Showing posts with label Kensington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kensington. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2009

I'll win an Oscar nomination before he does spot*

Spotted locally:

Kevin Smith and Tracy Morgan filming the comedy A Couple of Dicks at our local subway station. When I spotted them filming at the station a few days previously, Kara thought I was joking about the film title until she imdb'd it and saw that it was directed by Smith, one of her favourite filmmakers.

I'm guessing the film's location manager picked the area for its very *special* ambience.

Tracy was in costume, Kevin Smith was larger than life and the film's other star, Bruce Willis, was nowhere to be seen. (Or rather, there's a lot of people who might look like Bruce Willis from a distance and we were in a hurry to get somewhere else.) He was about previously as the pic below indicates:

That's the exact same pose I adopt on the platform of 18th Avenue when I'm waiting for the F Train. It's the only way I can guarantee that I'll get a seat. (Pic from here.)

I'm not too sure what the film is about. A buddy cop movie with a title that is 30 years out of date is all I can glean from the imdb plot summary. I'm hoping that it will have the wit of a 48 Hours or a Midnight Run, and that my litter gets a walk-on role. I'll definitely be checking it out.

*The title of the post is the second cousin of this old post from the blog. I wasn't really being snotty.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"A pram in the hallway being the enemy of creativity?" A hungry baby in the bassinet is the enemy of me finding out which . .

. . . demo just marched past my window.

Bless my old boots (can't swear - an Owen is beside me). Just heard a bit of shouting and hollering outside the apartment - "We are not illegal." being chanted in unison - and, looking out the window, I spot about thirty to forty people walking down the sidewalk towards Borough Park.

I'm guessing that they're not local. Not because of the chant but because the marchers were overwhelming white and they appeared to have American accents. Kensington is considered one of the most ethnically diverse neighbourhoods in the United States but if you see a white person on the main street, seven times out of ten they are either Polish, Albanian or a cash strapped hipster pining for Williamsburg.

I know, I know. Typical armchair rocking chair socialism of your average SPGBer. Someone calls a demo that is partly outside their apartment building and they still don't even turn up with papers, leaflets and the abstract propagandism.

I can't even blame Owen on this one. He dragged me to a Socialist Alternative/CWI meeting last month when he was only 12 days old. Something about him wanting his bolshevik inoculation jab sooner rather than later. I blame such precocity on the boston terrier named Martov. He's a bad influence.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween - candy and cuban communism

Spotted this interesting pumpkin on my travels.

I've been here before with this whole pumpkin business on the blog, but what can I say: Halloween is so much more of a bigger deal in the States than it is back in Britain. Any excuse for some adults to dress up in the most unlikely of costumes, IMHO. (That joke is as old as some of the candy I'm giving out to the local kids tonight.)

An Afterthought

I'm as cynical as the next abstract propagandist when it comes to spotting a latter-day Citizen Smith sporting the radical chic of Che, but it just struck me that when I see someone wearing a Che T shirt locally, it's usually someone from the Latino community . . .someone who's doing the shittiest of jobs for the crappiest of wages. No chic there.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Your Friends & Neighbors

Class War in Kensington

I'd always set my heart on it being the other Kensington.

The local blog for (some) local people re-enacts the Bone Debates from eighties London, but with a modern urban Brooklyn twist.

I guess that also means I will have to settle for sten guns in Bay Ridge.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Funniest Comment of the Day

Why I still I check out the comment box of the Kensingston (Brooklyn) blog daily:

still-working-for-a-living-and-drinking-instant said...

"these guys are getting their shovels into the ground just as the overheated real estate bubble is about to burst. apparently they're not concerned with the subprime mortgage meltdown, the banks' sharply tightening credit, and the rising mortgage rate. have they looked at the number of same co-op and condo listings on craigslist that are there repeatedly from week-to-week and clearly are not moving? in fact, if you count the listings available weekly in Kensington, the inventory backlog is increasing even as some listers are dropping their prices.

what we need now is more condos?


wake up and smell the coffee. oh yeah, we also need a coffee shop."

October 11, 2007 1:21 PM

From this post.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I Can't See The Street For The Trees

What is it about Kensington and natural disasters?

First, this bundle of energy hit our local Post Office a few months back and now, this morning, a tornado hit our street about 6.30am. Pics are available here and here via the Kensington (Brooklyn) blog. The Pizzeria across the road from our apartment block lost its awning and we did what we could to help our retail neighbours in the circumstances: we ordered a Pizza Pie out of solidarity.

Memo to self in future: however much you want a morning cuppa - Tetley British Blend - don't go out at 5.30 in the morning to get a carton of skimmed milk from the local 24/7 Fruit and Veg store when there is thunder and lightning in the sky . . . New York 1's Pat Kiernan's is predicting a tornado in your area . . . and you were just looking at John White's wiki page a few days before.