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Gwen and the wedding mega-thread

Welcome back everyone!

Fresh King Benjamin and his fresh perspective Grandpa Wynn Fresh King Benjamin and his fresh perspective Grandpa Wynn
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I consider myself an expert on Sister Wives. The family intrigued me from the start and I must have rewatched every episode at least 4 times. I've read the book, watch YouTube creators, listened to podcasts and snarked in chat groups and bought the tee shirt.

It's nice to learn something new.

I really love listening to Ben, there is always something enlightening. It is a far cry from Mykelti/Gwen recaps.

Today watching he briefly talked about Grandpa Wynn, he said he was a very scary man and no children should ever be around him.

It made me think about Kody and his upbringing... I would love to learn more about how this shaped him and Nature vs Nuture.

There is so much more to learn about them all, their upbringings etc that TLC could explore.

Just wanted to plug Fresh King and has anyone else listened and what is your opinion?

Sell that Kody! Sell that Kody!
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Here is your mission, should you choose to accept it...

You have suddenly discovered you have a Kody. But there are rules. You must sell that Kody within a week or bad fortune will befall you.

Undaunted, you decide to place an ad in an online marketplace. The guidelines forbid you from saying anything negative; however, you can't lie because lying violates the terms of service. Fail and you must keep that Kody.

Place your ad below. Be creative, have fun, but try to keep it clean! Good luck, everybody.

Now sell that Kody!

Weddings and such Weddings and such

So I have a question. We have been told on mulitple occasions by nearly all of the adults that the "spiritual marriages" are very private and very low key. Not celebrated like let's say Meri's wedding was, with a reception after her ceremony. So my question is, Robin is the 4th wife and she was a "spiritual wife" so why in the world did she get an acutal wedding dress, big party and celebration with dancing and so forth. Why would the OG3 have put up with that decision? I mean she was already basically in trouble with Christine for kissing Cody before they were married, that was seen as a disrespect and adulterous on Robin's part. I think Robin and Cody like to pick and choose which rules, guidlelines or docterine they believe or obey on a daily basis.

S10E6 Robyn's pregnancy worries S10E6 Robyn's pregnancy worries

Robyn is feeling worried that her baby girl is not in the right position for delivery and when she tries to express her concern, Chodie negates every one of her worries. It's really kind of sad. He's sitting on the couch looking kind of pissed. Guy has no empathy. Why was Polygamy popular in past? Probably because women dying in childbirth was so commonplace. It's like Chodie didn't want to put a crowbar to his wallet and encourage her to have the baby in a hospital where she might have felt safer.

Polygamy debate/discussion S4 Episode 8 Polygamy debate/discussion S4 Episode 8
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Omg Robyn got on my nerves so bad she literally antagonised the discussion and turned it into a debate..

It felt so insensitive to the ex mormons who where sharing stories of abuse.. surely Robyn who went through an abusive relationship of all people would understand. and then her kiss assing of Kody after “you stood up for your beliefs and im proud of you” Yess honey you did so good dismissing the stories that where shared!! yes some polygamists abuse children but not me!! im a good guy!

at the end they say they where sad to not reach a conclusion of “agree to disagree” but kristen literally said she felt she had a right just as much as they do to speak their feelings on polygamy but got completely dismissed.

Kody and the Cables and lights 🙄😡 Kody and the Cables and lights 🙄😡

Once the families are settled in the cul de sac, Kody becomes obsessed with hanging those stupid lights with the cables attached to the four houses. First was for the mission statement. They looked terrible. Next is thanksgiving when Hunter is coming home. He says Hunter is going see all the lights and just be blown away. He is emotionally immature. Yet so full of himself. Like any young adult is going to give two flying f’s that there is extra lights. Plus it’s windy that day and the wives on the couch are all concerned about Kody stepping on the top step of the ladder.

Basically I’m venting because how in the hell did I watch this when it aired and thought it was good tv. Then watch it again and still think it was good lol.

The wives are nicer than me. If I was planning a 70 person thanksgiving and my husband was doing something so useless the whole neighbourhood would be hearing me.

🪺 🪄 🪺 🪄

Something just occurred to me. 🪺 had all the power from the moment she joined the fahmlee. 🍜 lusted her and made her 👑. IF she had Truely wanted the rocking chairs on the Biggy Housey while the 🍤 (there is no chicken tender emoji but this will do) played in Plague Pond she had the power to affect that change in trajectory for the fahmlee. They were on the road to 💣 when she joined but if she had come in with correction energy instead of collection energy, I believe she had the power to course correct. If in that sit down where they laid out the real deal she had taken what was shared about each relationship and said, “I’m not here to manage the relationships for you, but I’ve seen/heard ____ and that doesn’t feel representative of how we could be doing this the best way. I’m new at this, so MJC could you tell me if I’m on target and what I can do to make it better or if there isn’t anything I can do to make it better, what I can do to not make it worse?” What do you think they would have said? I think: 👩🏼‍🦯‍➡️ would have said something like, “We’re holding out together and we’re don’t really do the whole ‘head wife’ thing but also there is a pecking order and your job is to assimilate as a 💩. This family has rules that have been established for decades and while that means you’ll be missing some of your ways, you’re a 💩 now, so you need to act like it.” 👩🏼‍💻would have said something like, “We need you to be a value add. You need to find a way to manage your debt and still put more money in the family pot than you use AND ease family stress by helping with the kids.” 💃🏼 would have said something like, “follow the rules and hoard the rations” 🪺 could have filled in the cracks with a new shiny glue but instead…her brows inverted, her eyes welled, she played the victim while treating 🍜 way too well.

🪺 came in like a shiny new 🚜 with a giant 🎀 on top and idled for .647 seconds before steam rolling everything on her way to building The Sovereign Nation of Crybrows.

Let’s poke holes in their claims! Let’s poke holes in their claims!
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One of my favorite things to do is to disprove lies they’ve told on the show using facts or observations seen on the show. What are some of your favorites?

I always rant about Kody’s excuses to leave Christine during labor and why it was solely to see Robyn, but I also like Robyn claiming she never took the personality test. My new one I heard during my current rewatch is Janelle and Meri both implying they had no issues in their bedroom activities and Kody saying you shouldn’t be sexually active if you don’t love someone, then later saying he never loved the OG3.

Birthday Breakdown Birthday Breakdown
General Discussion

I know this has been discussed at length. I’m rewatching the episode where it’s Garrison, Brianna, Christine and Aurora have birthdays. (In different orders). I notice Christine’s family makes it a priority to go house to house to distantly sing happy birthday to each person. When they get to Robyn and Kody to sing to one of the girls they can’t even be bothered to get out of the doorway. Kody is just outside. The rest are all physically inside the house still. I wonder if one day Robyn’s kids will watch this and see what horrible hypocrites her parents are.

Rewatch with The Fresh King Benjamin Rewatch with The Fresh King Benjamin
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Benjamin Brown (Kody's nephew, The Fresh King Benjamin on tik tok and YouTube) has been watching the show for the first time. He posts recaps on his tik tok and they're on his YouTube as well. Tomorrow (Sunday July 14, 2024), he will be live watching the season 1 honeymoon special. It will be at 10am Mountain time if anyone wants to check it out.

I've enjoyed his insights and perspective on the family and the religious aspects. He's no longer practicing any form of Mormonism so he doesn't sugar coat the religious parts. It's not bashing on the family either, even though he's not close to Kody (or his dad Scott). Grandma Genielle and Christine seem to be his favorite family members.

Why is Kody demanding a timeline for Meri to decide on IVF? Why is Kody demanding a timeline for Meri to decide on IVF?
General Discussion

He’s got lots of kids. Robyn made an offer to Merri, but she obviously can’t carry hers and Kody’s and Mari’s and Kodi’s at the same time.

I just think it’s interesting that once the offer is made, it’s now urgent. If Robyn was really being transparent, she’d admit she wants to also have another pregnancy with Kody.

I think Meri is feeling some power to manipulate things here. She can stall Robyn getting pregnant.

The whole sister wives thing just looks like a constant power struggle, with each unsuccessfully trying to look like they aren’t vying for power. They absolutely all are.

S18 Look Back, pt 1: "he didn't pick the dress" S18 Look Back, pt 1: "he didn't pick the dress"

Robyn says Kody was at the bridal shop with her BUT he didn't technically pick the dress. He just gave his opinion and she made the final choice. 🙄 As if this little fact changes anything. Oh and then she has the gall to say "Kody & I did nothing wrong".

This says SO much about her mindset. She & Kody can do whatever they want as long as they keep it a secret. Bc deep down, Robyn doesn't give a rip about fairness to Meri, Christine, & Janelle. She just wants to give the illusion of fairness.

The knife in the kidney monologue The knife in the kidney monologue
General Discussion

Points I would of had to make.

  1. Explain the resources you claim Christine used you for.(Proof is essential) 2.explain how Christine treated Robyn like dirt.(Proof 100 percent required) 3.robyn why are you so "devastated"and "sorry to see Christine go,less than ten minutes back,you were calling her a liar. 4.accountability,from the man who made it a point to sherk accountability,how does that work