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    Janan Ganesh


    Janan Ganesh is the principal political columnist for the Financial Times.

    Janan Ganesh


    Donald Trump and Blackstone founder Stephen Schwarzman at the White House in 2017.

    Why billionaires support Trump

    Business people struggle to understand fanaticism. In commercial life, all actors are negotiable, even if their price is high. They also tend to overrate contrarianism.

    • 1 hr ago

    This Month

    Emmnanuel Macron. Calling an election might, in fact, be the most prudent thing he could have done.

    The last best hope against populism is to expose it to government

    Emmanuel Macron has concluded that power often tames radical parties or demonstrates their incompetence. His election call might be the most prudent thing he could have done.


    Predators know that many children are online when they are unsupervised.

    Screen addiction is a disease. Blame wealth

    Smartphone addiction, culture wars and low birth rates are all byproducts of modern success that are difficult to fix.


    Joe Biden

    Biden must promise a more conservative second term

    The US president has to do what he has always done, except recently: upset his party. The moderates who trusted him in 2020 have to know that he is theirs, not the left’s.


    Sarah Palin sold a reported 2 million copies of her memoir in hardback. There are European heads of government who can’t do that.

    Why losing US elections is a lucrative business

    Life is much cushier in opposition, especially in the United States, so there’s no reason to moderate to try and win power.



    COP28 president Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber holds the gavel at the end of the climate summit in Dubai on Wednesday.

    The world is better seen from Dubai than Davos

    When the world was American-led, market-based and ever more democratic, Davos was a useful distillation of it. Dubai is now a more faithful portrait.

    When Rishi Sunak cut high-speed rail, commentators drew the wrong lesson.

    The welcome demise of big-government Toryism

    When Rishi Sunak cut high-speed rail, commentators wrongly saw it as a betrayal of the red wall vision. But the nonsensical red-wall agenda was never needed.

    • Updated
    Even Russian President Vladimir Putin has to pretend the country’s elections are deomcratic.

    Reports of the death of democracy are greatly exaggerated

    The free world has shrunk, but only compared with its zenith 10 years ago. The West today is too willing to give autocrats too much credit, too soon.

    December 2023

    French President Emmanuel Macron.

    Why Emmanuel Macron is bravest leader of the year

    The French president is probably the only Western leader to stare down public dissent at much-needed austerity measures. The rest should study his shattering experience.

    November 2023

    Joe Bide at this week’s traditional Turkey-pardoning ceremony in Washington. The Democrats have had years to cultivate a successor.

    Biden can’t spin his way to re-election

    To prevent a second term of Donald Trump, Democrats must accept that what is going wrong is their basic proposition, not the framing or messaging of it.

    Executives and their employees say they spend hours each week in meetings that could disappear without consequence.

    ‘An education in real life’: Why the young must go to the office

    Apart from dating, there is no better study of human behaviour than working in, and soaking up, the office.

    October 2023

    Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin meet in Beijing.

    West’s enemies may be evil, but there’s no ‘axis’

    Democracies should tease out the contradictions between Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, instead of dangerously lumping them together as a bloc.

    Israel prepares for the next stage in its battle with Hamas. The US is trying to deal with a multitude of crises at once.

    America finds there is more to the world than China

    The US is going through the most awkward phase in the life cycle of an empire. Its relative power in the world is down from its peak, but its burdens aren’t.

    September 2023

    Polling taken since earlier indictments suggest criminal charges have made Donald Trump politically stronger.

    What the world should expect from a second Trump term

    Admirers and enemies alike are forever reading grand visions into a man with an almost touchingly banal, dollars-and-cents worldview.

    August 2023

    Donald Trump loyalists during the insurrection at the Capitol in Washington in January 2021.

    Rotting rule of law a bigger problem than threat to democracy

    Liberals fret too much about dictatorship and not enough about chaos on the streets.

    An offshore wind farm near Hartlepool, England, where voters show signs of faltering on the cost of decarbonising their struggling economy.

    Is Britain’s net zero consensus crumbling?

    Britain will look back on a seemingly banal by-election in this ostensibly quiet northern summer as the beginning of the end of its net zero consensus.

    May 2023

    Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump together in 2019.

    Why Ron DeSantis is losing Republican voters to Donald Trump

    Populist voters are not looking for a smart version of Trump. They are still more interested in kicking the establishment than running a government.

    February 2023

    No policy, no round of investment in business schools, will save British management.

    Why we can’t stop making fun of managers

    There is grandeur in ownership. There is dignity in labour. It is the management tier in between that has to plead for its reputation.

    The voice of male privilege?

    Why a good speaking voice will get you ahead

    Boris Johnson isn’t funny. But he’s the perfect example of how a good speaking voice is as much of an asset in work and life as physical beauty.

    January 2023

    Globalised trade spread its blessings everywhere.

    The West will rue its protectionism

    Elite guilt about globalisation is handing an intellectual victory to the zero-sum world of populists and dictators.