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Overview ■ Customizable tests and test audio are available via

The unit tests, midterm test, and final test help a secure download site. Contact your Cambridge ESL
teachers assess students’ mastery of the material in Specialist (
the Ventures 4 2nd Edition Student’s Book. contact) for more information.
■ Each of the ten unit tests covers one unit. ■ Tell students that approximately 10 minutes of the

■ The midterm test covers Units 1–5.

tests will be used for the listening section.
■ When playing the audio for the listening section of
■ The final test covers Units 6–10.
the test, you may choose to pause or repeat the
■ Each test assesses listening, grammar, reading,
audio program if you feel that students require
and writing.
more time to answer. The audio script appears in
Students’ performance on the tests helps to the Teacher’s Edition on pages T-222–T-225. The
determine what has been successfully learned script can also be printed from the online teacher’s
and what may need more attention. Successful resources and read aloud in class.
completion of a test can also give students a sense of
accomplishment. Scoring
■ You can collect the tests and grade them on your
Getting ready for a test own. Alternatively, you can have students correct
■ Plan to give a unit test shortly after students have their own tests by going over the answers in class
completed a unit and have had time for a review. The or by having students exchange tests with a partner
midterm should follow completion of Unit 5 and the and correcting each other’s answers. The answer key
review lesson for Units 5 and 6. The final test should for the tests is located in the Teacher’s Edition on
follow completion of Unit 10 and the review lesson pages T-226–T-230. It can also be printed from the
for Units 9 and 10. Tell students when the test will online teacher’s resources.
be given. Encourage students to study together and
■ Each test has a total score of 100 points. Each unit
to ask you for help if needed.
test has five sections worth 20 points each. The
■ Explain the purpose of the test and how students’ midterm and final tests have five sections worth
scores will be used. 12.5 or 25 points each.
■ Prepare one test for each student. The tests may
be photocopied from the Teacher’s Edition, starting Track list for test audio program
on page T-186, or printed from the Ventures online Track 2: Unit 1 Test
teacher’s resources. Track 3: Unit 2 Test
■ Schedule approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour for the Track 4: Unit 3 Test
tests. Allow more time if needed.
Track 5: Unit 4 Test
■ Locate the audio program for each test’s listening
Track 6: Unit 5 Test
section in the online teacher’s resources.
Track 7: Midterm Test
Giving a test Track 8: Unit 6 Test
■ During the test, have students use a pencil and Track 9: Unit 7 Test
an eraser. Tell students to put away their Student’s Track 10: Unit 8 Test
Books and dictionaries before the test. Track 11: Unit 9 Test
■ Hand out one copy of the test to each student. Track 12: Unit 10 Test
■ Encourage students to take a few minutes to look Track 13: Final Test
through the test without answering any of the items.
Go through the instructions to make sure students
understand them.


TEST Date: Score:


A Listening
Track 2 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. What are they planning?
a. a class trip b. a party c. a menu
2. Carol and George are
a. classmates b. co-workers c. teachers
3. Who will pay for the party?
a. the school b. the teacher c. the students
Track 2 2 Listen again. Complete the chart.

Name Task Reason

1. Carol
2. George
3. Leonard
4. Elena
5. Jonathan
6. Ming
7. Marina

B Grammar
Complete the sentences with adjectives or adverbs.
1. Math is for him. He has learned .
(easy) (quick)

2. That song was ! Do you sing ?

(beautiful) (professional)

3. I need a mechanic. My car is running now.

(skillful) (slow)

4. She used to be a driver. Now she drives .

(fast) (careful)

5. He’s a communicator. He doesn’t listen .

(bad) (good)

T-186 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 1 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


C Grammar
Write the words in the correct order. Make a sentence with a noun clause as
an object.

1. girls / than boys / learning / better at / you / languages / Do / believe / are / ?

2. aptitude / has / parents / art / he / realize / for / Samuel’s / an / .

3. that / math / son / class / help / you / your / needs / feel / in / Do / ?

4. Everyone / gifted / is / dance / Naomi / agrees / in / that / .

5. know / aptitude / you / for / Karen / Do / that / has / an / cooking / ?

D Reading
Read the magazine article. Then read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

Harold Gardner’s theory of multiple Some teachers are changing the way
intelligences has impacted education they teach their students. These teachers
across the United States. He has identified think that if students think and learn in
nine different “intelligences” to show that different ways, then teachers should think
people understand, experience, and learn and teach in different ways. Their idea is
in different ways. Educators in the United to reach all students by using different
States have carefully considered Gardner’s intelligences in their classrooms. Teachers
theory. Many educators think that students who are trained in multiple intelligences
gifted in the verbal / linguistic and logical / might use a visual / spatial activity to
mathematical intelligences do better in teach math. For example, they might ask
traditional classrooms than those with students to take pictures of objects as
other intelligences. This is because they study geometry. Teachers may have
many traditional teachers teach by using students with interpersonal intelligence
textbooks, giving lectures, checking written lead a discussion or teach new terms to
homework, and giving written tests. Their other students. These teachers feel that
methods of teaching are based on verbal / teaching to each student’s aptitude and
linguistic and logical / mathematical getting each student to learn on his or
coursework. her own is more important than teaching
course subjects in the traditional way.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 1 T-187


1. Educators have paid attention to Gardner’s theory. T F

2. Traditional teachers in the United States often base their
teaching methods on two intelligences. T F
3. It is impossible to teach multiple intelligences in one classroom. T F
4. A teacher might ask a student with visual / spatial intelligence
to lead a group discussion. T F
5. Teachers who teach to multiple intelligences try to reach all students. T F

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about the primary intelligence of someone you know. Use
the outline to make notes on your ideas.

Topic sentence:
Supporting details:

Concluding sentence:

2 Write a paragraph about the primary intelligence of someone you know. Use a
separate piece of paper.

T-188 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 1 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable

TEST Date: Score:

A Listening
Track 3 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. What are they talking about?
a. an academic program b. a job opening c. setting up a small business
2. What is their relationship?
a. teacher and student b. two friends c. student and counselor
3. Where are they?
a. at home b. at school c. at work
Track 3 2 Listen again. Complete the chart.

1. Type of certificate
2. Location of certificate program
3. Reason for getting a certificate
4. One thing you cannot do with a certificate
5. Number of courses
6. Cost
7. Length of time to complete

B Grammar
Complete the sentences. Use the present passive voice.

1. A bilingual skills by many employers in

this country?

B Yes, bilingual skills for many jobs in this country.

2. A an internship to graduate from
the program?

B Yes. Internships by the school.

3. A Where the admissions office ?
B It next to the business building.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 2 T-189


4. A most of the classes in the morning?

B Actually, many of the classes in the evening.
5. A scholarships for students.
B Yes, scholarships to students by the financial aid office.

C Grammar
Write complete statements or questions. Use the present passive with infinitives.

1. graduates / require / complete / their courses by May 4th.

2. all interns / expect / be on time for every meeting.

3. students / encourage / participate in work experience programs?

4. applicants / tell / meet with a counselor.

5. students / allow / earn credit for work experience?

T-190 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 2 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


D Reading
Read the story. Then read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).

Kate Shelley
In 1865, when Kate Shelley was a baby, her scheduled to cross the bridge. She was determined
family immigrated to the United States from to get to the station in time. She took a lantern
Ireland. As a child, Kate faced many obstacles. and ran through the winds, rain, thunder, and
When she was 12, her father and her brother died lightning to warn the train station employees to
in separate accidents. These unfortunate events stop the midnight train. Strong winds blew out
caused Kate’s mother to become unhappy. Kate Kate’s lantern, so she had to find her way across
had to become the responsible member of the a different bridge in the dark to reach the station.
family. As a young girl, Kate was expected to take Kate arrived at the station in time. The midnight
care of the household and the family farm. train stopped before its passengers crashed into
Kate’s life changed on March 25, 1881. A the river. Everyone on the train was fortunate to
thunderstorm started to flood the farm and have Kate’s help that night.
surrounding areas. At first, Kate went out to save For her courage, the railroad company gave Kate
the animals in the barn. On the way back to the a free railroad pass for the rest of her life. Even now,
house, she heard a loud crash. The bridge over people in Iowa remember the young girl when they
Honey Creek fell. Kate knew a midnight train was use the Kate Shelley Bridge in Moingona, Iowa.

1. Kate grew up in Ireland. T F

2. Kate’s father and brother died when she was a baby. T F
3. The bridge over Honey Creek fell after Kate’s lantern blew out. T F
4. Kate succeeded in stopping the midnight train. T F
5. Kate was rewarded for her courage and determination. T F

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about your obstacles and successes. Use the chart to make notes on your ideas.

My obstacles My successes

2 Write a paragraph about your obstacles and successes. Use a separate piece of paper.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 2 T-191

TEST Date: Score:


A Listening
Track 4 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. What are they talking about?
a. school b. a dance c. countries
2. What is their relationship?
a. parent and child b. brother and sister c. two friends
3. How do you think Mike feels about Vanna?
a. he likes her b. he’s not interested c. she annoys him
4. What is a good description of Vanna?
a. obedient b. independent c. angry
Track 4 2 Listen again. Complete the chart.

1. Day of the event

2. Reason she can’t go
3. Country her parents are from
4. Who she is going to the dance with
5. Two things she is allowed to do
6. Where her parents will be that night

B Grammar
Change the direct questions to indirect Wh- questions.
1. Why is he on restriction?
A I’d like to know .
B I think his grades were bad.
2. When did she start to trust him again?
A I wonder .
B She started to trust him again after he apologized.
3. How can I get a better job?
A Can you tell me ?
B First, you can continue to improve your English.
4. What time does the class start?
A Do you know ?
B It starts at 5:30.
T-192 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 3 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


5. What grade did Lidia get in chemistry?

A Can you tell me ?
B I think she got a B+.

C Grammar
Write indirect Yes / No questions with whether.
1. Do you know ?
(Did he break the school rules?)
2. Can you tell me ?
(Is there a bus stop nearby?)
3. I’d like to know .
(Is he on restriction this weekend?)
4. Can you tell me ?
(Did she leave school early?)
5. I wonder .
(Can she come to the party?)

D Reading
Read the article. Answer the questions.

Teenagers and Spending

Teenagers in the United States Parents also encourage teenagers to get
generally spend money on clothing, part-time jobs for their spending money.
entertainment, food, computers, Recent studies have shown that 33 to 44
and even cars. Many teens get their percent of teenagers have jobs while in
spending money as an allowance from school. They often work 15 to 20 hours
their parents or as paychecks for per week. Teens like these, who have
part-time jobs. Studies have shown jobs or whose parents limit the amount
that parents’ attitudes toward their of money they receive, may spend more
children and money may influence their responsibly.
spending habits. For example, some However, problems with spending
parents try to teach their children how occur when teenagers have poor
to spend responsibly at a young age by money-management skills. These teens
giving their children weekly allowances. will often choose to spend their money
They may connect a weekly allowance rather than save it. And they spend
to the child’s age. In other words, a money on the latest fashions or the
parent will give $15 a week to his or latest technology without thinking
her 15-year-old. Other parents offer beyond the present. However, as these
payment to children for chores they teens become more responsible adults,
do around the house. For example, a they will need to reconsider their
teen may earn money for babysitting spending habits.
younger siblings or cleaning the house.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 3 T-193


1. What types of things do teens in the United States spend their money on?
Name at least three.

2. What is one way teens in the United States get their spending money?

3. What is one way that parents in the United States try to teach their teenagers how to spend

4. What do teens with poor money-management skills do?

5. What will teens who spend a lot of money need to do when they become adults?

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about the differences between you and your best friend. Use the outline to make
notes on your ideas.

Topic sentence:
A. Me:
1. Example:
2. Example:
3. Example:
Transition: On the other hand
B. My best friend:
1. Example:
2. Example:
3. Example:

2 Write a paragraph about the differences between you and your best friend. Use a separate piece
of paper.

T-194 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 3 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable

TEST Date: Score:

A Listening
Track 5 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. What are they talking about?
a. schools b. an apartment c. bills
2. What is their relationship?
a. parent and child b. landlord and tenant c. husband and wife
3. Where are they?
a. at home b. at work c. at school
4. How do they feel?
a. happy b. confused c. stressed
Track 5 2 Listen again. Complete the chart.

1. What is going to happen?

2. How did they find out?
3. What do they have to decide?
4. How long do they have?
5. What is the most important factor?
6. Why is Marcus sorry?

B Grammar
Match the sentences with the advice.
1. She’s often late for class. a. She has to learn to calm down and concentrate.
2. She is worried that her boss will b. She has to pay today.
fire her. c. She doesn’t have to do everything for her family!
3. She gets tense during tests. d. She shouldn’t lose her temper.
4. She has no time for herself. e. She should take an earlier bus.
5. The rent is due today.

C Grammar
Write sentences with should have and shouldn’t have.
1. He couldn’t concentrate during the test.

(go to bed on time)

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 4 T-195


2. They spent too much money.

(use a credit card every day)

3. She was late to work.

(turn off her alarm clock)

4. He didn’t understand the rules.

(ask someone to explain them)

5. We lost our jobs.

(be more responsible)

D Reading
Read the article. Answer the questions.

Stress and Music

Music can help you to calm down when you choose a calmer piece. To begin your experiment,
are stressed out. But it is important to find the best feel for your pulse with your first and second
kind of music for you. You might assume that you fingers by pressing down on your wrist. Count the
should choose quiet music to help you to relieve number of beats you feel in one minute. Write
stress. However, many doctors think that different down the number. Next, pay attention to your
types of music affect people differently. They say muscles. Write down if they are tense or relaxed.
that each person’s reaction to sounds and noises A stressed-out person often has tense muscles
is unique and complicated. This means that the and a fast pulse. Then, listen to the music for
music that helps you to calm down may make 20 minutes. React to the music in your own way.
another person anxious. Relax, dance, sing along – do whatever your body
To discover the right music to help you relax, wants to do. After 20 minutes, check your pulse
you ought to experiment. You should start by and muscles again. Write down the changes that
listening to music that you like. If you like loud you have noticed. Is your pulse slower? Are your
music, you should start by seeing how loud music muscles less tense? If not, try the experiment
affects you. If you prefer quiet music, you should again with another type of music.

1. How does music help someone who is stressed out?

T-196 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 4 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


2. Do all people react to music in the same way? Why or why not?

3. Why should you do an experiment with music?

4. What are some of the physical signs that a person is stressed out?

5. What are some of the physical signs that a person is relaxed?

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about how you coped with a stressful situation in your past. Use the outline to
make notes on your ideas.

Topic sentence:

Actions you took Results of your actions

2 Write a paragraph about how you coped with a stressful situation in your past.
Use a separate piece of paper.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 4 T-197

TEST Date: Score:


A Listening
Track 6 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. Where are they?
a. at school b. at an Internet cafe c. at the library
2. What is their relationship?
a. teacher and student b. volunteer and coordinator c. librarian and visitor
3. What are they talking about?
a. computers b. family problems c. research

Track 6 2 Listen again. Answer the questions.

1. What is Jackie’s job?

2. Who encouraged Yousef to go to the library?

3. What skills does Yousef have?

4. What experience does Yousef have in helping people use computers?

5. What is one characteristic Yousef has?

6. What languages does Yousef speak?

7. What time commitment does Yousef make?

B Grammar
Complete the sentences with until or as soon as.
1. A When will the party begin?
B The party will begin the first guests arrive.

2. A How long will Raul volunteer at the animal shelter?

B He will volunteer there he finds a full-time job.

3. A When will Samah eat lunch?

B she finishes her homework, she will eat lunch.
T-198 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 5 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


4. A How long will you and your wife live in the city?
B We will live in the city we have children.

5. A When will you take a vacation?

B I will take a vacation I have enough money!

C Grammar
Complete the sentences with the present, present perfect, or past forms of the verbs.
1. My husband our neighbors several times last year.
2. Jun-Ming once last week.
3. My daughter her grandmother twice a week.
4. I with our new neighbors once so far.
5. Solange her cousins many times in her life.

D Reading
Read the article. Answer the questions.

Community Gardens
Members of communities in cities that they cannot find in supermarkets.
across the nation are changing the Residents also go to the gardens for light
physical appearance and social setting exercise and fresh air.
of their neighborhoods. They are When neighbors plant a garden
transforming unused, empty parking together, they can create positive
lots into community gardens. In changes in a neighborhood. Community
these gardens, the residents of the gardens bring neighbors closer together.
neighborhoods grow their own vegetables, In some neighborhoods, there has been
fruits, herbs, and flowers. The empty less crime because neighbors work
parking lots change into colorful, together to create, maintain, and harvest
productive gardens, shared by different their community gardens. Community
members of the community. gardens offer safe, green space in city
Community gardens don’t just make neighborhoods with few public parks.
neighborhoods more beautiful. They are Finally, community gardens can help
worthwhile for residents in many ways. the environment. They help keep city air
Some people use the gardens to save clean. No wonder there are about 100,000
money on bills by growing their own community gardens in cities around the
fruits and vegetables. Others like the country! With all the great things gained
taste of their own fruits and vegetables. from community gardens, we can expect
Immigrant families often grow fruits and to see many more in the near future!
vegetables from their native countries

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 5 T-199


1. Who is responsible for creating community gardens?

2. Where do people build community gardens?

3. Why are community gardens worthwhile for residents? Give two reasons.

4. How do community gardens result in less crime?

5. Why can we expect to see more community gardens in the future?

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about a famous person who has made a difference. Use the chart to
make notes.

Who made a difference?

What did he or she do?
Why did this person do it?
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?
How did this person make a difference?

2 Write a paragraph about a famous person who has made a difference.

Use a separate piece of paper.

T-200 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 5 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


A Listening
Track 7 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. Where are they?
a. at school b. at home c. at the hospital
2. What is their relationship?
a. parent and child b. student and teacher c. counselor and parent
3. What are they talking about?
a. a teenager’s problems b. college opportunities c. social difficulties

Track 7 2 Listen again. Complete the chart.

1. Who made the appointment?

2. What is Mrs. Patterson’s job?
3. What do teenagers have to cope with?
4. What is Mrs. Brown worried about?
5. What does Sam say?
6. What solution have Sam’s parents tried?
7. What does Mrs. Patterson suggest?

B Grammar
Complete the sentences.

have to shouldn’t that until whether

1. Molly can’t have dessert she turns off the television.

2. You calm down before you lose your temper.
3. I wonder John had a basketball game today.
4. My teachers realized I was really good at math.
5. His parents have let him go to the movies.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNITS 1–5 T-201


C Grammar
Complete the sentences.
1. We found the shopping mall .
(easy / easily)
2. Students are encouraged college credit for work experience.
(earn / to earn)

3. He learn how to manage his money.

(ought to / shouldn’t)

4. She will read to the children they fall asleep.

(as soon as / until)

5. We at Running with Ropes three times last year.

(volunteered / have volunteered)

D Reading
Read the article. Then read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).

Resolving Conflict
In workplaces, school settings, and Not being able to communicate clearly,
homes, conflict resolution techniques have or miscommunication, is one of the main
been helping people to solve conflicts, or reasons conflicts happen. So mediators often
arguments, in better ways. In the workplace, learn how to prevent miscommunication
co-workers may encourage teamwork with good communication techniques. They
and discussion, and in schools, children do this by learning how to speak clearly and
may be trained to become mediators, or how to give feedback. They also learn how
peacekeepers, in order to help with conflicts to listen carefully to understand another
among their fellow students. person’s message. Once they’ve learned the
People who help to resolve conflict learn best ways to communicate, they share them
about other people’s interpersonal skills. with their co-workers or classmates.
They look at how people communicate Conflict resolution techniques are not
with words and how people communicate just used in offices and classrooms. They
with their bodies – their body language. are used to solve arguments between parents
When they look at how people communicate and children and husbands and wives.
with words, they look at the words people They are also used for conflicts between
choose to speak or write to others. For body companies, organizations, and countries. If
language, they look at how people “say” conflict resolution techniques are used well,
things with their body’s gestures, voice they can help change the outcome of many
tone, and eye contact. From doing this, they arguments and conflicts.
understand how people communicate best.

T-202 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNITS 1–5 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


1. Conflicts occur in offices, schools, and homes. T F

2. Conflict resolution techniques are not usually successful. T F
3. Mediators help to resolve conflicts. T F
4. Children are too young to use conflict resolution techniques. T F
5. People who resolve conflicts learn about other people’s intrapersonal skills. T F
6. Gestures, eye contact, and voice tone are examples of body language. T F
7. Miscommunication is a common reason conflicts occur. T F
8. People who help with conflicts don’t know how to communicate well. T F
9. Conflict resolution techniques are not helpful between husbands and wives. T F
10. Conflict resolution techniques are also used for conflicts between countries. T F

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about a conflict you had with a family member or friend. How did you resolve
the problem? Use the chart to make notes on your ideas.

Who did you have a conflict with?

What happened?
Why did the conflict happen?
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?
How did you resolve the conflict?

2 Write a paragraph about a conflict you had with a family member or friend. Use a separate piece
of paper.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNITS 1–5 T-203

TEST Date: Score:

A Listening
Track 8 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. What is their relationship?
a. parent and child b. husband and wife c. student and teacher
2. What are they talking about?
a. getting cell phones b. getting smartphone c. expenses

Track 8 2 Listen again. Answer the questions.

1. Who wants a smartphone?

2. What does Linda think is a problem with smartphone?

3. What happens in Chris’s English class?

4. What is one feature that smartphone have that other cell phones don’t?

5. Why is this a good feature for Chris?

6. What are two other advantages?

7. Why doesn’t Linda think the children should get smartphone?

8. How will they pay for the smartphone?

B Grammar
Combine the sentences. Use although.
1. She doesn’t understand the instructions. She read the manual many times.

T-204 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 6 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


2. There are free computer classes at the community center. My parents still don’t know
how to use email.

3. I rarely use my microwave. Microwaves help me to make dinner quickly.

4. He can take the subway to work. He prefers to walk for the exercise.

5. She never used to write letters to her brother. She enjoys sending him emails now.

C Grammar
Complete the sentences. Use because or although.
1. A Why is Julie always so busy?
B she has a full-time job, she volunteers at the senior center
three times a week.

2. A Why doesn’t David ever answer his phone?

B Well, he rarely answers his cell phone he forgets to turn it on.

3. A They don’t often use their video camera they have had it for years.
B Maybe they’ll let us borrow it!

4. A Why is Jason’s mom concerned about his grades?

B He has stopped reading books he prefers to play video games.

5. A Lana wants to try videoconferencing, she’s worried about the cost.

B Maybe she can look online for an affordable videoconferencing center.

D Reading
Read the article. Then read the sentences. Write A for advantage or D for disadvantage, based on
the reading.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 6 T-205


Do you look for ways to save time, especially in the kitchen?

One of the most commonly used time-saving devices in homes

Saving today is the microwave. Because using a microwave can cut dinner
preparation time from two or three hours to a half hour, they are

Time used by many American families.

But microwaves aren’t just used in the home. They’re

everywhere – in restaurants, trains, cafeterias, college dormitories,
and lunch or break rooms in workplaces, for example. It’s not

surprising that microwaves are popular. Workers and
students can put leftovers from last night’s dinner
in the microwave, heat them for a few minutes, and
eat a delicious lunch. Supermarkets also add to the
convenience of microwaves because they sell different
types of “microwaveable” meals. These frozen dinners
are packaged in microwave-safe containers.
Some people have health concerns about food cooked
in a microwave. Others feel strongly that food cooked in
a microwave does not taste as good as food cooked in a
regular oven. They say that using a microwave takes away from the
pleasure of cooking. Luckily for people who do not believe cooking
is fun, microwaves can make their lives a lot easier.

1. Microwaves cut down on the time it takes to prepare meals.

2. Microwaves can be used in different places, such as homes, restaurants, and cafeterias.
3. Food cooked in microwaves may not taste as good as food cooked in regular ovens.
4. Microwaves make it easy for workers and students to bring leftovers for lunch.
5. Microwaves take away from the pleasure of cooking.

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of your favorite time-saving
or technological device. Use the diagram to make notes on your ideas.

Advantages Disadvantages

2 Write a paragraph that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of your favorite time-saving
or technological device. Use a separate piece of paper.

T-206 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 6 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable

TEST Date: Score:

A Listening
Track 9 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. Where are they?
a. in a store b. in an office c. on the phone
2. What is their relationship?
a. salesclerk and b. service representative c. operator and long-distance
customer and customer caller
3. What is the reason for the conversation?
a. a phone bill b. a defective phone c. a new phone

Track 9 2 Listen again. Answer the questions.

1. What is wrong with the phone?

2. When did she buy it?

3. What two ways can the woman return the phone?

4. What are the two choices Jack offers?

5. What does Jack mean by an upgrade?

6. Which costs more, the upgrade or getting the same phone?

7. Which choice does the woman make?

B Grammar
Combine the sentences. Change the second sentence into an adjective clause
with which or who.
1. Our merchandise comes with a warranty. It is good for two years.

2. Customers can order from our online store. They are looking for discounts.

3. Cellular phones are popular. They have Internet access.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 7 T-207


4. The clerk is looking for the customer. She had a question about a product.

5. Store managers solve problems. They happen between clerks and customers.

C Grammar
Combine the sentences. Change the second sentence into an adjective clause with that.
1. He’s a manager. I’ve worked with him for years.

2. The car is great! You recommended it to us.

3. The computer is defective. We bought it yesterday.

4. The sweater was too small. I gave it to her.

5. We bought it from a retailer. We trusted him.

D Reading
Read the article. Answer the questions.

Thrift Stores
Shoppers who are looking for the lowest sure the merchandise is in good condition
priced items don’t usually go to the large because there are no refunds, exchanges, or
shopping malls or the shopping centers in warranties at thrift stores. Even so, shoppers
town. Instead, many bargain shoppers go to usually consider shopping at thrift stores
neighborhood thrift stores. At thrift stores, worthwhile because they often find valuable
shoppers can buy used clothing, household items that they can afford.
items, books, jewelry, and furniture. The Finally, for many people, thrift stores
merchandise for sale is donated, or given, to are great places to give items that they no
the stores, and the salesclerks are volunteers. longer need. When people donate to thrift
Because of this, thrift stores are able to offer stores, they can be sure that their old clothes
used items that cost very little money. or furniture will be used again. Also, thrift
However, thrift stores sell merchandise stores are run by organizations that help
“as is,” which means that the items for sale people who need shelter, food, clothing, or
may or may not be defective. In most cases, money, like charities and churches. So those
if an item has small defects, such as small who donate know that the profits will help
tears or stains, shoppers usually don’t mind. people in their communities as well.
But, in all cases, shoppers have to make

T-208 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 7 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


1. Where do bargain shoppers go for the lowest prices?

2. What kind of items can you buy at a thrift store?

3. Why are prices so low at thrift stores?

4. Do thrift stores sometimes sell defective items? Why?

5. What benefits do thrift stores offer?

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about your favorite place to shop. Use the chart to make notes on your ideas.
Transition words Reasons and supporting details

First reason:


Second reason:



Third reason:



2 Write a paragraph about your favorite place to shop. Use a separate piece of paper.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 7 T-209

TEST Date: Score:

A Listening
Track 10 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. Where are they?
a. at work b. at home c. at school
2. What is their relationship?
a. friends b. co-workers c. both friends and co-workers
3. What are they talking about?
a. finding a new job b. communication problems c. job responsibilities

Track 10 2 Listen again. Answer the questions.

1. Who helped Dan get the job?

2. How does Dan feel about the job?

3. What is Tom’s job?

4. How does Tom feel about Dan’s performance?

5. How does Tom know Dan has not been completing his duties?

6. What is one reason Dan gives for not completing his duties?

7. Why does Tom think the job isn’t that hard for Dan?

B Grammar
Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect or present perfect continuous forms
of the verbs. Use just where possible.

1. It’s 7:00 a.m. Joe making coffee.

2. Marie is exhausted. She overtime all week.

3. This book is so interesting! I it all afternoon.


T-210 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 8 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


4. I’m so excited. The clothes I ordered online .


5. Mike’s not home. He to work.


C Grammar
Circle the correct adjective.
1. I thought the movie was very amusing / amused.
2. My boss was shocking / shocked when I told him I was leaving.
3. After working so hard all day, Ricardo was exhausting / exhausted.
4. Everyone was in a bad mood because of the disappointing / disappointed results.
5. Jane’s co-workers are irritating / irritated because she takes long lunches.

D Reading
Read the article. Answer the questions.

The “Hottest” Jobs in the Future

Every few years, the United States many reasons why certain industries will
government issues a report on what the have more jobs available in the future. One
“hottest” jobs will be in the future. These reason is a growing need for more people
reports suggest which jobs will have the to do similar jobs.
largest growth and popularity in years to Since people are living longer, more
come. Based on information provided by people are needed to take care of the
the biggest job industries, they predict how elderly. Therefore, nurses, nursing aides,
quickly certain industries will need new and home health aides are expected to
employees. Students and workers who be some of the “hottest” jobs in the near
look at these reports can find out the most future. For jobs in health care, some hard
popular and fastest-growing jobs. They can skills are necessary, such as a certificate or
use this information to help them decide a degree. However, the soft skills of having
which careers will be the most promising a good work ethic and patience are also
or which programs to study. just as important.
Recently, reports have said that some For all of the fastest-growing
of the “hottest” jobs are service industry occupations, employers will look for hard
occupations. Jobs in the service industry and soft skills. Will you be ready for one of
include jobs in health care, hospitality, the “hottest” jobs in the future?
and food services, for example. There are

1. What does the article mean by the “hottest” jobs?

2. How can students and workers use job reports?

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 8 T-211


3. What are some service industry occupations?

4. What are some of the fastest growing health-care jobs?

5. What will employers look for?

E Writing
1 Plan a cover letter for a job in one of the service industries discussed in the article, such as
health care, hospitality, or food services. Use the outline to make notes on your ideas.
1. Inside address: Mary Freeman
2. Position you are applying for:
Job title:
3. Your skills and experience:

4. How the employer can contact you:

2 Write a cover letter for a job in one of the service industries discussed in the article, such as
health care, hospitality, or food services. Use a separate piece of paper.

T-212 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 8 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable

TEST Date: Score:


A Listening
Track 11 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. What are they talking about?
a. the environment b. a new car c. the price of gas
2. Why does Ed talk to George?
a. George knows a lot. b. George is his father. c. George listens well.
Track 11 2 Listen again. Complete the chart.

1. What kind of car does George suggest?

2. What is a hybrid?
3. What powers the car?
4. How are the batteries charged?
5. What does it reduce?
6. Why is gasoline bad?
7. Where does acid rain come from?
8. How does the government help?

B Grammar
Complete the sentences. Use the present unreal conditional.

1. If more people public transportation, we on

(take) (cut down)
air pollution.

2. We energy if we the air conditioning.

(save) (turn down)
3. If we enough air in the tires, we gas.
(put) (save)
4. There less trash if everyone .
5. If we unused rooms, we air conditioning and
(close off) (reduce)
heating use.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 9 T-213


C Grammar
Combine the sentences. Use the connectors in parentheses.
1. There has been a drought. There are fewer crops this season.
2. Air pollution is trapping the sun’s heat. The atmosphere is warming up.
3. Global warming changes weather. Hurricanes are stronger and more dangerous.
4. There are new laws. We may be forced to change our routines.
5. I have learned more about the environment. I have become more responsible.

D Reading
Read the article. Answer the questions.

Carpool Slugs
Cities have been dealing with rush hour passengers are called carpool slugs, and they
traffic problems for a long time. One way they commute to work by slugging, or carpooling
have cut down on traffic jams has been to create with strangers.
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. In these Both drivers and the carpool slugs are happy
lanes, also known as carpool lanes, drivers must with slugging. Every day, slugs save up to $12
have two or more people in their cars to enter. in transportation fares and parking fees. And
Neighbors and co-workers often carpool to gain drivers save up to $5,000 a year in gas. In
access to these HOV lanes. With fewer cars and addition, both drivers and slugs save from 30 to
more people in each car, carpool lanes have 60 minutes of travel time daily.
helped rush hour traffic to run smoother and After many years of slugging, carpool slugs
commuters to get to their destinations faster. and drivers have become a community. Many of
In recent years, commuters have started a them know each other and have become friends.
new kind of carpooling. In this type of carpooling, They look out for each other and may know
a driver drives past bus stops or well-known each other by face, if not by name. Slugging has
parking lots and offers a free ride to people he become an efficient way to commute in large
doesn’t know. This is so that the driver and the cities and help the environment. Fewer cars on
passenger can take the HOV lanes to work. The the road means less gas to pollute the air.

1. What is one way that many cities have dealt with rush hour traffic?

2. What is an HOV lane?

T-214 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 9 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


3. What is a carpool slug?

4. What are two benefits of carpool slugging?

5. What has started to happen between carpool slugs and drivers?

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about one of these environmental problems: global warming,
air pollution, or smog. Use the outline to make notes on your ideas.


Causes Effects

1. 1.

(detail) a.

(detail) b. 2.


(detail) a. 3.

(detail) b.

2 Write a paragraph about one of these environmental problems: global warming,

air pollution, or smog. Use a separate piece of paper.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 9 T-215

TEST Date: Score:


A Listening
Track 12 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. What are they talking about?
a. France b. a vacation c. a wedding
2. What is the speakers’ relationship?
a. cousins b. friends c. bride and groom

Track 12 2 Listen again. Complete the chart.

1. location of event
2. fiance’s country
3. day of event
4. guests at the ceremony
5. items served at reception
6. event at castle
7. where they spend the night
8. when the event ends

B Grammar
Complete the sentences. Use the future real or future unreal conditional forms of the verbs.
1. A I’m looking forward to the party tonight!

B I am, too. If everyone , we a lot of fun!

(come) (have)

2. A I heard that you’re taking a trip to China! Do you speak Chinese?

B No. If we the language, we more comfortable.

(knew) (feel)

3. A What will her family think about the wedding ceremony?

B If she the cultural traditions, she her family.

(not / follow) (disappoint)

4. A What should I wear to the reception?

B If I you, I a nice dress.

(be) (wear)
T-216 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 10 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


5. A Will Roberto be invited to the wedding ceremony?

B If he an acquaintance, the couple him to the

(be) (not / invite)

C Grammar
Complete the sentences. Use hope or wish and the correct form of the verb or modal.
1. He he , but he’s too busy right now.
(can visit)

2. They the weather nice for their picnic next Saturday.

(will be)

3. She her son married. He doesn’t seem interested in

getting married.

4. I I to Japan next summer. I’m saving money now for

(can travel)
the trip.

5. We we on vacation, but we don’t have any free time.

(can go)

D Reading
Read the article. Answer the questions.

New Year’s in China

New Year’s celebrations in China start with fruit or red envelopes with money for children.
the New Moon, the first day of the New Year, and Traditional meals are prepared for the whole
continue for 15 days. Celebrations involve family family, including those who cannot be there and
gatherings and visiting friends. During these days, ancestors – family members who have died. Ancestors
many Chinese people put up special decorations, are remembered and honored with respect during
eat symbolic food, and participate in traditional the celebrations. In addition, certain foods symbolize
activities. different things. Noodles represent a long life, and fish
During New Year’s celebrations in China, many represent success. A chicken is served with all of its
houses are decorated with vases of flowers, bowls of parts – the head, the legs, and the tail – to represent
fruit, and a tray with dried fruit, candies, and sweets. completeness.
Many Chinese people believe that flowers make Finally, everyone looks forward to the end of
the house beautiful and that they symbolize wealth the celebration, the Lantern Festival. This is a fun
and good luck. In addition, bowls of oranges and night. Many people participate in parades with
tangerines are placed around the home to represent lanterns, while others watch as young men perform
happiness. The walls and doors are decorated with a dragon dance with dragons made of bamboo, silk,
short poems written on red paper. In addition to and paper. And everyone watches the fireworks
decorating homes, many Chinese people visit friends and firecrackers.
and relatives. When they visit, they often bring gifts of

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 10 T-217


1. When does the Chinese New Year begin? How long is it celebrated?

2. What do flowers symbolize?

3. What is done for ancestors during New Year’s celebrations?

4. How is chicken served during Chinese New Year, and why?

5. What happens at the end of New Year’s celebrations in China?

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about a ceremony you attended or a tradition you observed. Use the outline to
help you make notes on your ideas.
I. Ceremony / tradition:
II. Reason for the ceremony / tradition:

III. Where:
IV. When:
V. Special traditions / activities:
VI. Conclusion:

2 Write a paragraph about a ceremony you attended or a tradition you observed. Use a separate
piece of paper.

T-218 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TEST UNIT 10 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable

FINAL TEST Date: Score:

UNITS 6–10
A Listening
Track 13 1 Listen. Circle the correct answer.
1. What are they talking about?
a. an event b. a problem c. new equipment
2. What is the speakers’ relationship?
a. friends b. customer and salesperson c. student and teacher
3. How does Jenny feel?
a. excited b. annoyed c. nervous

Track 13 2 Listen again. Complete the chart.

1. number of calls to Jenny last night

2. purpose of calls
3. Michelle’s solution
4. what you register
5. cost
6. number of calls Michelle gets
7. time it takes

B Grammar
Circle the correct word.
1. Salina has / has been negotiating with her co-worker for two days.
2. If I was / were you, I would take a vacation.
3. He wishes / hopes he could go to his cousin’s quinceañera, but he didn’t get the day off.
4. If we carpooled to work, we will / would save a lot of money on gas.
5. They were amusing / amused when they read Mike’s blog.

C Grammar
Complete the sentences.

although because because of just which

1. traditional customs, only family members will be invited to the

wedding ceremony.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 FINAL TEST UNITS 6–10 T-219


2. My mother has learned how to use a smartphone.

3. The store manager refused to give the customer a refund the customer
didn’t have a receipt.
4. Omar is interested in electronic devices are innovative and energy-efficient.
5. wireless technology is amazing, I cannot afford it.

D Reading
Read the article. Circle T (true) or F (false).

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is an international groups, and individuals work together to
organization that brings volunteers together build and repair many new homes.
to help change the lives and living conditions Many of the building materials are
of people around the world. The goal of the donated by construction companies, and no
organization is to help homeless families one gets paid for their work. Professional
worldwide. Because of donations of money construction workers offer their skills to
and supplies and the help of volunteers, build the foundation and the outside of the
Habitat for Humanity houses are often built houses. Non-professional volunteers with
and repaired at very low cost. no experience in housing construction learn
To get started, poor and needy families skills from the professionals and work on the
apply to local programs to become “partner inside of the houses. In addition, all houses
families” with Habitat for Humanity. Partner that are repaired and built are made to be
families may have to pay a down payment more energy-efficient.
and monthly payments for their homes, Even though the central office of
but they also pay in “sweat equity.” “Sweat Habitat for Humanity is in Atlanta, Georgia,
equity” means that partner families have the organization has been building
the responsibility of building and repairing homes in more than 90 countries around
their homes with the help of volunteers. So, the world. In each country, people work
partner families often spend many hours together to strengthen communities, to
on the construction of their house and on unite cultures, and to give opportunities for
houses for other families, too. In this way, affordable homes to more than one million
partner families and volunteers from small people worldwide.
businesses, large corporations, church Source:

1. Habitat for Humanity is a worldwide housing program. T F

2. Professional construction workers get paid for their work with Habitat
for Humanity. T F
3. The organization succeeds because of donations of money and volunteers. T F
4. Families need to apply to get help from Habitat for Humanity. T F
5. Partner families have no financial responsibilities for their houses. T F
6. People who work on the exterior of the houses have hard skills. T F
7. Volunteers without construction skills can work on the inside of houses. T F

T-220 VENTURES LEVEL 4 FINAL TEST UNITS 6–10 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable


8. If you are unskilled, you may receive training from a professional. T F

9. It’s too expensive for Habitat for Humanity to build energy-efficient houses. T F
10. There are Habitat for Humanity houses in more than 90 countries. T F

E Writing
1 Plan a paragraph about a time you helped someone. Use the chart to make notes on
your ideas.

Who did you help?

What was the problem or situation?

What did you do?

When did this happen?

How did you feel?

2 Write a paragraph about a time you helped someone. Use a separate piece of

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 FINAL TEST UNITS 6–10 T-221
These audio scripts contain the listening portions of the Ventures 4 unit tests, midterm test, and final test. A
customizable copy is available in the Ventures online teacher’s resources. You can play the audio using the audio files
in the online teacher’s resources, or you can read the script aloud.
Unit 1: Personal information B Yes! I was talking to my teacher, Mrs. A Well, can you tell them that we won’t
Ash. You know I’m taking that class be alone? That we’ll be at a dance?
Track 2 in child care, right? B No, that won’t work. My parents are
A Listening A Yes, I know. Do you like it? from “the old country.” Do you know
A Well, Carol, having a class party is an B I love it! I love working with young what I mean? They are bringing me
excellent idea. But now we have to kids! And yesterday, Mrs. Ash told up the same way they were brought
plan it. Where do we start? me that there’s a certificate program up in Cambodia.
B Why don’t we start with the food and in child care at the community A Wow. They don’t trust you at all, huh?
drinks? Any ideas, George? college. Do you know how I can learn B They do trust me. It’s just that
A How about pizza and soda? Leonard more about the program? they only know one way to raise a
works at Pizza Joe’s. Maybe he can A I have information about it. What daughter. Going out alone with a boy
get a discount for us. would you like to know? is against the rules!
B Great. So let’s ask Leonard to order B Well, first of all – with a certificate, A Well, you can still go to the dance,
the pizza and soda. Uh, how many does it mean that I can open my own right?
pizzas should we order? How much child care business? B Yeah, I’m going with some other girls.
will they cost with the discount? A Not exactly, Joy. It means that you A And you’re permitted to dance, right?
A Sounds like a problem for Elena. She’s are certified to work in child care. B Yes, I’m allowed to dance.
really good at math. Let’s ask her to There are other requirements for A So, will you save a dance for me?
figure out the total cost. Then she can opening a child care business, and B Yeah, of course, but . . . I guess
tell us the cost for each classmate. you’ll need to have a lot of work I should tell you . . . my parents are
B OK. Now what about music? experience before you do that. going to be chaperones at the dance!
A Did you know that Jonathan is a disk B But the certificate is the first step, A Oh, no!
jockey? He’s the DJ at the dance club right? Can you tell me about the
downtown. I’m sure he has a lot of program requirements? How many
different kinds of music! courses are required? Unit 4: Health
B You’re right. He’s got music from all A There are seven required courses.
B And how much is each course? Track 5
around the world. He can choose
the music. Oh, and we’ll need some A Well, let’s see. There are seven A Listening
activities. George, you’re a great courses, and each course is three A Oh, no! This letter is bad news!
organizer. Can you organize them? units. That’s 21 units, and it costs B Why? What’s the matter, Marcus?
A What do you mean? Like a dance $35 a unit. So, the total cost of the A It’s from the landlord. He’s sold the
contest? Something like that? courses is $735. building. The new owner is going to
Sure! I think I can organize a few B $735? Whoa! That’s more than make these apartments into condos!
things pretty easily. And what about I expected. How long does it take to B What does that mean?
decorations, Carol? You’re creative complete the child care program? A It means we have to make a
and artistic – can you do those? A It depends. Have a seat – let’s look decision, Sylvia: We have to buy this
B Yeah, George, I’ll decorate. Hey, this at the possibilities. apartment, or we have to move out.
planning isn’t very hard. Now, what B But we don’t want to buy this place!
are we missing? Who else can we It’s old, and it needs fixing up! We’ll
ask to help? Unit 3: Friends and family have to move out. How much time do
A Well, maybe Ming could bring the cups, we have?
Track 4 A We have 60 days. We ought to start
plates, and napkins. She has a car so
she could transport everything easily. A Listening looking immediately. Oh, I should
B Good idea. And let’s ask Marina to A Hey! Vanna! How are you doing? have listened to Charlie.
bring a cake. She’s a fabulous baker! B I’m OK. Thanks. B Why? What did Charlie say?
A Listen, there’s a dance Friday night. I A Well, a few months ago, Charlie
was wondering if you plan to go. mentioned that the landlord was
Unit 2: At school B Well, I might go . . . trying to sell the place, but I didn’t
A What’s the matter? Don’t you like to really pay attention.
Track 3 dance? B You should have told me! Now we
A Listening B Yeah, sure. I like to dance. have to start thinking and acting –
A Come in. Oh, hello, Joy! How are you A Well, then, would you like to go to the fast! We have to find a place in this
doing? dance with me? neighborhood. The kids shouldn’t
B Good morning, Mrs. Almada. I need B Oh, Mike, I like to dance, and I’m change schools.
some advice. planning to go to the dance – but I A Let’s calm down, honey. We don’t have
A How can I help you? can’t go with you. to panic yet. I’ll take tomorrow off.
B Well, I really need to start thinking A Yeah, that’s cool. I understand. B No, Marcus, you shouldn’t miss work.
about my future. I need a job where I B No, you don’t understand, Mike. Let me think. . . . Tomorrow I’ll look
can help my family. Listen, I have very strict parents. I’m in the newspaper and start making a
A Do you have any ideas? not permitted to go anywhere alone list of available apartments.
with a boy.

T-222 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS AUDIO SCRIPT © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable
A OK. And we can start looking at Midterm Test Units 1–5 B Well, that’s a start! I’ll talk to my
apartments next weekend. husband and Sam about the tutor.
B That’s right. But, listen, we have to Track 7
stay in this area. I don’t want the kids A Listening
to be stressed out about changing Unit 6: Time
A Hello, Mrs. Brown. Come into
schools. You should have told me. my office. I’m glad you made an Track 8
A You’re right. I’m sorry. appointment with me. A Listening
B Thank you, Mrs. Patterson. My A Linda, I’ve been thinking about
husband and I are so worried about getting smartphones for all of us.
Unit 5: Around town Sam. He is so bright and gifted in B But Chris, the cell phones we have
Track 6 many areas. But we just don’t know work just fine.
what his problem is. We really don’t A Yes, but I was thinking. . . . It would
A Listening know why he’s doing so poorly in high be nice to be able to check my email
A Hi! I’m Jackie, the volunteer school. Do you think that you can help during the day.
coordinator. Are you Yousef? us figure out what’s wrong with Sam? B Well, I think it’s nice to get away from
B Yes. Nice to meet you, Jackie. A Well, Mrs. Brown, as a counselor with email and everything else for a while.
A Well, I’m so happy you came by! many years of experience working It’s bad enough that people can call
I am glad that you are interested in with teenagers, I can tell you – high and text me all the time!
volunteering here at the library. How school is difficult! Teenagers have to A Yes, I know what you mean. In my
would you like to help? cope with a lot of things these days English class, even though the
B Well, my English teacher told me that – new social situations, more difficult teacher always reminds students to
the library is looking for volunteers to schoolwork, extracurricular activities, turn off their cell phones, someone
help with the new computer lab. fitting in with others. always forgets. It’s distracting.
A Oh, yes! Do you know a lot about B Yes, I’m sure you’re right. But I have B Well, then why do you want to be
computers? no idea why his attendance is so even more distracted?
B I know how to use a lot of software bad. Or why he is missing so many A Well, they’re very convenient,
and how to do research on the classes. I’m really worried. especially when we travel. I like the
Internet . . . that kind of stuff. A Have you talked with Sam? What GPS feature on smartphones.
A Great. We have a lot of older people does he say? B That’s true. You don’t like to ask
who come here. They know we have B Actually, he doesn’t say much. When for directions. And you do get lost
computers and want to learn how to he does talk, he says we’re too strict. sometimes.
use them, but they don’t really know But recently his grades have been A Yeah, and also, a smartphone would
where to begin. bad because he misses deadlines let us check weather and find out
B Yes, I know. That’s why my teacher for homework assignments. He where good restaurants are.
encouraged me to come. She knows forgets a lot! He forgets his books, B Hmm. Smartphones make sense for
that I have been helping my parents he forgets his keys, and he forgot his you and me, but I think the kids are
and my aunts and uncles. I taught lunch twice last week! fine with regular cell phones. I don’t
them how to use email. They had A What solutions have you tried so far? want them to spend all their time on
no idea where to begin until I set B Well, we put him on restriction a few their phones. And with smartphones,
up the computer and showed them times last month for not going to they might waste too much time
how. As soon as I showed them, school and for bad grades. I think playing games.
they sent a message to our family in we were more stressed out than he A Yeah, and the data plan for all of us
Lebanon! It seems easy to me, but – was! He just stayed in his room and might be expensive.
as you said – they didn’t know where listened to music. B Have you looked into plans yet? How
to start. I had to be very patient A Hmm. That doesn’t seem to work. much is it going to cost?
with them. Does he have friends? A Well, we’re eligible for two upgrades, so
A I understand. Sometimes it’s harder B Yes, he’s very social. He has a large you and I could each get a phone for
to be patient with family members. group of friends. $99. And I think our data plan would
B That’s true. Anyway, it was really A Does he oversleep? add about $30 to our current bill.
worthwhile. They are so happy to be B No, that doesn’t seem to be B I guess we could use our tax refund
able to communicate so often and so a problem. to cover the new phones and the
cheaply! A Does he seem to be stressed out increase in charges.
A Exactly. And, Yousef, do you speak about his grades at all?
another language?
A Let’s go take a look at them today.
B Yes, he does.
B Yes, I speak Arabic at home. A Well, maybe he’s just frustrated.
A Oh, that’s great. We have a lot of He ought to get some help with his Unit 7: Shopping
people who could use your help. Now schoolwork. Maybe you should get
let’s talk about your schedule. Can Track 9
a tutor for Sam. The school has
you make a commitment of three professional tutors available. Do A Listening
hours a week? you think he would be interested in A You have reached Swift Customer
B Yes, if I can come on Saturday meeting with a tutor? Service. My name is Jack. How can
mornings. B I’ll definitely ask him to go, and then I help you?
A Terrific. We open at 10:00. Should we we’ll see what happens. Is there a B Well, I bought a cell phone for my
say, 10:00 to 1:00? Does that work? fee? daughter a few months ago. And
B Yes, that works for me. Should I start A No, the school offers free tutoring I think the phone is defective. She
this Saturday? three days a week after school. can’t make or receive calls. So, she
A Yes. I can’t wait to get you started! needs a new phone.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS AUDIO SCRIPT T-223
A Well, let’s see what we can do. Can B Come on, Tom, I’ve been dealing we’ve started teaching them how to
you tell me the account number? with customers all morning, and protect the environment and take
B Is the account number the same as I’m exhausted. And anyway, aren’t responsibility. So the next thing you
the telephone number? we supposed to share the duties? I know, the kids are telling me that we
A No, it’s the number that’s at the top don’t see your initials up there! have to replace our old car!
of your monthly bill. A Dan, I’m the manager. I don’t have to B Well, your kids are right, Ed!
B Oh, here it is: 6494 6603. write my initials on the chart, but you Since your car is so old, it uses
A OK, ma’am. I have the account here do! And another thing. You say this a lot of gas, which is bad for the
on the computer. Here’s what we can job “isn’t that hard,” but the reason environment. Pollution from standard
do. You will need to mail the defective it isn’t hard is because you haven’t cars gets into the atmosphere and
phone to us or bring it to one of been doing your share of the work. comes down as acid rain.
our stores. If we see that it really is There’s a chart up there for a reason. A So, driving a hybrid is better for the
defective, you have two choices. We B All right, all right! I’ll initial the stupid environment.
can exchange it for the same kind of chart! Then will you leave me alone? B Absolutely! Every little thing helps. And
phone, or we can offer you an upgrade. A Dan. We’re good friends, but I have did you know the government gives
B An upgrade? What do you mean? to make sure things get done around you a tax credit for buying a hybrid?
A I mean you can get a better, newer here. You have to try to understand A So, it’s even good for our wallets!
phone that has more features. The that.
newer phone has Internet access B All right. I’ll do the best I can.
and a music player – I’m sure A Good. I hope we can work this out Unit 10: Free time
your daughter would love that. The somehow.
monthly fee is only $15 more than Track 12
the fee you are paying now. A Listening
B But my phone is still under warranty, Unit 9: Daily living A Sara, did I tell you my cousin, Marie,
right? is getting married next month . . . in
A Yes, that’s right. Track 11 France? Her fiancé is from France.
B So I can get another phone that is A Listening B Really? Are you going?
similar to the phone my daughter has A Hey, George! Do you have a minute? A No, I wish I could go, but the trip
for free, right? B Sure, Ed, what’s up? is too far and too expensive. But
A Well, the phone is free, but you will A Well, Rita and I have been talking Marie told me all about it. Weddings
need to pay a small service charge about getting a new car. in France are a big deal, and
for us to send it to you. B That’s great! sometimes they last for two days!
B Let’s go with that. I don’t want an A And since you know so much about And her family is planning a very
upgrade at this time. Just send me a cars, I was wondering if you could tell special celebration.
phone that works. me more about hybrid cars. B It sounds exciting! What are they
A OK. As soon as we receive the broken B Sure. I love mine. It’s so much more planning?
phone from you, we will send you a energy-efficient than a regular car. A Well, Marie said her wedding
new one. Let me confirm your address. A So a hybrid uses electricity and gas? ceremony will start on a Saturday
B Well, a hybrid uses two different afternoon at a small church. Only
sources of power. In most hybrids, family and close friends are invited.
Unit 8: Work both electricity and gasoline power The ceremony will last about an
the car. The car runs with an electric hour. Then after the ceremony, all her
Track 10 motor and a gas engine, but the fiancé’s neighbors and acquaintances
A Listening engine is smaller, and it uses a lot are invited to a reception in the
A Hey, Dan. How do you like the job less gasoline than a standard car. courtyard of the church.
so far? Car companies are also making other B Wow, Elena. How many people will
B I like it a lot, Tom. Thanks for helping kinds of hybrids like diesel-electric there be?
me get it. I’m excited about making cars, but most are gas-electric hybrids. A Lots of people! The reception will last
some money, finally! A Why don’t they just make completely about two hours, and they’ll serve
A Yeah. Well, that’s what friends are electric cars? They’d be more champagne and snacks.
for, right? efficient, right? B Oh, that sounds fun!
B Right! The job isn’t that hard, and it’s B Well electric cars are definitely A But, Sara, that’s not all! After the
cool that we’re working together. energy-efficient. But, to be practical, reception, the family and close
A Yeah, it’s great that we get to work a car needs to go about 300 miles friends are going to go to a castle for
together. But, actually, Dan, since before refueling. And you’d have to a five-course meal.
I’m the manager here, there’s recharge an all-electric car every 50 B A five-course meal of French food
something I need to tell you. It’s sort or 100 miles. It takes too long and is sounds delicious! I absolutely love
of uncomfortable for me because inconvenient. A hybrid has batteries French food.
we’re buddies, but . . . well, I hate that charge themselves with energy A And after the meal, the dancing
having to remind you about your the car produces on its own. And it begins.
responsibilities all the time. still cuts down on the gas you use, B Elena, if I ate a five-course meal, I’d
B Well, I’m just learning. I’ve only been which means less air pollution. never be able to dance!
working here for two weeks, you know. A Well, that’s the main reason the kids A Well, it’s not uncommon for the
A Yeah, I know. But, you know about want to get rid of our old car. They’ve French to celebrate all day. The
the chart, right? I just looked, and I learned that pollution from oil products dancing will probably continue until
didn’t see your initials after any of like gasoline damages the environment very late. And afterward, the family
the duties. What happened? and causes global warming. And will spend the night at the castle.

T-224 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS AUDIO SCRIPT © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable
B Oh my gosh! B Oh, you mean telemarketers. telephone number, we haven’t had
A Then finally, the next day, in the They used to drive me crazy, too. even one phone call from someone
late morning or early afternoon, the I absolutely hated dealing with them. trying to sell us something or asking
friends will come back to the castle A Michelle, what do you mean when us to donate money.
and join the family for another meal. you say “they used to drive you A OK, I’m convinced. How do I register?
Oh, I really wish I could go! crazy”? B You can register by phone or online –
B I wish you could go, too! All of those B Well, Jenny, we’ve just registered for it doesn’t take long.
activities sound exhausting, but so the National Do Not Call Registry. A Michelle, thanks so much for the
exciting. If I were you, I’d find a way Have you heard of it? tip. I’m going to register my phone
to go. A No, but I’m very interested. number right now. I’m really looking
B It’s a government program that forward to ending those annoying
you can use to stop telemarketers phone calls!
Final Test Units 6–10 from calling you. If you register your
telephone number with the system,
Track 13 the telemarketers are not allowed to
A Listening call you! It’s easy!
A Oh, Michelle, I am so frustrated! A Wow. Do you need to pay to do
B Why, Jenny? What’s wrong? this? Do you have to buy any special
A Oh, it’s those annoying telephone calls devices?
that I get all the time! Last night, I was B No, you don’t have to pay anything or
making dinner and I received three buy any special equipment.
phone calls from people trying to sell A Well, that’s good. So does the Do
me something again. They always call Not Call Registry really work?
at the worst times. B Absolutely. Since we registered our

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS AUDIO SCRIPT T-225
Each unit test section is worth 20 points, for a total of 100 points per unit test. Therefore, each listening item
is 2 points. All other items are worth 4 points.

Unit 1: Personal information 4. open a childcare business Unit 3: Friends and famiily
5. seven
A Listening 6. $735 A Listening
1 1. b 2. a 3. c 7. it depends 1 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a
2 1. decorating; She is creative and 2 1. Friday
artistic. B Grammar 2. her parents are strict
2. organize the activities; He’s a 1. A Are bilingual skills expected by 3. Cambodia
great organizer. many employers in this country? 4. some other girls
3. order the pizza and soda; He B Yes, bilingual skills are needed for 5. dance
works at Pizza Joe’s. many jobs in this country. 6. at the dance
4. figure out the total cost; She’s 2. A Is an internship required to
good at math. graduate from the program? B Grammar
5. choose the music; He’s a DJ and B Yes. Internships are arranged by 1. I’d like to know why he is on restriction.
has a lot of different kinds of the school. 2. I wonder when she started to trust
music. 3. A Where is the admissions office him again.
6. bring cups, plates, and napkins; located? 3. Can you tell me how I can get a
She has a car. B It is located next to the business better job?
7. bring a cake; She’s a fabulous building. 4. Do you know what time the class
baker. 4. A Are most of the classes held in starts?
the morning? 5. Can you tell me what grade Lidia got
B Grammar B Actually, many of the classes are in chemistry?
1. easy; quickly offered in the evening.
2. beautiful; professionally 5. A Are scholarships provided C Grammar
3. skillful; slowly for students? 1. Do you know whether he broke the
4. fast; carefully B Yes, scholarships are given school rules?
5. bad; well to students by the financial 2. Can you tell me whether there is a
C Grammar aid office. bus stop nearby?
3. I’d like to know whether he is on
1. Do you believe girls are better at C Grammar restriction this weekend.
learning languages than boys? 1. Graduates are required to complete 4. Can you tell me whether she left
2. Samuel’s parents realize he has an their courses by May 4th. school early?
aptitude for art. 2. All interns are expected to be on 5. I wonder whether she can come to
3. Do you feel that your son needs help time for every meeting. the party.
in math class? 3. Are students encouraged to
4. Everyone agrees that Naomi is gifted participate in work experience D Reading
in dance. programs? 1. They spend their money on clothing,
5. Do you know that Karen has an 4. Applicants are told to meet with a entertainment, food, computers, and
aptitude for cooking? counselor. cars.
D Reading 5. Are students allowed to earn credit 2. They get their spending money from
for work experience? allowances from their parents, from
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T part-time jobs, and from payment for
E Writing D Reading chores.
Answers will vary. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 3. Parents teach their teenagers how
Sample answer: to spend responsibly by: giving
E Writing their children weekly allowances
The primary intelligence of my brother, Answers will vary.
Daniel, is visual / spatial. All his life, he has connected to their age; giving
Sample answer: their children weekly allowances
drawn beautiful pictures. Everyone talks My wife and I immigrated to the United
about his artistic aptitude. As a boy, he connected to the chores they do
States. We had many obstacles and around the house; and encouraging
spent a lot of his free time drawing and successes. Our first obstacle was money.
painting. Now, as an adult, he uses his them to get part-time jobs.
I was a teacher in my country, but I had 4. They spend their money rather than
visual / spatial intelligence by painting and to find a job cleaning buildings. I wanted
teaching art. He also has a fantastic sense save it. They spend money on the
my wife to stay home with the children, latest fashions or technology.
of design. I wish I had his artistic aptitude. but we needed to make enough money 5. They will need to reconsider their
to pay the rent and buy things for our spending habits.
Unit 2: At school house. I am happy to say that we have
E Writing
succeeded in earning and saving our
A Listening money. The second obstacle was learning Answers will vary.
1 1. a 2. c 3. b English. I study English so that I can Sample answer:
2 1. childcare teach one day in this country. I am not One difference between me and my
2. at the community college fluent, but I am making a lot of progress. best friend, Dan, is that we spend our
3. loves working with children/can evenings after work very differently.
work in childcare I prefer quiet nights at home. For

T-226 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS ANSWER KEY © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable
example, when I get home, I cook a Unit 5: Around town Midterm Test Units 1–5
healthy dinner. Then, I like to watch a
movie and go to bed early. On the other A Listening A Listening
hand, Dan likes to go out after work. 1 1. c  2. b  3. a 1 1. a  2. c  3. a
He loves fast food and enjoys eating in 2 1. Volunteer coordinator at the library 2 1. Mrs. Brown
restaurants for dinner. He visits me and 2. his English teacher 2. a counselor
his other friends and then goes to bed 3. He knows how to use software 3. new social situations, more
very late. Dan and I are very different and do research on the Internet difficult schoolwork, extracurricular
people, but he is still my best friend. 4. He helped his family set up and activities, fitting in
use email 4. Sam’s attendance, bad grades,
5. He is patient forgetting
Unit 4: Health 6. English and Arabic 5. his parents are too strict
7. Saturday mornings from 10 to 6. they put him on restriction
A Listening 1 p.m. 7. that they get a tutor for him
1 1. b  2. c  3. a  4. c
2 1. The new owner is going to make B Grammar B Grammar
apartments into condos 1. as soon as 4. until 1. until 4. that
2. in a letter 2. until 5. as soon as 2. have to 5. shouldn’t
3. to buy the apartment or move 3. As soon as 3. whether
4. 60 days
5. children’s school C Grammar C Grammar
6. he didn’t tell Sylvia 1. helped 4. have spoken 1. easily 4. until
2. overslept 5. has babysat 2. to earn 5. volunteered
B Grammar 3. visits 3. ought to
1. e  2. d  3. a  4. c  5. b
D Reading D Reading
C Grammar 1. Residents of a neighborhood, 1. T  3. T  5. F  7. T  9. F
1. He should have gone to bed on time. members of a community, and 2. F  4. F  6. T  8. F 10. T
2. They shouldn’t have used a credit neighbors are responsible for
card every day. creating community gardens. E Writing
3. She shouldn’t have turned off her 2. People build community gardens in Answers will vary.
alarm clock. unused, empty parking lots. Sample answer:
4. He should have asked someone to 3. Residents can save money by I had a conflict with my sister last year.
explain them. growing their own vegetables, fruits, While we were talking on the telephone,
5. We should have been more herbs, and flowers. / Residents she told me about a problem she was
responsible. can grow food from their native having with her daughter. I gave her my
countries. / Residents can get opinion about the situation, and she
D Reading exercise and fresh air. / The got upset. She just wanted me to listen.
1. Music can help someone calm down gardens help keep the air clean. / She should have told me that! I was sad
or relax. There might be less crime in the because my sister did not talk to me for
2. No. Many doctors think that a neighborhood because neighbors the rest of the day. However, she called
person’s reaction to music is unique know each other better. me back the next day and said she was
and complicated. 4. Neighbors get to know each other. sorry. We are now trying to communicate
3. You should do an experiment with Neighbors work together in the better with each other.
music to find out which kind of music gardens. / Community gardens are
helps you to relax. safe and clean parks.
4. A stressed-out person often has a
Unit 6: Time
5. Community gardens help keep the
fast pulse and tense muscles. air clean and do good things for city A Listening
5. Some of the physical signs that a neighborhoods. 1 1. b  2. b
person is relaxed are a slower pulse 2 1. Chris
and relaxed muscles. E Writing
2. People can email her.
Answers will vary. 3. Someone always forgets to turn
E Writing Sample answer: off the phone.
Answers will vary. Bill Gates is famous for starting the 4. They have GPS.
Sample answer: Microsoft Corporation in the 1970s. 5. He doesn’t like to ask for directions
I felt stressed out last summer In recent years, he has also helped and he sometimes gets lost.
when I spent too much on my credit many people around the world with 6. You can get the weather and find
card. I was anxious because I didn’t have the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. good restaurants.
enough money to pay the bill. I stopped This organization helps people who 7. They would waste time playing
buying anything unnecessary, and I saved need health care in poor countries. games.
$40 each week. I worked for five more It also donates money and materials 8. They will use their tax refund.
hours each week until I had enough to schools across the United States.
money to pay the bill. I also decided to The organization has the goal of giving B Grammar
take a free yoga class at the community people equal chances to get health care 1. She doesn’t understand the
center. This class helped me to relax and and education. Bill Gates has helped to instructions although she read the
to forget about all the stressful things in improve many lives with his organization. manual many times. / Although she
my life. I am going to take the yoga class read the manual many times, she
again this summer! doesn’t understand the instructions.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS ANSWER KEY T-227
2. Although there are free computer 6. The upgrade is $15 more a month Unit 8: Work
classes at the community center, 7. The same kind of phone
my parents still don’t know how to A Listening
use email. / My parents still don’t B Grammar 1 1. a  2. c  3. c
know how to use email although there 1. Our merchandise comes with a 2 1. Tom
are free computer classes at the warranty which is good for two years. 2. excited about making money; the
community center. 2. Customers who are looking for job isn’t that hard
3. I rarely use my microwave although discounts can order from our online 3. manager
microwaves help me to make dinner store. 4. uncomfortable
quickly. / Although microwaves help 3. Cellular phones which have Internet 5. he doesn’t write his initials on the
me to make dinner quickly, I rarely access are popular. chart
use my microwave. 4. The clerk is looking for the customer 6. he’s been dealing with customers
4. Although he can take the subway who had a question about a product. and is exhausted
to work, he prefers to walk for the 5. Store managers solve problems 7. because Dan hasn’t been doing
exercise. / He prefers to walk for the which happen between clerks his share of the work
exercise although he can take the and customers.
subway to work. B Grammar
C Grammar 1. has just finished
5. Although she never used to write
letters to her brother, she enjoys 1. He’s a manager that I’ve worked with 2. has been working
sending him emails now. / She for years. 3. have been reading
enjoys sending her brother emails 2. The car that you recommended to us 4. have just arrived
now although she never used to write is great! 5. has just gone
letters to him. 3. The computer that we bought
yesterday is defective. C Grammar
C Grammar 4. The sweater that I gave her was too 1. amusing 4. disappointing
1. Although 4. because small. 2. shocked 5. irritated
2. because 5. Although 5. We bought it from a retailer that we 3. exhausted
3. although trusted.
D Reading
D Reading D Reading 1. The hottest jobs are jobs that
1. A  2. A  3. D  4. A  5. D 1. Bargain shoppers often go to will have the largest growth and
neighborhood thrift stores for the popularity in years to come.
E Writing lowest prices. 2. Students and workers can use job
Answers will vary. 2. You can buy used items such as reports to help them decide which
Sample answer: clothing, household items, books, careers will be the most promising
My computer is my favorite technological jewelry, and furniture at a thrift store. or which programs to study.
device. It has several advantages. 3. Prices are low at thrift stores 3. Some service industry occupations
When I want to look for jobs or find because the merchandise is donated, are in health care, hospitality, and
out information about something, it is and the salesclerks are volunteers. food services.
easier to use my computer than to look 4. Yes. Merchandise is sold “as is,” 4. Some of the fastest growing health-
through newspapers and books. Using so items may be defective. In most care jobs are nurses, nursing aides,
a computer saves time because I don’t cases, if an item has small defects, and home health aides.
have to go to the library for information. shoppers usually don’t mind. 5. Employers will look for hard and soft
Another benefit of my computer is that 5. Donors can be sure their donated skills.
it’s very easy to communicate with my items will be used, and the money from
family. I can send my family an email sales goes to people in need. / Thrift E Writing
at any time of day, and it’s free. But, stores offer merchandise at low prices. Answers will vary.
of course, there are disadvantages. Sample answer:
Information online is not always correct. E Writing From: [Student’s Name and Email]
I also get a lot of spam. So even though Answers will vary. To:
Sample answer: Subject: Nursing Aide Position
my computer makes things easier, it has
drawbacks as well. I like to shop at outlet malls. First, at Dear Ms. Freeman:
outlet malls, there are many stores to I read your advertisement online for
choose from. There are discount clothing the nursing aide position. I am very
Unit 7: Shopping stores, shoe stores, drugstores, and interested in this position and have
music stores in one place. Furthermore, enclosed my résumé.
A Listening I like the convenience of outlet malls. I have just received nursing assistant’s
1 1. c  2. b  3. b I can park in the parking lot and spend certification and have been volunteering
2 1. It’s defective – can’t make or a couple of hours getting my shopping at the hospital every Saturday. I also
receive calls done quickly. Finally, my husband and I worked as a nursing assistant before
2. A few months ago like the discount prices! We were able I arrived in Florida two years ago. I am
3. She can mail it or bring it to a store to buy back-to-school clothing for our very interested in health care, and I am
4. She can exchange it for the same children for half the price of clothing at studying to be a nurse at the community
phone or get an upgrade. regular stores. There is also a big variety college. I get along very well with my co-
5. a newer better phone with more of clothing. Outlet malls are the best! workers, and I am skilled in dealing with
features (internet access and a patients.
music player)

T-228 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS ANSWER KEY © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable
I hope you will call me to schedule an gasoline. / Both slugs and drivers 2. Flowers symbolize wealth and good
interview. My phone number is 555-555- save on travel time. / It’s better for luck.
5555. I look forward to hearing from you. the environment if there are fewer 3. They are remembered and honored
Sincerely, cars on the road. during the celebrations.
[Student’s name] 5. Carpool slugs and drivers have 4. A chicken is served with all its
started to form a community. / parts to represent completeness.
Many of them have become friends. 5. At the end of New Year’s
Unit 9: Daily living celebrations in China, people
E Writing celebrate at the Lantern Festival.
A Listening Answers will vary. There are parades, dancers,
1 1. b  2. a Sample answer: fireworks, and firecrackers.
2 1. A hybrid Global warming is a serious
2. mix between and electric and environmental problem. One cause is E Writing
standard car air pollution. Burning gasoline and coal Answers will vary.
3. electricity and gasoline causes a lot of air pollution. People Sample answer:
4. with energy the car produces on should drive less and use gas-efficient On January 1, I was invited to a
its own cars. Another cause of global warming traditional Greek celebration in New
5. amount of gas used and air is that people cut down trees to make York. Everyone was there to celebrate
pollution paper and to build new homes. Trees the New Year. When we arrived, the
6. damages the environment and produce oxygen and help clean the family wished us “many more years” –
causes global warming air. Since too many trees are cut a traditional greeting on the first day
7. pollution in the atmosphere down, there is a buildup of harmful of the year. For dinner we had roast
8. it gives a tax credit gases in the atmosphere. Because lamb, rice, green beans with tomatoes,
of global warming, weather patterns and roasted potatoes. After dinner,
B Grammar
change. Many places have less rainfall. some men played the bouzoukia (a
1. If more people took public Due to global warming, the sea level musical instrument), and the guests
transportation, we would cut down is rising. Towns near oceans are in sang songs. For dessert, we had the
on air pollution. danger of flooding. As a result of global Vasilopita, a special cake. The cake is
2. We would save energy if we turned warming, ocean water is also getting baked with a coin in it. The host slices
down the air conditioning. warmer. Typhoons and hurricanes are a piece of cake for each member of
3. If we put enough air in the tires, we becoming more frequent. If we all took the family and any guest. If you’re the
would save gas. responsibility for saving the earth, we person who receives the coin in your
4. There would be less trash if would help to reduce global warming. slice, you will have good luck for the
everyone recycled. entire year. I didn’t get the coin in my
5. If we closed off unused rooms, we slice, but we all hoped for a year of
would reduce air conditioning and Unit 10: Free time good luck!
heating use.
A Listening
C Grammar
1. There has been a drought. As a
1 1. c  2. b Final Test Units 6–10
2 1. France
result, there are fewer crops this 2. France A Listening
season. 3. Saturday 1 1. b  2. a  3. b
2. Since air pollution is trapping the 4. family and close friends 2 1. three
sun’s heat, the atmosphere is 5. champagne and snacks 2. to sell something
warming up. 6. five-course meal and dancing 3. National Do Not Call Registry
3. Global warming changes weather. 7. at the castle 4. phone number
Consequently, hurricanes are 8. the next day/Sunday 5. free
stronger and more dangerous. 6. zero
4. Due to new laws, we may be forced B Grammar 7. not long
to change our routines. 1. comes, will have
5. Since I have learned more about 2. knew, would feel B Grammar
the environment, I have become 3. doesn’t follow, will disappoint 1. has been 4. would
more responsible. 4. were, would wear 2. were 5. amused
D Reading 5. were, wouldn’t invite 3. wishes
1. Cities have dealt with rush hour C Grammar C Grammar
traffic by creating HOV or carpool 1. wishes, could visit 1. Because of 4. which
lanes. 2. hope, will be 2. just 5. Although
2. An HOV lane is a High Occupancy 3. wishes, would get 3. because
Vehicle lane. Drivers must have 4. hope, can travel
two or more people in their cars in 5. wish, could go D Reading
order to enter. 1. T  3. T  5. F  7. T  9. F
3. A carpool slug is a person who D Reading 2. F  4. T  6. T  8. T  10. T
commutes to work in a car 1. The Chinese New Year begins with
with strangers. the New Moon, the first day of the E Writing
4. Slugs save on transportation fares New Year. / It is celebrated for Answers will vary.
and parking fees. / Drivers save on 15 days. Sample answer:

© Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS ANSWER KEY T-229
Last summer, there was a knock on my
apartment door. It was about 10:00
p.m., so I was not sure if I should open
the door. I opened the door a little and
saw Mrs. Kim, my neighbor from across
the hall. She was upset. Her husband,
who is 90 years old, was hurt. He fell
in the bathroom, and Mrs. Kim needed
help. First, I called 911. Then, I went to
the Kims’ apartment. Although Mr. Kim
wanted me to help him get up, I just sat
with him and tried to make him calm
down. I explained that I called 911 and
that professional medical staff were
coming. Finally, professional medical staff
arrived and helped Mr. Kim get up. They
checked him and said that he was fine
and just needed some rest. I hope I’ll be
that strong when I’m 90 years old!

T-230 VENTURES LEVEL 4 TESTS ANSWER KEY © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable

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