Showing posts with label Gary Schipper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gary Schipper. Show all posts

Monday, December 07, 2015

Your Ward News: Birds of a Feather

While we haven't written a great deal about Your Ward News or the current editor James Sears since our last article, the antisemitic, misogynistic, and racist Toronto publication continues to be a going concern. A group in Toronto has been working successfully at convincing businesses to stop advertising in the publication. The number of advertisers has dropped precipitously, however there are still a few holdovers such as these ones found in the December 2015 edition:

The good folks in the Toronto group found something especially interesting about the Gutter Experts' Petrus Zuidervaart:

Teen sexually assaulted after answering room-for-rent ad
Aug 20, 2010

A man faces charges after a teenage girl was sexually assaulted Wednesday, Aug. 18.

Police allege a man posted an ad for a room for rent. A 16-year-old girl contacted the man, who identified himself as Peter.

On Wednesday, a suspect picked up the girl at home and drove her to a house where she was sexually assaulted.

Petrus Zuidervaart, 53, has been charged with invitation to sexual touching and sexual assault.

The irony that an ad for a lawyer specializing in defending clients accused of sexual assault isn't lost on us, though to be fair given Sears' own history it isn't entirely unexpected either:

In spite of this, James was an incredibly bright student, studying at the University of Toronto. He was, however, not devoid of mental health issues. As a 3rd-year medical school student and a member of the Armed Forces Medical Officer Training Plan, his discordant mental state started to become well-documented; notably, James suffered from substance-abuse problems, compulsive masturbation issues, constant sexual harassment of others (including masturbating to women over the phone), and general anti-social behaviour, becoming shunned by his colleagues because of his offensive conduct.

After graduating medical school in 1988 (and being found “competent for unsupervised practice”), James undertook psychiatric treatment at the Clarke Institute where it was advised that he suffered from such psychiatric illness that successful rehabilitation was unlikely. This conclusion would be confirmed after Sears admitted to two counts of sexual assault against one 34-year-old woman and another 26-year-old woman, both of whom accused Sears of inappropriate touching and verbal sexual propositions, so intense that each woman feared for her own safety.

As a result, James Sears would be stripped of his medical license in 1993 — years after the grim diagnosis of his unlikely rehabilitation was made.

The actual hearing details are found here:


We've also learned that former Heritage Front voice Gary Schipper has been hospitalized, leaving Sears to write much of the rag himself, or so it would appear.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Continuing Our Heritage Front Project (And An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part XI)

We are still continuing our project of documenting the history of the Heritage Front by collecting photographs, letters, and hate propaganda from the period between 1989 and 1994 when the hate group was at it's peak, 1995 to 1999 when the group was in decline after Elisse Hategan testified against the leadership and Bristow had become known as a CSIS mole, and 2001 to 2005 when Marc Lemire attempted, and ultimately failed, to revive the hate group under his leadership. We are also eager to receive any other information that could be provided, be it related to the Heritage Front or any other Canadian hate group (we did receive some very interesting documents concerning the Western Guard not long ago).

Not long ago we received a parcel containing copies of "The HF Report" which was the Heritage Front journal that existed after "UpFront" was discontinued; the publication of "The HF Report" took place between 1997 and 1999. However, we should have looked closer, as we also found a copy of "UpFront" which we have already mentioned here on this blog in relation to our documentation of Marc Lemire's Heritage Front connection:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Heritage Front Project

As we're in a bit of a lull right now (and that is decidedly a very good thing) we thought we would start some work on a project that we had considered long ago but had put on the back burner. However we will need the help of our readers.

In 1989, perhaps the most "successful" hate group in Canadian history, the Heritage Front, was formed. It's heyday was between 1989 and early 1994, though it did continue in a much weakened state until 2005 when it finally ceased to exist.

We would like to document, as much as we can, the history of this group.

We are looking for examples of Heritage Front propaganda, newspaper clippings, and photos of the group (individual members, meetings/rallies held, encounters with antifa, informal gatherings, etc) between 1989 and 2005, with a special focus on the years between 1989 and 1999 (though the period between 2001 and 2005 is also of particular interest).

If you have any items that could be scanned and emailed to us, our address is as follows:

arc.collective200 (at)

Since the Heritage Front was founded almost a generation ago now, we'd sort of like to collect this information before much more of it is lost to time.We know that there are antifa and former HF members (who have rejected racism since they left the hate group) who have items that have not yet found their way into the public realm as yet and, from an historical point of view, these items would be of great interest to not only ourselves, but academia.

To those who are willing to help us out, we thank you.

Friday, November 04, 2011

MSM Catches Up on Tremaine

We noted this on October 27.

A little over a week later, CTV appears to be among the first of the msm to cover the story.

Not that we want to be critical of the msm, but come on! We're a blog that, according to some sources, no on reads. We shouldn't be able to scoop the big guys.

Neo Nazi in contempt for deliberate violation of tribunal

Date: Friday Nov. 4, 2011 7:03 PM ET

VANCOUVER — A white supremacist who posted hate propaganda on the Internet has been found in contempt of court for ignoring an order to get rid of the offensive material.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gary Schipper Still Into the White Supremacist Stuff

Normally we’d be loathe to publish part of a Jonathan Kay article, but we’re willing to make an exception when it involves an amusing anecdote about one Gary Schipper from the bonehead days of yore. Schipper was a prominent figure in the Heritage Front back when the organization was still relevant, and was well known as the voice of its anti-immigration telephone hateline. In 1993, the CHRC filed a complaint against the HF for inciting hatred and ordered it to cease recording hate messages until the CHRT’s ruling – an order which was promptly ignored and resulted in contempt charges against Schipper and fellow HF members Wolfgang Droege and Kenneth Barker. Several months later, a militant ARA demonstration outside Schipper’s Toronto house culminated in violent attacks on anti-racists at Sneaky Dees bar. That incident resulted in a number of assault charges against HF members and significantly contributed to the organization’s (and Schipper’s) steady descent into obsolescence. In 1994, Schipper was sentenced to two months for the contempt charges and has since kept a fairly low profile, though apparently his views have not evolved. Kay’s June 22 article entitled "My educational night at the ER with weirdos, pill-poppers and a musical holocaust-denier,” describes a chance encounter with Schipper at the hospital: