Showing posts with label Myatt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Myatt. Show all posts

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Gifters (Allegedly) Gotta Grift II: Ronny Cameron Jumps on Wexit Bandwagon and Joey Deluca Thinks He's A Mobster (And is Racists AF)

Back on October 27 I wrote an article in which I discussed Steven Myatt's apparent ghosting of a person he owes money to after his relocation to Alberta. He had also raised thousands of dollars from "patriots" for his effort to hire a lawyer to sue Justin Trudeau and have him removed from office for treason; that money too is unaccounted for.

In what I assume must be a completely unrelated development, Myatt appears to have deleted his Facebook profile not long after the article was published.

But if there's one thing the Canadian "patriot" movement doesn't have a shortage of, it is individuals who will jump on the latest fad in order to (1) make a quick buck, (2) engage in self-promotion, or (3) both. For example:

Hmmmm, "Max Heinz" eh?

While ARC has not devoted an article to Ronny Cameron in some time it was probably inevitable that he would jump on the Wexit bandwagon despite the rather inconvenient fact he lives in Scarborough. Though his influence is minimal compared to what it once was (and it wasn't much even then) because of his tendency to burn bridges then the ashes of the bridges, Ronny is now pushing mass emigration to Alberta as a means of establishing a far-right white homeland. Thus far support for the effort from his supporters, while mixed, does lean towards the desire for said mass migration to Alberta, though few actually seem especially committed to it themselves and they have a rather naive and simplistic understanding of the topic:

To further illustrate the views of many of his remaining supporters regarding the subject:

Last week Ronny uploaded one of his tedious 2+ hour videos of himself attempting to appear knowledgeable about subject matter he has very little understanding of. For example, he couldn't do a 4 second Google search to determine how many MPs Alberta has:

I'll spare readers the tedium of watching the whole thing and provide the highlights from the first half-hour or so (I include my own editorializing):

Blames immigrants for the election of the Liberals and engages in some inaccurate reporting of demographics:

Advocates the mass migration of white people, suggests he's a prophet (okay, not in so many words, but listen to what he says about himself and tell me I'm wrong), and dumps on the Atlantic provinces for being a "net drain" on the country while failing to note the Atlantic provinces are predominately white while to more prosperous provinces are much more diverse by comparison.

Also, working hard for something sucks so why bother?:

"Immigration is horrible! We can solve this problem through (checking note) immigration!"


Then there's some of the most egregious historical revisionism I've read in some time.

Really. The ignorance is almost sublime:

Finally, Ronny might be a Sith in that he believes in absolutes:

Yeah I know the descriptions of the clips are lazy but really, he doesn't warrant a lot of work.

Ronny's effort to ride the Wexit wagon back into a modicum of relevance in the world of the far right looks like it might hit a bit of turbulence due to the aforementioned bridge burning however:

 Suffice it to say Ronny isn't taking being mocked by Alex Van Hamme of Free Bird Media stride:

Ronny does have his supporters still....

.... amongst whom is one Joey Deluca of the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam (WCAI) who seems to think he's an Italian mobster now:

Like Ronny, Deluca has jumped onto the Wexit bandwagon:

He also continues to be as charming and ill-informed as ever:

Uhm, who wants to tell him the Chilean government is
right-wing and the protesters are mostly socialists?
All this is what we've come to expect from Deluca, however it also appears that he isn't bothering to try and hide his racism any longer:

The most egregious example was caught by our friends Edmonton Against Fascism:

In the end, they simply can't help revealing who they really are.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Gifters (Allegedly) Gotta Grift: Pako Dallaire Falls Out With Steven Myatt

It has been quite a long time since ARC has devoted an article specifically focusing on Steven Ponzi Madoff Lustig McCloundy Myatt. In fact it has been more than half a year since ARC devoted an article to the man who began the quixotic quest to launch a class action lawsuit to have Prime Minister Trudeau charged with treason almost two years ago because.... you know.... that's how he and his supporters think these things work:

During the months Myatt was supposedly organizing this effort, he traveled across the country meeting with far-right groups such as the Soldiers of Odin and the Northern Guard in order to garner their support which, not surprisingly, was given without reservation:

He also managed to score a bit of a public relations coup (at least in the eyes of his credulous supporters) when he was able to meet briefly with Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer in Red Deer:

It doesn't matter if this "meeting" with Scheer was simply a brief exchange in a hallway. All that mattered was that Scheer apparently didn't shut down Myatt and that a photo was taken of the encounter, all of which further emboldened Myatt's supporters and encouraged them to donate more money to what was in reality a hopeless cause. And to be sure the naive and the gullible continued to fall for the grift:

Now it would be wrong to suggest that Myatt had been able to hoodwink everyone. In fact there was some push-back from others within the far-right, ethnic nationalist, anti-government movement that was so closely tied to Islamophobia, anti-semitism, xenophobia, and racism. Myatt responded by questioning the patriotism of his detractors and basically siccing his true believers on them:

By this point readers will have noticed that one of Myatt's supporters, Pako Dallaire, is featured rather prominently in these screen shots. Dallaire, who based on previous statements is now 73 or 74 years old, isn't just a supporter. She is the one who was given the responsibility of handling the money raised for Myatt:

Dallaire was also very active on Facebook advocating on Myatt's behalf. In this exchange in one of the groups created to promote the proposed class action lawsuit, Dallaire is one of the unhinged individuals who write about what they claim is psychological trauma brought about as a result of the Trudeau government:

With the background now established, let's move on to Myatt's last post on Facebook back on May 14, 2019:

I did notice when Myatt had posted this farewell originally but didn't bother doing anything with it at the time. I couldn't help noticing though that almost no one mentioned the proposed class action lawsuit, now rudderless, or the thousands of dollars raised ostensibly to hire an attorney to take on the case. Instead the sheep grateful supporters offered their gratitude for all the.... er.... hard work Myatt had done.... I guess? Here are a collection of such comments:

Again, I didn't really pay much attention to the comments either, however I perhaps should have as there was one notable omission amongst those Myatt thanks for their support.

That individual noticed as well:

Some of those who were critical of Myatt's efforts had suggested, since filing a class action lawsuit against Trudeau to have him charged with treason was laughable on the face of it, that Myatt's efforts might be much more self-serving. In fact Dallaire acting as the treasurer of the funds collected was used frequently as a means of dismissing those accusations since the money was an arm's length away.

And to be sure a fair amount of money was indeed collected via Go Fund Me:

So where did all the money go then?

One would think his supporters might be more curious about this question especially in light of the treasurer who was in theory responsible for the money now claiming fraud. Did Dallaire provide Myatt a personal loan or was it a loan from the funds collected for the lawsuit?

I early September, Dallaire attempted to contact Myatt again and this time as a result of an exchange with another individual we have been provided with further details:

While I'm sure the threat to take Myatt to court over this issue will likely not occur either, I do find it ironic that at this point the only person who may result in finding himself in a court room is Myatt himself.

Myatt isn't the first alleged grifter who took advantage of the incoherent rage of members of the far-right. Considering who we see as being involved in the #wexit movement, he certainly won't be the last either.