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My mod told me that I am a complete pushover on my streams and I feel a little disrespected Discussion


My channel growth has been slow but steady and I average ~15 viewers per stream. I'm used to reading every single comment from my viewers and am genuinely interested in how their days are going and what's going on in their lives if they choose to message that in the chat.

Recently, my mod's partner (a long time viewer) messaged me and said:

"I hope that you can have more control over your stream instead of letting chat do / demand whatever they like because they want the airtime. I love that you want to give everyone the attention that they deserve but sometimes I feel bad for you because it's still your stream, not theirs. And I'm saying this because I want you to have a fun community and grow as a streamer. I love you and I'm coming from a place of support so I hope you don't take this the wrong way"

My mod messaged me right after and said:

"What do you think about [the above's] opinion on the matter? I really do think you should just stop being a pushover. imo you're too nice man. you're such a nice person and it kinda sucks just seeing people push you around. so we know the problem [referring to my niceness]."

I never realized that what I was doing on stream looked like I was being pushed around. While I very much appreciate the feedback that my viewer and mod gave me, it makes me feel like I've been streaming wrong this whole time. A lot of my viewers are younger because they came from my TikTok page, so that could be a reason why they want more attention or don't really know Twitch etiquette.

While I understand that the comments from my mod and viewer are coming from a place with good intentions, I do feel a little disrespected by my mod. It kinda seems like there was more of an emphasis on me being the problem vs coming to a solution together. Am I reading too much into this?

TLDR: My mod says I'm a pushover because I read every single chat and don't time people out when they talk about topics that are not relevant to stream or are trying to get my attention


I have unmodded my mod! NOT because of what they said, but because I need to learn how to handle these situations by myself without needing to rely on someone else. I also need to be more comfortable with timing people out or calling them out respectfully, so this is my own decision. We still have a good relationship and should I ever need a mod, they will be first to pick!

As a feel good story, I mentioned to my community that I will not be streaming for a bit because of my mental health (having 2 people come at me and say I'm a pushover definitely didn't make me feel so good 😅) and the amount of support I got was overwhelming! Here are some of their comments:

"We love you, please take care of yourself, it means a lot to us that you are healthy, because it allows us to have our day brightened by you. I have to admit you made so many of my sad days brighter just by talking to you and hopping in stream. You are an amazing person, I really hope you can understand that, and you make everyone in your community smile and be as joyful as you on your good days. Get some rest, youve very well deserved it"

"Take all the time you need and get the rest you need, you deserve it and we respect it that your taking a break, we love watching the streams and watching everything you upload, even the conversations are always so good, so as said take the break you need it"

"We love you 💗 you deserve all the love in the worlddd we'll be waiting for you"