The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
EFF needs your help to defend privacy and free speech online. Learn why you're crucial to the fight in this edition of campfire tales from our friends, The Encryptids. Through EFF's 34th anniversary you can be a member for just $20, receive 2 rare gifts (including a Bigfoot enamel pin!), and monthly donations get a free match.
California lawmakers are debating an ill-advised bill that would require internet users to show their ID in order to look at sexually explicit content. EFF has sent a letter to California legislators encouraging them to oppose Assembly Bill 3080 , which would have the result of censoring the internet for all users. If you care about a free and open internet for all, and are a California resident, now would be a good time to contact your California Assemblymember and...
The ongoing Twitter exodus sparked life into a new way of doing social media. Instead of a handful of platforms trying to control your life online, people are reclaiming control by building more open and empowering approaches to social media. Some of these you may have heard of: Mastodon, Bluesky, and Threads. Each is distinct, but their differences can be hard to understand as they’re rooted in their different technical approaches. The mainstream social web arguably became “five websites, each...
Surveillance Self-Defense
Surveillance Self-Defense is EFF's online guide to defending yourself and your friends from surveillance by using secure technology and developing careful practices.
Privacy Badger
Privacy Badger is an install-and-forget browser add-on that stops advertisers and trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you look at on the web.