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Californians are snobs about In N Out Burger when it’s not even that good. Californians are snobs about In N Out Burger when it’s not even that good.
Food (Only on Friday)

The burgers are tasty but the fries turn into cold, cardboard shit if you don’t eat them in 5 minutes.

The worst part is the Californians (and the southwest by extension) who act like it’s the second coming of Christ.

“MeGgGhHh wE hAvE In N Out aNd yOu dOnT!! Neenur neenur neenur!”

Oh yeah? Well guess what we have on the East coast:

Culver’s. Shake Shack. Steak n Shake. Freddy’s Frozen Custard and Steakburgers. Actually good BBQ (in the south at least).

The only In N Out I’m doing is walking in and out of the restaurant!

I think it’s cringy to post your sobriety milestones to social media. I think it’s cringy to post your sobriety milestones to social media.

By social media, I don’t mean communities specifically dedicated to sobriety. For example, posting that you’re 30 days sober in an AA sub is fine. Posting it on your IG story is kinda cringe and is entirely attention seeking.

I think this is unpopular, because anytime I see a sobriety milestone post I see tons of support, “congrats” “good job” “I’m proud of you” which is exactly what the poster wanted. But I think that attention should be sought out in communities centered around sobriety, such as AA, NA, or an online app or subreddit about getting sober.

People are too damn obsessed with food. People are too damn obsessed with food.

Do I get excited to eat a cheat meal? Sure. However, there’s other things in life I enjoy a lot more.

I actually get sick of eating sometimes. I wish I could just take a pill and be done with it.

I can’t believe how obsessed people are with food. Sometimes it’s all they talk about.

It’s just nutrients. Literally that’s it.

There are so many things more enjoyable in life than just eating food.

I don’t mind MLM’s if the products are actually good. I don’t mind MLM’s if the products are actually good.

Of course this is going to be subjective and some MLM’s truly are garbage but on the flip side some do have good products. I love Scentsy and Avon and have shopped with them for years. As long as your product isn’t trash, I don’t care what your business model is. Before anyone asks, no, I don’t sell for any of these companies. I just think some get more hate than they deserve.

Gas station toilet paper rolls are objectively superior Gas station toilet paper rolls are objectively superior

Hear me out

Normal toilet paper rolls run out soooo easily. They may be more absorbent from the thickness but that makes you get less squares per roll.

With the Chad one-ply toilet paper, you don’t even have squares, just take what you need bro. If it’s too thin you can bunch it up and it’s perfect. Plus the rolls are so large you barely need to replace it. I’ve been using the same one since January and there’s still so much more.

The Extended Editions of the Lord of the Rings movies are bad The Extended Editions of the Lord of the Rings movies are bad

Everyone loves to talk about how much better the extended editions are, especially online. You ask which cut to watch a bunch of nerds jump into the comments to say “Extended obviously!” “Gotta go with extended!” “Extended cut is the best!”

It’s almost become common wisdom to preference extended over theatrical.

Well I’m here to tell you, emphatically, that not only are the extended cuts not better than the theatrical, they are actively worse and ruin the movies.

We’re talking about 3 hour epics as it is, with a lot going on and a lot to digest, and you want to shove in even MORE scenes? Most of which add literally nothing?

Oh we gotta get 5 more scenes of hobbits doung hobbit things before the plot gets going. Oh yes let’s add way more yearning and brooding for Aragorn and Arwen, they don’t do that enough as it is. Oh let’s stop the momentum leading up to the Battle of Helm’s Deep right in its tracks so we can see Eowyn give Aragorn some soup. Let’s pause the epic endings of the Battles of Isengard and Helm’s Deep to show Merry and Pippin fucking around in a room filled with food undercutting their growth from the rest of the film. Let’s give even more focus and screentime to Faramir, a man with the charisma of firewood and about as much importance to the plot.

Pacing is important! The theatrical cuts are perfectly paced, exciting adventure movies that break down very complex novels into their digestible essentials. If you personally don’t mind the absolute destruction of pacing and momentum, by all means make them your preferred cuts!

But don’t force them on everyone around you, gatekeeping as if they’re “the only way to watch the trilogy.” I guarantee you’re turning AWAY more potential fans than you’re creating new ones.

I prefer drinking distilled water. I prefer drinking distilled water.

I have great tap water where I live, and I have a good filter and everything. I've also tried many, many different brands of bottled water - spring, mineral, you name it.

However, my favorite kind to drink is distilled water straight from a jug. Everyone says that it tastes flat and bland, but I disagree! I think other waters taste weird, or in the worst cases I think they taste like dirt.

Distilled water in a jug tends to have a unique plastic-y taste in the top of my mouth, which I personally find extremely pleasant! And I find that it does a better job of quenching my thirst than any other kind - in fact, lots of bottled waters or filtered tap water actually make me feel more thirsty after drinking.

I don't expect anyone else to feel this way, and I use filtered tap water to give to guests and for cooking. However when it's just me chilling around the house and hydrating, it's distilled all the way.

Beach vacations are overrated Beach vacations are overrated

Had this removed from unpopular opinions so I’m posting here.

Beach vacations suck.

I’m currently on one with my family, and it has cemented my opinion of beach vacations for life.

I don’t see how somebody could enjoy doing nothing every day for days on end. It just gets so boring.

It also is not relaxing. It is the exact opposite, at least in my opinion.

Why spend your hard earned money on a vacation to sit and do nothing all day except for get sunburnt and get sand all over the place?

If I wanted to do nothing all day, I’d just relax in my climate controlled home where I am not sweating to death and needing to apply a layer of sunblock every time I exit a body of water to prevent being in constant pain for days.

The people, the heat, the sweat, the sunscreen, and especially the sand annoy me. It is so rough, coarse, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.

Even after showering I don’t feel completely clean (and I shower extra rigorously after a beach day).

I understand the rationale that many people are busy and like to “do nothing” on vacation, but I’d much rather go to a new location or city to explore. More fun, more activities, more good memories with family and friends rather than sitting in a chair not speaking to anyone for seven plus hours a day.

I also get that older people may tend to enjoy a beach vacation over a more active one. And that a beach trip with a group of friends with more activities to break up the monotony of sitting at the beach (such as drinking/partying, golfing, etc.) can be more fun.

I’m also not trying to seriously demean anyone who enjoys beach trips. Do whatever makes you happy. In fact, I’m a bit jealous of you because in theory a beach vacation sounds great.

TLDR: I find beach vacations extremely annoying and irritating.

Vehicles should only be inspected for emissions and exterior lights, and once a passenger vehicle is 10 years old, it should be exempt from all inspection other than frame integrity. Vehicles should only be inspected for emissions and exterior lights, and once a passenger vehicle is 10 years old, it should be exempt from all inspection other than frame integrity.

I perform freelance mechanic work in my spare time.

About half of the people I've done work for called me because they couldn't pass inspection, and had no choice but to drive illegally because they have an airbag light or check engine light on.

I watch as people who can barely afford my help have no recourse but to pay someone like me to fix issues they'd never address otherwise, simply because they need a car to get to work, get groceries, make it to appointments, etc..

Often, those lights come on due to a faulty/damaged sensor. Other times, the lights indicate an actual problem that is minor and can be ignored for the time being without any issues. These issues should not be justification to prohibit a vehicle from using public roads, and regular folks shouldn't be forced to choose between different ways to empty your bank account in order to survive (fix your car, or stop going to work, your pick).

That said, once a car reaches a certain age, especially in the rust belt, the frame ought to be inspected for integrity on a yearly basis. Anyone from the rust belt knows why.

British food isn't that bad. British food isn't that bad.
Food (Only on Friday)

Don't get me wrong, I love to egg on them quite a lot and when the topic comes to food Ill always make sure to pile on. But I have to be honest with myself and say that a lot of it isn't that bad.

The main gripe is that its unseasoned, but a lot of the times too much of a good thing can be awful and stomach upsetting, and I'd much rather be in that scenario, additionally a lot of it isnt even unseasoned like fish amd chips or Tikka masala.

And as a big back, I know 1 category they win in! Baked goods, chocolate chip cookies, apple pies, and others and hey, mac and cheese is also British tbf.

Your mental health is probably worse than it should be because you have a crappy lifestyle Your mental health is probably worse than it should be because you have a crappy lifestyle

It's pretty much a trope at this point; "Oh thanks, I drank more water and now my depression's gone!"

The things is a lot of lifestyle choices will make your mental health better or worse. Will it eliminate all issues? Probably not. Can it take the edge off or move you towards more functional? Absolutely.

These are super quick google scholar results, but there are dozens of studies showing the same thing over and over.

Exercise affects your mental health - "Exercise compared to no intervention yielded a large and significant effect size, and exercise had a moderate and significant effect compared to usual care"

Sleep affects your mental health - "sleep disturbances are highly prevalent in mental disorders and have been associated with adverse effects for cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal functioning"; "greater improvements in sleep quality led to greater improvements in mental health"

Diet affects your mental health- "gut microbiome has an influence on brain function and probably also mood and behavior"; 'In women, but not men, there was an association between the consuming of fruit and vegetables and better mental health."

I think all highways out of cities should charge a minimum 100$ fee for all city residents I think all highways out of cities should charge a minimum 100$ fee for all city residents

Charge city-dwellers who drives their pretended green asses (loves to fly and feed their two dogs meat, and has brain drained all the rural areas) to the country-side 200$ dollars to exit their city and 100$ for every showboating image they take on their hike. Also vocal fry will be fined

I think all highways into cities should charge a minimum $50 fee for all non-city residents. I think all highways into cities should charge a minimum $50 fee for all non-city residents.

I hate how much congestion and pollution comes from entitled suburbanites who think they’re too good for a train, and deserve to clog up my city. We have a train system, busses, and bikes all over and they refuse to use any of it because it’s so nice, safe, and comfortable in their cars. So I’d want a prohibitively expensive fee for them driving in unless they really have to, so no driving to work, only if they want to go to venues. Obviously public jobs are exempt from this, so police, ambulances, etc can go in and out.

edit: I didn't know this was such a popular opinion, thank you for the downvotes.

Introducing Rationing Would Be a Good Idea Introducing Rationing Would Be a Good Idea

The western world currently has a disastrous obesity crisis, primarily caused by people having unhealthy diets and consuming too many calories. I have sometimes seen proposals to tax unhealthy foods to reduce their consumption, however this unfairly penalises the poor. A better solution therefore is to heavily ration them.

Such a policy wouldn't be as severe as seen in WW2 for instance, but would still constitute a significant cultural change. A lot of fast food for example should only be an occasional treat, and by rationing it would become one. Sugar definitely needs to be significantly rationed. Many foodstuffs do not require any rationing however. As a result it would still be possible to consume an excessive number of calories, however on a healthy diet this less commonly leads to obesity.

I do not like hot food straight out of the oven. It’s awful. I only eat food that is warm or room temperature. I do not like hot food straight out of the oven. It’s awful. I only eat food that is warm or room temperature.
Food (Only on Friday)

I don’t understand this obsession that everyone has with sizzling hot food. It’s too fucking hot. Not even blowing on my fork can make it cool enough to be tolerable most of the time. You can’t taste anything because it’s just burning the shit out of your mouth. How am I supposed to enjoy steaming hot food? I can barely let it touch my tastebuds because it’ll burn my tongue. Whenever I cook something, I let it sit for at least 15-20 minutes before I start eating it. It tastes better that way. I never put takeout or fast food in the microwave because by the time I get home it’s somewhat warm which is the perfect temperature for me.

I hate fireworks. I hate fireworks.

Its the 4th of july. Just about 1030 pm. Im outside smoking a cigarette because i cant go to bed with the constant sounds of fireworks. The air smells of sulfer. I can hear fire truck sirens in the distance. Its literally overcast af, you cant even see any of the fireworks these people are setting off. Yet they're still doing it. I think the whole concept is stupid. "oh let me blow up this thing so i can damage my ear drums and see pretty colors flash in the sky". There are so many reasons fireworks should be banned. Vets with ptsd, massive amounts of accidents, pets losing their shit, people with asthma (like me) or other breathing issues having lung problems cuz of all the smoke in the air, the air pollution and trash left everywhere, people who work early or who have kids can't get any sleep, people with epilepsy or other sensory issues having to hide from the sky, the list goes on but you get the point. I hate it so much.

Edit, i think some of y'all don't understand what this sub is for

I think building a PC is stupid I think building a PC is stupid

Edit: So I did not expect this to get any sort of traction. Maybe a few people disagreeing or agreeing, but we have some passionate PC builders here it seems. For context I have built 3 PCs and upgraded a few others. I'm thinking of building one again but I do genuinely think it's dumb for reasons mentioned below and comments I've responded to. I am not trolling. The reason that I want to build one is because it's like a fun lego project, and I want to mobilize the useless knowledge I have of these PC components, but I should probably stick with my gaming laptop (that's even overkill for my needs of video editing and gaming) and not waste the money. Like most others I vastly overestimate the performance I need for the games I play and apps I use and should just turn down settings that make no real difference to my enjoyment of games or my workflow. I think obviously a 4090 and i9 are much more powerful on desktop (althought the laptop versions are nothing to scoff at) but at that point we've hit still-stupid levels of diminishing returns. For professional use I can see the value, but once you're at that level doesn't your employer provide a machine? Or wouldn't you want an enterprise-grade workstation system from HP Z or something? For most people in most circumstances a Laptop (gaming or otherwise) is much better, and PC building is 1000x more popular than it should be. I have clarified some of the language below but the general post is still the same. My replies to comments have more elaboration.

I feel like this edit was more rambly than the original post but hey, it's late. -_o

Laptop price to performance has been competitive if not better for like 5 years now for PCs under $2000 and the slow rate at which desktop pc part prices are falling makes it seem like that will continue.

With a laptop you get a display, speakers, good wireless, Webcam, and peripherals that independently purchased would cost 200 bucks. The battery of a laptop also acts like a UPS in case the power goes out while your laptop's plugged in. If you don't want those a powerful mini pc can be had for the size of a hockey puck and much less money that will do almost everything most people want.

With even a basic laptop dock you can have a full keyboard, mouse and monitor desk setup and will likely never notice the laptop performance gap.

Desktops are big, ugly, cable management nightmares that dump heat into your room. Add to that the element of human error and shitty part failures they just cause headaches. Waste of space and money (like me).

Add to that the explosion in cloud based utilities and server-side processing, the improved laptops of today (gaming or otherwise) are more than enough.

Also the gaming industry has been more and more forgiving with hardware requirements. Not to mention that most of the good, creative, GOTY type games are indies which run on a potato anyways.

I can maybe see the logic some specialized 3d modellers or scientists or engineers who need like 15 gpus to do their work, but even then i think they could cloud into a supercomputer or smth.

Anyways, I'm probably gonna build one in next few weeks heres my part list please critique:

Advertising would be far more effective with screaming. Advertising would be far more effective with screaming.

There’s well known psychology behind the effectiveness of advertising and marketing. Whether you enjoy or vehemently despise a particular advertising campaign, it’s scientifically proven that you are more likely to remember a specific brand the more they get into your head.

I believe that such marketing would be even more so effective if they involved screaming. Obviously this would apply mostly to advertising on the radio and television but imagine commercials where they have someone scream the name of the product at the top of their lungs.

“Liberty Liberty LIBERTY!!

Sure, you might end up hating the commercial even more now but as mentioned, it’s a science.

And if you don’t believe it, let me ask you this - what is the most successful fighting video game franchise of all time? MORTAL KOMBAT!!

Renters who complain about pet fees shouldn't have pets in the first place. Renters who complain about pet fees shouldn't have pets in the first place.

I see plenty of renters on Reddit complaining about how pet fees would make them go broke or are making them broke. They don't make enough to own a pet and therefore should not have one.

Next up is "what about children fees".

We need people. We don't need pets.


Okay this is new. I was under the assumption fee and deposit were interchangeable. This apparently is not the case. Fees are a new thing from what I gathered and are monthly installments on top of rent. I don’t know how to change the title to pet deposit but I’ll change my mind a bit.

Travelling is overrated and most "travellers" are obnoxious Travelling is overrated and most "travellers" are obnoxious

To preface, I myself have travelled a good amount. I'm Romanian but I've been to Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Austria, Hungary, Netherlands, Germany, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and recently India (loved my time there despite the warnings) and even lived in the UK for 6 years. I think that's okay for someone in their late 20s.

Yet I am absolutely tired of seeing all these posts on social media (yes, Reddit is social media) about how travelling will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, expand your horizons, open you up to new cultures, transfooorm you into a different person... Fuck off lol.

I'm still the same person I was before my travels, and I noticed a lot of these travel enthusiasts reuse the same buzzwords and I'm not sure they know what they mean (hearing "expands your horizons" feels like nails on a chalkboard). They make travelling their entire personality and it's annoying when someone can only talk about one topic. It's why I think the "changes you as a person" bit is kinda bullshit because a lot of extremely boring people travel a lot, come back and... What a surprise, they're still extremely boring but now also obnoxious.

Let's not even start with the travel gatekeeping - "you haven't actually travelled unless you lived on a shady street, ate sketchy street food and swam through sewage". It's frankly disgusting that they consider poverty tourism the only REAL way to travel. Sorry Stacey but a lot of the natives don't live like that, and have you considered many don't want to live lile hobos while they're on vacation?

Do you know why I travel? Because it's fun, not because it EXPANDS HORIZONS, OPENS YOU TO DIFFERENT CULTURES, TRANSFORMS YOU AS A PERSON, and more buzzwords. Sometimes I don't want to travel but do it anyways, like the time some friends invited me to Vienna. I didn't want to go and I think I would have been really bored if my friends weren't there.

And most of all, travelling is a waste of money. You spend an entire wage (or a couple of wages) to go somewhere for 2-3 weeks. I realise all my travel money could have gone for a better car or renovating my house.

TL:DR Travelling is nice but it's not a transformative experience, there are other hobbies, and avid "travellers" are extremely obnoxious.