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Episode 284 – Who are Canada’s traitors?

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about foreign influence in Canadian politics and how, once again, Poilievre is eating everyone’s lunch.

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Daily News – June 18, 2024

Story 1 – Kabyle Canadians accuse Algeria of spying on them.   Story 2 – A young man self-immolated inside a Winnipeg mosque.   Story 3 – The world...

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Daily News – June 17, 2024

Story 1 – Family says that father’s death at a hospital ER was due to an overloaded system.   Story 2 – Trudeau calls Russia’s attack on Ukraine a...

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Daily News – June 14, 2024

Story 1 – 90% of teachers in Nunavut report having witnessed some kind of violence in the past year.   Story 2 – Ottawa cop gets to remain a...

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Daily News – June 13, 2024

Story 1 – Two cops involved in the high-speed chase that lead to a family being killed are refusing to cooperate with the SIU.   Story 2 – Some...

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Daily News – June 12, 2024

Story 1 – Indigenous students in PA were targeted for bizarre brain waves therapy, funded by a billionaire and that was never approvd by an ethics board.   Story...

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