Title says it. Boyfriend (M21) and I (F21) both have partaken separately in the distant past but only once or twice. Thought it’d be fun to get high together, bought Ghost gummies. Took one at 7pm Wednesday. Took another one 11pm Wednesday because we weren’t feeling anything yet. Immediately after taking the second one, we felt the effects of the first and realized we messed up. But we didn’t care at that point. Immediately lost each other in our separate trips. Felt like the longest night of my life.
Slept through Wednesday night, pausing for both of us to projectile vomit all over the bedroom and wander aimlessly for food, slept all the way through Thursday (including both our jobs), slept through Thursday night and finally Friday morning he walked to work because he was still too high to drive.
I left for a road trip Friday afternoon. A family road trip. I was high the entire way and shocked that my sister didn’t notice. I am still, 9pm on Saturday evening, high. We realized the bag said it’s meant for people with experience or a high tolerance (I’m a lightweight). Boyfriend and I are much more clear headed but both still struggle to stay awake and focus. Both of us have agreed we’ll never do it again. Neither of us think we’ll feel anything but high ever again.
TL;DR: boyfriend and I thought it’d be fun to get high for a night and instead greened out and slept for two days. Now he’s at home pushing through a 10 hour shift and I’m on vacation with my family, both of us fighting for our lives to stay awake and seem sober 3 days later.
Edit for clarity:
we took two ghost gummy’s and package reads 5mg delta-9 and 5 mg THC-p per gummy
this is not an ad. I threw the package away so quick and will never purchase from that company again. Or indulge in the green lettuce again lmao
this story is exaggerated to an end. I don’t have the energy to proofread it but no I did not actually projectile vomit. Boyfriend made it to the toiled and I didn’t make it off the floor.
this is not fake. I have no idea how to convince yall it’s real. My family is continually asking if I’m tired or okay because I’m constantly zoned out or sleeping. My boyfriend is 14 hours away and still having short term memory loss and trouble focusing.
I don’t see how it’s placebo. Boyfriend and I were convinced last night that we’d wake up normal. But we’re still feeling funky
Thank you for all the genuine comments and similar stories shared, it means a lot to know we aren’t going crazy or nothing else was wrong. I’m still feeling high whether yall believe me or not so just hold tight with my weird responses. It’s a wild ride.