Saturday, June 08, 2024

Clapham and Brixton Hill Campaign

 Nominations closed yesterday. Our campaign starting today in Brixton High Street

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

London elections 2024

 For the record, we will be contesting Barnet & Camden in this year’s Greater London Assembly elections on 2 May. And also Lambeth & Southwark. 

Our campaign can be followed on our website forum  here:

Friday, April 23, 2021

London elections

We had been planning to contest one constituency (Barnet & Camden) in the lections to the Greater London Council on 6 May, postponed from last year. However, we decided that covid restrions meant we would not be able to conduct a proper campaign. If you want socialism as a society of common ownership, democratic control, production directly to meet people's needs and not for profit, and access to goods, services and amenities on the basis of "from each their ability, to each their needs" you can do so by using this sticker. Copies available from Head Office at: spgb[at]