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REMINDER: Teacher Wishlists Rules and Restrictions

Enhanced Verification For Teacher Amazon Wishlists

Hi everyone!

As we roll into September and school is starting up for many, we've heard a lot of feedback from members of our r/Assistance community who are teachers and educators.

We introduced some changes last year in regards to teacher wishlists due to seeing wishlists that were concerning in their size, cost, and questionable items. We chose to restrict teacher wishlists to DonorsChoose which is a fantastic platform that has more stringent verification processes to ensure items go to the schools and the students in need.

However, this platform is only available to those in the US, and since our community does have teachers in other countries, including Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, and Asia, we have been busy trying to find a way to keep things fair and manageable for all.

Going forward, we will be offering enhanced verification for any teachers, teaching assistants, special education instructors and aides, and even homeschooling parents who are unable (or unwilling) to use DonorsChoose for their lists.

Note: For simplicity's sake we'll be using the term "teacher" for the following explanation, but this term applies to all of the above examples who are in a school environment.

If a teacher is using DonorsChoose for their list, they do not need to do this enhanced verification as DonorsChoose does this for us.

Enhanced Verification Process:

  1. Moderators (or our moderator bot) will automatically flag and remove teacher wishlists (on Amazon, etc) for us so we can begin the verification process. Ideally we would love for teachers to proactively reach out to us via modmail to discuss verification, but we know folks land here usually panicked and stressed and move right to posting.

  2. If the account is otherwise eligible as per all our subreddit rules (account age, activity, and comment karma) we will reach out and request all of the following:

  • Photo of teacher ID/school ID alongside a piece of paper with today's date and Reddit username written on it.

    • This information is provided securely and privately to r/Assistance mods and all data will be deleted once verification is complete.

  • Homeschool teachers may alternatively submit their annual registration from the state if required, and a curriculum for the current school year.

  • An Amazon wishlist set up specifically for r/Assistance as per below guidelines. We do not allow Amazon Gift Registries for privacy reasons.

Teacher Amazon Wishlists have specific requirements which must be met.

  • The total maximum dollar value of entire list may not exceed $150 USD equivalent.

  • No gift cards

  • No video games

  • We are placing strict dollar values on these lists to prioritize books, art/office supplies, reasonably priced toys/fidget/comfort items, snacks, and similar items.

  • Wishlists may be subject to additional questioning by moderators for items which require further reasoning or context.

  1. Once verification is completed and the wishlist has been checked, the post will be approved or the teacher will be instructed to create their request post.

We realize this system may not be perfect and may not be able to accommodate the unique needs of different educational systems/styles, but we feel this is the best solution to support teachers all around the world.

As we do not currently have automation in place for this new process, verification is done manually by your volunteer mod team.

You can help our mod team by reporting any teacher wishlist posts that go live (just in case our bot misses them before we can proceed with the enhanced verification). Thanks in advance for your patience!


Just had to give a huge shoutout to u/OrganicMartini and another user who wishes to stay anonymous. I just needed gas money, but I feel like they saved me. Navigating the job market the last few months have been so tough, and I really wanted to give up. I was happy to finally accept an offer but I seriously thought I might fumble the new opportunity and be back at square one because I couldn’t even get there. There are some amazing folks on this sub, and I can’t wait to get back on my own two feet and pay it forward!

Again, thank you so so much for the assistance. I appreciate it more than I can describe!

Just need some help since FEMA told us no. • Just need some help since FEMA told us no.

Hi all! I'm looking for some help for my father and I. At the end of April our small home got flooded out with 8 to 10 inches of water. Without power and running water for 35 days. It was hell. Anyway were just looking for some help to start getting our house taken care of. I've started a gofund me and I've got a gallery of more images also. The full story of what we went through is there on the Gofundme page.

I'll be honest I didn't want to do this but FEMA has told us we're out of luck. They aren't gonna help us at all. Yet some of the rich neighborhoods in the county got money. We just need a little help to try and get our lives back in order pls.

Gofundme Link

Image Gallery

Leaving an abusive situation • Leaving an abusive situation

I am finally out but my car which was supposed to be not working is still stuck there. I have found someone who will work on it for a fraction of the price which will mean I can then start working full time. I am in a rural area unless I would happily walk. I also found someone who will tow my car at a fraction of the price so I am beyond beyond grateful. It will be 210 to have my car towed the 40 miles which is dramatically cheaper then it really should be. I am only 100 dollars short if anyone could potentially help me I will be forever grateful and make sure to return the favor. Finding the strength to leave has been hard and I am forever blessed at the support I am having. This will be one of the final steps to regaining my independence and strength. To anyone afraid to make the jump please please please keep hope. Just in this week things have started to feel lighter and more hopeful. I am ashamed to ask but I am trying and I know I will figure this out somehow. Thankyou all who suggested programs and housing you gave me hope and I’ve been using this hope to start over.

My partner had a stroke in February, hoping for Amazon assistance. • My partner had a stroke in February, hoping for Amazon assistance.

My partner had a stroke in February so we are down to just my 1300 a month of disability. I am now the sole care taker to my partner and our 3 year old son. It's my son's birthday on the 22nd. I could use help with toiletries and an item or two for our son's birthday.

My partners dominant right side is affected, and he also can't speak. I'm taking him to multiple therapies twice a week, 30 miles away. Most of my check goes towards rent, bills, and gas plus food. We are really struggling. I'm hoping to get some help with an Amazon wishlist.

I appreciate any help anyone can provide for my family.

Depressed, drowning, & desperate • Depressed, drowning, & desperate

Hi. I am a single mom of 3, currently out of work on medical leave to care for my youngest child. I receive income through PFML, and we were doing okay despite only receiving $19 in SNAP. Things were tight, but we were making it.

The apartment we rent has recently been purchased by a new owner who immediately raised the rent by $700 last month. He knows that I am on medical leave, but his response to me speaking with him about it was that I could move out if I didn't like it. My kids and I have been living here for 3 years with no issues, by the way.

I have paid a portion of it for this month, but I am so behind and now I am worried about next month. I have never been late on rent and I am scared of being evicted. I haven't even paid my utilities yet because I'm trying to ration the money 5 different ways.

I have never been this down in my life and I don't know where to turn. Any little amount would be helpful to pay towards the rent. I would be so grateful and appreciative of anything right now. We have no where to go if he kicks us out.

If you even just took the time to read this, thank you for your time.

Need help desperately. • Need help desperately.

Hey yall. I hope this works. My girlfriend and I really down bad right now. We just moved into a new place. Our rent is only 1000 a month and I’m completely drained. I only get paid twice a month and we’ve been going a whole 3 weeks with no money whatsoever. My girlfriend is a type 1 diabetic and her blood sugar is low. We haven’t eaten in 2 days. I’m sitting in my car at work right now and I have absolutely no gas to get back home. My gas needle is below E. I desperately need help with some gas and food. If not for me at least for her. She needs to eat no matter what. I’m just gonna be sitting here without the need to get home. Please help guys. I’m desperate. I’ll do anything. We live in California and the prices here are ridiculous. Please and thank you

Anyone know an organization that can assist with helping my pay my broken car A/C? • Anyone know an organization that can assist with helping my pay my broken car A/C?

First off let me say my engine had an issue first. I already am having to pay $400+ to get that fixed. Technically, I only paid less half of it and my partner paid the rest. The car was getting to to the point where it was overheating and smelled burned so I had no choice but to deal with it. Auto shop is checking out why the A/C compressor won’t turn on. Ik there can be multiple reasons, but if its the whole A/C compressor’s i already know thats going to run me $800-$1100 to replace. (i’m in Miami so you can imagine the inflation) Since its so hot its dangerous to be without air right now, is there any kind or organization or company who helps out a low-income person pay for car repairs? I have multiple health problems and definitely cannot drive all these miles a day without any A/C. I am so stressed and have no clue what to do atp.

Please note I do not expect anyone to pay all of it (haha i wish) I just really need some kind of help paying for it though.

My dad had a heart attack • My dad had a heart attack

Edit: I’ve made the money I need for the trip! Thank you so much to everyone that helped! Hello. So my dad had a heart attack this morning. It’s just him and my 14 year old sister at the hospital. It’s an 892 mile drive and I am needing help with gas and food on the way. I can stay at his house once I make it there so lodging isn’t an issue. It’s just trying to make it there. He’s my last living parent and my child’s only grandparent left and I would hate for him to get worse or pass without me being able to see him and my little sister is having a tough time dealing with it by herself. Thank you for reading. Edit: I have cashapp and PayPal. My car goes 298 in a full tank and costs around $40 to fill.

Christmas in July! • Christmas in July!

I opened my door to a mountain of boxes from Amazon! I am not mentioning names because I do not want them being bombarded in private messages with requests!

I received pasta, pasta sauce, tuna, toilet paper, peanut butter, and dish detergent! I just had to sit down and cry.

My deepest gratitude and appreciation to everyone who gave me things from my wishlist. God Bless you all! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Requesting help with gas for new job • Requesting help with gas for new job

Hi all - first time poster. I was unexpectedly laid off several months ago and have depleted all of my savings to stay afloat while looking for a new job. Thankfully I finally got an offer last week but it’s an onsite position about 20 miles away and I start tomorrow. I have a very small amount of gas left now but I’m bound to run out before my first check next Thursday or Friday. I’m kinda freaking out at the thought of screwing this opportunity up because I can’t make the commute. I’ve tried selling some personal items online but am having no luck.

Requesting $25 to hold me over until then but any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you

Amazon Canada wishlist- children snacks • Amazon Canada wishlist- children snacks

*FULFILLED * tried changing flair but keeps reverting back

Hey all, I'm looking for a little assistance getting some snacks for my children.

My family relies on our foodbank for majority of our meals, and while I'm extremely grateful for what we receive, it doesn't last long and doesn't include much for non-meal creating foods.

With the outrageous price of groceries here, I am unable to keep up with everything we need. We maintain staples, but if anyone would be willing we could really use a couple snacks.

I'm not looking to get everything from the list, but I've provided multiple options to pick from. Anything we receive from it would be majorly appreciated. Thank you in advance for those who may be able to help us out

Wondering if I could get help with some food and gas this week • Wondering if I could get help with some food and gas this week

Hey there y'all. I thought I'd try to ask for some help this week, my hours got cut again and I haven't been making much that I don't already have to use for bills, and had some unexpected things come up. My mom unfortunately also passed last month from renal failure and I put in alot for the ceremonies. She had a good life insurance policy and I was expecting my share to help me alot but me and my dad didn't know that it was just for accidental death or dismemberment.

Something like just $25 or $30 would help me alot with some of the food/toiletries I need to pick up and gas for my guzzler. I have cashapp, paypal and venmo if anyone's interested. Thanks for reading

Please Help Us Bury Our Baby Girl • Please Help Us Bury Our Baby Girl

We’re Len and Mimi and we were excited to be expecting our first child together, a little girl. After infertility struggles, to conceive naturally when so many said that we would never was a joy greater than we ever knew.

On Friday, July 12, 2024, during our 19 week prenatal visit at our OB/GYN, a heartbeat was not found with the doppler and our OB wanted an ultrasound to try to get the heartbeat. This didn’t alarm us initially as this has happened during nearly every prenatal visit.

This ultrasound wasn’t like the others. No heartbeat. No activity. At first, as the ultrasound tech kept working, I said aloud “something doesn’t seem right. I’m nervous.� She tried to calm me, but as my OB came in and took my hand, and said “There’s no heartbeat. Her heartbeat has stopped� I could no more than blink the tears away and try to hold myself together. Our daughter, the child that we looked so forward to meeting and being her parents and loving her….was never going to go home with us.

Per our Orthodox Jewish beliefs, we will need to bury our precious daughter, once labor is induced and I deliver, likely within the next week. As we had not an inkling that this would be the end of her story, we have no extra funds to pay the approximate $2500 in costs and fees to the mortuary and cemetery to bury her. In the Jewish religion, cremation is not an option.

We ask for funds to help bury our daughter. All proceeds raised will be given to King David Mortuary and Cemetery in Las Vegas, NV to cover the costs.

We thank you for your kindness

GoFundMe here:

Help getting through to August �� • Help getting through to August ��

Hi all!

I just dropped the last of my funds on rent. I'm disabled and won't receive another check until August.

Trying to raise $200 to get through til August to cover tampons (I just got my period today and I've got 2 left 😓), toilet paper, cat food, cat litter, flea treatment & spray, butter, peanut butter, bread, ice for my cooler (we're currently going through a heat wave and I don't have a refrigerator), canned meat, water, ibuprofen, cranberry juice, calamine lotion, paper towels, triple antibiotic cream, cotton swabs, coffee, cup noodles, and canned veggies.

Any help is appreciated as I'm currently out of everything right now and dealing with a flea infestation 😭

I have Cash App & PayPal.

Thank you for considering 💗

EDIT to add Wishlist:

If someone could help me get some dog food, I would appreciate it. • If someone could help me get some dog food, I would appreciate it.

Hello everyone. I'm sorry to ask but I was in the main path of Beryl on the Texas coast. We lost all of our food in the fridge and freezer because we lost power on Monday and just got it back last night. We spent what we had on gas and sandwich stuff, but I didn't realize how low I was on dog food until tonight. I have enough for tomorrow morning and I know I can scrounge up some change for a can.

If someone could please help us with like $10-$20 for a bag of food, I would really appreciate it. I have cashapp.

Thank you for your time.

Edit: I have made an amazon wish list. I think I did it right. I opted for canned food because the bags are too expensive.

Edit #2: Thank you so much to everyone who helped! I cried when the Amazon man came. I wholly look forward to being able to pay y'all's kindness forward.

Help??? • Help???

Recently my boyfriend has been experiencing this thing with his monitor where something or someone will start doing real https searches in his nav bar. Once we caught it doing that while on Minecraft and the search was literally to try and change his search engine. Since we were also on ft he lifted up his hands and showed me he wasn't doing anything while i saw stuff being sent as an attempt for something. Neither of us are really good at tech and first he thought it was his driver, si he updated it and now its back. Im convinced its a hacker but idk for sure. I rlly need help to figure out whats goin on bcs i dont know and google isnt helping. Pls, someone respond. 😭😭

Please help me continue getting mental health help. • Please help me continue getting mental health help.

I’m really struggling… isn’t everyone?

I don’t want to trigger anyone but if I’m asking for help I figured I owed an explanation.

For the last 7 years I’ve struggled with sexual assaults and physical assaults from a family member I lived with and his brothers. I would get SANE exams done and stuff but wasn’t ready to press charges. I am now. I have agencies helping me press charges, but they can’t help with therapy costs.

Recently in the last year, I’ve lost my twin brother, my adoptive father and most recently (July 10th) my mother. My mother was killed right in front of me. One of my abusers brothers was high on something and was freaking out that I got his brother arrested. He was aiming for me, but hit my mother and she died 4 days later.

I am currently seeing a wonderful therapist who I have been seeing for over a year. He’s helped me so much and I’ve cut my SH in half. Sadly my insurance doesn’t cover him. We’ve tried so many times. I had an agency covering him (it was a crime victims agency) but they stopped for whatever reason and now I owe him over 3 grand because they never paid it. He’s been amazing about this and says to pay it when I can, but that makes me feel terrible and if I continue to meet with him (which I need to!) then I will keep having to pay.

I lost my job due to mental health struggles while navigating all these traumas, but I have a couple lined up and I’m applying for more very day just in case the two I’m taking pre hire tests for don’t work out.

I can provide documentation and everything so people know this is legit.

Also I know people will ask why I don’t see a therapist that’s covered under my insurance, which is an extremely valid question, and I will tell you. I reached out to 37, yes 37! Different therapists who all turned me down, before I found the one I’m currently seeing. He took a chance on me and now it’s been over a year and I can’t imagine seeing another provider.

Feel free to ask questions or offer advice. I know this is a lot to ask.

Here’s my go fund me link.

Need Some Urgent Help | How to get my phone out of a narrow space? • Need Some Urgent Help | How to get my phone out of a narrow space?

Hi guys! I never usually post anything on Reddit but i'm awfully desperate right now.

So basically, i was taking a shower and after i got out, my stupid ass put my phone on top of my cabinet in my bathroom. I tried getting it after i was finished, and i accidentally toppled it onto the back of it.

I've tried so much stuff and i could only try to move it around. I'm open to try anything at all. I know it's not really the right subreddit for this and its kind of tame compared to other posts but i'm desperate to get it out.

Right now, what's even more annoying is i have alarms on that phone and it keeps me up stupidly.

To give more details, this space, that's on the back of my mirror cabinet in my bathroom, is so narrow that i can't put even two fingers in. Though, I could put a stick or a ruler inside, both at the top and the bottom of said cabinet space. It's just that it's slid down to a point where it's not going down, but there is space to insert something at the bottom to move the phone.

I'm so tired of it keeping me up, and i have valuable things on that specific phone that i can't get anywhere else (it's a rather old model, android). I'm so desperate that i'm open to any ideas and need help. Thanks in advance, guys!

[OFFER] $100 USD to 4 people in need (Venmo, PayPal or Amazon gift card) • [OFFER] $100 USD to 4 people in need (Venmo, PayPal or Amazon gift card)

It is July and the monthly donation campaign is here! You just need to comment down below what you would use the money (I would prefer to keep it to essentials/necessities only) for and I'll pick 4 random lucky winners by the end of this week! As usual, no strings attached as long as you can accept payment in PayPal, Venmo or Amazon gift card.

Update: the offer is now closed. These 4 random winners have been selected u/DarkFlyer726, u/travimsky, u/Decent_Beat4661 and u/fineman1097