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AI art

arguments for and against AI art

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arguments for and against AI art
  • r/comics - arguments for and against AI art
  • r/comics - arguments for and against AI art
  • r/comics - arguments for and against AI art
  • r/comics - arguments for and against AI art

People are no longer able to tell AI art from non-AI art. And artists no longer disclose that they've used AI

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People are no longer able to tell AI art from non-AI art. And artists no longer disclose that they've used AI

Now when artists post AI art as their own, people are no longer able to confidently tell whether it's AI or not. Only the bad ones get caught, but that's less and less now.

Especially the "paint-overs" that are not disclosed.

What do you guys make of this?

These popped up on my instagram and were labeled as AI art, but do they look tangible to make?

This sub is for crocheters to share their work, discuss, swap ideas, and support each other. We like fun contributions and discussion. So, what's on your hook? For questions, please ask in our sister sub, r/CrochetHelp! Your account must be 24 hours old to post or comment.

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These popped up on my instagram and were labeled as AI art, but do they look tangible to make?
  • r/crochet - These popped up on my instagram and were labeled as AI art, but do they look tangible to make?
  • r/crochet - These popped up on my instagram and were labeled as AI art, but do they look tangible to make?

I ran every positive keyword from superstonk through an AI art app, and this masterpiece was born.

A place for theoretical discussions about GameStop stock ($GME). Opinions and memes welcome. Suspected crypto coin scams such as the "Superstonk" coin and "DumbMoney" crypto coin (with the symbol "$GME") have nothing to do with GameStop stock. None of this is financial advice.

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I ran every positive keyword from superstonk through an AI art app, and this masterpiece was born.
r/Superstonk - I ran every positive keyword from superstonk through an AI art app, and this masterpiece was born.

People are so bad at distinguishing AI art from non-AI and it's frustrating.

A place for artists from all art-related subs and beyond to come together and discuss art, our lives as artists, discuss art culture, and share advice and techniques. Please check out r/ArtBusiness to discuss topics related to business, careers, social media, clients etc. Join our Discord server to chat with members, share art, and get advice about anything related to Artist Lounge in real-time! Link to join is in the sidebar.

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People are so bad at distinguishing AI art from non-AI and it's frustrating.

Just a small rant from me. I find it so frustrating that many people just can't tell if something is AI even though the image is full of mistakes, looks completely bland and soulless. And then we also have the people who accuse every art they don't like as AI with made-up evidence.

It really sucks.

I built a site where you can make and search AI art

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AI art and human creativity.

A place for artists from all art-related subs and beyond to come together and discuss art, our lives as artists, discuss art culture, and share advice and techniques. Please check out r/ArtBusiness to discuss topics related to business, careers, social media, clients etc. Join our Discord server to chat with members, share art, and get advice about anything related to Artist Lounge in real-time! Link to join is in the sidebar.

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AI art and human creativity.

Lately I just keep thinking about how popular AI art has become in the past year. I've watched videos on Youtube where people are just gushing about AI and explain how soon or a few years from now everyone can create anything with the simple press of a button. Feed prompts into an AI content generator and poof! Instant art. So many digital art websites are flooded with AI art now it's insane. Or AI written literature. Now we're even getting movie trailers and animation created by AI.

However I can't but feel that squashes creativity on a human level. I watch people fangirling over AI but every single one of them fails to talk about just art in general created by people. One guy goes out and says in the coming years if someone wants to film a movie they won't need actors, a director, crew, equipment. They can just use AI. I'm aware a lot of movies Hollywood is pumping out lately are duds, the writers strike, politics, etc. But I'm thinking about imagination and creativity in general.
Are people saying in a world driven by AI-art that if an artist wants to create content through time, effort, and passion with their own hands and imagination, that their work will be rejected? One thing I've been reading is how some AI artists openly reject regular art made and claim their instant-art is superior and the future. Is that really the attitude we're fostering in regards to creativity?

Of course in most cases art = money and AI can spit out content instantly that would take a person time and probably money to create, but that's the beauty of art of any medium. It's no just the destination, but the journey it takes to create something from nothing. Personally I can't just see the thousands of years of human creativity utterly destroyed by artificial intelligence doing it cheaper and on the fly. If AI takes over 100% feels like it'll make the world just hollow and empty. I'm not against AI, but I would rather see AI and manmade art created in tandem. What I really want to see is AI create art without a person feeding it prompts. A truly thinking and feeling entity (but that's still in the realm of Sci-Fi and kind of scary).

Anyways didn't mean to get into a long winded explanation. I'm someone who reads/writes and it'd be a shame if I wanted to write a story or novel one day and I'd be rejected because AI is spitting out novels instead. Could authors be replaced? What about people who want to create their own work?

I'm not saying AI isn't art. It would just be a real shame seeing it overshadow our own creativity as human beings.

Promoting AI art and forgoing real artists just forever lost Wacom a customer

r/Wacom, The Unofficial Official Wacom Support. A place to get help with Wacom Tablets and Cintiqs, or share art and news!

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Promoting AI art and forgoing real artists just forever lost Wacom a customer

Have been saving up for a Cintiq for a while, posting this to let Wacom know their use of AI made me decide to spend my money elsewhere. Promoting AI art to your customers who are primarily artists themselves is probably not the best business plan 👍 Very disappointing.

Why is AI art "real art" and deserving to be allowed in every place traditional art is?

/r/StableDiffusion is back open after the protest of Reddit killing open API access, which will bankrupt app developers, hamper moderation, and exclude blind users from the site. More info: Discord: Check out our new Lemmy instance:

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Why is AI art "real art" and deserving to be allowed in every place traditional art is?

I'll explain why.

I'm a professional photographer by trade. I can pick up a complex piece of equipment, tweak a few settings, aim it at someone and click a button and the end result is roundly regarded as "art" by the world at large. It's even legally considered art. Of course, it takes lots of experience and practice to get to a place where you can just aim and click and create something great, but just because someone is new to photography doesn't make them *not* a photographer, they're just not a good one, yet.

AI art should be treated exactly the same.

But why should it be? Because, much like photography, with AI art your direct input can shape the outcome of the art in a major way, maybe even more so than with photography. Even though you may just "tweak a few settings and click a button", you're still the artist behind the tool driving the direction of the art. It's not at all "just the AI doing the work". You can put a camera on timer and it can shoot without you, but that doesn't mean you didn't take the picture, right?

It's shortsighted to claim that photographers are artists but AI artists aren't. Yes, the learning curves are different, but much like photography, a complete novice at AI art can occasionally create something wonderful - it may be rare, but it can happen. And much like photography, over time, with lots of practice and tens of thousands of iterations and hours on hours of prompt experimentation, a beginner at AI art can turn into an expert at AI art and an expert can turn into a master.

So, if you're a naysayer, and criticize AI art and AI artists as not being "real art" or "real artists", I urge you to re-think your position, especially if you consider photographers artists.

The Dollop and AI "art"

Gareth, not Gary.

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The Dollop and AI "art"

AI came up on the most recent past times. I think we all kind of assumed Dave and Gareth's stance on the advent of AI as not very favorable, if they haven't said as much in the past, but they've now clearly iterated an unfavorable attitude towards its use, specifically in reference to the negative effect it has on art.

For a while now, shitty AI "art" has been propagated on this very sub, often as lazy, cheap ass J-town references.

Now that the boys have made their perspective clear, I think it's extremely disrespectful and against the heart of this show to continue posting AI garbage here.

The BOTC Community and AI Art

Blood on the Clocktower is a captivating social bluffing game of deduction, deception, murder, and mystery.

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The BOTC Community and AI Art

(a lot of this post will be recycled from a comment I made on a post from earlier today, which used AI art in an advertisement for a meetup. i'm sorry if this is slightly off topic, and i'm sorry that it might start debate that this isn't the place for. but i really do feel like this has become an important discussion to have.)

For the past few months, there's been a lot of generative AI content going around in the community. From some of the current top of all time posts in the subreddit to the website for MK Bloodfest, a BOTC convention.

Every time any is posted, the same discussion occurs: "ew, AI art" without much further clarification, followed by "stop being such a spoilsport" or similar. It's starting to get upsettingly repetitive.

Personally, I have been extremely disappointed in this trend of AI art. I really do completely get why it appeals though: it's easy, fast, and lots of people think it looks cool. But there are serious issues with it that I and so many others just cannot overlook.

Besides more subjective reasons like being "lazy" or void of artistic merit in the eyes of a lot of people, these generative AI models are well known to be built on individual creators' work without their consent, and almost if not all of them use up insane amounts of energy.

on stealing art:

on excessive energy consumption:

(I of course encourage everyone to research more on these topics if interested)

These are the same reasons that there has been such a strong negative reaction to generative AI on the wider internet. And rightly so, in my opinion.

But beyond even that, I think the community itself is what gets hurt the most. So many creatives who might be interested in making something based on what they love can and will surely be put off by a community that clearly doesn't respect them, and that will shun them for pointing it out. Is that the sort of community people want this to be?

It sucks, and the wonderful game that is Blood on the Clocktower deserves so much better.

edit: Just to be clear, I have no ill will towards the OP of the post I mentioned. Of course no artist is put out of a job because of that. My problem is with the uncomfortable trend of more and more AI art being used in the community as a whole, and the complete dismissal or ignorance of the problems there are with it.

Roll20 and DriveThruRpg banned AI art on all of their websites

/r/StableDiffusion is back open after the protest of Reddit killing open API access, which will bankrupt app developers, hamper moderation, and exclude blind users from the site. More info: Discord: Check out our new Lemmy instance:

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Roll20 and DriveThruRpg banned AI art on all of their websites

You can read their statement here.

The Roll20 Marketplace does not accept any product that utilizes AI-generated art.
DriveThru Marketplaces do not accept standalone artwork products that utilize AI-generated art.

The decision is extremely backwards and was apparently taken under the pressure of some big names threatening to pull their catalogue from the website.

Since I cannot sell my art on their website anymore, I decided to create a google drive where people can download all my generations freely from now on.

The Elephant In the Room with AI art and AI Automation Generally

/r/StableDiffusion is back open after the protest of Reddit killing open API access, which will bankrupt app developers, hamper moderation, and exclude blind users from the site. More info: Discord: Check out our new Lemmy instance:

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The Elephant In the Room with AI art and AI Automation Generally

As I see it, the main issue with AI art and AI automation broadly is that we are focused on petty arguments instead of addressing the much larger problem: AI automation is and will continue to create significant conflict in society by allowing corporations to cut costs by replacing and downsizing the workforce.

This results in an unprecedented concentration of wealth and prosperity in the hands of a few, while millions of people all across the job market suddenly lose their jobs with little opportunity for recovery.

To mitigate this, it is important that we consider the bigger picture and ensure that the benefits AND profits of AI automation of all kinds are fairly distributed among society rather than just being used to further enrich the wealthy while hurting the working class.

The argument that "we can use the technology too!" is not sufficient. Most individuals will never have the resources to leverage AI to the same extent as corporations, so access alone still puts most people at a disadvantage. Even if individuals are able to access and use the technology, unless we make significant changes, the result will likely be a more unequal society facing a deep existential crisis.

  • Welcome to r/aiArt ! A community focused on the generation and use of visual, digital art using AI assistants such as Wombo Dream, Starryai, NightCafe, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and more. members
  • A place for you to showcase India's incredible beauty through generative AI. Please post your photos and videos. This community will support you through your AI journey. Everything on here should be generated using AI tools with Indian elements or made by AI artists in India. SFW content only. When in doubt, if it's border line NSFW or politically triggering, then resist posting. Showcase AI capabilities instead of political discourse. Photos and videos welcome. members
  • This sub is specifically for anime art that is AI generated. members
  • /r/StableDiffusion is back open after the protest of Reddit killing open API access, which will bankrupt app developers, hamper moderation, and exclude blind users from the site. More info: Discord: Check out our new Lemmy instance: members
  • Fighting misinformation and attempts at legislation against AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated artwork. members
  • Original pixel art only. No porn, no ai, no question posts. Be civil, or don't post. members
  • Latest tools, tips and breakthrough creative works in Art with AI members
  • Following news and developments on ALL sides of the AI art debate (and more) members
  • An official subreddit for Midjourney related content. members
  • Welcome to the Civitai Diffusion Partner Program. SeaArt offers a powerful rendering engine, rich model library, and professional-grade features that make it easy to create exceptional works. With its intelligent recommendation systems and community interaction/sharing functions, SeaArt allows users to excel in creative design and artistic expression, quickly generating real, high-quality works that meet their personalized needs. members
  • A place for artists from all art-related subs and beyond to come together and discuss art, our lives as artists, discuss art culture, and share advice and techniques. Please check out r/ArtBusiness to discuss topics related to business, careers, social media, clients etc. Join our Discord server to chat with members, share art, and get advice about anything related to Artist Lounge in real-time! Link to join is in the sidebar. members
  • This is a pro-artist subreddit made to showcase, prove and expose increasing hate against artist and art hobbyists all over the internet and the world for reasons beyond us, and also show our opposition against it by sharing news, opinions and sources with each other. members
  • Everything pertaining to the technological singularity and related topics, e.g. AI, human enhancement, etc. members
  • Welcome to r/AnimeART: A community dedicated to the admiration of artwork and the anime art style! Please read our rules before posting. Join the Discord here: members
  • The goal of the r/ArtificialIntelligence is to provide a gateway to the many different facets of the Artificial Intelligence community, and to promote discussion relating to the ideas and concepts that we know of as AI. These could include philosophical and social questions, art and design, technical papers, machine learning, where to find resources and tools, how to develop AI/ML projects, AI in business, how AI is affecting our lives, what the future may hold, and many other topics. Welcome. members
  • Subreddit to discuss about ChatGPT and AI. Not affiliated with OpenAI. Thanks Nat! members
  • Reddit’s home for Artificial Intelligence (AI) members
  • This sub is for posting AI-generated images and text related to JRR Tolkien's works. It is not a forum for debating the ethics of the use of AIs or whether or not AI-generate material is "art." members
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  • A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. members
  • A subreddit devoted to the field of Future(s) Studies and evidence-based speculation about the development of humanity, technology, and civilization. -------- You can also find us in the fediverse at - members
  • A community for ImagineArt; An AI toolkit for generating high quality content. Our Web platform: members
  • This sub is dedicated to sharing and archiving solarpunk themed art. Its goal is to inspire, help share key phrases and methods and be a dedicated space. Secondary goals are to be searchable, prevent human artist oc being drowned out and form a repository to train neural nets that currently don't 'get' solarpunk members
  • A place where you can buy, sell, promote, and learn more about NFTs! Share your work, tell your story, but most importantly, interact with others, it's the only way to find people that truly connect with your work. members
  • GANfield!!! Our savior Garfield has revealed his true form through Neural net- generated images. Let us bring about the singularity of the eldritch orange feline, primarily through AI-generated Garfield art. (This subreddit also exists as a reason to post less AI art in imsorryjon ) members
  • Unofficial Subreddit for discussing how to navigate the NFT marketplace OpenSea and web3 in general. members
  • Let’s see some Ai Husbandos from Anime, Movie, etc. NO OCs. Post OCs at /r/SexyGuyAiArt. Mod is a girl who likes Bishies ^_^ . Posts/Crossposts welcomed. Want to find other ai Themed subs? Visit /r/ai_art_sub_index Created 1/13/23 members
  • Show your Ai generated art and see what others have created as well. Get or give prompt tips in the comment section which help to make art unique. Post-render editing highlights are also appreciated by other artists, feel free to discuss them as well. Enjoy! members
  • Effective imminently, r/DeepDream is going dark for 48 hours in support of third party apps and NSFW API access. Check out /r/Save3rdPartyApps and /r/ModCoord for more information. members
  • This is a discussion based subreddit for the popular ongoing Japanese light novel series Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e, a.k.a Classroom of the Elite. Aside from mobile Reddit design, you can also experience customized interface on web browser at old Reddit theme. Make sure to follow submission guidelines and rules. Banner (new reddit) by u/Shinacchi, u/Arvlain and others. members