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Rail loop’s unprecedented building boom requires careful planning

Rail loop’s unprecedented building boom requires careful planning

The Victorian government needs to provide assurance its seizure of development decision-making along the massive project is guided by broader thinking.

  • The Age's View


Dutton’s nuclear ambition cannot be founded on policy dishonesty

Dutton’s nuclear ambition cannot be founded on policy dishonesty

A proposal as significant as inserting nuclear power into our landscape behoves some commitment to hard work and honest answers.

  • The Age's View
Sport fans want gambling ads reined in. Politicians should listen

Sport fans want gambling ads reined in. Politicians should listen

A gradual and transparent approach to freeing sporting bodies from reliance on gambling advertising makes sense.

  • The Age's View
Victoria’s assisted dying laws need updating

Victoria’s assisted dying laws need updating

Victoria, once viewed a trailblazer on the important issue of dying with dignity, has now fallen behind other jurisdictions with such laws.

  • The Age's View
New immigration direction make or break for minister

New immigration direction make or break for minister

Will the Albanese government’s belated rethink of its ill-thought-through direction to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on visa applications from convicted criminals convince Australians they are safe?

  • The Age's View
Reviving the climate wars risks all Australians losing the battle

Reviving the climate wars risks all Australians losing the battle

The opposition leader’s retreat from the enormous task of transitioning the economy towards zero emissions is a dereliction of his duty.

  • The Age's View
A review system for criminal cases is a crucial protection worth consideration

A review system for criminal cases is a crucial protection worth consideration

The Age’s investigation of the Robert Farquharson case puts a strong argument for an independent body similar to the Criminal Cases Review Commission in Britain and New Zealand.

  • The Age's View
Time to end political point-scoring over freed detainees and crime

Time to end political point-scoring over freed detainees and crime

The current blame game is setting a low bar for Australia’s political discourse. A sober, balanced assessment of the problem is urgently required.

  • The Age's View
Who pays for Australia’s gold standard?
Gina Rinehart

Who pays for Australia’s gold standard?

Sports funding in Australia is a mess. Some sports are rolling in money, some are on the bones of their backsides. It is time to look for a better model.

  • The Age's View
Victorians are deserting Labor and its own budget contains the reason

Victorians are deserting Labor and its own budget contains the reason

The state’s surging debt and the government’s shelved promises laid out in this month’s budget have sent support for Labor to a fresh, and deep, low.

  • The Age's View
A promise no one asked for and cuts no one wants to see

A promise no one asked for and cuts no one wants to see

The state government owes it to Victorians to be up front about its plans for the health system.

  • The Age's View