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Easter celebrations in Italy

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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

The woman’s reaction to the performance

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Look at my source code on Github What is this for?

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These are the original origins of these outfits. They were appropriated to be used by those of hate.

Ah so the Klan is guilty of cultural appropriation!

Well thats got to be the last straw.

The worst part of it, is the hypocrisy

They hate the Catholics but they appropriated something the Catholics use.

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RIP Norm.

Hypocrisy hypocrisy!

The worst part of it is the raping

Thanks Norm.

Alright Norm

Just like Bill Cosby!

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I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at cultural appropriation!

You can excuse racism?!

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Yes just like the Nazis took the swastika

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Wow, how low can they sink? Cancel the KKK

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No! Not my sweet demons in human skin :( They would never deceive us like that.

The also appropriated the terms Aryan and Caucasian.

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Only in the Southern USA. Go to Italy or Spain and no one thinks about those dresses of being related to oppressing black people.

Same thing here in Brazil. And we had slavery.

These costumes are normal on Easter holidays

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My mum is a writer from Italy (Sorrento to be exact) who has written books covering the Easter festivities such as this one, which, given the time of day, looks like the Good Friday 3am procession that I was forced to wake up for year-after-year.

She has had several run-ins with people accusing her of being racist and supporting the Klan, thankfully nothing serious has come of it and when the explanation of this dress pre-dating the Klan by literal centuries the accusers understand.

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The swastika is another example of this

Indeed! Reclaim Swastika for all original intent and purpose!


Fortunately It’s still used for its original intention! In a few countries, India, Thailand etc

Who cares. Just because some jackasses stole your, (Native American, Hindu, pagan, as well as other's) sacred symbol doesn't mean YOU have to drop it.

If dumbasses don't understand that, screw em.

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The Swastika is much older than Hinduism/Buddhism and even Indian or Asian civilizations. The first use of the Swastika was discovered on an artifact from 15,000 years ago which was found in modern day Ukraine. It's use in Europe predates it's use in India.

On the torso of the bird is engraved an intricate meander pattern of joined up swastikas. It's the oldest identified swastika pattern in the world and has been radio carbon-dated to an astonishing 15,000 years ago. The bird was found with a number of phallic objects which supports the idea that the swastika pattern was used as a fertility symbol.


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Still used in a vast majority of houses in India.

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Yeah that's exactly their goal, does anyone remember when the KKK was trying to co-opt the bluetooth symbol and it didn't work?

Racists are CONSTANTLY trying to appropriate Nordic, Celtic, and Scandinavian symbols.

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Is this... is it finally due to end up in r/retiredgif ?

That will only happen when these gifs and memes have so many articfacts after being copied, you can no longer see the original content

that's not the purpose of that subreddit

Narrator: And with that one simple comment, a new hero was born. Not one for the people, but for the internet. They now travel the threads of Reddit, from r/Popular to r/All, to right the wrongs and misconceptions, to clearly and simply state using no capitalization or punctuation “that’s not the purpose of that subreddit.”

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This gif being a black child makes it better

Edit: Hmm... Should I have said "Nice choice of gif?" instead 🤔


The expressions of both persons are so closely related, that's what makes the joke even better.

Can u guys explain the joke more pls? I still don’t get it.

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Typing this out sucked all the nuance out of the joke and made it unfunny.

It's so naive, I can only read it in Ralphie from The Simpson's voice

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Wow we didn’t think of that

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“I think... we all think the bag was a nice idea. But - not pointin' any fingers - they coulda been done better. So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia.”

"All I hear is criticize, criticize, criticize!"

Don't ask me or mine for nottin!

Okay I'm confused. Are the bags on or off?


🦷💥- - - - - - - - - - -🔫👱🏻‍♂️ “Auf Weidersehen“

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Oh shit, I just ripped mine

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I think, we all think the bags was a nice idea. But not pointing any fingers, they coulda been done better

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That guy is probably one of the only white survivors

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Krticize, Kriticize, Kriticize...

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I can't see in this fuckin' thing! I can't breathe in this fuckin' thing and I can't ride in this fuckin' thing!


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the joke is he watched and didnt help, so dont feel bad, he was a deadbeat anyways

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Wait a minute I didn’t say no bags.

But nobody can see!



So it would be nice to see.

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"Well fuck all y'all! Make your own bags next time!!"

There's a post on r/funny right now about a dad's buddy not thinking his company name through and the top comment is basically this exact movie reference lmao

Two Django references in different posts in three minutes. I don't know if this is a good thing or bad...

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“Damn. I can’t see fuckin’ shit outta this thang”

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I think reddit knew that I watch Django last night

Nah, we just do this everytime we see pointy hats.

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I've never seen Django and I've never heard of this reference before, but this is literally the second post I've clicked on today and both of them made this reference. Really great scene now that I know it.

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This is one of the funniest scenes in movie history. I am literally crying with laughter every time I see it

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I watched my wife work all day getting 30 bags together for you ungrateful sonsabitches

I can't a thing in this thing

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It’s kind of funny! Of course they’re not in the USA but that side eye is funny!

Agreed that side eye killed me.

I want to ask why she rolled her eyes after watching the parade. Idk, what's goin on here.


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It's the KKK that appropriated these robes for their own murderous and cowardly reasons.

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In the United States of America similar pointed white head gear were historically, and to a much lesser extent still are, worn by a white supremacist group called the KKK. In Europe (Spain Italy in this case) they're a benign Christian garb know as a Capirote. So in the same way that certain ilk have fretted over celebrating the recent discovery of a swastika embossed pre-Christian artifact associated with Odin, some feel such hats should be universally condemned, which ironically would not only enable but guarantee the terrorists win!

E: potato tomato


The whole point of people wearing the capirote, by the way, was for people to not draw attention to their penance. People wear them to do something good: to repent and serve god without drawing attention to themselves as individuals. It's about being humble, not getting attention for yourself.

Contrast that to what the KKK did with it, which is like, "We'll use it to hide so we don't get caught for our terrorism." Oh, and also? They hate Catholics. When my Dad was growing up in Maine there were almost no Black people. So the KKK would harass French Canadians instead because they hate Catholics.

They took a nice symbol, from a faith they claim to hate, and made it about harassment and terrorism of anyone different to them.

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Much like how hitler ruined swastika as it was supposed to be an important symbol for most asian cultures that had nothing to do with nazism.

The kkk ruined the meaning of that attire that is supposed to be an important part of cultures of some countries in europe. And like the swastika, used to have nothing to do with the kkk's atrocities.


The kkk ruined it in the US. We don't give a flying shit about it in Spain or Italy.

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This is the real life of that.

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I think the woman in this video was aware and was just joking but there are other examples where the American education system had failed like the ones you mentioned.

Totally, she was trying to keep straight faced while side eyeing. She knew what's up and was making a funny.

... You know when people call people snowflakes? I prefer the term rice paper. Fragile as hell and easily disappears when tears are involved.

Yeah. Anyone offended is an ignorant Luddite.. a rice paper idiot.

Of course she was aware. If she wasn't, I can guarantee her reaction would be a lot worse. Panic, probably.

If she wasn't aware, she wouldn't have been there.

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Yall out here fighting. Meanwhile there's me who thought the joke was her hoodie and the way she's wearing it is almost the same as the people in the procession. 🤣

That's kinda funny actually, although judging by this comment section someone will finds your comment offensive

I feel personally attacked by this comment.

I feel personally attacked about you feeling personally attacked so therefore I will proceed to dump a 700 word dissertation on you while deeming you as multiple socially unacceptable labels.

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I thought that was the unexpected part.

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I thought she was gonna have bunny ears or something

wearing a hoodie or carrying skittles around white hooded people at night carrying torches? Hell no!!

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Bless your heart

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Okay I looked it up and this is what the hood means in their culture.

“The Easter holiday tradition in Italy is also known for the “cappucciati” that are also part of the procession that have their face covered by a hood, which was a typical dress of a medieval man (The Good Friday processions was born in that period) The hood is a sign of humility and obscurity, so the face is not recognized under the anonymity of good works and serves to cancel out the social class divide so that the rich are at one with the poor and the educated are at one with the less educated”.

While being knowledgeable about the atrocities of the KKK we also got to be judgement free when it comes to other peoples cultures as long as they don’t harm themselves or others.


There’s a really good book about the history of the KKK and their regalia and costumes called Hood: Object Lessons by Alison Kinney.

In it she talks about how prior to 1915, the KKK wore all kinds of disguises, most frequently dressing up as confederate ghosts. But the 1915 film Birth of a Nation portrayed the Klan as a hero of the Reconstruction and it made Klansmen want to dress up like in the movie. The Klan worked out a deal with a mail order company and started advertising the costumes for sale along with recruiting in newspapers and magazines. It was wildly successful.

Yup. Birth of a Nation literally had the exact same impact on the Klan that The Godfather had on Italian mobs. In the latter case, the FBI notes a massive surge in mob payrolls, as well as the sudden rigidification of mafia structures. Before BoaN, the Klan was just the disorganised officers from the Confederacy; after the film came out, the Klan formalised into the organisation it was popularly portrayed as. Films have a massive impact on American criminal organization.

"Mario, how come we don't look as cool as those guys?"

"....uhhhh, I dunno boss."

"Well, we need to start. Get me one a dem suits and that cool hat."

All I could find was this red shirt, hat, and blue overalls boss!

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I wonder if the Sopranos made many of them switch to track suits.

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Before BoaN, the Klan was just the disorganised officers from the Confederacy

Yup, a lot of people do not realize that the Klan largely came in 'waves'. The first wave was by far the deadliest in the aftermath of the civil war, but it largely fizzled out in the 1870s. It was a militia rebellion of hundreds of thousands of armed men, not a consistent movement that remained for decades. By WW1, the KKK was largely considered a flash in the pan uprising. Something that maybe some people's grandparents participated in back in the day.

The second klan came in the aftermath of BoaN, but also its important to note how much impact the russian revolution had on it. The second klan obviously didn't like black people, but it was arguably more notable for being anti-catholic, anti-'degeneracy' (adultery, alcoholism etc), anti-semitic, and very, very anti communist. It was predominantly midwestern instead of southern.

The second clan was much less deadly, but much, much more influential and massive than the first klan. It had 4.5 million members. 1 in 5 eligible adults in Indiana were in the Klan by 1924 at its peak. It was just as much of a political entity as it was a violent militia. And then, within the span of only a year or two of controversies and scandals, it fell apart again and membership plummeted to only 30,000 by 1930.

The first wave was by far the deadliest in the aftermath of the civil war, but it largely fizzled out in the 1870s.

It's worth noting that they fizzled out because they basically won when reconstruction ended, and they didn't need a secret organization to hide behind to disenfranchise and terrorize black people anymore. They just used the government and police.

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I wonder if Breaking Bad have any effect on meth production

I wonder if it made me say bitch more, bitch!

Yes, blue meth started to appear and the quality went up significantly as that’s what people were asking for

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Tupac tried to do the same thing with black communities.

He knew the effect he had on people and wanted to redefine what it means to be in the "T.H.U.G L.I.F.E" as he called it. His thought process was that the violence on the street was getting out of control and the police ain't gonna help you, the politicians were corrupt and they could only elevate themselves to bring about a sense of honor among their community. He portrayed the lifestyle as being stylish (versache, expensive watches, cars, women etc etc), making lots of money while doing shady things but do it with respect, etc etc. As in you don't follow this lifestyle you can't call yourself a thug....

probably one of the reasons why I consider tupac over biggie...Biggie just seemed like a good rapper, while tupac had so put so much thought into the art and what he did. That was until his later years and he just got all pissed off at everyone and came out and called everyone out for being a hater lol (prob the reason he was killed apparently).

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So basically what the KKK did with white hooded garments is pretty much what the Nazis did with the swastika.

Take a thing thats not intended to be harmful in anyway and turn it into a symbol of hate.

People ran out of original ideas a long time ago.

In their case it also was to mock the church by using their attire.

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ohhhh. I had read this article a long time ago and it was surprisingly interesting. The point of the article, according to the headline, is to explain where the hood came from but it also goes into interesting details, about how they spread myths and lies to get people to fear black people, and what fascinated me, the fact that merely having a uniform caused the KKK to explode in popularity. It's the very reason groups like Patriot Front and Proud Boys have their uniforms and colors. It's a surprisingly effective recruiting tool.

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They wear these hoods in Spain for Semana Santa as well. I believe it is a Catholic tradition seen in many countries.

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English is hard so im not sure if im understanding correctly, but what im getting is that these outfits were originally used to remove the separation of humans? How ironic

They were used to make the person anonymous.

In the Italian Easter tradition that was used to do good and help the community without it being known who you were.

In the American South that was used to terrorize and murder black people without it being known who you were.


so the meaning of symbols change according to who is using it.

Just like swastika

The KKK adopted it during the second gen because it's anti catholic

Yes, the swastika is a sign of peace in hindi, but of course, Hilter messed that up.

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I don't blame them for keeping the hoods despite the KKK. Why should I change? They're the ones that suck.

KKK has no relevance outside the US.

As an Italian (actual born and raised, though not living there anymore) I can tell you that, while there is no KKK in Italy, most people are aware of what it is and what its members look like.

But yeah, because it’s not a thing there, outfits that resemble it don’t raise any eyebrows. Same with the confederate flag, many people just see it as a cool design to wear on belt buckles or hats, there’s usually no association with its history.

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Also, only predates the KKK by what? Several hundred years... 🙄

Why should I change? They're the ones that suck.

Because Americans think world revolves around them and anythign offensive to yanks has to be removed, becasue their the only culture that matters.

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Why the fuck does your opinion matter on this? why does everything have to relate to your shitty ass coutnry? fuck off.

judgement free when it comes to other peoples coulters as long as they don’t harm themselves or others

Thanks you Gracious USA lord for allowing me to have my own traditions. So generous of you.

Fuck off ya yankee cunt, stop beign world police.

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The hood represents that everyone is the same. The KKK adopted as a white power. But it has been a form of support for religion for hundreds of years.

Yeah, kinda the same deal with the Nazi swastica, it originated from a religious symbol. This kind of thing makes me realize that fascist and racists are so brain rotted that they are unable to at least be creative about it

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Everyone talking about “y’all need to learn the world”, or “not everything is about America”, is clearly missing the joke.

Stop being rotten apples and laugh a little. It’s a joke, and a funny one at that.


That's what's funny about reddit. One minute, they're like, "No one can't take a joke nowadays," and the next minute, they can't literally take a joke and laugh at something that was made to make people laugh.

Edit: "it's like reddit is full of individuals and not one person" says a bunch of you saying literally the same exact thing. You all are 1 person named Clarence from Idaho I bet.

It’s truly a spectrum

Bipolar spectrum.

That’s cause Redditors sux cox N dix

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Autism spectrum

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95% of the people saying no one can take a joke are the people who didn't get the joke till they looked at the comments and realised they were an idiot. Then overcompensated.


Then they downvote you for exactly this because they are not smart enough to understand the joke

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It's almost like Reddit is different people, and not everyone feels the same way, and the loudest people are actually a minority, and most people just don't give AF and are silent observers, and maybe most issues are blown out of proportion, and then possibly your own perception of what's happening is skewed by your bias, and a million other factors...

No that's false

I mostly just come here when I’m poopin, sometimes other times

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I think it's herd mentality. Someone downvotes or says they're offended and people think "oh cool we're going that direction. I'll join you"

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People commenting about reddit like it's not a bunch of different people with different opinions and also like they're not part of it lol

It urks me when people act like the entirety of Reddit is one person. Dude there's billions of people on the earth. There's thousands of bots on Reddit with agendas and alt accounts just to troll but y'all love to act like 15 people frequent Reddit and that's it. You need to realize that certain content attracts certain people and that's it. You'd get the exact same mixed comments on any fucking platform.

I dunno all Redditors look the same to me. I can't tell them apart.


We are the Reddit hive mind

We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own

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Bro you would be surprised lmao there's a loooot of people posting shit like this thinking it's literally the new european KKK

Where is the "loooot of people" saying this? Literally can't find anyone in this thread saying this.

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I just unironically thought the dipshits had migrated

Lol, and no, we are not all idiots

Speak for yourself. I am.

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People get offended by inside jokes


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They do something similar in Mexico. When I was in junior high one of my many Mexican-American classmates wore one for halloween. It didn’t work out.

This is a Christian tradition, it is common here in Brazil too, and in many other countries.

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The KKK stole their uniforms from Christian traditions, not the other way around

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Just to be clear: The KKK stole and culturally appropriated Catholic Penitent Garments to mock Hispanic Catholics and Black people in the South.

This is a standard European Tradition that is old as David Duke.

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Well, for this Black man's opinion, that shit was hilarious. Made so by the sistas look.🤷🏿‍♂️🤣


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Yeah, the side eye is definitely the funniest part

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We have a similar celebration here in Brazil.

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Back in the day this was meant for a ceremony in Italy for Christianity, it's just hate filled people who perverted something from a different country


If by back in the day you mean for centuries until now? Then yes. Also, it's not exclusive to Italia.

Don’t you know? Once America claims something it’s theirs. Like pizza and coffee

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Chill people. It’s supposed to be funny

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Those sideways eyes made me laugh so hard..

Did a look into it on wikipedia and two news articles, they're called capirotes and they can be seen in Spain, Hispaic countries and Italy. They're supposed to cover your face to draw away attention from people and instead draw attention to god as a way of repenting.

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American here: This is a TikTok trend that is not about criticizing the gowns and their involvement with the clan. It's primarily about the humorous element of someone being in an obviously anxious situation. Because of the Klan in the US there is an immediate reaction to these gowns. But without the person in the video looking obviously nervous there is no other element to the joke. This TikTok trend is not very good and I think everyone who has commented that it's unfair to compare the gowns to those worn by the KKK are correct and have valid feelings.

But also, we need to chill. Not all Americans are unaware of the world traditions. Not all Americans are morons. Not all Americans need validation from the internet to be happy and not do all Americans go to the internet with intent to harass and frustrate.

Americans are just like all of you, we live, we try our best to understand the world around us and sometimes we encounter things we don't understand. Sometimes being humorous is a method of coping with trauma, it's not exclusive to Americans.


American here: This is a TikTok trend

Problem is right here. I’ve seen 5-10 videos of essentially the same joke over the last week. The joke was funny the first time, now it’s just unoriginal.

Honestly, it comes up every single year. I’ve actually witnessed this in person in Sorrento Italy. Went about 20 years ago, there’s two processions, one in black gowns, and one in white going in opposite directions. They basically go from one side to the other signifying Jesus‘s death. And then they walk the opposite, signifying his resurrection as I understand it.

To be fair 20 something me was also very much caught off guard in the days before modern social media.

Did a quick Google, apparently there is even a third red procession I did not see while in town.

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Fucking KKK ruined pointy white hoods. 😤

Europeans in the comments : 🍿🍿🍿🍿

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I’m weak at the comments, it’s not that deep yall.

The Capirote the first started as the dunce cap to shame sinners and then people started wearing it as repentance for killing Jesus. Ironic how it’s worn by people who hate Catholics and take pride of wearing a dunce cap.

The kkk ain’t original with their costumes.


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Are there really peopel not getting the joke? That might be even funnier than the joke and that’s saying a lot.

It’s the slow pan that gets me..,

People are being rather civilized and understanding of this is actually very amazing, I was expecting an outbreak of idiots spouting bs and thinking with their ass.

Now I'm very curious if people will view the swastika with the same manner of intelligence...


Fucking KKK, ruining it for everyone. Just like Hitler and the swastika

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yearly repost

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Clayton Bigsby would be proud

Look like a fun tradition


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I can't see fuckin' shit out of this thing!

If you see white men dressed in white cloaks, don’t panic, call me and I’ll tell you a joke.

The ending got me. 😂🤣

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Saw a very similar sight around Easter when my family vacationed in rural Spain in the mid 90s. We got back to our hotel room after dinner in the hotel restaurant and heard a commotion outside. Looked out the window and there were guys in white hoods with torches and like ten of them carrying a huge cross. The white hoods made them look like Klan, but they were also walking barefoot so the procession itself seemed way more like a Middle Ages type thing. Felt like going back in time by a thousand years. Interesting as hell, but kinda creepy when you're not expecting it.

This is actually low-key hilarious.

This is funny as sh*t


Lmao this post was right below the triple k trucking post

Religion is wierd af

This made me laugh ngl

kkk (laughs in brazil)

I think this is Spain, Valencia


That's crazy! I just found some photos of my grandfather in the basement, and it looks like he was in one of those proceedings! He lived in Mississippi


I hope the hurt Europeans know that black Americans realize it isn’t the Klan and are making a joke about the comparison. Y’all call us soft and then get all sensitive about this. It’s kinda weird how defensive some of y’all are, suspicious even.