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State of the subreddit

Or, some thoughts on how to keep the subreddit from turning into a dumpster fire.

1. Stop insulting people because of who they do, or don’t, like. Calling them delusional, bitter, stupid, etc. is against the rules. We don’t care if you’re “just being truthful.” We don’t care if you think that their favorite is morally bankrupt. It’s a TV show.

If you want to criticize a character’s actions, do so without insulting the people who enjoy that character.

That being said, if others are criticizing a character that you like, don’t jump on them about it. Someone disliking a character that you like isn't an attack on you, personal or otherwise. Please understand that these characters don't need a defence force, and users shouldn't be antagonistic when their faves are being criticized.

2. TV shows aren’t paragons of morality. Criticizing characters is fine. Criticizing writers is fine. Criticizing actors is fine. What crosses the line is when you imply, or outright state, that people who appreciate characters who behave immorally are themselves immoral. If you enjoy this show, you’re watching a group of mass murderers living their lives. No one has the high ground.

Discussing the morality behind the show is fine. I think that there’s inherent value in discussing why Bonnie was treated the way she was, or how consent doesn’t seem to factor into a lot of vampire media. Discussions like this aren’t (and shouldn’t be) criticisms of fans. The fans didn’t write the show and — unless they’re behaving like killing should be a normal weekend activity — they’re not saying that problematic behaviors should be normalized.

3. If someone is breaking the rule regarding civility, report them. Sadly, the mods are neither robots nor all-knowing. We need to be told about posts and comments directly. While we’re not going to remove comments that insult characters (ie, “I think [character A] is an awful person and should/shouldn’t have [something].”), we will take action on posts like the one I mention below, or anyone breaking the civility rule. While it’s difficult to unambiguously determine what’s civil, we do our best.

4. Stop shit stirring. If your contribution to the subreddit is a post like, “Why does everyone criticize [character]? [Other character] was just as bad!”, then you’re shit stirring. You aren’t trying to discuss a character based on their own merits, but rather you’re making a comparison while simultaneously calling out other users. That’s inevitably going to result in a defensive back-and-forth that accomplishes nothing other than anger.

We understand that a show that placed such an emphasis on the love triangle aspect will draw comparisons, but at this point we’re getting into “low effort, maximum rage” territory. If you want to make a comparison that isn’t part of the aforementioned shit stirring, actually put some thought into it, rather than a bland “[Brother A] kills and so does [Brother B]! Why so much hate? :(“.

5. Learn to ignore things that don’t apply to you. This is just good practice in life. If I scroll by a post that’s about dogs, I’m not going to pop in and start giving them hell for ignoring the cat fans in the audience. This isn’t a rule, but seriously, try to be better.

6. Agree to disagree. A world can exist where people disagree with you. You don't need to convert others to your side. If you feel that someone's opinion is super wrong, learn to live with it instead of insulting them.

Like, I'm not a fan of pineapple on pizza. I'm not going to spam those who like it with paragraphs about how they're wrong. In matters of taste (such as pizza toppings or favorite characters), there's often no logic to debate. People like what they like. Discussing this difference is one thing (like, "Do you enjoy the added sweetness that pineapple brings?" or "Do you not find the texture of pineapple upsetting?"), but if your goal is to convert, please save the proselytizing.

If anything else needs to be addressed, please feel free to suggest it in the comments.

We generally try to let the subreddit itself determine the value of posts (via upvotes and downvotes), but if this increased level of activity (and conflict) continues then we might need to rethink that and add more mods.

(The edit is to fix the formatting that reddit mobile wasn't displaying.)

(The second edit was to flesh out the second paragraph of point #1. Nothing was removed, but text was added.)

Free-form reporting has been disabled.

May I just say this about season 2 please May I just say this about season 2 please

Can I just say how PERFECT season 2 is? I'm rewatching the show and damn it, the 1st katherine arc is so well written. She is the perfect villain. And the masquerade party scene, when she is trapped...absolutely perfect. It's so annoying to watch season 5-end when you rewatch it in a roll, cuz it just becomes clear how poor the writing got.

What's your most unpopular AND popular opinion on the show? What's your most unpopular AND popular opinion on the show?

My popular opinion is that its sooo annyoing how elena treats jeremy like a kid. yeah I know all about being an older sister (I am one myself) and being protective and also they had a difficult life, so I dont mean the protective things. I mean the stupid things like, they are almost the same age, they can all go ou and get drunk and go to really far trips and miss school, but then she goes ahead and gives Jer shit for drinking a shot (and I mean the mature version of jeremy, not the drug addict one). URGH!

My unpopular opinion is (I think it is, cuz I dont see much of a talking about it): what was the point in tyler dying? why no one cared? Why couldnt he just leave? Nah I KNOW he was not a huge addition to that point of the show, but come on. Also I love Damon, but he gets a free pass for so many things. (just like all of them, IK), But damon actually kills people from his own circle, even if they were not friends, even with his humanity on.

I'm interested in hearing your own opinions, specially the unpopular ones.

Compulsion Compulsion

Most of the times the reason vampires turn their humanity off is because they can't go through the pain of losing someone. But instead of turning it all off, isn't it better to ask an original to compel you to let it go and move on or smth? Also, instead of Elena having Alaric to compel her memories with Damon away, she could have done that. That way, she'd stop hurting but also know that she loved him. Caroline could have an original compel her for her mother's death to be easier for her (I know they were busy w their own drama at that time, but I'm sure Klaus wouldn't mind devoting 3 minutes to help Caroline).

Would being sired to Klaus really be that bad? Sure you'd have to be evil but.. Would being sired to Klaus really be that bad? Sure you'd have to be evil but..

I feel like if you were apathetic enough to embrace his nihilistic energy, he'd actually be pretty chill to roll with.

He'd also be the best ally you could have in your corner. I feel like I would try to become his right hand person if I were in that situation, get him to actually like me as a homie rather than a subordinate. Maybe he'd even let me marry Rebekah and become officially part of the Mikaelson clan.

These are the things I dream.

Am I the only one that actually likes season 7? Am I the only one that actually likes season 7?

I know that the later seasons are consistently hated on, and season 7 particularly gets a bad rap, understandably so. A lot of criticism comes from a lack of overarching and consistent storylines as opposed to the earlier seasons. Personally, I always find myself going back to season 7 on rewatches for some reason. Maybe it's because I like its general vibe; it feels like a breath of fresh air with Elena off the show (nothing much against her, but I liked that Caroline and Bonnie got to be more front and centre, and we got some really good performances from Kat Graham this season as well). This may be unpopular too but I really like the Heretics as well and (some of) what they brought to the show. The actors, particularly Malarkey and Graham, talked about enjoying shooting scenes to do with the Armory, Bonenzo, Bonnie being the Huntress etc, and I at least found it kinda interesting as it unfolded. I actually think season 8 is more of a mess than this season. Season 5 would probably also rank lower for me given how quickly they abandoned the Silas-Qetsiyah plot line and how poorly constructed the Traveler storyline and lore was.