Showing posts with label Movember. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movember. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why I Am Not Supporting Movember

Last year I did Movember. I grew a big stupid moustache, and I raised a bit of money, and it was all good.


But this year, when Movember rolled around, I decided I would not be doing it again.

This is not because I have any problem with the aims of Movember, or how they try to achieve them. I haven't, in the last year, decided it's all a bunch of crap and not worth bothering with.

But one of the main beneficiaries of Movember is Beyond Blue, the depression initiative. And while I've been a supporter of Beyond Blue in the past, I cannot continue that support, because they continue to retain Jeff Kennett as the organisation's chairman and public face.

And while one may laud Kennett for his work in establishing Beyond Blue, and what he's done to raise awareness of depression and mental health issues, I believe that he does not have the best interests of depression sufferers at heart. In fact I believe he actively works against the aims of those who attempt to improve life for depression sufferers and lessen the impact of the illness upon society.

Through his support for poker machines and his opposition to reforms aimed at fighting gambling addiction, through his hurtful and bigoted public statements denigrating gay parents, and equating homosexuality to paedophilia, Kennett has aligned himself on the side of those contributing to depression, not fighting it.

This is not to say Beyond Blue does not do good work, or is worthy of no support as an organisation. But I can't take them seriously as a depression initiative while Jeff Kennett is their figurehead, and the only way things will change is if a message is sent that the current situation is unacceptable.

So that's why I'm not supporting Movember, and most importantly why I'm publicly stating my opposition and the reasons for it. Movember is a great idea, and I hope to be able to support it again in future. But I can't in good conscience give support to the raising of funds for an organisation that I believe is militating its own goals by keeping as its most visible public spokesman a man who frankly doesn't seem particularly serious about actually working for the good of depression sufferers.

Having said that, I am not railing against those who do choose to support Movember. That's their decision, and they are motivated by a genuine desire to support the cause of men's health, and I can't criticise that.

But I do believe we would all be better served by diverting our support to other worthy charities that also do good work, without necessarily achieving Beyond Blue's profile.

You can support Fauxvember, an alternative charity set up basically for the same reasons I've outlined here, which is also committed to men's health issues.

You can support the Black Dog Institute, which does really good work in the fields of depression and mental health.

Then there's Lifeline, which is on the frontline of crisis support and suicide prevention, and is literally a lifesaver for a lot of people.

And of course the other side of Movember is its support for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, so why not go donate to them directly?

There's loads of other organisations dedicated to raising awareness of and improving men's health, and if you want to get behind the issue, there's lots of places you can go. I have no interest in preventing support for the people tackling these problems: but I do think a change has to come. Beyond Blue can't be taken seriously with Jeff Kennett at the top - please, give him that gentle nudge.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stay Tuned

Things continue to happen, don't they?

Check out a new one by me at Crikey, where I have been standing up for the traditions that make this country great.

And guess what? You can still donate to Movember! You could donate there, or anywhere really. Donate to whatever facial hair you choose, it all goes to the right place.

Also, wheels are turning in regard to my show in next year's Comedy Festival.


Monday, November 15, 2010


DAY 15!

Oh, what's that you say? Movember's not about beards? Well screw your RULES, man! There's hair on my face, I'm staying right here!

If you're a rebel like me, go here to donate to the cause of men's health, physical and mental.

If you'd like to support a cause that is neither worthy nor demanding of monetary donations, why not go to The Wonkleys?

You can vote for me in the category of "Best Political Journalist". Note my careful use of words: I said you CAN. Not you "should", or you "might want to", or "it won't make you feel dirty to". But you CAN, if that's the way your urges swing.

No I don't know when I became a political journalist. I think it's because I got paid too much to be an amateur blogger, and I spent too many nights not being on Q and A to be a Q and A panellist.

Oh, you can also vote for "almost everything I have said" in the category of "Best Political Comment of the Year", which let's face it would be a pretty accurate award for me to win given all those great things I say sometimes. Remember them? There were some. Google it.

Anyway, there you go. You can donate money to my hairy face, or you can donate a vote to my hairy punditry. It's up to you really. If you genuinely want to, you could even just ignore me and do nothing.

You rude bastards.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Good Cause, Right?

I'm now on Day 3 of Movember! It's...kind of weird.

But it's for the benefit of men's health, in particular the fights against prostate cancer and depresseion, so if you can spare anything at all, donate here. I, and many others, will appreciate it.