

not to swing at a hornets nest but I think this website has never really outgrown the “its ableism to tell me to drink water/have a balanced diet when i have depression” type mentality except now the depression has been replaced with autism

you can’t suggest someone read a book, that’s ableist. you can’t suggest someone keep it to themselves that they can’t spell the names any african countries, that’s also ableist. you can’t gently suggest that people should watch shows beyond bluey and steven universe, that’s ableist (AND ALSO OP THIS CARRIES NO MORAL WEIGHT WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH) sometimes this shit is beyond parody

(via glitter-soda)


do you think that a certain genre of queer person is so obsessively weird about pride flag discourse becuase their flags fill the gaping hole in their personality where a hogwarts house used to be

(via quinntheestallion)


some of y’all really be like ‘i don’t hate lesbians i just automatically distrust them and can’t stand when they talk about their own experiences’ 

(via tirfpikachu)




So we are just openly admitting now that “gender affirming care” is really just senseless cosmetic procedures? And the demand is driven by feeling unattractive? With the standard and influence of what’s considered as attractive as being rigidly in alignment with sexist stereotypes at the sacrifice of your body? With these sexist stereotypes broadly indoctrinated into the population by mostly the porn industry, fashion industry, and Hollywood? And in turn we are for whatever reason normalizing this profit scheme into a human rights movement?

A big difference is: HE paid for it. TIPs are demanding that their vanity procedures be paid for by insurance or taxpayers.



people here genuinely think someones response to this being “people having sex in public is uncomfortable and i find it upsetting that these people dont care who has to see, even if those people are children” is regressive



Sometimes you gotta stop worrying about being the smartest and funniest person in the room and just enjoy being in a room with smart and funny people

I really implore y'all to stop letting the need to prove yourself get in the way of just enjoying life and the people you share it with. I’m using the word “implore” so y'all know I’m serious about it, btw

(via fairycosmos)



Malala Yousafzai calling out “ugh feminism isn’t that great because now I have to do homework” shit on TikTok (even jokingly) really is the feminist equivalent of when people from anti-democratic countries are super excited to vote in their first election when they emigrate and get mad at Western anti-voting “leftists.” Like, she has fucking lived the reality that so many dumbass clueless American and European (and so on) girls and young women who fall for “tradwife” brainwashing claim to want! No one knows better than her (and also your mother and grandmother) how much you don’t actually want it!

Drop out. Drop out. I can get another girl to take your spot in school in 5 minutes, one who really wants it. Be serious, you are not trying. You are whining. What is it that you want me to say to you, huh? Do you want me to say poor you, you have to do homework, poor you, poor libfem? Wake up libfem, feminism is just doing it’s job. Don’t you know that you are benefitting from a movement that published some of the greatest female thinkers of the time? Mary Wollenstonecraft, Susan B. Anthony, Audre Lorde, and what they did, what they created was greater than art because you live your life in it. You think this is just some pop culture, “girlboss” trend? This is not just some trend, this is a shining beacon of hope for, oh, I don’t know, let’s say some girl growing up in Swat under Taliban rule, authoring an blog under a psuedonym about life under the Taliban and was shot with 2 other girls on a bus coming back from taking an exam. You have no idea how many women died for your rights. And what’s worse, you don’t care. Because school, where so many women would die to attend, you only deign to attend. And you want to know why I call out your behavior on tiktok instead of taking it as a joke.




KID WATCHING THE VIDEO: This guy’s not not tied to his rope… this - dude, this guy’s crazy, does he have a death wish or somethin’? Oh my gosh! Doesn’t he have like a wife and kids at home???

[parachute opens up to reveal it is rainbow]

KID, IN EXACT SAME TONE: Doesn’t he have a husband and kids at home???

(via penglue)






The holy grail of searching through academic literature is coming across a string of publications that are like:

Here’s An Idea. Smith et al. 2016

Terrible Idea; a comment on Smith et al. 2016. Johnson 2016.

You’re Wrong Too; a response to Johnson 2016. Nelson 2016.

Guys Just Stop Fighting, None Of Us Know What’s Going On; a Review of the Current Literature. McBrien 2017.


Not even an exaggeration.

“If We Knew What We Were Doing, It Would Not be Called Research, Would It?”

tags reading: #absolutely love how stedman moves to first author #he's like thomas let me at him

tags via @jesterbutch

(via radicalandmathematical)


Now the TERFs are trying to end SW and stop women watching pron.  Woman's movement my a$$  But watching the population suddenly turn in them in the past week has certainly been fun 😈 https://t.co/TuWcgq6dou  — ConsequenceInHumanForm (@TorFinney) May 20, 2024ALT

All “Sex Work” does is tell everyone that Intercorse is meant to be labor for us, all while letting Men be a “Boss” in the manner of Intercorse.

it also gives the false impression that a women exist as a resource to be used by other people.

(via polycistronic0)