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Happy Birthday to Me, I guess (The State of the Sub) MOD Happy Birthday to Me, I guess (The State of the Sub)

So… some heavy news today. How can I lighten the mood… Music recommendations!

It’s almost 1 AM here and I’m desperately trying to get this out so please excuse any formatting mistakes or half-formed thoughts.

Where I’m At

Recommended listening: World’s Smallest Violin by AJR

I was going to give you a bit longer of a rundown of my life’s story here, but I’ll give enough here to explain why it’s just the cliff notes. The first thing I want to make clear is that I never asked nor expected to become the head mod of three subreddits with a combined total of 1.8 million subscribers; it just sort of happened one day as the moderators above me drifted away.

I also originally had a more detailed breakdown of my medical story here but it boils down to this: I've been nauseous every day for the last 2.5 years culminating in not-quite-brain surgery three weeks ago. This leads up to Reddit making their third-party API changes clear the day before my birthday while I'm still suffering from splitting headaches from the aforementioned surgery. Fun!

Where Reddit’s At

Recommended listening: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears or Pompeii by Bastille

I was planning on writing something here myself but you should really just go and read 📣 Had a call with Reddit to discuss pricing. Bad news for third-party apps, their announced pricing is close to Twitter's pricing, and Apollo would have to pay Reddit $20 million per year to keep running as-is. by u/iamthatis, the developer of Apollo.

You should also read An open letter on the state of affairs regarding the API pricing and third party apps and how that will impact moderators and communities. by u/BuckRowdy

The Future of My Subreddits

Recommended listening: Let It Go by Idina Menzel

I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet and I’m too drained to be sure of myself right now anyways, but Reddit killing off u/ljdawson’s Sync would take a lot of my enthusiasm with it. There’s rumbling of other moderators leaving the site or setting subs to private or protected. There’s a lot to consider and it’s almost 1 AM here.

How to Fill the Void

Don't want to use Reddit without a third-party client? Did you favorite subreddit shut down? Well, we're here to help!

From u/Aidoboy

Recommended listening: Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder

  • I’ll be publishing code on GitHub as UndarkAido. I have a Discord library, a selfhosted wallpaper server, a rewrite of Minecraft Plus!, and more

  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a fantastic game that I’ve already sunk a ton of time into while I’ve been recovering from surgery

  • I’ve been slowing down on Destiny 2 and Hearthstone but boy can they suck up time if you let them

  • Brandon Sanderson’s secret project books have been fantastic so far. I need to finish the Alcatraz Smedry series then figure out where to start with his Cosmere books

  • I’m probably due to revisit and fill in what I missed from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books. My favorite book of his is Night Watch

  • I completely forgot I’d bought the second book of Brandon Mull’s Beyonders trilogy after r/tipofmytongue helped me find it again

  • I’m looking forward to season 2 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds later this month

From u/QueenAnneBoleynTudor

I’ll include other moderator's recommendations here as they respond to me.

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Subreddit Protest Poll (Reddit is killing third-party applications (and itself)) MOD Subreddit Protest Poll (Reddit is killing third-party applications (and itself))

Recommended listening: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

I meant to make this earlier in the week and then this morning (with a “Dawn of the Final Day'' joke) but that didn’t end up happening as I’ve been busy and my surgery headaches backslid a bit (They’ve been better though!) Context for what’s going on is in my previous post for those who missed it or are new to this discussion on r/EntitledParents: "Happy Birthday to Me, I guess (The State of the Sub)"

So, Reddit’s actually going through with it. Third-party apps are getting spotty and sometime today or tomorrow I’m sure they’ll be completely cut off. If you’re not disappointed by this, you’re missing the point. Reddit claims that only 3% of users use third-party apps but what that statistic glosses over is that only about 10% of users comment on posts made by an even smaller 1% of the user base. Moderators are an even tinier fraction. In the coming months, expect to see a general decline in the quality of the site as long-time posters are driven away and the scabs that the admins use to replace the protesting “landed gentry” (a.k.a. What Spez calls mods who know what they’re doing) moderate poorly or are simply spread too thin.

Anyway, on the heart of the matter: the admins have made it clear that things will be changing, whether we like it or not. Here’s your chance to influence how:

Edit: Leave entries blank for a 'no' entry, spam will be filtered out.

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my phlebotomist didn’t believe me that i needed to lay down bc i was gonna pass out and thought i was being dramatic (she was instantly proved wrong) TW: (NEEDLES AND BLOOD) my phlebotomist didn’t believe me that i needed to lay down bc i was gonna pass out and thought i was being dramatic (she was instantly proved wrong) TW: (NEEDLES AND BLOOD)

i’m 18F and so basically i had to get a phlebotomy this morning because i had a bunch of orders from several of my doctors. so this would be a lot of blood (it was like 10 viles lol) i’ve gotten plenty of these before but just not this much. note: i have a history of lightheadedness after vaccines and phlebotomies and i only fully passed out during my first phlebotomy. i’m not afraid of needles or anything it’s just my body’s response to it. anyway so back to the story: my mom and i get there and are waiting and i get called in and i immediately tell the lady that i need to lay down bc this isn’t my first rodeo. she just says ok and brings me back to the room with the reclining chair. after we get to the room, she goes to the computer to enter stuff and this takes way longer than it normally does. as she’s doing all that, i start to get lightheaded already and at this time i am standing up waiting for her to finish so i can get this thing over with. i sit in the chair bc at this point i can’t stand without getting dizzy.

i then tell my mom i feel faint and she tells me to drink water. (i had eaten a full breakfast and drank lots of water prior to the visit) the lady is finally done after 15 minutes of sitting there and my mom asks if she can recline the chair any further. the lady looks at me and rolls her eyes as if i’m being a drama queen but reclines it back anyways. i begin my deep breathing when she begins bc i know i’ll panic if i don’t. i’m more lightheaded during it and it literally felt like it wasn’t going to end. i felt her keep switching tube after tube wondering if that would finally be the last one. once it was done, that’s when it hit me. and this hit me hard. my blood pressure dropped and my blood started pooling in my lower limbs. it got to the point where i couldn’t even wiggle or move my fingers bc they tensed up. i had tunnel vision and was completely pale. i started to go in and out of consciousness and the lady went and got me a cold pack. since i hasn’t come back in over 7 minutes she started yelling for assistance. two more ladies came in and they were way more nicer than the first one. they kept telling my mom it was gonna be alright and giving me more cold packs. i faintly remember mumbling “help” bc i felt so terrible. it was the most terrible i’ve ever felt. the main lady switched up her attitude so quick though bc she started becoming worried and the other two ladies called the ER to come and get me but they said they couldn’t (even though i was already in a hospital) and i eventually came back after 15 minutes but it was so brutal. i hope that lady now believes other patients when they need to lay down lol.

if you relate to feeling like this after phlebotomies or vaccines pls comment bc i don’t know anyone who has this same experience.