

In focus

  • 15/09/2024

    This comparative literature conference devoted to Jane Austen will be an opportunity to undertake further excursions into the work of the famous novelist. Papers may draw parallels between Austen's novels and those of other authors from the long nineteenth century, take an interest in characters left out of the story, propose counterpoints for reading and analysis or even venture into the counter-fields of the work, in an attempt to understand what continues to fuel Austenmania today.

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  • 20/07/2024

    The past twenty years have witnessed a multiplication of legislative initiatives, civil and criminal litigations, and concerted demands by social movements and NGOs across the world to hold economic actors accountable for human rights violations and environmental degradation. An important body of literature has examined these civil society mobilizations, and the ways governments envisage similar processes. Yet we know far less about the ways businesses understand their own rights and duties as legal persons, and their responsibilities as citizen. This conference aims to revisit the current academic scholarship on corporate accountability by providing a platform for socio-historical analysis of the variety of business actors and their (potentially fragmented and competing) ideas, strategies, and lines of action in terms of enhancing or undermining concrete responsibility for human rights violations and ecological degradation.

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  • 15/07/2024

    From a historical standpoint, one would like to question various philosophical discourses about gender and sexuality, in order to analyze and enlighten their specific conceptuality. We encourage contributions of specialists in Ancient, Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, questioning the way in which the concepts of sex or gender fit or resist to the larger doctrine in which they appear. From a critical standpoint, one would like to question the ideological power of these discourses: the way in which they do not only relay historical prejudices, but contribute to form and justify common beliefs about gender which still inform our actual ways of thinking about it. In this sense, we encourage contributions that intend to start from the critical tradition (social or poststructuralist, feminist or ecofeminist), in order to reconsider particular philosophical works, from the most famous ones to the less known texts in the history of western philosophy.

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  • 01/07/2024

    "What God has joined together, let no one separate" (Mk 10:2-16). In certain circumstances, the Catholic Church may however exercise this right, usually at the request of one of the spouses, but sometimes on its own initiative. Although canon law does not recognize divorce, since the Middle Ages representatives of the Church have endeavored to bring about the separation of certain couples. All these unions have been considered by the Church to be in contradiction to canon law, ecclesiastical discipline, the definition of Christian marriage or Christian morality. Recent scholarship has enabled us to gain a better understanding of matrimonial separations initiated by the spouses in the Middle Ages and the Modern period. The objective of this workshop is to tackle a rarer case, one that has scarcely been addressed by historians to date: that of separations initiated by the Church.

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  • 15/07/2024

    This transdisciplinary conference aims to analyse traditional and modern health perceptions, practices and knowledge among the Akan. Each contribution, whether the fruit of in-depth analysis, personal experience of health, or an academic perspective, will contribute to the 'glocalization' of understanding of the health system and practices in the Akan world.

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  • 06/09/2024

    Ce colloque porte sur les pratiques sonores liées au cinéma amateur. Celui-ci est généralement considéré comme muet jusqu'à l’apparition de caméras sonores accessibles aux amateurs. Pourtant, de nombreuses sources attestent, dès les années 1930, d’une pratique de l’enregistrement sonore à des fins de sonorisation, et des enregistrements existent. L’arrivée du magnétophone à bande a contribué à diffuser plus largement l’usage du son enregistré dans le cinéma amateur. Le son associé au cinéma amateur reste toutefois très peu étudié, autant à l’université que dans les cinémathèques et centres d'archives. Ce colloque fait le point sur le sujet, en conciliant les approches techniques, culturelles et archivistiques, afin de faire se rencontrer universitaires, archivistes, techniciens, et cinéastes amateurs.


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  • 15/06/2024

    Depuis 2016, Donald Trump a rebattu les cartes de la politique et du conservatisme étasunien. Cette journée d’étude témoigne de la volonté de faire exister le conservatisme en tant qu’objet d’analyse,  et s’inscrit dans un double objectif : prolonger d’une part le travail existant ayant pour objet le conservatisme aux États-Unis au sein du champ plus global de la civilisation américaine, et proposer d’autre part un état des lieux du conservatisme étasunien à la veille des élections présidentielles de 2024. Pour ce faire, cette journée d’étude se décline en trois axes connexes qui soulignent son approche interdisciplinaire et la pluralité des perspectives qu’elle entend adopter afin de mieux cerner ce mouvement ainsi que les idéologies et stratégies qui le sous-tendent.

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  • 30/05/2024

    Si le premier colloque international sur le Zouk, en 2019, a traité des trajectoires, des imaginaires et perspectives suivant le concept lacanien d’« hainamoration », ce deuxième colloque s’articule autour du concept chamoisélien de « résonance » pour tenter d'expliciter le processus de création de la musique zouk depuis ses fonts baptismaux. Qu'est-ce qui conditionne l’imaginaire créatif de nos démiurges du zouk et leur permet d’appréhender le monde ? Ce questionnement se justifie par le fait que beaucoup de musiciens et artistes-chanteurs-interprètes de nos régions, s’ils suivent des formations musicales conventionnelles, il n’en demeure pas moins que pour créer dans la Caraïbe, leurs lignes créatrices s'ancrent authentiquement dans le principe de la « résonance » (conte-danse-rythme), les sources vives des énergies cosmiques, de la vibration du tambour. Ce colloque permettra d’entrer dans les arcanes de la création, de pister et de suivre la trace de certains artistes rompus à l’exercice pour tenter de définir des traits définitoires de ce processus de création du « Deep zouk ».

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  • 30/06/2024

    This special issue of the Revue internationale des études du développement  aims to bring together articles dealing with the politics of backlash in sustainable development in Latin America. The terms “backlash” and “backlash politics” are essential elements of the contemporary political landscape. They can be used in various contexts to refer to conservative mobilization, to movements in favor of local autonomy, to radical right populism, etc. We seek to stimulate in-depth reflection on conservative mobilization and the varied responses it has elicited in Latin America, across different political areas and at different scales. We call for innovative contributions and invite authors to focus on three lines of inquiry centered on ideas, institutions, and interests: 1/ Conservative agendas: reconfigurations and contestations of SD discourses and frameworks; 2/ Institutionalizing the backlash: changes in norms and politics; 3/ The strategies and interests of backlash actors.

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  • 06/02/2025

    «Who Cares?» is a newly-formed group of scholars from the Université Paris Nanterre, working specifically on the history of psychiatry in the English-speaking world. We are keen to encourage discussions on this subject and strengthen its international dimension. Our aim is also to foster further discussions on links and comparisons between historical perspectives on psychiatry in the French and the English-speaking worlds. This international conference will welcome all historical approaches to psychiatry and more generally  to the treatment of mental illness which reflect on the topic “People and places”  from the Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century in English-speaking countries.

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  • 30/09/2024

    As recurring objects of analysis running the whole gamut of humanities and social sciences, the ties between religions, communities, and the individuals within them have constantly been used to gauge tensions within social structures. All the more so on the American continent, where the destructive spiral of colonization set off waves of migration, and the pluralism within the communities and religions from the Northwest Territories to Tierra del Fuego delineates both their differences and similarities. Is there such a thing as specifically American structures when it comes to religions and communities? That is one of the questions posed by the present 18th issue of RITA.

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  • 05/06/2024

    What are firearms? How did they impact on the history of European societies? What are the more promising research approaches for studying them? Firearms hold profound implications for European societies, influencing international relations, the diffusion of violence, and State sovereignty. This workshop will convene researchers examining themes such as the relationship between European States and guns, global efforts to regulate arms markets, the role of firearms in changing the societal perception of violence, and the semantic nuances defining these instruments. Through exploration of diverse research methodologies, the workshop aims to highlight the significance of firearms as both a subject of scholarly inquiry and a lens for examining critical aspects of contemporary history, shedding new light on the European past – one trigger pull at a time.

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  • 28/05/2024

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together social scientists interested in different aspects of genetics and genomics, to discuss recent developments in the field. In addition to scientific and technological developments in DNA sequencing and the datafication of genetic information, we aim to foster collective discussions on, among other things, the expanding role of genomics in the legal system and the reframing of ancestrality in the age of “genetic testing”.

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  • 15/06/2024

    The interdisciplinary colloquium on “Nights of the South” will provide an opportunity for researchers from different disciplines, artists, association leaders, practitioners and elected officials from many countries to take stock of this work on and in the Global South. The aim will be to better understand the evolution of urban and rural nightlife and the ways of living and inhabiting nights at different scales according to cultures, countries, territories, cities; to identify evolutions, tensions, inequalities of access, but also strategies for the development or protection of nights carried out by different actors; and to reflect upon the preferred forms of governance of the night.

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  • 24/05/2024

    What are the new issues and perspectives of writing German colonial history today? This conference attempts to provide an overview of the latest works on German colonialism after more than two decades of research upon that subject. It focuses on four major topics, which are at the core of recent historiographical debates: transimperial connections, the agency of indigenous actors, the extent of German imperialism and postcolonial Germany.

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  • 01/07/2024

    In our relentless effort to offer a stage for striving emerging voices in contemporary Performing Arts and Cinema, the In Vivo Arts team is preparing to add another language to our platform – Spanish – and encourage Hispanophone researchers and artists to join us on our journey. On behalf of a thus enlarged editorial team, we would like to propose a call for contributions closely inspired by our aims and founding principles. The topic brought forward for In Vivo Art’s issue no. 2 is: Unknow(s).

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  • 24/05/2024

    This interdisciplinary symposium brings together researchers from the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, as well as artists and museum professionals, to analyze ocean-related art. “The ocean comprises the largest object on our planet” is how literary scholar Steve Mentz describes it, as he works to bring together different forms of knowledge about this elusive entity. Mentz coined the term “blue humanities” to bring together interdisciplinary methodologies that focuses on the ocean. This symposium aims to enrich this field through the arts. Open to the public, it seeks to encourage exchange and discussion.

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  • 30/06/2024

    The objective of this conference is to take a closer look at the various forms of activism and empowerment of rock and contemporary music performers, through their work, their positions and their career, focusing in particular on activism based on a desire for liberation and in opposition to ideological, social, economic, cultural or religious norms. These topics will be addressed within a broad chronology, from the aftermath of the Second World War to the present day, through all types of music that fall within the loose definition of "rock", and on the basis of deliberately interdisciplinary approach.

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  • 16/06/2024

    Who can truly contest the vitality of Creole languages? They are indeed young languages, born of the encounter between peoples of different civilisations, carriers of idiosyncratic visions of the world. In addition, they were effectively developed in different regions, but achieved similar results. Questioning the vitality of creole languages thus takes on its full meaning. How do the uses of creoles materialise in among the different social spaces of creolophone territories? Outside of the “classic” circuits of the language (schools, media, churches, etc.), do economic actors use language as a tool of economic market development? Our colloquium seeks to explore this key question of the social and economic uses of Creoles, their commoditisation in diverse domains. 

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  • 30/05/2024

    Black Sea archaeology has always captivated the interest of scholars, because of its unique topography and diachronically multi-ethnic historical landscape.The previous decade was a particularly challenging period for archaeological research worldwide due to the new realities imposed by the pandemic, the extraordinary political and socio-economic factors, and the long-lasting crisis in the Humanities and Arts. In spite of all this, excavations, systematic surveys, remote sensing and geophysical prospections, were undertaken in numerous coastal and inland sites along the Euxine, while equally productive were research projects on specific monuments or aspects of the material culture. Aiming to bring forth the latest advances accomplished in the field, the Department of Black Sea Studies at the Democritus University of Thrace in collaboration with the Musée du Louvre, are organizing an International Conference on The Archaeological Work in the Greek Settlements of the BlackSea and their Environs during the Last Decade.

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