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Ambulance Victoria says "tough decisions" need to be made as cost pressures exceed funding allowance

Victoria's Opposition says "savage cuts" are looming over the state's healthcare system while the government refuses to rule out job cuts. 
An ambulance in Melbourne's CBD.

'50 cent fares will be a 50-cent fail': Brisbane City Council warns state government over buses

Brisbane City Council is urging the state government to commit half a billion dollars to Brisbane's bus system or risk "disaster" in August when people rush for cheap fares. 
A bus driving over a bridge in Brisbane.

'I can't trust anything anymore': Woman loses 95-year-old mum's $1.6m life savings to scammers

It all started with a phone call from a well-spoken man who claimed he worked for a well-known bank. Now, Harriet has lost the proceeds from the sale of her widowed mother's home. 
a woman wearing a pink jumper sits at the kitchen table

'What's the point of the council?': Yarra locals rage over plan to give executives more power

A Yarra councillor says a tenfold increase to the value of property the CEO can sell-off without councillor sign-off could turn the role into that of an 'unelected, economic czar'. 
The City of Yarra council is based at Richmond town hall.

At a Tasmanian restaurant, diners can barter home veggies for restaurant meals in regenerative tourism model

An armful of salad greens in exchange for a restaurant dinner is what's on offer for local backyard growers at a northern Tasmanian hub where 'ultra seasonal' is the fare.
A young man holds large white crates of fresh green produce in each hand.

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Business Analysis

analysis:No bull Bullock shoots straight on the Reserve Bank's growing interest rate dilemma

Pressure is growing on the Reserve Bank to lift interest rates again as inflation remains stubbornly high, but governor Michele Bullock knows another rate hike all but guarantees a recession.

analysis:South Africa's future depends on an 'unholy alliance' solving its real-world problems before time runs out

Time is running out in South Africa to find solutions to its real-world problems — otherwise the country may well become another textbook case on what happens when inequality is allowed to fester.

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