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Gerat Cor
ns pus

Let the mind manage the body

Que l’esprit gère le corps

Index Number: ....................................................................................................................................................


Primary School Achievement Certificate Assessment
Time: 1 hour 45 minutes Total Marks: 100


1. Check that this assessment booklet contains 9 questions printed on 16 pages

numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.
(Subject code No. P110)

2. Write your Index Number on the assessment booklet in the space provided above.

3. You should not use red, green or black ink in answering questions.

4. Write all your answers clearly in the assessment booklet.

5. Attempt all questions.

Marking Revision Control

Marks Sig Marks Sig Marks Sig

HG 1 - 8B

HG - 9

© Mauritius Examinations Syndicate


Question 1 (5 marks)

Match the sentence on the left with the corresponding sentence on the right. The
first one has been done for you.

Be careful! There is an extra sentence on the right.

(i) I have lost my watch.   His teacher has called him.

(ii) My brother is talking on   I cannot tell the time.

the phone.

(iii) Your bag is very heavy.   We are going to play football.

(iv) Do not play with   Let me help you carry it.


(v) They could not buy   She is very clever.


 
(vi) Do you want to join us? You will get burnt.

All the shops were closed.


©MES 2
Question 2 (10 marks)

For each item, circle the correct answer.


Tomorrow morning, Reena ………………………………… the newspaper.

A had read C has read

B am reading D will read

1. Last week, the students ………………………………… their class.

A miss C missed

B will miss D are missing

2. My house is found ………………………………… Port Louis.

A from C with

B in D by

3. Jay and Aaron are always together. ………………………………… are best friends.

A You C We

B He D They

4. Were there ………………………………… people at the show?

A a little C many

B least D much

5. The song ………………………………… we sang at the party was wonderful.

A which C who

B whom D whose

©MES 3 Please turn over

6. Our cat is white but …………………………………. is grey.

A you C yours

B your D yourself

7. Don’t do …………………………………. which will make you sad.

A nothing C everything

B anything D none

8. If I wake up early, I …………………………………. breakfast at home.

A will have C have had

B had D having

9. You have watched this film, ………………………………….?

A haven’t you C aren’t you

B didn’t you D weren’t you

10. …………………………………. he tried his best, he could not complete the race.

A Yet C Despite

B Unless D Although




©MES 4
Question 3A (5 marks)

Read the given descriptions. Then, find a word to match each description.
An example is given.


You carry water in it. B o t t l e

(i) Dogs make this sound. B __ __ __

(ii) This person grows vegetables and

rears animals. F__ __ __ __ __

(iii) You use it to sweep the floor. B __ __ __ __

(iv) You use this appliance to bake cakes. O __ __ __

(v) You put your head on this when you sleep. P __ __ __ __ __




©MES 5 Please turn over

Question 3B (5 marks)

For each item, circle the correct answer.

1. David lives near a …………………………………. which produces electric bulbs.

A school C garage

B factory D hospital

2. We need to call the ………………………………. to repair the broken chair.

A policeman C carpenter

B lawyer D fireman

3. Wow! Your drawings are very …………………………………. . Everybody loves them.

A beautiful C poor

B dirty D small

4. I forgot my purse at home. I could not …………………………………. the bus fare.

A pay C sell

B ask D tell

5. Tia’s mother always tells her not to …………………………………. time.

A finish C destroy

B throw D waste




©MES 6
Question 4A (10 marks)
Read the text below.


Dolphins are intelligent and playful creatures. Most

dolphins grow to be up to 3 metres long. They can be
white, pink, grey, blue or black.

There are around 40 types of dolphins. Some types of

dolphins live in oceans while others live in rivers. They
can live in temperatures ranging from 0°C to around
30°C. Small dolphins can live for 30 years whereas large
dolphins can live up to 80 years.

Dolphins eat aquatic animals such as fish and squid. They use some tricks to hunt for food.
For example, they use their tail to hit fish to shock them, making them easier to catch.

Adapted from

Based on the text, complete the following:

Example: This passage is about: Dolphins

1. One characteristic of dolphins: …………………………………………………

2. Maximum length of most dolphins: …………………………………………………

3. Two colours of dolphins: (i) …………………………………………………

(ii) …………………………………………………

4. Number of types of dolphins: …………………………………………………

5. One place where dolphins live: …………………………………………………
6. Minimum temperature in which dolphins can live: …………………………………………………
7. Maximum lifespan of small dolphins: …………………………………………………

8. One aquatic animal dolphins eat: …………………………………………………


9. One trick that dolphins use to hunt for food: ………………………………………………… CE


©MES 7 Please turn over

Question 4B (15 marks)

Read the text below.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ancy. She lived with her parents and two
brothers. Ancy’s family was poor. They often did not have enough money to buy food.

One day, Ancy’s family learned that the King’s son was seriously ill. Only the juice of a
magic fruit could cure his illness, but no one knew where to find this fruit. “Whoever brings
this magic fruit will be rewarded,” announced the King.

Ancy’s brothers thought they could try to bring the magic fruit from the forest. As a result,
the King’s reward would help the family to earn some money. Although their parents
discouraged them, they insisted on going to the forest. Soon, the two brothers set off on
their journey. They travelled for months but could not find the magic fruit. They were
exhausted and had lost all hope of finding the magic fruit. So, they plucked a rare fruit from
a tree and brought it to the palace.

Ancy’s brothers presented the rare fruit to the King. They tried to squeeze the juice from
the fruit, but in vain. It was too dry. The King frowned and shouted, "How dare you trick me!
Throw them in prison!"

Ancy could not bear to see her brothers in prison. So, she decided to go in search of the
magic fruit. It was the only way to get her brothers released from prison.

It took Ancy a whole day to reach the forest. When she was resting under a tree, she saw
some parrots on the tree. The parrots were very hungry and could not find anything to eat.
Although Ancy did not have much food on her, she decided to share whatever she had with
them. The parrots enjoyed eating the nuts which Ancy fed them and could not thank her

"What are you doing in this forest?" asked one parrot.

Ancy related what had happened and told the parrots that she had to find the magic fruit to
save her brothers.

"You will never get there on your own. We know how to help you!" said the leader of the
parrots. Together with his other friends, the leader flew away. They came back some
minutes later with the ripe magic fruit.

Ancy rushed to give the magic fruit to the King. As soon as the sick Prince had a few drops
of the juice from the fruit, he miraculously felt better. Ancy was overjoyed when her brothers
were released from prison. The King rewarded Ancy, as promised. From then onwards,
Ancy’s family never lacked anything. Also, the Prince befriended Ancy and her brothers.

©MES 8
1. Indicate whether the following statements are True or False by ticking () the
correct boxes. [3]
True False

(i) Ancy had two brothers.

(ii) The King’s son was not well.

(iii) The King was happy with Ancy’s brothers.

Circle the correct answer.

2. The King needed a magic fruit that ………………………………. . [1]

A was easily available

B was eaten by the parrots

C would cure his son

D would be found by Ancy’s brothers

3. If anyone brought the magic fruit, the King would …………………………………. that
person. [1]

A give a reward to

B shout at

C imprison

D be friends with

4. The brothers insisted on going to the forest because they wanted to ………………….. .
A earn some money

B see the parrots

C rest under a tree

D share their food

©MES 9 Please turn over

5. ‘They were exhausted…’. This means that Ancy’s brothers were very
…………………………… . [1]

A angry

B scared

C hungry

D tired

6. Ancy fed the parrots because …………………………………. . [1]

A she needed their help

B they were hungry

C she was sitting under the tree

D they enjoyed eating nuts

Based on the text, answer the following questions.

7. Why did Ancy decide to look for the magic fruit? [1]



8. At the end of the story, why did Ancy’s family not lack anything? [1]



©MES 10
9. Circle two adjectives from the list below that best describe Ancy. [2]

brave arrogant proud generous timid

10. Put the following events in the correct order as they happen in the text.
The first one has been done for you. [3]

The Prince becomes the friend of Ancy and her brothers.

Ancy’s brothers go to the forest. 1

Ancy decides to look for the magic fruit.

Ancy’s brothers pluck a rare fruit.




©MES 11 Please turn over

Question 5 (10 marks)
Write sentences by:

(i) separating the words.


………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(ii) removing the extra word.

We usually for go to Plaine Champagne.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(iii) putting the adverb ‘quickly’ in the right place.

He gave me the copybook.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(iv) adding the required capital letter and full stop.

My uncle saw him he was jogging.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(v) transforming into the interrogative form.

Jane filled her glass.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

(vi) transforming into the negative form.

They are organising an outing.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

(vii) Write one sentence by using the following words: M

dark - accident - road R



………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

©MES 12
Question 6A (5 marks)

Complete the following text by choosing the suitable word from the list given.
The first one has been done for you.

said until of close what ferocious with

Once upon a time, there were two ……………………….…. friends, a donkey and a rabbit. One

day, a ……………………….…. lion came near their home. The cunning rabbit immediately

thought ……………………….…. a plan. He went close to the lion and ……………………….…., “If you

promise not to hurt me, I will help you catch the donkey.”

The lion agreed ……………………….…. him. The rabbit immediately went to the donkey. He QC

asked the donkey to hide ……………………….…. the lion went away. The rabbit showed the CE

donkey a place where he could hide.

Question 6B (5 marks)

Now complete the text by writing one suitable word in each blank space.

The rabbit returned to the lion and showed him ……………………….…. the donkey was hiding.

The greedy lion thought he ……………………….…. eat the donkey later. He jumped

……………………….…. the rabbit and ate him. Meanwhile, the donkey escaped from there

……………………….…. went to live in another forest. The donkey ……………………….…. that the

rabbit was not a loyal friend.




©MES 13 Please turn over

Question 7A (5 marks)

Correct the mistakes underlined in the text below.

The first one has been done for you.

Last year, some Grade 6 pupil (……………………….……….. ) were taught how to make greeting

cards for their family and friends. It was a loveli (……………………….………..) experience since M

everyone had to draw and paint together. The teacher brought some colourfull R

(……………………….………..) sheets of paper. Each pupil were (……………………….………..) HG

allowed to choose one sheet. All of them had plenty of fun decorating there QC

(……………………….………..) cards. Finally, they wrote nice messages for the people to whom

they would gave (……………………….………..) the cards.

Question 7B (5 marks)

Fill in the spaces in the sentences below by using the correct form of the given
words in brackets.


Popeye is a famous cartoon character. He is very ……………………….…. (power). He

becomes very ……………………….…. (strength) when he eats spinach. What is more

……………………….…. (impress) is that he is able to throw his can of spinach at high speed

over a long distance. Moreover, he has ……………………….…. (amaze) forearms. Popeye’s

fans remember him for his ……………………….…. (kind). M




©MES 14
Question 8A (6 marks)
Write one sentence on each picture given below to make a short story.

Use the words given to you.

yesterday – to catch – river




in the afternoon – home – fish




as soon as – aquarium


______________________________________________ R

______________________________________________ HG



©MES 15 Please turn over

Question 8B (4 marks)
Use the words in brackets to link the given sentences.
Remember to make the necessary changes.


One night, I heard a loud noise. The loud noise came from the neighbour’s
house. (which)
One night, I heard a loud noise which came from the neighbour’s house.

1. I drew the curtains. I wanted to know what the problem was. (because)


2. I saw two men. The two men were stealing some objects. (who)


3. I did not know what to do. I went to see my parents. (as)



4. My parents called the police. The police caught the robbers. (and)






©MES 16
Question 9 (10 marks)

One afternoon when you reached home, you could not find the keys and could not
get in your house.

Write a story of about 120 words to say what happened on that day.

The following may help you:

 Where were your parents?

 How did you feel?
 What did you do?
 What happened in the end?














©MES 17 Please turn over


















…………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….………………….….…… HG



©MES 18

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©MES 20

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