Showing posts with label Jobs With Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jobs With Justice. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's now the 11th year that the Jobs With Justice organization has held their annual 'Scrooge of the Year' award. Nominations are now open for 2010. In light of the upcoming holiday season you are invited to nominate the most repulsive member of the ruling class in the past year. Here's the notice from the AFL-CIO Blog.

Nominate Your Choice for ‘Scrooge of the Year’
by James Parks, Nov 15, 2010

It’s the holiday season and time once again to say “bah humbug” to the most cold-hearted and greedy CEOs, corporations and politicians who exemplify the spirit of Ebenezer Scrooge.

This is the 11th year that Jobs with Justice (JwJ) will “honor” the person or group that has done the most to “scrooge” workers. And the floor is open for nominations. Beginning today, you can nominate your candidate for Scrooge of the Year, along with a brief description of why he or she deserves the award by clicking here.

The winner will join an infamous group. Last year’s winner was the Chamber of Commerce. Voters singled out the Chamber for its narrow, radical agenda advocating anti-worker, profit-focused solutions to the broken health care, labor and environmental systems.

In 2008, voters picked the entire lot of Wall Street executives whose unchecked corporate greed led to our nation’s economic disaster.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The following appeal is from the American Jobs With Justice Coalition, and it is more for our American readers as it pertains to a specific reform in US immigration policy, reform that is long overdue whatever the xenophobes may think. The orthodox anarchist position, of course, is that there should be no restrictions on the movement of people across the globe, but while awaiting that millennium small reforms are somewhat useful.
The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act - more commonly known as the DREAM Act - would allow undocumented youth raised in the United States who have completed their K-12 education with no criminal record to earn their citizenship through either a college education or military service. Although the legislation has widespread support, the DREAM Act has stagnated in Congress for nearly a decade.

But the long wait could be over! Today at 2:15 ET, the Senate is scheduled to vote on cloture for the defense authorization bill, which currently includes the DREAM Act. If passed today, a vote on the DREAM Act amendment is expected on Thursday.

Call your Senators at 1-888-254-5087 and tell them: Vote 'YES' on the cloture motion for H.R. 5136 and 'YES' on the DREAM Act amendment, and ask them to give a speech on the Senate floor in support of the DREAM Act.

With the DREAM Act passed, qualifying undocumented youth would be given the chance to invest in themselves and their futures through education or the armed services, shattering the glass ceiling impeding these young people from reaching their full potential. Communities, which have already invested so much in these youth through the primary education system, would benefit from a more qualified, better-educated pool of citizens.

Young people have organized a dynamic nationwide grassroots movement to pass the legislation. Just this week alone, young people have made over 34,000 calls to Congress. But Senators who have long supported the bill have not been vocal enough highlighting the importance and need for grassroots efforts to push Senators to vote their conscience, even if it means crossing the party lines. We must firm up the support of DREAM allies in the Senate, and move Senators to vote yes.

This is what the DREAM Act needs from you this week:

1. Call your Senators at 1-888-254-5087 and tell them: Vote 'YES' on the cloture motion for H.R. 5136 and 'YES' on the DREAM Act amendment, and ask them to give a speech on the Senate floor in support of the DREAM Act.
2. Submit a Letter to the Editor to your local papers urging the passage of DREAM.
3. Stay connected and engaged to the DREAM actions taking place all over the country. Text DREAM or SUENO to 69866 to get updates about the DREAM Act this week.
4. Find out what is happening in your area--a list of actions can also be found here.

It's important to remember that every action taken is a step forward in making this DREAM a reality. The fate of this historic piece of legislation, and with it, the hopes and dreams of many, lays in the actions we take this next week. Let us move forward working together.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Workers at the Westin Providence Hotel in Rhode Island have been hit with unparalled employer demands. As part of the fight back the people involved have called for a boycott of the hotel. Here's the story from the Jobs With Justice network.
Support Westin Providence Workers
The Westin Providence Hotel unilaterally imposed a twenty percent reduction in wages for all workers. They tripled employees' health insurance costs and significantly reduced employees' sick days, vacations, and holidays. Tell the Westin owners to stop using the economic crisis as an excuse to unnecessarily slash wages and benefits.
Tell me more
Please go to this link to sign the following petition in support of the boycott called for by the hotel workers.
Full Petition Text:
We stand in solidarity with the Westin Providence Hotel workers. We will stand behind the boycott called by the Westin Providence workers and will support any strike called by the workers.
We call on the Westin Providence Hotel to respect their workers and to respect the work that made the Westin Providence Hotel a success.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This might be one of those rare instances of "truth in advertising". Down illinois way the 'Whirlpool Corporation' very much lived up to its name as it sucked up $19 million in bailout money. Ah, but now this great sucker seems poised to spit out jobs, to the tune of 1,100 workers. To say the least this is not the only corporation that has violated the spirit if not the letter of the US Adminisration's economic bailout. So far the US government has done little than wring its hands at the many instances. The Jobs With Justice Coalition hopes to do more. Here's their appeal.
Save Jobs in America's Heartland:‏
Americans are angry, and for good reason.
Corporate greed and reckless Wall Street speculators created the worst economic crisis in a generation -- and big businesses like Whirlpool are continuing to put their profits ahead of the needs of workers and our communities.
Sign the petition to save 1,100 jobs in America's heartland.
Whirlpool Corporation took $19 million in economic recovery funds -- but now plans to eliminate 1,100 good jobs by shutting down a world-class plant in Evansville, Indiana.
JwJ is joining the AFL-CIO and IUE-CWA in mobilizing against this plant closure, and petitions will be delivered to Whirlpool this coming Friday, Feb 26 at a major march led by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.
Sign the petition today! And forward to your friends to sign!
If you are in the area near Evansville, IN and can come to the rally on Friday, Feb 26, please click here to let us know:
Whirlpool is one of many examples of the jobs emergency faced in our country. Toyota, Hugo Boss and other big companies are threatening closures. Public services our communities need and the jobs to provide those services are being cut.
JwJ and our allies have called for mobilizations across the country during March to send a wake-up call to Congress demand bold action to save and create jobs. Check out the JwJ blog for more info:
Sign this petition either via email (please see directions below) or via the web at:
Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
We encourage you to take action by March 1, 2010
Save Jobs in the Heartland-Whirlpool
We the undersigned call on Whirlpool Corp. to reverse its decision to close its Evansville, Indiana, plant, send work toMexico and eliminate 1,100 good jobs. With record profits and economic recovery funds that should be creating jobs in this country, Whirlpool should not turn its back on America.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Well, the results are in, and the Jobs With Justice Coalition has a new winner for this year's 'Scrooge of the Year'. The announcement...

& the winner of the 2009 national Scrooge of the Year election is...‏:
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Elected 2009's National Scrooge of the Year
The Chamber's narrow, radical agenda advocating for anti-worker,profit-focused solutions to the broken health care, labor, and environmental systems garnered them the most votes for the national Jobs with Justice "Scrooge of the Year" award.
Thousands of votes were cast in the Jobs with Justice annual contest to determine which greedy, cold-hearted organization or person deserves the title "Scrooge of the Year." Voters chose the Chamber of Commerce as their winner this year as it's became increasingly clear that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has developed into a front group for a few narrow interests, not a membership association that represents the voice of mainstream American businesses. The Chamber has spent millions of dollars lobbying against legislation that would benefit workers and families like the Employee Free Choice Act, health insurance reform, paid sick days, and environmental regulations. Their extreme positions have led some companies and local chapters of the Chamber to disaffiliate from the national group.
This year's Scrooge contest pitted the Chamber of Commerce against Bank of America, nominated for their role in the sub-prime lending crisis and failure to extend credit to small businesses, Hyatt Hotels for their Scrooge-like firing of 100 housekeepers in Boston and other anti-worker actions, Publix Supermarkets for their resisting the call to be part of the solution to human rights violations in Florida fields by continuing to buy tomatoes from growers prosecuted for modern-day slavery, and student loan lenders Sallie Mae and Citibank for their expensive, variable rate loans for students. An impressive write-in campaign was also waged for United Airlines, for their slashing of workers' wages and pensions while continuing to award lavish bonuses to top executives.
"There was plenty of competition for the award this year," said Jobs with Justice Executive Director Sarita Gupta. ? But the similarities between Scrooge and the Chamber of Commerce were hard to beat. The ghost of years past would show that the policies they've promoted including deregulation and maximizing profits at the expense of workers are directly connected to the destruction of America's middle class."
Throughout the country, many people remain unemployed and more are working harder and longer than ever before to make ends meet, as highlighted in our recently released report examining the impact of the economic crisis on working people. Over the holidays and in the coming weeks, Jobs with Justice will begin a campaign to engage working people in the fight for the creation of a national jobs program.
"We fully expect the Chamber of Commerce to come out in opposition to our demand for good paying and family sustaining jobs," said Gupta, "but we will not cede this moment nor shy away from this fight. The ghost of future years will show that in this time of crisis, it was our efforts that helped put people back to work."

Monday, December 14, 2009

The nominees have been chosen for the 'Scrooge of the Year' contest sponsored by the American Jobs With Justice group. Here, from the AFL-CIO Blog is the announcement about the "winners" and how you can vote for the evilest boss of the year. While looking over this contest don't forget to go over to the Canadian Blog Awards and vote for 'Molly's Blog' as the best 'Political Blog' of the year in Canada. One good vote deserves another after all. Voting at the CBA is open until December 19.
Cast Your Vote for ‘Scrooge of the Year’:
by James Parks, Dec 14, 2009
It’s the holiday season and time once again to say “bah humbug” to the most cold-hearted and greedy CEOs, corporations and politicians who exemplify the spirit of Ebenezer Scrooge.

This is the 10th year that Jobs with Justice (JwJ) has “honored” the person or group that has done the most to “scrooge” workers. And given the current crop of nominees—Bank of America, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Hyatt Hotels, Publix Supermarkets and student loan providers—it looks like it will be a hard decision to pick just one.

You can cast your vote for any of these deserving nominees here. The winner will be announced Dec. 21.

First, there’s Bank of America, which had a hand in the worst of the subprime lending excesses, providing financing to four of the top five largest subprime lenders during the years prior to the crash. Among them, these four firms issued more than $320 billion in subprime loans from 2005-2007. As a result of these kinds of abuses, Bank of America helped crash the economy and then accepted bailouts and backstops totaling $199.2 billion.

Next, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the second nominee, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has become a front group for a few narrow interests, not a membership association that represents the voice of mainstream American businesses.

The Chamber opposes the Employee Free Choice Act, paid sick days and other basic workers’ rights. Recently, members of the U.S. Chamber have been renouncing their membership—including major corporations and local chambers of commerce that have quit or distanced themselves, in large part because of the Chamber’s extreme stance on environmental issues.

In Boston, Hyatt Hotels fired the entire housekeeping departments of its three nonunion hotels, replacing long-time employees who were paid around $15 an hour with subcontracted workers paid the minimum wage. It gets worse: Hyatt required Boston-area housekeepers to train their replacements before they were fired.

At unionized Hyatt hotels in San Francisco and Chicago, Hyatt is using the recession as an excuse to roll back health care and other hard-won contract standards. In Indianapolis, San Antonio, Long Beach and elsewhere, Hyatt is fighting its own workers as they seek a fair process to organize a union. Penny Pritzker, who is chairwoman of four Hyatt-related companies, has come out strongly against the Employee Free Choice Act, which would level the playing field for workers seeking to join a union.

Then there’s Publix Supermarkets, which had 2008 revenues of more than $24 billion, but refuses to pay just one penny more per pound for its tomatoes to directly improve worker’s wages. Publix also won’t work with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to implement a code of conduct to protect farm workers’ basic human rights.

Other corporations, including Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Subway and Publix competitor Whole Foods, already have agreed to pay an additional one cent per pound. Publix, on the other hand, continues to purchase tomatoes from two of the growers tainted by last year’s modern-day slavery prosecution.

Finally, an increasing number of students depend on private companies like Sallie Mae, Citibank and other lenders for loans to finance their college educations, yet these loans get little oversight from government regulators. Private student loans are expensive and mostly variable-rate loans that cost more for those who can least afford them. They lack the flexible repayment options of federal student loans, functioning more like a credit card than a student loan.

Whoever wins the Scrooge award will join an infamous group. Last year’s winner was the entire lot of Wall Street executives whose unchecked corporate greed led to our nation’s economic disaster.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The following story and petition is from the Jobs With Justice Coalition.
T-Mobile's double standard:‏
If T-Mobile USA workers want to be treated fairly, they should consider moving to Germany.
T-Mobile's parent company, Deutsche Telekom (DT), has a long history of cooperating with labor unions in Germany. But when it came to the United States and started T-Mobile, the telecom giant abandoned its labor-friendly practices and became just another union-busting company.
American Rights at Work has released a new report about DT's double standard, detailing T-Mobile's anti-union activities and urging fairer treatment of its workers.
Help make sure this report has the biggest possible impact. Take a moment to sign our petition to DT CEO René Obermann and tell him to respect the rights of all his workers:
When DT first entered the U.S. market, CWA supported the move because the company had a long track record of positive labor relations. After all, DT brags about their commitment to freedom of association and collective bargaining. But soon enough it became clear that the strong labor-management partnership wouldn't translate from Germany to the United States.
T-Mobile USA immediately began a tough anti-union campaign, getting itself into trouble with the NLRB. It hired notorious union-busting firms to help stop organizing drives. It distributed memos and manuals that instructed managers on how to stop organizing efforts. And it distributed fliers pressuring and intimidating workers against joining a union.
Here's what one T-Mobile worker who was interviewed for ARAW's report had to say:
I work on the retail side of T-Mobile, and it has been slowly getting worse by the day here. I am turning to the union because we feel like we have no other option here. We are basically left to fear for our jobs on a daily basis, or just quit. I would really appreciate if you kept my name anonymous for fear of total repercussion from our Divisional Director. In the past, reps tried to contact a union and then were fired for silly reasons, and this is what will happen to me.
Tell Deutsche Telekom CEO René Obermann to do what's right and treat T-Mobile USA workers with respect:
We can't let DT get away with this unfair double standard. All workers -- whether in Germany or in the United States -- should be able to exercise their right to organize. Thanks for your support.
In solidarity,
Jobs with Justice
We encourage you to take action by January 9, 2010
Please go to the link above to sign the following petition to T-Mobile management
Treat T-Mobile Workers With Respect
Deutsche Telekom has had a strong track record of cooperating with labor unions in Germany. So when DT came to the United States and started T-Mobile USA, the labor movement was supportive of its entrance into the market and hopeful for a positive relationship with your company.
Since then, however, DT has betrayed its reputation as a strong labor partner by engaging in harsh anti-union behavior. DT has hired notorious "union-avoidance" firms, distributed memos to managers instructing them on how to stop organizing drives, and intimidated employees against joining a union. This is extremely disappointing, since your company's labor-friendly practices in Germany could have set a leading example here in the United States. Instead, you created an unfair double standard, denying T-Mobile USA workers their right to organize. Not only did this get DT in trouble with the National Labor Relations Board, it violated your company's Social Charter, which states you are "in favor of cooperating with legitimate democratic employee representation in an open and trusting manner."
I strongly urge you to do what's right and treat your workers with the respect they deserve. Cease the heavy-handed anti-union tactics and bring DT's positive labor relations from Germany to the U.S. By doing so, you'll return to your company's core values and become a leading example of good corporate citizenship in the United States.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Speaking of contests here's another one, this one from down stateside way. the Jobs With Justice Coalition have opened nominations for their 'Scrooge of the Year'. Is there one boss or politician who stands out from the others in pure coal-hearted nastiness ? If you think you know such a one nominate him or her for the JwJ contest. (A note to my fellow Canadians- do you think we can sneak Stevie Harper in there ? ) Here's how.
Bah, Humbug!
Nominate the 2009 Scrooge of the Year:‏
Each year, national Jobs with Justice gives an "award" to the greediest, most cold-hearted company or person of the year.
Past winners of this dubious honor include: Wal-Mart, George W.Bush, and Goodyear Tire & Rubber. National Jobs with Justice is now accepting nominations for the 2009 "Scrooge of the Year"contest. We are collecting nominations this week and will start the election on December 7th.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The following item from the Jobs With Justice Coalition is for our American readers as it is an appeal to the US Congress that those of us out here in the colonies cannot participate in. If the quality of a society can be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable members then American society has had a failing grade for some time now, and there are, unfortunately, those who want to perpetuate this state of affairs. There are, however, other Americans who see justice and compassion as part of their national heritage, and the following appeal is from one such group.
Tell Congress: Treat Immigrants Fairly in Health Reform:‏
First our political leaders said health care reform would cover everyone. Now we hear that Congress is considering barring legal immigrants from health reforms that would enable low and moderate income families to secure affordable coverage.
As the House of Representatives moves to finalize its health reform legislation this week, immigrants continue to be left out. As it stands now, most recent legal immigrants are forced to wait 5 years to use Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP, even though they pay the same taxes as citizens to support these programs.
Your voice is needed to urge the House of Representatives to act right now to give immigrants a fair opportunity for affordable health insurance. You can take action on this alert via the web at:
Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
We encourage you to take action by November 30, 2009
Tell Congress: Treat Immigrants Fairly in Health Reform
If you have access to a web browser, you can take action on this alert by going to the following URL:
Your letter will be addressed and sent to:Your Congressperson
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
Legal immigrants and citizens should be treated equally under health reform. End the five year waiting period for legal immigrants in Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP.

Friday, October 02, 2009

This one is for our American readers. The following appeal to petition the US Congress comes from the American Jobs With Justice Coalition. I must say that the overwhelming 'inclusiveness' of what the petitioners ask for makes it more a statement of a general mood than an actual demand. It still, however, may be useful.
Tell Congress: Jobs, Homes, Health Care - NOW!:
Near record unemployment levels mean that 25 million Americans are out of work or forced to scrape by on part-time jobs.

This year alone, about 2 million families will be evicted due to the foreclosure crisis.

The 'bailout bandit' banks plan to pay $75 Billion in executive bonuses this year, while pushing people from homes and jobs, charging obscene fees and eliminating jobs. They are also spending million of dollars lobbying against a recovery for the rest of us.

The health insurance industry makes massive profits by denying care and spends millions fighting any reform.

Yet, many pundits and some in Congress say everything is OK. It's back to "business as usual."

We must tell Congress that the crisis is very real, that there is no such thing as a "jobless recovery" and that we need bold action to create jobs and make the economy work for everyone.

Across the country, JwJ coalitions held more than 30 actions this week, at banks and other 'corporate criminals,' saying that "enough is enough!"

Show your support by sending a message to congress today!
If you live in the USA please go to THIS LINK to send the following message to the US Congress.
Official unemployment is its highest is 26 years. Counting underemployed and discouraged workers, about 25 million Americans need jobs, right now. Two million families will be evicted from their homes this year due to foreclosure, while the "bailout bandit" banks pay obscene bonuses, charge unfair fees and block a recovery for the rest of America.

There is no such thing as a jobless recovery. Don't let the scare tactics and corporate lobbyists choke off a real recovery.

Our country needs bold action from Congress to make the economy work for everyone.
- Pass a jobs and economic recovery program that will create millions of good jobs and build the infrastructure for a sustainable recovery. The jobs program must directly create jobs through a WPA-type program, invest in public services like education and transit and retool private sector manufacturing.
- Don't let the banks evict people facing foreclosure. If they can't renegotiate mortgages, let the families stay on paying fair rent. This costs taxpayers nothing, prevents homelessness and stabilizes communities.
- Fix health care, with a robust 'public option' and further cost controls
- Break up and regulate the finance sector, including a Consumer Finance Protection Agency with real enforcement power and other regulations
- Tax financial transactions, to limit rampant speculation and generate needed revenue from the sector that largely caused the meltdown.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The following story and appeal comes from the IUF, an international union federation.
Keep Stella D'oro and Union Biscuit Jobs in the Bronx!:
The Jobs with Justice coalition is campaigning to keep Bronx, New York-based biscuit maker Stella D'oro in New York. 136 members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) were forced out on strike last year for nearly 11 months when the private equity-owned company presented a take-it-or-leave-it contract offer which would have shredded wages and benefits. From August 14, 2008, union members showed tremendous solidarity on the picket line, winning growing community, national and international support for holding the line against a predatory financial investor. The Stella buyout and the union's resistance to financial pillage - and its wider significance for a US industrial landscape riddled with private equity wreckage - was described in Buyouts, Breadsticks, Biscotti.
The union won a rare legal victory when the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled the company guilty of bargaining in bad faith and ordered the workers reinstated with full back pay. When they returned to work on July 6, private equity owners Brynwood Partners announced they would be closing the plant within 90 days and relocating production. Union efforts to use the NLRB procedures to fight this illegal retaliation stalled at the NLRB. And on September 8, Brynwood announced that it had reached a deal to sell Stella D'oro to Lance, Inc., a non-union North Carolina-based food manufacturer that owns snack brands such as Archway cookies - another victim of leveraged buyout predators under investigation for cooking the books to meet their obligations to creditors.
The deal will not be finalized until October. Stella D'oro has been in the Bronx for seventy years; BCTGM Local 50 has represented the workers since the 1960's. Stella and its workers have firm roots in the community.
There's still time. CLICK HERE to send a message to Lance, telling them to keep Stella D'oro in the Bronx - with a union contract!
Click on the link above or GO HERE to send the following letter to management at Lance Inc.
To President & CEO David Singer c/o Mark Carter
I am deeply disappointed to learn that Lance, Inc. intends to purchase the Stella D'oro Biscuit Company and move production out of its historic home in the Bronx. The Stella D’oro bakery has been a fixture in the community for decades and the source of much-needed family-supporting jobs in the neighborhood.

During times of economic crisis, profitable companies like Lance have a responsibility to our communities. Stella D’oro workers have built the brand you now seek to profit from and they deserve to be treated fairly.

Pledge to keep production in the Bronx and negotiate a fair contract with BCTGM Local 50!
Yours sincerely

Thursday, September 24, 2009

While ordinary people suffer from the economic crisis the banks who have been the happy recipients of government largess continue on their merry way- with little consideration for their debtors and customers. Here's an appeal from the Jobs With Justice coalition asking you to protest this state of affairs.

Tell Wells Fargo: Stop the Evictions & Wage Theft!:‏
Belva Davis is facing eviction from her Detroit area home,despite her attempts to pay her mortgage. Deb Johann lost her job and had months of her vacation pay stolen from her, when Quad City Die Casting abruptly shuttered its Moline, IL plant. She and her co-workers are also owed thousands of dollars in health care. They are only two among tens of thousands of victims of corporate crime. The culprit? Wells Fargo.
Take Action Now:
Wells Fargo and its Wachovia subsidiary received $25 Billion in 'TARP' bailout money, not to mention far more subsidy from the Federal Reserve, supposedly to extend credit and keep our economy going during this economic crisis.
Instead, Wells Fargo and the rest of the big "Bailout Bandits" (Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase - you can read more about there corporate crimes here reduced their lending, increased foreclosures and are paying huge executive bonuses while:
*foreclosing and evicting tens of thousands of people
*pushing people out of jobs when companies close for lack of credit
*charging obscene overdraft fees
*spending millions lobbying against reforms of the financial system and a recovery for the rest of us (health care, employee free choice act, a jobs plan and more)
Wells Fargo is even refusing to negotiate with Belva and refusing to pay Quad City workers what they earned n vacation pay or health care benefits. You can take action on this alert via the web at:
We encourage you to take action by October 24, 2009
Tell Wells Fargo: Stop the Evictions & Wage Theft!
Go to the link above to send the following letter to Wells Fargo management.
Your letter will be addressed and sent to:
John Stumpf
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
Stop the evictions and stop pushing people out of jobs. You were bailed out by we the people. Your failure to address these concerns borders on criminal conduct. In particular:
1) Stop evicting Belva Davis - and all the other Belvas that need you to renegotiate mortgages
2) Pay the Quad City Die Cast workers what they are owed.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The following appeal for online solidarity comes from the Jobs With Justice coalition in the USA. It seems that even the Toyota company which is far from being bankrupt wants to use the opportunity to shed workers.

No "Jobless Recovery" -- put workers first in auto retooling:
Once again, a major corporation -- this time Toyota -- is threatening to cut thousands of jobs in the name of 'competitiveness.'

Don't let banks and corporations get away with a "jobless recovery" that restores profits and bonuses, but leaves workers behind. A real recovery puts workers and communities first, providing good jobs, affordable housing, retirement security and health care for all.

As part of the complicated auto industry bankruptcy process, Toyota is considering shutting down its only unionized workforce, the highly efficient partnership with GM called "New United Motor Manufacturing Inc." (NUMMI) in Fremont California. Shutting down the plant would cost 4,500 good autoworker jobs, not to mention tens of thousands at dependent companies.

The "Motors Liquidation Corporation" (the new name for the pre-bankruptcy GM), Toyota and the bankruptcy court, influenced by the US government's auto restructuring task force, will be deciding the fate of this plant and these workers.

Take action to save jobs at NUMMI and to put Congress on notice that we need a new economy with new rules embodying worker and community interests and economic fairness.
Please go to THIS LINK to send a nessage to the US Congress about this situation.
The possible loss of 4,500 good jobs at the NUMMI plant in California will have another negative ripple effect, adding to the economic crisis. The government's auto restructuring task force should ensure that workers and the economy come first as the auto industry is retooled for sustainability.

I urge you to do what you can to encourage fair negotiations with NUMMI, Toyota, the former GM and the bankruptcy court.

Beyond saving these thousands of jobs, I ask you to take bold measures that will transform our economy for the long haul in a more just and sustainable way. It's time for Congress to break the grip of the big banks, create millions of good new jobs (with the right to organize without intimidation), stop evictions and ensure retirement security and health care for all.

Monday, April 27, 2009

It is possible that "domestic workers" are the most exploited class of workers in many societies, and it is generally true that they lack the protections that others often take for granted. The Jobs with Justice coalition in the USA is aiming to change this. Here's the story of their efforts.

Support Domestic Workers!:‏
Every day, 200,000 domestic workers in New York, mostly women of color, make it possible for others to work. But these nannies, elderly caregivers, and housekeepers are excluded from the most basic labor laws (including the National Labor Relations Act), and isolated with no power or leverage to negotiate. They endure long hours, low wages and sometimes emotional and physical abuse.
New York State is considering historic legislation that would provide protections to domestic workers for the first time! The New York Domestic Workers Bill of Rights is the first of its kind nationally and will set a precedent for labor standards for domestic workers around the country. Email NY decision-makers today and let them know you're watching! Tell them you want New York to set the bar for your state!
In the wake of the economic crisis, the conditions facing domestic workers have worsened. Facing alarming rates of lay-offs, cut wages and extended hours, without notice, severance pay or any safety net, now more than ever - domestic workers need the Bill of Rights.
For 5 years, domestic workers have come together across communities to organize for dignity and respect, and demand the passage of a Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in New York State,which would include:
- Notice of termination
- Severance pay, sick days and holidays, and
- An annual cost of living wage increase.
In the last two months, both the New York Assembly and Senate Labor Committees have passed the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights out of committee. This is the moment we've been waiting for.
The National Domestic Workers Alliance, an alliance of domestic workers organizations in 10 cities across the country, will co-sponsor the week of action and send delegates to stand with New York's domestic workers. Join the week of action and support domestic workers to reverse a long history of injustice and exploitation, and chart a future based on respect and dignity for all work.
For more information, contact:
1201 Broadway
Suite 907-908
212.481.5747 (ph)
You can take action on this alert either via email (please see directions below) or via the web at:
Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
We encourage you to take action by May 27, 2009 Support Domestic Workers! INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPOND VIA THE WEB:
If you have access to a web browser, you can take action on this alert by going to the following URL:
Just choose the "reply to sender" option on your email program. Your letter will be addressed and sent to:
Assembly Member Sheldon Silver
Assembly Member Susan John
Senator George Onorato
Senator Malcolm Smith
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
I'm contacting you to urge you to help pass the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, Bill numbers A1470/S2311 this legislative session.
On Tuesday April 28th, hundreds of domestic workers and their supporters from around the country will come to Albany for a day of action and education. Please work with them to pass the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights! Domestic workers and allies around the country are watching what happens in New York.
We need New York to set a strong precedent for labor standards for domestic workers in my state.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The following appeal for solidarity with workers at AT&T is from the Jobs With Justice Coalition.
It's happening again. Another big corporation, AT&T, is looking out for its executives and big investors at the expense of workers.
In contract negotiations with the Communications Workers of America, the company keeps pushing for cuts in quality jobs, health care benefits, and standard of living increases.
AT&T claims that these cuts are necessary because of the poor economy. They've even had the nerve to compare telecom to the auto industry, even though telecom continues to expand and remain profitable. Just last year, AT&T made $12.9 billion in profits -- almost a billion more than the previous year.
Jobs with Justice is helping to collect 10,000 signatures on a petition of support in the next week to show AT&T that the country is united behind the workers.
Sign this petition:
AT&T can and should be a leader in supporting quality middle class jobs and benefits that make communities and our economy stronger. AT&T?s demands at this critical time in our country would only weaken the economy.
CWA has shown the company how to save money without massive cost-shifting; yet their only objective is to make workers pay more. Clearly, AT&T is looking for scapegoats, not solutions.
Tell AT&T to do the right thing -- sign this petition urging the company stop cutting jobs and benefits: Sign this petition:
We encourage you to take action by May 8, 2009 Tell AT&T to do what's right.
Please go to the link highlighted above to sign the following petition to AT&T.
Especially in these tough economic times, profitable companies like AT&T should lead the way in providing good, middle class jobs -- not look to cut benefits and lower middle class standards of living. AT&T, we ask you to:
* Take the lead in helping to turn our economy around instead of copying the worst Wall Street behavior.
* Support the employees who make AT&T a success, and who help build today's high tech infrastructure.
* Work with CWA for real health care reform. Americans want an economy that works for all of us.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

The following appeal for online solidarity comes from the Jobs With Justice coalition in the USA.

Tell Rite Aid: Stop the union-busting and sign a 1st union contract!‏:
Companies aren't supposed to attack workers who want a union,but Rite Aid and other employers are doing it every day. When 650 workers at Rite Aid's distribution center in Lancaster, CA, wanted to join a union to address problems like sweltering heat in the warehouse, the company threatened and fired them.
The federal government was preparing to charge Rite Aid with 49 labor law violations, but let the company off with a slap on the wrist. After workers prevailed and voted to join the International Longshore and Warehouse Union last March, Rite Aid continued the attacks. Now the company is refusing to sign a first contract and has hired an anti-union consulting firm to guide the company through the decertification process. This situation at Rite Aid is a perfect example of why passing the Employee Free Choice Act is so important.
We can't let Rite Aid succeed in its attempt to rob their workers of their right to collectively bargain. Please call or email today and tell Rite Aid CEO Mary Sammons it's time for Rite Aid to do the right thing: Respect workers rights, stop union busting, and sign a fair agreement.
You can take action on this alert either via email (please see directions below) or via the web at:
Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
We encourage you to take action by May 3, 2009
Tell Rite Aid: Stop the union-busting and sign a first union contract!
If you have access to a web browser, you can take action on this alert by going to the following URL:
Just choose the "reply to sender" option on your email program.
Your letter will be addressed and sent to:Mary Sammons
By clicking on one of the above links you will send the following letter to Rite Aid management.
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
As a consumer who cares about working people, I am deeply troubled by reports of union-busting at Rite Aid's Distribution Center in Lancaster, CA. Threatening and firing workers for wanting to improve their lives and working conditions is wrong.
Rite Aid received big tax breaks, and promised good jobs, to locate in Lancaster. The public expects better. I want Rite Aid to immediately stop union-busting and reach an agreement with your workers. This is very important to me as a consumer, and I'm angry that it has gone on for this long. I plan to share the news of Rite Aid's union-busting with my friends, co-workers, and members of the community.
Your workers deserve to have a voice at work, and I firmly believe that they will use that voice to make the company better.
Again, I urge you to immediately stop the union-busting and reach a first union contract with your workers in Lancaster.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The following notice of a week of action down USA is from the Jobs With Justice Coalition.

March 27-April 4: JOIN US for actions nationwide!:‏
Momentum is growing to create an economy that works for everyone, and the Employee Free Choice Act is an important part of building that better future for ALL workers. In that spirit, Jobs with Justice is organizing a "Resistance and Recovery" Week of Action March 27 to April 4 in conjunction with the 10th Annual Student-Labor Week of Action to "Resist and Reclaim our Future".
Starting this Friday, hundreds of actions are planned in support of the Employee Free Choice Act, local workers' struggles, University codes of conduct that support workers' rights both on campus and overseas, development of green jobs that support workers in our communities and promote a healthy environment, access to higher education for all and the passage of the DREAM Act, and fair wages & working conditions for the people who grow our food and harvest our crops.
Please check the following webpages to FIND AN ACTION NEAR YOU:
-"Resistance and Recovery" Week of Action:
- Student-Labor Week of Action to "Resist and Reclaim our Future":
See you in the streets!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The situation of the laid off workers of the Rhode Island jewelry manufacturer Colibri Group has been mentioned before here at Molly's Blog. Yesterday the receivers for the now bankrupt company attempted to auction off the assets, and workers and their supporters tried to block the sale by civil disobedience. 13 workers and supporters were arrested. The workers, supported by Fuerza Laboral and the Jobs With Justice group are still calling for the workers to be paid their due compensation before other creditors. The following is an appeal from the JwJ for you to stand in solidarity with this demand.

ACT NOW! Laid of Workers Arrested as Factory Assets Auctioned Off:‏
Tell Founders Equity to Give Workers their Due
Shirley Samayoa worked at the Colibri Group for 27 years, making jewelry and cigarette lighters. Yesterday, as her former employer auctioned off the company's assets, she and twelve other coworkers and allies sat down to say "enough is enough."
"I was one of the many Colibri workers protesting at the Colibri factory on the 19th. Workers have rights and sometimes they have to say enough is enough! We are THE COLIBRI WORKERS FOR RIGHTS AND JUSTICE and we will continue to fight for our rights and the rights of other workers in the same situation."
As bidders drove into the company parking lot, about 200 pickets greeted them with chants of "We'll go away when we get our pay," and "Rise Together! Stay Together!" In four separate waves workers sat down in the road blocking access to the cars before they were handcuffed and taken away in police vans.
In mid-January, Colibri's primary investor, NY-based Founders Equity assigned Colibri into State Receivership, leaving 280 Rhode Island workers unemployed without notice. Since then, Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice has been demanding 60 days pay and 60 days benefits, what would have been due them had Colibri Group followed the federal WARN Act. They are also asking for severance based on years worked.
"I have a value. I was their worker. Fouders Equity has to do the right thing!" said Samayoa.
Please support Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice by taking a few seconds to send a free fax to Founders Equity partners right now demanding that Founders Equity give every Colibri Worker 60 days pay, 60 days benefits and severance based on years worked.
With so many families struggling with unemployment and pending eviction or foreclosure, Colibri Workers are organizing to ensure that no other workers go through what they've gone through.
"They didn't warn us. It's not right what they did. There's a whole group of us were left with nothing, and we have families,"said Anabell Santiago, who began working at Colibri in 1994.
"I want people to know that if this happens to them, there's something they can do," said Valeria de Leon, a veteran at Colibri for 19 years.
After the closing, the workers, who did not have union, organized with the help of local workers rights center Fuerza Laboral and also with the help of Rhode Island Jobs with Justice, the community labor coalition.
Earlier this month, the Providence City Council and the Rhode Island House of Representatives passed resolutions supporting the efforts of the workers to get the pay and benefits they are entitled to.
The Fight Continues:
Colibri Workers will continue to demand justice from Founders Equity and they will fight the fight beyond their own campaign.
Shirley Samayoa says, "We represent the average worker that has made this country strong. We have met and talked to many people across the state that are supporting us with our fight. Many workers have come forward and say that they have recently been laid off by their companies. The companies have told them that they will get their compensation and medical continued---they will not be treated like the Colibri workers. If this is the only result of our fight--our sit down--I will feel that I have won.
People are watching us and listening to us. We have a name. We are THE COLIBRI WORKERS FOR RIGHTS AND JUSTICE and we will continue to fight for our rights and the rights of other workers in the same situation."
Kelley Fusaro, a Colibri worker, told a local TV reporter that this isn't the end of the protest, "Colibri doesn't treat us right. It's going to teach companies going forward they can't pull this on their workers"
You can take action on this alert either via email (please see directions below) or via the web at:
Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this
We encourage you to take action by March 21, 2010
Tell Founders Equity to Give Workers their Due
If you have access to a web browser, you can take action on this alert by going to the following URL:
Just choose the "reply to sender" option on your email program. Your letter will be addressed and sent to:
Mr. Warren H. Haber
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
I am writing to support the efforts of Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice.
I understand that Founders Equity, a majority investor in the Colibri Group asked the Rhode Island Superior court to place the Colibri Group into receivership. The former Colibri workers are now facing this recession head-on and they deserve some relief. Many of these workers had given the company 10, 20, 30, even 37years of service. Founders Equity has an obligation to respond to Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice.
I am asking you to respond to Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice by agreeing to negotiate with their elected leadership for 60 days pay, 60 days benefits and severance based on years worked.
I stand with the Colibri Workers because I believe that it's time that employers, investors and lenders alike take the responsibility for their actions. During this economic crisis, laid off workers can't wait for a lengthy court process.
In the words of one leader of Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice, "Our families won't wait to eat.Our landlords won't wait for rent. Our children won't wait for medical care."
Please contact Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice immediately. You can reach Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice with your response at (401)725-2700.
Thank you for your prompt attention to the rights of Colibri Groups former employees.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The following is from the American Jobs With Justice coalition. Down Rhode island way Colibri, a jewelry manufacturer, has gone into receivership without, of course, making provisions for their workers to be paid what is due them upon termination of employment. Declaring bankruptcy is, of course, a great way of getting out of legal requirements, but in this case the employees are "bumped down the line" in terms of creditors. Join the JwJ coalition in pressuring the private equity 'Founders Equity' to do the right thing. In passing Molly would like to note that this sort of situation would be a prime opportunity for the workers involved to exercise the tactics of more and more workers across the globe-including the USA- by occupying the factory and putting a halt to the owners and receivers looting the assets until a just settlement is achieved.
Tell Founders Equity to Treat Workers Fairly‏:
On January 15, the 280 workers at Colibri, a jewelry manufacturer in Rhode Island, were informed that their jobs were suddenly gone. Colibri's owners, New York-based Founders Private Equity SBIC, asked the Rhode Island Superior Court to appoint a receiver to sell the company's assets to repay creditors.
But as the courts settle Colibri's debts to banks and lenders, the workers could be left with nothing. Colibri workers, even those who had given 10, 20, 30+ years in service to the company,were shocked by their plant closing and are facing this recession head on with no relief.
Please support Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice by taking a few seconds to send a free fax(email actually-Molly) to Founders Equity partners right now demanding that Founders Equity give every Colibri Worker 60 days pay, 60 days benefits and severance based on years worked.
In this economic crisis too many private banks and investment firms are shirking their responsibility to the people who dedicated years of service to their businesses. By holding Founders Equity responsible, together we're sending a clear message to all employers: act responsibly to the individuals and families who worked for you; let human rights prevail over corporate greed.
In the words of one Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice leader, "Our families won't wait to eat. Our landlords won't wait for rent. Our children won't wait for medical care."
Stop corporate greed. Take action now.
Right now, so many workers around the country are facing plant closings, foreclosures, delays and denials in benefits and compensation. Colibri workers and their allies are fighting back!
Jobs with Justice is committed to supporting Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice in fighting for respect and justice. We are also committed to putting employers on notice.
Private Equity firms, investors, lenders and employers alike must be held accountable for the ways their decisions affect communities. 280 newly unemployed Rhode Islanders were not given an opportunity to find other jobs - this is a crisis for them and their families- and it deepens our overall economic crisis.
Another part of our fight back is organizing together for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act, the strongest way we can build worker power & fight corporate greed in tough economic times. Please take a few seconds to add your name to an Employee Free Choice Act postcard right now.
Take action now to stand up for corporate accountability during this economic crisis. You can see videos and press clippings from Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice recent actions at
Please go to THIS LINK to send a message to Founders Equity that they should do the right thing and pay their workers first. The letter follows.
I am writing to support the efforts of Colibri Workers for Rights and
Justice. I understand that Founders Equity, a majority investor in the
Colibri Group asked the Rhode Island Superior court to place the Colibri Group
into receivership. The former Colibri workers are now facing this
recession head-on and they deserve some relief.

Many of these workers had given the
company 10, 20, 30, even 37 years of service.
Founders Equity has an
obligation to respond to Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice. I am
asking you to respond to Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice by agreeing to
negotiate with their elected leadership for 60 days pay, 60 days benefits and
severance based on years worked.

I stand with the Colibri Workers
because I believe that it's time that employers, investors and lenders alike
take the responsibility for their actions.

During this economic crisis, laid off
workers can't wait for a lengthy court process. In the words of one leader of
Colibri Workers for Rights and Justice, "Our families won't wait to eat. Our
landlords won't wait for rent. Our children won't wait for medical care."

Please contact Colibri Workers for Rights
and Justice immediately. You can reach Colibri Workers for Rights and
Justice with your response at (401)725-2700.

Thank you for your prompt attention to the
rights of Colibri Groups former employees.