Recent Books

  • The Reservoir

    Price: $12.00

    From the introduction: “What does it mean to build a life in common at the end of the world? The crises in which we find ourselves living – constant, and newly surprising – require us to be present for each other in all kinds of ways. And yet the system in which we live wants to keep us distracted, plugged-in, doom-scrolling, and separate. Woodbine, a physical space in Ridgewood, Queens from which this publication was born, was founded, in part, as a means to create that presence…”

    The Reservoir is the new journal from Woodbine, an experimental hub for developing the practices, skills, and tools needed to build autonomy. The Reservoir features new and previously unavailable texts by Silvia Federici, Fred Moten, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Ben Morea, and P.M., as well as fiction, poetry, interviews, photography, essays, illustrations, and archival material from more than 20 contributors, with design by Kevin McCaughey.

    “Why commit to being an exclusively physical object?...

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  • Paths to Autonomy, edited by Noah Bremer & Vaida Stepanovaite

    Price: $22.95

    A collection exploring the history and development of autonomous politics in Lithuania and Eastern Europe

    A path is created when a direction is taken, its production marks the imbrication of personal choice, communal action and subhuman (structural, historical, ecological) conditionings. We are at the same time the makers of our paths and subject to the inheritance of paths we have made with others and which have arrived before our own makings. And just as class is not a static, abstract, transhistorical form, neither are the paths of its articulation as autonomous revolts of selves against capital – there are many paths to, for, and of autonomy.

    The autonomist tradition, that politically experimental effort to build autonomy within and against capitalism, has been intensely variegated from its inception in the 1970s. From an initial focus upon the question of proletarian autonomy, its paths have multiplied, bifurcated, and diffused. Following the legacies of decolonial and feminist autonomism, we would argue for an embrace of autonomy’s differences and bifurcations....

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  • Invisible Generation: Rants, Polemics and Critical Theory Against the Planetary Work Machine, by Jason Rodgers

    Price: $18.95

    “This is a book of ideas and images in which the images, mostly collages, include lots of ideas coming from an independent, ultra-left perspective. Rodgers developed these ideas and honed his photocopy collage techniques over decades with mail-art flyers. Now in finalized form, these documents provide readers outside of his mail-art network access to the goings-on of underground movements that were once mostly ‘invisible.’ Aspects of these movements, notably the resistance to work, have surfaced in recent years in surprising ways and to surprising degrees.” — Lenny B.

    “Rodgers’ book explores too many topics to summarize here from Nick Land to Deleuze and Foucault — subcultural particularism and stick and paste posters. The book flows with scans of Jason’s famous flyers exploring the IWW, Foot Not Bombs and the drudgery of daily life. The more nuanced critical theory is balanced with harsh deductive rants that fiercely reject the modern world. A cool book that can be flipped through and engaged with easily.”...

    Read more about: Invisible Generation: Rants, Polemics and Critical Theory Against the Planetary Work Machine, by Jason Rodgers  »
  • The Book of Neoism?! The Revelations to Amen. Assembled by Istvan Kantor

    Price: $24.95

    The Book of Neoism brings together the collected writings of Hungarian-Canadian artist Istvan Kantor, one of the early members of the Neoism artistic and subcultural movement that revolved around artistic performances and experimentations with media. 9781570273728 498 pages, paperbound 5.5 x 8.5 inches
  • Dissemblage: Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution
    Gerald Raunig

    Price: $22.95

    Dissemblage: Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution
    Gerald Raunig

    Following Dividuum (2015), Gerald Raunig presents the second volume of “Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution.” Dissemblage unfolds a wild abundance of material of unruliness, from the multilingual translation machines of Al-Andalus to the queer mysticism of the High Middle Ages, from the small voices of the falsetto in 20th century jazz and soul to today’s disjointures and subjunctures against the smooth city in machinic capitalism.

    In this volume Gerald Raunig not only develops a conceptual ecology of concepts of joining and jointing, but also undertakes an experiment in theoretical form. Semi-fictional interweaves with meticulously researched historical sources, mystical writings with letters from friends, philosophical fragments with poetic ritornellos. More than a narrative about dissemblages from social surrounds, thing-worlds, and ghost-worlds, the book itself is a dividual multiplicity in form and content, out of joint, in the joints, dissemblage.

    Bio: Gerald Raunig is philosopher at the Zurich University of the Arts and co-editor of the multilingual publishing platform transversal texts....

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    Gerald Raunig  »
  • Conversazione

    Price: $16.95

    Peter Lamborn Wilson with Tamas Panitz and others

    “Speech acts” have always been an important part of Peter Lamborn Wilson’s practice as a writer. For many years he hosted a talk show on WBAI in New York City, spoke in public at the Open Center and the Anarchist Forum in New York, and lectured at Naropa’s Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder.

    Here are four “Conversazione” on subjects ranging from the philosophy of food (or gastrosophy, as Charles Fourier called it) to a discussion of the intentions and fates of many of his major books, moderated by poet Tamas Panitz. Poet and classicist Charles Stein and artist Phyllis Segura chime in.

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