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Rebecca Peapples shows you how to

weave and embellish an Ndebele rope

all at once. The gold rope at top left
illustrates the basic technique,
embellishing on the diagonal; the silver
rope sets the embellishment vertically.
The two ropes at right display
Rebecca’s two-step process. Directions
are given for the bronze and cream
necklace. The gold rope places more
plain rows between embellishments
and adds a vertical line of beads
between embellishment groups.
Ndebele rope
Stitch two layers at once on this easy herringbone necklace

by Rebecca Peapples

I stepbystep
enjoy the soothing rhythm of Nde- ure 2). The thread tail hangs down.
bele herringbone weave and love the To work the Ndebele stitch, string 4
fluidity and drape of the bead fabric To begin the Ndebele rope, use a beads. Go down the next top bead to the
you can create with it. The stitch also long thread and string 4 cylinder beads. right and come up the next top bead
works well in a tubular pattern and Go through all 4 beads again in the (figure 3). Repeat this step 3 times. At
weaves up quickly and easily. While I same direction, leaving a 12-in. (31cm) the end of the row, you will need to
was playing around with Ndebele tubes, tail. String 2 more beads and go back come up 3 beads to keep the work even
I realized that you can easily add surface down through the previous pair and up (figure 4). This is the first Ndebele row.
embellishment as you go. I explain sev- the 2 new beads as for a brick-stitch lad- Repeat this step to make a plain Ndebele
eral variations here, but there is really der (figure 1 and “Basics,” p. 106). Con- rope or embellish as described below.
no limit to the number of variations tinue until your ladder has 8 pairs of
that are possible once you understand beads. (Note: all the necklaces shown at gold-embellished necklace
the concepts of tubular Ndebele, count- left have 8 two-bead pairs, except the Join the ladder and work 3 Ndebele
ing rows by marking them, and going silver one, which has 6.) rows (steps 1-3).
down already-formed rope to embellish. Join the ladder into a ring by taking On the fourth row string a 150
The fact that all these steps happen at the needle up through the first pair of marker bead after the first downstroke
the same time makes the work interest- beads and back down the last pair. and before the next upstroke. Repeat
ing and immediately gratifying. Come back up the first pair again (fig- after each downstroke on the row. Four

row 4
row 4
row 3
figure 1 figure 3 row 4
row 2

row 1
last pair

figure 2 first pair figure 4 figure 5

Bead & Button • February 2002 75

upstroke through 3 cylinder beads. If
necessary, adjust the number of 150s to
fit comfortably.
Work 3 plain rows of Ndebele.
Repeat steps 2-3 until the necklace is the
desired length. You’ve completed the
first layer of embellishment, as shown
on the bronze and cream necklace.
The first layer of embellishment on
a d
the gold necklace is worked the same
way, except that you work 3 plain rows
of Ndebele after the first embellishment
row. Then work a marker bead row on
the fourth row followed by 3 more plain
rows before working the next embellish-
ment row (step 2).
After closing up the last row of Nde-
bele (step 7 above), work your needle
back down the tube to exit a 150 at the
b e
top of the last embellishment row.
String 4-5 150s, 1 110 or smaller accent
bead (a pearl), and 4-5 more 150s. Go
through the bottom 150 on the next
embellishment to the right. Repeat the
stringing pattern and go through the 150
at the top of the next embellishment to
the right. Repeat this step through the
other two embellishments (photo e).
Position the needle to go right to left
c f
through one of the as yet unused mark-
marker beads sit between the columns to close up the columns. Sew a decora- er beads on this embellishment row.
of Ndebele stitch (figure 5, photo a). tive bead to one end. String 1 seed bead, String 4-5 150s, go through the 110
You will pick them up later. the decorative bead, and 3-5 seed beads. (pearl), and string 4-5 150s. Go through
Work 1 row of plain Ndebele. Sew back through the decorative bead the next available marker bead on the
To begin the first embellishment and the seed bead. Reinforce the attach- diagonal (photo f). Repeat around,
row, add the first 4 beads, but after the ment until the seed beads are full of crossing through all the 110s (pearls).
downstroke string the number of 150 thread. On the other end, sew a Reposition your needle to cross
beads you need to reach the marker reinforced loop of 150 beads that fits stitch the next embellishment row or
bead to the left of the marker bead over the decorative bead. every other embellishment row, as on
below the Ndebele column you’ve just the bronze and cream necklace. w
added (7-8 beads). Go through the cross-stitch embellishment
marker bead from right to left (photo Begin as described in steps 1-2 of the Contact Rebecca at 1021 Spring St., Ann
b). (Note: for the look of the silver gold-embellished necklace. Then work 3 Arbor, MI 48103 or
necklace at upper left, connect to the plain Ndebele rows.
marker beads directly below the Nde- Start the next row with the usual 4
bele column and use 1-2 fewer beads.) cylinder beads, but after the down- materials
String 1 less 150 bead than in step 4 stroke, string 4 150s, 1 3mm, and 3 150s. • 20g Japanese cylinder beads
and work the upstroke to begin the next Go through the marker bead in the col- • 15g Size 150 Japanese seed beads, contrast-
Ndebele stitch (photo c). Repeat steps 4 umn directly below the stitch you have ing color
and 5 around the row. The 150 beads just made from right to left. String 3 • Decorative glass bead
curve downward to the left. 150s, go back up the 3mm bead, and • Beading needles, #12 or 13
Work 1 plain row of Ndebele, then string 3 150s. Go through the first 150 • Nymo B or Silamide
repeat steps 2-6 for the rest of the rope. strung from top to bottom (photo d) For cross-stitch embellishment add:
When the necklace is the desired and complete the upstroke of the first • 100-200 3mm Beads: pearls, crystals,
length, go up and down through the last Ndebele stitch. Repeat step 2 for all four stones, or round beads
Ndebele row in the opposite direction Ndebele stitches, completing the last • 100-200 2mm Beads or contrast-color 110s

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