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Anonymous Doctor Octagonapus said...

If it's poorly made it's obviously W.E.B. Their grammar is thus of a elementary student.

Posters aren't hard to make nor put up, so obviously W.E.B hopped up on crack was at it again.

First blaming a poorly made bomb on A.G, now blaming terrible posters on A.G? These guys are idiots. Go back to jail Ratmeire.

10 April 2010 at 12:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if this was the work of the 'REAL Blood and Honour" trying to mimic the Combat group 18 they hate so much.

10 April 2010 at 12:31

Anonymous Anonymous said...

those two dorks from advocates for white civil rights didnt do this, youve gotta be kidding me

11 April 2010 at 16:41

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the Zundel fire in the 1990s, which a few have tried to link to the ARA, was actually claimed by a far-right Jewish hate group..."

in true zundle fashion, i just choose to deny that said fire ever actually happened. just call me a "zundle fire denier".

13 April 2010 at 15:52

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