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Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 questions:
1) Is Kyle's story that they had a solid Alibi true? If it is, who planted the bomb (we know it was made in his house).
2) Have the authorities been notified of John's choice to publish these documents?

9 June 2010 at 07:20

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All "white nationalists" are rats.

9 June 2010 at 08:30

Anonymous Anonymous said...

With enemies like these who needs friends?

9 June 2010 at 09:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle didnt have a solid alibi but yes his co-accused did. Doesn't take the blame off of kyle from a realistic point of view but in the rediculous court of law it does.

I wonder if the authorities are following Johns bail conditions..such as having no contact with ANY white supremacists. Seems hes back in full contact with his goof troop.

10 June 2010 at 18:33

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Yes, there was an alibi. At least for the 17 year old. He was seen entering somwhere on camera at the time. As for Kyle, not sure.
2)They are not private. He should have blacked items out, but they were clearly given the documents.

10 June 2010 at 23:47

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys know that everyone in BC and Ontario laughs at both the Aryan Guard and WEB right? These two are no WN's or whatever they want to call themselves. From what I hear, all over Canada boneheads are sitting and waiting for these Calgary fucks to relocate, especially to Ontario. These guys are a joke when compared to the actual groups that exist out there, as amusing it is reading it all, its getting kind of boring reading how fucking dumb they are. They're not worth the fight as they pose no threat when it comes to racism.

11 June 2010 at 15:53

Anonymous AuntieFa said...

It's rather curious that Marleau would choose to scan and post the entire transcript, it doesnt exactly paint a picture of well rounded (pun intended) folks concerned about their ethnic group. Alas, it paints a picture of street level thugs without a profit venture, as most criminals have a profit motive. Although Ms. CW keeps some interesting company, I salute her for having the gumption to speak to the cops about these yahoos.

Incidentally, it would seem the yahoos in question are quick to call "rat" . I wonder if they're aware that calling rat is essentially a pathetic and misguided attempt to sublimate personal culpability.....

12 June 2010 at 15:53

Anonymous truth teller said...

Who gives a crap about BC or Ontario? Neither has ever had a march or anything significant.
Fuck Ontario and BC

13 June 2010 at 12:58

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maxim Lee is none other than Mr. Lee Ebel

18 April 2011 at 08:43

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