The Gaza War — No Worries

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan sends his analysis of the ongoing war in Gaza between Hamas and Israel.

The Gaza war — no worries

by H. Numan

We’re hearing very bad news from our highly biased media. Sure, they don’t (openly) approve of Hamas’ attack, but Israel had it coming! Of course they report everything. But they’d much rather publish unproven accusations about Israel than proven war crimes by Hamas. One of the latest hoaxes that goes around is that the war might spread to the entire region. That’s a real New York sandwich (baloney)!

All support for Hamas or the Palestinians rests on woefully naïve presumptions. For example: “Israel should respond proportionately”. Really? When did that ever happen? The US fleet should have sailed from Pearl Harbor, and sunk a number of Japanese battleships? That’s ranting nonsense. It’s not just ranting, it goes much further. It’s insane. If Israel should respond proportionately, they have to intentionally rape and kill Palestinian babies, torture Palestinian women and children, and intentionally kill 1,600 civilians. Then call it a day. Anyone using that argument has no idea at all what he or (usually she) is talking about. I don’t doubt that many more Palestinians are being killed right now, and will be killed. That’s what happens in war. The difference is the intention. The Israeli army takes great pride and care in trying to reduce the number of victims, while Palestinians take as much pride and care in maximizing the number of victims. As far as I know, the Israeli army is the only army that sends SMS to occupants of a building that’s going to be bombed.

Another unreasonable worry is Iran. “Israel has to restrain itself, otherwise Iran might have to act.” Really? With what? They are already involved up to their eyeballs. Just about every weapon, explosive or piece of munition used by Hamas comes from Iran. They can’t get any more involved unless they send in the Iranian army! There are three very good reasons why Iran will not do that.

1.   It’s a pretty long march to get there. Walking, driving, flying. Doesn’t matter. The Iranian army isn’t capable of doing that.
2.   Supporting the most vicious beasts since WW2 is one thing, actively siding with them quite another. The moment Iran openly sides with Hamas and declares war on Israel, they lose whatever support they had worldwide. And become the real pariah of the Middle East.
3.   Iran jumping in means that America has to jump in too. Something that worries Tehran a lot more than anything else. All America has to do is precision bomb the oil distribution facilities in the Persian Gulf and Iran is out of money and out of the war. Even better: America can do that with no US casualties, and very few on the Iranian side.

“Israel has to be careful of Hezbollah!” warn progressive liberals. You can read also: fashionable anti-Semites. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization in Lebanon, it is not the Lebanese government. Israel made it very clear to the Lebanese government that they would be personally held responsible if Hezbollah goes to war. Personal means exactly that. The people who actually are in charge. Not institutions, no letters of complaint. They themselves. There is no love lost between Lebanon and Israel, but this warning is something that the Lebanese government takes pretty seriously.

“Israel is depopulating Gaza, and drives them into the Sinai to die!” — another silly claim from our progressive media. They continue by insinuating Egypt is complicit. Wrong. Egypt HATES Hamas and wants nothing to do with Gaza. Nothing at all. Except using it for target practice, if that were possible. Before the Israeli withdrawal they offered control of it to Egypt — which Egypt refused.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/21/2023

More than 100 police officers were wounded during pro-Hamas demonstrations in Berlin. Meanwhile, the British government may raise the terrorist threat level as a result of the situation in the Middle East.

In other news, the Norwegian government announced that it will offer financial incentives to Ukrainian immigrants who wish to return home.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Dora, DV, JW, LP, MM, Nash Montana, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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In Cold Blood

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from Bild:

Gruesome details about Hamas: “Terrorists ate dinner while they tortured children.

Tears running down his face, an employee of the relief agency “Zaka” reveals the gruesome details of the murder of an entire family.

You gruesome murderers!

Every single day, new atrocities come to light from the insidious attack on Israel by Hamas almost two weeks ago, which left in its wake 1,300 dead people and more than 200 kidnapped hostages.

And now, as a volunteer for the relief agency “Zaka” reveals details at a press conference about the murder of a family of four, this barbarity has reached the highest level ever.

Tears running down his face, this man retells the moment he reached a house: “We saw a pair, a father and a mother, on their knees on the floor. Their heads hung down, their hands were tied behind their backs. At the other end of the dining room we found a 7-year-old boy. Next to him was a girl, about 6 years old.”

Horror! The volunteer for “Zaka” speaks in an interview

The children were tied up in the same position as the parents on the other side of the room. “Their bodies were tortured”, says the man, and then he states he doesn’t know who was tortured first and who had to watch whom being tortured. “The parents or the children?”

What then follows is heart-wrenching.

“When I speak of torture, I am talking of missing body parts. An eye, fingers…”

In the middle of the room was a dining table, the volunteer explains: “These terrorists sat there and they ate the Saturday meal that the family had prepared. They had eaten while they tortured the children of this family.”

“Zaka” is an organization whose volunteer members are mostly Orthodox Jews. They clean up bodies and body parts after accidents and suicide bombings.

Taking it Out on the Kids

Threats and bullying against Jewish schoolchildren in the Netherlands have increased since the war between Hamas and Israel began earlier this month, to the point that some parents are transferring their kids to Jewish schools.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from De Telegraaf:

“No words for what is now happening”

CJO [Centraal Joods Overleg, Central Jewish Consultative Committee]: Jewish children threatened and bullied from school

by Vincent Lengkeek
October 20, 2021

Amsterdam — Jewish children are being threatened and bullied now that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has flared up. Dozens of parents have held discussions about transferring to one of the three Jewish schools in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert, reports the Central Jewish Consultative Committee. The organization speaks of a “troubling trend”.

“Six children have already made the change this week,” says Chairman Chanan Hertzberger, Thursday to De Telegraaf. “We hope this won’t become common, and we ask for action from the government. This is not just Amsterdam, but rather a national problem. That children must leave their school because they are threatened. I have no words for it. At least in France, they are taking tough action against it.”

According to the CJO, the Jewish community in the Netherlands is devastated by the “lack of support” from society after the bloody terror attack by Hamas last week in southern Israel and the anti-Semitic reaction to Jews abroad. “That one cannot make the distinction between Israel and Jews. A schism has arisen: You are for or against. This is how it gets completely out of hand.”

The CJO is unhappy with the action of Rotterdam city council members over a motion on Jew-hatred. According to Hertzberger, the news that the motion failed to pass hit the Jewish community like a shock. “Just that such a motion is necessary, but that several parties subsequently decided to walk away…We find it unbelievable.”

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Report From Sderot: Two Weeks

Here’s MC’s latest report, two weeks into the war between Hamas and Israel.

Report From Sderot: Two Weeks

by MC

So we are at the stage where, as usual, Hamas is manipulating the world media and plucking at the heartstrings of the gullible. The BBC’s excuse for disseminating Pallywood fiction is that the ‘explosion’ at the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City was too big to be a Quassam…

Unfortunately, at the time the PIJ were shooting the bigger Grad missiles, longer range with larger warheads. Grads are a WW2 missile and likely to be some 6o years old and somewhat rusty, it is no surprise that Hamas and PIJ have had hundreds of misfires so far. Much of the past destruction in Gaza has been caused by Hamas’ relentless and ruthless obsession with its jihad against Israel.

Hamas took power when elected by the Gazan Palestinian ‘civilians’ in 2006. The election manifesto was to pursue aggression against Israel and Jews as a perpetual ‘holy war’.

Hamas has no mandate of care for Gazan civilians, and are quite happy to dig up water and sewage pipes to make missiles, and then blame Israel for insanitary conditions. They used conscripted slave labour to construct extensive terror tunnels, and then executed the labourers so they would not tell the world of their plight.

In other words, Hamas is a vile dictatorship, as bad as any of the vicious regimes that had to be put down in the 20th century. There is now not one thing that the Nazis did that Hamas has not done, too. But Hamas is a victim of the West’s ‘Islamophobia’, and thus a woke special case…

To be Muslim is to be above criticism. To be Jewish is to be despised (and envied).

But the BBC, Harvard students, the Democrats, and the left generally all support Hamas against the “filthy, vile, Jewish capitalists”.

Of course, this time these lefties cannot yell their usual “disproportionate response” mantra. What is a proportionate response to rape, murder and torture of children and babies?

What kind of person rapes a young woman then stands up and shoots her?

What kind of person beheads a baby with an entrenching tool?

Israel is angry, but the rest of the world seems to be more concerned that poor ‘innocent’ Palestinians are hungry and thirsty.

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The European Parliament — What is it Good For? Absolutely Nothing!

Jorge Buxadé is a Spanish member of the European Parliament for the populist anti-immigration party Vox. In the following video from the floor of the EP, Mr. Buxadé iterates the tragic consequences of the EU’s migration policy, and decries the lack of response by the European Parliament.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/20/2023

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said that France is planning the “systematic expulsion of dangerous foreigners”. Meanwhile, Congresschick Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez averred that Americans should be prepared to accept the importation of Palestinian refugees.

In other news, a spokesman for French military intelligence said that his service had concluded that a misfired missile launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and not an IDF airstrike, had caused the deadly explosion at a Gaza hospital.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Israel After the Hamas Attack: Cyber-Experts Locating Missing Hostages

The following video is a German report on the Israeli effort to identify the hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza. The German portions have been subtitled in English; the English portions have the German subtitles that were included in the original clip.

From the text of the video description:

Hundreds of volunteers are investigating the locations of kidnapped Hamas hostages with the help of artificial intelligence and social media. One mother is begging the world for help — her daughter appeared in a Hamas propaganda video.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Make Room! Make Room!

A landlord in the German city of Dresden has evicted native German tenants, ostensibly because the building was to be demolished, but in reality because their quarters were needed for migrants.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from the Austrian news portal Der Status:

Phony demolition: German tenants forced to make room for asylum seekers

“We have room”: With such empty catchphrases, the self proclaimed ‘better humans’ advertised for the ongoing mass-scale influx of asylum seekers. The distribution battle continues to become more intense by the minute in Germany’s housing crisis. And it looks as if landlords in Dresden have now gone the extra mile: Dresden tenants were lured to leave their four walls behind under the scam that their houses were marked for demolition. And then a few months later, during which the houses remained empty and untouched, asylum seekers are preparing to move in.

Demolition scam: Germans out, asylum seekers in

In the truest sense of the concept, the Kleinschachwitz district in the city of Dresden is now practicing actual population exchange. At the rental property on the Johannes-Brahms-Strasse, all of the current tenants were forced to move out, effective the end of February 2023. The reason, and explanation, at the time was as follows: “It is planned to demolish the rental property due to its age, and due to its bad structural condition — and compared to common housing conditions — it has been decided to demolish the property and replace it with a new and bigger apartment building. This, however, will only be possible under the circumstance that all existing rental contracts be terminated.” As an alternative, redevelopment and renovation would be too expensive.

But after months of remaining empty, the house remains standing. One small enquiry by the city faction o9f the AfD [Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany] has now found out that to this day no demolition was ever registered or planned. Additionally, the group “Free Saxons” were able to find out that the placement of asylum seekers was the true plan, so they organized a public protest against it. The AfD suspected that the owner cleared the house of its tenants “under false pretenses”, since asylum seekers are more lucrative tenants — and the question was raised whether the city administration were possibly even privy to this plan.

This is the letter with which previous tenants were shown the door:

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Report From Sderot: Day 11

MC is still in Sderot, and the missiles from Gaza are still falling on the city.

Have you noticed that the tide of public opinion is changing, as it usually does, from all-out support to the usual cries of “don’t hurt (Muslim) civilians”?

When Hamas hides behind civilians, then civilian casualties are Hamas’ responsibility. Except, it seems, where Israel and Jews are concerned.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken now appears to be setting conditions.

In a recent X (twitter) catfight two conservatives had a scrap over the fate of Harvard students who signed that infamous letter of support for massacring jooz. “Silly ignorant students,” said one. “Malicious anti-Semites,” said the other.

The real point is that there need to be consequences if freedom of speech is to be viable. If one supports a holocaust-like event, then one is probably a Nazi of some kind. In my experience, Nazis remain Nazis until terminated.

The Left, including Nazism, is a nasty political disease that has brought cruelty and mayhem beyond belief to this world. My wife’s sister has emailed us three times so far to express her support for Hamas against Israeli ‘apartheid’.

Most people are totally ignorant of the inner workings of the original apartheid in South Africa, and the dire consequences of its dismantling.

Apartheid means separation in Afrikaans (die taal), and was an experiment in trying to get differing cultures to live in harmony. It was partially successful until the socialists got hold of it. They turned it into a catastrophe for all concerned.

For example, the African tribesman straight from his kraal expects to be able to defecate anywhere there is room to squat (a bit like San Francisco). This behaviour is not acceptable for the white European-based culture, as they have to deal with the mess. Apartheid dictated that high walls make good neighbours and that these cultural points of friction could be mitigated by ‘separation’.

Unfortunately for South Africa it became all about skin colour, not culture, and the rest is history.

Israel is the most (skin colour) un-racist country I have ever been in. As immigrants from the UK, we stand out as ‘white’ (Anglos), and most Israelis assume that I am American.

Muslim Israelis have exactly the same rights under Basic Law as I have. However, in the areas supervised by the PA (and Hamas) under the Oslo Accords, the same is not true.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/19/2023

The United States has closed its consulate in Turkey due to a fear of riots. Meanwhile, American military bases in Iraq and Syria have been targeted in drone attacks.

In other news, the United States vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that called for a ceasefire in Gaza.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Dora, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Refugees Not So Welcome Anymore

I noted last weekend that the bloom is off the “climate change” rose among German citizens. Now it appears that the “refugees welcome” rose is also shedding its petals.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Survey: “High security risk”

Turning point: welcoming culture turns into panic

The Germans not only reject mass immigration by a large majority. According to a new survey, they are also very afraid of the hundreds of thousands of Muslims pouring into the country. [And so they should be. Their ancestors fought them and died in the hundreds of thousands to keep them out, and for a good reason.]


Almost three-quarters of Germans consider immigration from Islamic countries to be a high security risk. This emerges from a survey conducted by the opinion research institute Insa for Bild.

According to this, 71.1% of those surveyed are of the opinion that the immigration of people from heavily Muslim countries represents a “high security risk for Germany”. Only 9.1% say no. 19.8% did not provide any information.

Welcome culture only among Green voters [Now that I can understand, after all when brains were distributed at conception, they deliberately missed out]

Most of those who are not afraid of Islamic social change vote for the Greens. Only the majority of their supporters did not say that immigrants from Muslim countries pose a high security risk. Unlike all other groups of voters, they have not said goodbye to the welcoming culture. [ That shows me that they HATE their own culture, country and fellow Germans as much as the Muslim does.]

62.5% also demand that people who cheer Hamas’ terror against Israel on German streets should be “punished”. 20.2% reject this. 17.3% have no opinion on this.

After the hate-filled marches by migrants in many German cities, 57.7% of Germans are convinced that there are many people among Muslims in Germany who support terror against Israel. 24.2% see it differently, 18.1%did not provide any information.

Afterword from the translator:

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She Had it Coming

This is an unpleasant issue that has been bothering me for a while. It’s not something that I really want to write about, but a discussion seems warranted.

I’ll make up an example of what I’m talking about, because I don’t want to target specific commenters or argue about any particular news item.

Imagine that a young Swedish woman is visiting Italy, and gets gang-raped by African culture-enrichers in a park near the central railway station in Milan. When the news comes out, I post a translated subtitled video about the incident, and soon afterwards comments like these start rolling in:

Swedish women voted for the refugees-welcome, open-borders parties, so she has only herself to blame.

White Western women love the rapefugees and support sanctuary-city policies. She got what she deserved.

Liberal white women voted for more immigrants. She had it coming.

Etc. etc.

Mind you, all of these remarks are made without there being any information whatsoever about the victim’s political opinions or which parties she voted for. Readers know absolutely nothing about her, except for the fact that she was raped in a park in Milan.

Not all Swedish women support mass immigration — I happen to know personally a number of them who oppose it. The victim in Milan may be one of those. She may be one of those dedicated people who works tirelessly as a volunteer for organizations that oppose mass immigration. She may even have been in Milan to attend a Europe-wide conference on stopping the migrant-ferry NGOs, and had the misfortune to be at the railway station late at night.

But none of that matters to the commenters. She’s a white woman from a country dominated by progressive politics. She deserved what she got.

In other words: your political opinions and personal actions don’t matter. The only thing that counts is whether you’re a member of a particular class — the class of white European women, or straight males, or suburban Christians, or whatever group happens to be a particular target of opprobrium at any given time.

White guys have it coming. So do straight males. And Episcopalians. Boy, am I in trouble!

If you happen to be a white person living in a certain country (or in a certain state of the United States), then you are condemned. You’re from Minnesota? Then you deserve every bad thing that ever happens to you!

Think carefully about these matters. Is this really a path you want to follow?

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Culture-Enriching Random Stabbing in Rome

We’ve become accustomed to seeing reports like this in Milan, but this one comes from Rome: a Moroccan migrant slashed a young Italian with a knife for no apparent reason.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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