts a wk. I just ignore the guy and I can tell he starts to get heated. Goes off about how can I afford a house only working 3 days and I just tell him double income I make good money on my own and my wife makes even more money than me. Guy can’t believe it. Starts blabbering about how can she make more money than me, and how I need to provide and how I’m not a man with the kids at home. Just smiled and told him to fuck off and he gets heated, tries to get a manager and makes a scene. I just head out with my kids with a big smile and not taking for granted that I’m lucky enough during this time to have a good job, am healthy, and able to take my kids to do whatever since I have a lot of free time with my schedule.

72-year-old Florida man arrested after admitting he shot a Walmart delivery drone | He thought he was under surveillance 72-year-old Florida man arrested after admitting he shot a Walmart delivery drone | He thought he was under surveillance
Boomer Article
72-year-old Florida man arrested after admitting he shot a Walmart delivery drone | He thought he was under surveillance
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Grandmother said something horrible and pissed me off at my own wedding Grandmother said something horrible and pissed me off at my own wedding
Boomer Story

So I recently got married and while my wedding was wonderful, my Grandma make a good attempt at ruining the pictures. For context: I have two living grandparents, both of my paternal Grandfather's wives. My step-Grandma is my actual grandmother in the sense of what grandmothers do. She gives me advice, has always supported me with tough love, she's the best and I adore her. She also worked for Planned Parenthood for decades, so she's a total boss.

My bio Grandmother is a mean and jaded old woman who makes other people's lives miserable. She also lived halfway across the country for most of my childhood. So when she wanted a picture at my wedding, she didn't ask if there would be pictures with grandparents. Instead, she bee lined it up to be and said "We need a picture together. After all, I'm your only REAL grandparent left."

I was so mad that I nearly threw her out. Instead, i suppressed my seething rage and told her "sure we can absolutely get a picture, but you're not my only grandparent you know" and then i walked away before she could respond. I left her sputtering there.

My wife and I then went up to Canada for our honeymoon and saw my Great Aunt while we were there, who is my bio Grandma's sister. They're Irish twins and they even look and sound alike. My Great Aunt was kind as could be and even sent me a text later thanking me for visiting her. I just don't get it. It's so easy not to be this rude and selfish.

I called out a boomer, other boomers smelled blood and attacked. I called out a boomer, other boomers smelled blood and attacked.
Boomer Story

This happened earlier this year. Ill keep the story short, can explain more in comments if needed.

Went to the post office where they have 2 counters. One for retail, one for post. There were probably around 5 people in each line. I lined up in the retail line and around 5 minutes later a boomer comes in and lines up behind me. We wait for another few minutes, I'm now next in line.

Boomer then steps out of my line and pushes to the front of the Post line saying "Sorry Ive been waiting for 20 minutes in the other line, I didn't realise I was in the wrong line so I should be at the front of this line regardless of where I was waiting"

He pushed Infront of people who were in the Post line before I was even in the store. I immediately said "No you got here after me, and I got here after those 2 ladies behind you".

He looked at me flustered knowing he was just caught lying Infront of probably 10 other adults, and went red in the face. He tried to form some kind of argument about being in a rush and by being older he can't stand in line.

This is were I exit the story as the 2 ladies he pushed directly Infront of were both boomers aswell and started mocking this guy Infront of everyone. I can't remember everything they said but it was along the lines of "oh don't worry, you must be so much more important than everyone else here of course you can go first", "Will you need help getting back to your car, darling. It must be so hard being this old", "do you need some help writing out the address there, it looks like you forgot your glasses".

So in trying to save himself 5 minutes more of waiting, he had to endure 2 other boomers behind him belittling and mocking him the entire time he was being served and wasn't even safe once he was done, as they started recording him walk out of the store saying they were going to post him on Facebook.

It was actually a kind of enjoyable experience, and I got a free $5 scratchcard from one of the ladies for calling him out, as they initially believed he was in the wrong line, like he said.