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Daisy Flower Charity Square

This is a charity pattern. It is provided to you free, with the hope that you will make one (or more) of
these and sent it to me for my charity afghans. You are free to distribute this pattern file IN ITS
ENTIRETY but not to sell it in any form.

When making your square to send to me, please use either white or black for the background color.
Petal and border colors can be any colors, but please make sure they coordinate with each other and are
colors that will make a young/teen girl happy. Bright colors work best with the black background.


Squares should be mailed to (if you could label your square city/state/country that would be great):

Krochet Krystal
12001 Hillview Terr.
Holland, NY 14080

Questions to:

Updates can be found on:

Materials Used:
“H” Hook (5mm)
Needle to weave in ends
ACRYLIC worsted weight yarn – no other fibers are suitable for donation

Gauge: Rounds 1 and 2 make a circle appx 2” in diameter.

SQUARE SIZE: 8 inches (20.25cm)

Small amounts of each color worsted weight 4-ply acrylic: (see end of
pattern for international hints)
CC – center color (appx 100”/255cm)
PC – petal color
BG – background color
BC – border color

Video tutorial can be found at:

password is krystal
There is a slight difference in video and written pattern since release of round 9 but
it should help you get the hang of the pattern.

With CC (center color):

Rnd 1: Ch 2, 8 sc in 2nd chain from hook; join with sl st to first sc (8 sc)
Rnd 2: ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in same st. 2 dc in next stitch and in each stitch around. Join with a sl
st to 3rd chain of first dc. (16 dc).
Finish off & weave in the end.
This circle should measure 2” (5cm) in diameter. If yours is larger, make a new one with a smaller hook.
If yours is smaller, make a new one with a larger hook.
For the upcoming rows, you will notice they are labeled “3A”, “3B”, etc. You will go around the same
round twice, once with a petal color (the “A” rounds) and once with the background color (the “B”
rounds). Please follow the instructions in the order they are written.

Rnd 3A: Join PC in any dc with a sl st. ch 3, dc in same st. dc in next st, ch 1. (2dc in next st, dc in next st,
ch 1) 7 times. Join with sl st to 3rd chain of 1st dc. ch3 Pull up loop and attach a stitch holder. Bring your
ball of PC yarn in front to sit in your lap. (8 clusters of 3dc-ch1)

Round 3B will also work into Rnd2, NOT 3A. Each round is
worked twice, first with the petal color, then with the
background color. Be sure that when you are working over
the petal yarn that it stays to the front of the background
color yarn.

Rnd 3B: To locate where you are going to join your yarn, find
any flower center dc that has only ONE petal color dc made
into it from round 3A. You will join your BG color yarn with a
sl st in this same dc, to the LEFT of this dc. ch3 (first dc
made), ch4. skip the next 3 PC dcs, dc in the same flower
center dc as your single petal dc, to the left of it. (ch4, skip
next 3 petal dcs, dc in same flower center dc as single petal
dc) 6 times, ch4, join with sl st to 3rd chain of first BG dc of this round.
(8dc and 8-ch4s) CHAIN 3 more.

Notice in the picture that the BG stitches are not worked into the PC
stitches. They are worked into the flower center. Also notice that the
petal yarn is in front of the background color yarn at this stage. Your
petal and background colors are mostly separate of each other.

Rounds 4A and 4B will essentially be the same process as Rounds 3A/3B.

Keep in mind that your PC will only work into petal dcs (Round 4A into
3A) and BG will only work into background dcs (Rnd 4B into 3B).

Rnd 4A: Your PC yarn and the ball it attaches to should

be in front of your BG sts from 3B. If not, to the frog
pond you go (riiiiip it, riiiiip it). It helps to use your left
hand to keep the 3B sts held to back and out of the
way. Put your BG ball of yarn in your lap. Working in
FRONT of BG from round 3B, put PC back on hook. 2 dc
in next dc (inc made), 1 dc in next dc, ch 3, sk next BG
dc. *(Dc in next PC dc, 2 dc in next dc (inc made) , 1 dc
in next dc, ch 3, sk next BG dc.)* 7 times. Join with sl st
to 3rd ch of first PC dc, ch3 more. Put st marker in loop
and keep to front. (8 - 4dc petals and 8 ch-3 spaces)
Rnd 4B: Put PC color yarn ball in your lap. Working in front of PC from Round 4A, put BG back on hook.
(Stitch BG into BG stitches only) Dc in same st at join, ch 5. *(Skip all PC stitches, 2dc in next BG dc (inc
made) , Ch 5.)* 7 times. Join with sl st to 3rd ch of first BG dc. Ch 3 more, attach a stitch holder, keeping
in front of your work. (8-2dc groups and 8-ch5 spaces) Do not be alarmed that the back of your square
looks unusual!

Rounds 5A is essentially the same as R4A except you will continue to increase to make the petal wider.

Rnd 5A: Put BG color ball of yarn in your lap. It helps to hold the BG stitches down and out of your way
with your left hand. Working in front of BG from round 4A, put PC back on hook. (Stitch
PC into PC stitches only) Dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc, ch 3. Skip all BG stitches. *(dc in
next 2dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc, ch 3, Skip all BG stitches.)* 7 times. Join with sl st to 3rd ch of first
PC dc. (8-5dc petals and 8 ch3 spaces).

Do not change yarns, you will continue to work the petal tips next. Follow the instructions in order; you
will go back and do the background rows after this. Now you will be making the petal tips. This
essentially is a sl st in the first dc of the petal to anchor it, then a 5dc “fan” in the center dc of the petal,
then another sl st in the last dc of the petal to anchor it again….

Rnd 6A: (With PC still) *(5 dc in 2nd dc from hook, sk next dc, sl st in next dc (petal tip made) ch3, skip
all BG sts, sl st in next PC dc)* 8 times. Finish off CB. Weave in end. (8 petal tips of 5dc fan made, 8 ch-3

Rnd 5B: Using BG, 2 dc in next BG dc. *(With your left hand, flip the next petal forward and hold it down
to expose the ch5 that you made with BG in row 4B. YO, insert your hook under this ch5, pull up a loop,
yo, draw through 2 loops, yo, draw through remaining 2 loops (dc made). Do 4 more dc in this loop in
the same fashion. Stand petal back up. YO, insert hook into next BG dc (between the petals), bring tip
of hook up IN FRONT OF your PC chains from 5A & 6A, continue to make normal dc. In the same
fashion, 2dc in next BG dc.)* repeat around. Join with a sl st to 3rd chain of first dc (8- 5dc groups made
on chain, 3-3dc groups between petals, 64dc total)

In round 6B, work into the BG dcs from

Round 5B unless otherwise specified.

Rnd 6B: Using BG, ch 2, [(2dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in

next dc – corner made – dc in next 2 sts,
hdc in next st, sc in top horizontal bar of
center petal tip dc in the back of this dc,
just under your back working loop of the dc
(SEE PICTURE), sk next dc of Rnd 5B, hdc in
next dc, sc in next 5 sts, hdc in next st, sc in
same spot of petal tip you did on last petal
tip, sk next dc of 5B, hdc in next st, dc in
next 2 sts] 4 times. Join with sl st to 1st
complete dc (not the ch2 at beginning, this
is just “filler”. (19 sts on each side plus ch1
Rnd 7: Using BG, ch 2, dc in next 2 sts, [(trc, ch1, trc) in next ch1 sp, dc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc
in next 5 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 4 sts] 4 times, except the last time only dc in the last 2 dcs. Join
with sl st to 1st complete dc (not the ch2 at beginning, this is just “filler”. Finish off BG and weave in
end. (21 sts each side plus ch1 sp)

Note: When coming out of a corner, many people neglect to put a dc in that very first dc from the round
below. You might have to shove your corner sts over to access this.

Rnd 8: Join BC in any ch1 corner space. [Ch5 (trc plus ch1 made), trc, dc] in corner ch1 sp. ** Dc in next
21 dc down to next corner. [dc,trc,ch1,trc,dc] in corner ch1-sp ** repeat to last side, but end after first
dc in the corner the last time. Join with sl st to 4th ch of first trc. (25 sts each side plus ch1 corner sp)

Please attach a tag to your square with your city and state (and country if not USA). Thank you!

The address to mail the square to can be found on the first page of this pattern.


© Krochet Krystal. This pattern is not to be sold. You can sell items made with the daisy pattern, but
only for the purpose of charity. This means at fundraising fairs, donated to raffles, etc. If you sell
outright on your own, please specify what charity the money will go towards. You may NOT sell the
pattern. You may donate items made with the pattern (in fact, I encourage this!).

This pattern was designed and written for the express purpose of charity. Over
2,000 have been made and donated for charities. Please keep with the spirit of
this square and refrain from turning it into a commercial venture!

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