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How TF do you get and keep Geminis, all ppls?

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How TF do you get and keep Geminis, all ppls?

No I DON'T get the Aqua/gemini perfect compatibility I'm an Aqua but these gorgeous creatures cannot be lured somehow. They're like mermen and mermaids. But at the same time they'll get along so well with 50 million other anyone else.

How did you figure it out?

Are Leos and Libras actually that compatible like everyone says?

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Are Leos and Libras actually that compatible like everyone says?

I always hear how Leos and Libras are the perfect match for each other as couples and friends and are almost the same person they have that much in similarities, but whenever I get personal opinions on the two, they always say they can’t stand the other. I always have other Leo women tell me to run away from libra men. Which is it? Are they great for each other or too toxic? Or does it depend that much on other placements? What are your thoughts? Me(Leo) personally, get along with libras, I’ve had one lie to me tho but I ended that friendship. It seems to be such a hate/love dynamic.

2 of my exes have the same birthday as my current boyfriend

A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title.

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2 of my exes have the same birthday as my current boyfriend

Hi, can someone comment on the meaning behind an attraction to multiple people with the same birthday?? 3 people seems a little more than coincidence.

I’m an October Libra, they’re all June Geminis.

Astrologically, why is it that so many relationships ended right before the pandemic in 2020?

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Astrologically, why is it that so many relationships ended right before the pandemic in 2020?

It's a common trend I've noticed over time while speaking to people. A lot of people broke up it got divorced during this time period.

Where there anything major transits that might have caused this?

Whats Your Love story🌺🍁?

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Whats Your Love story🌺🍁?

🚥🚦Venus in the 1st/Venus in Aries: these individuals want something bold, something full of life and passion. They crave an all consuming love. These folks revel in the ups and downs and the back and forths. The crave the "realness" that comes with loving another human being. For them a romance where to people can be honest and forward with one another isn't something they're interested in.

* Love: they tend to be very devoted and obsessed with their partner! They love to showcase their partner and steak possession over what's there's. They are a lot more forward and fiery when with their partners and don't like to bite their tongues and expect the same from who their with.

  • The fall: once betrayed these people will not hang around I'll tell you that right now. No matter how much they loved you and put into you, once you give yourself or your body to another person that isn't them it's over. The passion and fire they had for you will not only dim but you'll watch it slowly but surely subside. Depending on how much you meant to them they won't be vindictive or mean but they won't see you the same and if they do come back it will be because you clicked sexually and they might still hold on to that one particular aspect.(sex for Aries and Scorpio isn't just sex)

💍💋Venus in the 2nd/Venus in Taurus: these folks are into something they can grow.. they are planters/gardeners who are obsessed with seeing the results of what they've reaped. They love very hard and usually take their time because of how hard it is for them to let go of someone whom they've let in. They are the old time romantics..the ones who live for the pleasure filled and easy marriages and relationships where to people love one another and experience every single beauty of life together. It's not about the trips or the places. It's not about the big extravagant things for them. It's about the moments and memories to people share over the course of time and look back upon tenderly.

* Love: they are very possessive and doting when in love. They tend to not be easily threatened by outside forces but can still be the types to assert their dominance when they feel as though someone is overstepping on their territory(you) they aren't argumentative either with their lovers and usually try to beat around the bush when their is a problem as they feel it will spoil the atmosphere. They are very touchy and engaging in an earthy way when in love! Aha these are the guys and gals always grouping their lovers. (Only second to Venus in sag)

  • The fall: much like Scorpio. Once you lose their trust it's impossible for their to be a round two. They tend to be extremely forgiving and get over a lot of relationship mishaps but cheating is a hard one. And I'm so serious like unless this is a afflicted or Venus in Taurus in the 12th or with heavy Neptune or moon going on they will almost never look at you the same. They will feel betrayed not just by the act of you cheating but the act of you sharing your body and soul with someone else when they worked so hard to let you see their soul. And no there is not (brake up sex) when they leave its done.

🎠Venus in the 3rd/Venus in Gemini: these guys and gals live for the type of love that moves fast and engulfs them to a point of disconnecting. They seek a connection they can't understand and something that boils beneath. An understanding completely unspoken.. they crave the laughter and intimacy they can only share with someone who meets them mentally and can touch them physically. They want am edge and never want it to be reached.

* Love: these folks(or shall I say me 😭) tend to be very childlike and giddy when in love! You make them bubbly and energetic! They can be very abrupt and odd when it comes to being in love and can sway from emotion to emotion a lot and it can be maddening but they do pass. They can be very touchy and clingy as well but also Independent and Mr and Mrs conquer the world if you don't keep up. With the right person they talk all the time, to themselves and in weird voices(cause you know where like 5 years old) and they want you to listen to them. They're quiet with you and very warm.

  • The fall: gemini don't tend to show hurt on the outside and at times don't process it in the right way be it moon/sun/Venus/mercury or mars. So upon cheating or finding out about it they will shut down. Some don't even react. Most air signs tend to do this thing I like to call a "delayed" reaction. They won't seem moved or bothered at first but know that the act of betrayal you did "destroyed them" but to cope most just move on and completely disengage from the error(you) and never look back. Once you lose them in that way? It's over. They have no problem sleeping with other people and remaining single and often then not them doing this is a coping mechanism. "If I dissociate" I won't get hurt.

🛤🌃Venus in the 4th/Venus in cancer: these guys and gals are in need of something "familiar" they want to feel at home..they want to feel as if they're being hugged by blankets mom just washed. They wanna feel the joy of breakfast in the morning dad made. They want to feel the joy of the road trips and the bonding and comfort of home in someone. They're always home sick even if they don't show it. Family is so important to them for better or worse and they just want to have a nurturing love a love that's dedicated and stable. A love they can always come home too.

* Love:tend to be sooooooooooooo sensual and touchy when in real love aha! They are also will treat their lovers like children and baby them an outrageous amount of times aha. They tend to cook and if not cook nurture and take care of their lover in any way shape or form.. they sacrifice a lot and can become super attached to the point of which your moods are their moods. You become their home and if anything happens to you it devastates them whether you lose your job/or a family member it affects them just as deeply because they feel your hurt.

  • Fall: it's 50/50 on how they deal with cheating. Some might stay if they emotional connection was deep enough and if they truly have fooled themselves in thinking they can move past it then maybe but the thing is due to the emotional nature here cheating will create a loss of boundary and make it so so soooo hard for them to trust you or emotionally connect to you the right way after this.

🏆🌞Venus in the 5th/Venus in Leo: these guys remind me of ms mr dark doo wop. "This world is gonna burn burn burn, as long as we're going you should stick around" now to most that's a more scorpionic song but I beg to differ. Venus in Leo want a consuming love affair one in which to people are so incredibly devoted and in love that it's litturly a blaze so entrancing and so bright that all who witness it stand in awe. They want a dramatic love affair and they want to be recognized by their lover. They want to be seen as a sun to their lover as someone the sin of pride once said "I decide" and they want to meet someone who makes them feel big.

* Love: these guys and gals are very romantic like wow. They do so much and love to take you everywhere. They always want to be around you and feel your warmth and presence and can be sad if you avoid them to much(even if you say you need space they sometimes might take it as a slight) their very independent and tend to have their own passions and expect the same of their lover but also expect for them to be one of the passions in their life and vice versa! They are very proud and endearing when in love and tend to project their will and ego onto their lovers unconsciously so.

  • Fall: okay I'm not even gonna lie you cheat on them? They will do you very crazy.. these aren't people to be trifled with or bothered.. once you've cheated on them they tend to ice you out and act as if they are "above you" in their eyes you were a mistake and they don't plan on relishing in the memories and often times unless in a water house move on fairly quickly. But that being said they will have a lot more walls up and may even develop insecurity and low self esteem after words..

🍁🍂Venus in the 6th house/Venus in Virgo:. These folks want work and give and take. They want a love that's based on devotion and stability-the stability of "I'll do anything for you, will you do anything for me?" They take work ethic in love so seriously and crave a love built on a foundation of small sacrifices from each partner. They want to know their lover will be willing to jump the 7 seas for them and they want to feel safe enough to do the same back. They want a tangible love and one both physically and mentally equal in every regard.

* Love: omg like THESE FOLKS ARE SOOOOOOOOOO ADORABLE IN LOVE LIKE IF YOURE NOT WITH THEM WYD? They are so giving and always go out of their way for their lovers! Very passive aggressive(give or take with this) and usually try to please their partner any way they can and don't mind doing things they'd rather not if it makes their lover happy. Very sensitive and vulnerable when in love and can be quite hurt when their lover isn't sacrificing or putting in as much as they are. This can seriously brake their big hearts man. They tend to mature as time goes along and will be very very careful with your feelings and even if they know they're arnt ready yet they might leave you until they can be that better person.

  • Fall: to put it simply. If they did love you they might still maintain the friendship aspect with you but they won't emotionally invest with you ever again. And to make matters worse if you've truly hurt them not only they cut you off but if you do try to get back with them and things do get sexual you will only be seen as a "beneficial" thing to them and nothing more since they don't deem you as a worthy emotional investment anymore.

🌚🌝Venus in the 7th house/Venus in libra: what do they crave? My these folks want romance they want to feel it-they live to breath it in like oxygen. They are very old renaissance romance and want the mundane and everyday life but to live it with another. Much like Taurus they want to be able to do life with a person they hold dear to their heart. They want their other half and someone who competes them. Who wakes things in them they never knew. Someone who guides and aids them and one whom they can guide and aid as well.

* Love: so basically if you've ever watched great gatsby. I want you to think of gatsby. These folks have a flair for romance! They will be very magnetic and charming. Every move will seem calculated but it'll be to well done to detest. They will be smooth and galant and will always try to be compromising and meet you in the middle. They're not ever going to raise their voice at you or lay a finger on you. You're sacred to them and someone whom they treat as such. Very sympathetic and nurturing to the needs of you

  • Fall: okay so in a very odd turn of events these folks are very much 60-70/100 when it comes to cheating. They may get back with you but they might not. Some can forgive and move on and see it as a mistake while others aren't as passive and may be extremely broken by it and isolate themselves from you. You never know how the scales will be weighed on you when and if you would dare do such a thing.

❄️🌋Venus in the 8th/Venus in Scorpio: these folks crave something consuming and something that will overwhelm them in a flurry of icy cool. They want a love as hot as a raging inferno and as cold to the touch as the Wall in GOT. They like Aries what the up and downs and the trials and tribulations it that comes with selling you soul to another in this game we call "romance" they want total and complete devotion and commitment of the souls. "Would you die for me? No that's to easy would you live for me?"

* Love: okay I've fallen In love with only one and I'll tell you this. Passion. Glares. Atmosphere. Trials. Test. Emotional purging. You'll feel on edge. Like you never really know where you stand but you'll know exactly where you stand. It's like a permanent limbo and you don't want to get out. You'll crave their touch and you'll want their love in full. They will be on one moment and cold them next and no I'm not kidding this never stops even when they love you they do this 😩. They will do anything for you but they will also want to hide you like a secret not because you're unworthy but because you're theirs. No sharing and no caring.

  • Fall: gurl don't even do it. DONT EVEN DO IT. There is a double standard here. They can cheat you can't. This is if their underdeveloped and if they are his type you need to go. But aside from t hat if you cheat on them? There is no "let's go again" they will never ever forget what you did and if they let you back in; let me say this you will get fucked up. Don't get snared and don't think all is well.

🛫⛵️Venus in the 9th/Venus in Sagittarius: these are hippie babies and they want a carefree love! They want something Reminiscent of a voyage and or a great travel. They want something they can embark on full of growth and enlightenment both spiritual/sexual/mental/physical and otherwise. They want to feel alive and need to feel all of that inside whom they love. One grand unattainable voyage disguised as man(women)

* Love:they are soooo touchy feely! They want to feel you and live for the electric jolts of affection and "extra ness" I blame this on Jupiter. They want it to feel like a trip so more often then not they're taking you places. To Walmart. To Kroger. To the park. To their pants 😜. To the Italy. To Japan. Everywhere. They want to experience everything with you and will always try to watch shows with you and do hobbies together. A lot of youtubers have this! Ex pewdie pie and Mariza both have venus in Sagittarius. They want to play always and love having fun with you.

  • Fall: 0/100. You cheat on them like sexually thats a no go. Flirting isn't anything to them but sexual that's a wrap. Sagittarius are described as carefree and non committal but what people fail to mention is due to Jupiter and its expansive nature once they fall in love it's a "big" thing for them like it's "everything" to them and if that ends up failing they shut down and become more distrusting of romance after words (hence like gemini the non committal trance begins)

🌅🌉Venus in the 10th/Venus in Capricorn: they crave a more traditional love. A love filled with roles and structure. They want a love based on devotion and morals and one that they can not only rely on but one that eases their heavy hearts and opens them up to be free and a child for once. They want a love that allows them to ignore Saturn even if just a moment to make them feel like little babies without a care in the world. Before dad started expecting so much. Before the world started watching. They want shelter.

* Love: AWWWE THEY ARE sooooo cute like we must protec em all. They are super childlike and sweet and tend to be 1,000 times more sensitive and tender then when you first met. Playing with your hair. Rubbing your sides. They want to provide for you be it man or women. They seek to be a solid foundation for you. They stay tough for you and take the role of being emotionally strong In times of crisis for you. They nurture you much like Venus in cancer and can be drawn to the role of protecting you. Females with this once in love are like wonder women when it comes to the girlfriends or boyfriends and will litturly grow wings and flip the planet into the sun if you hurt them.

  • Fall: ill be honest here and short and simply for my cap folks because you know and I know there's not second chances. You cheat in any form and it's not only done but it never existed and with how chillingly aloof cap Venus can be once they get their with you you'll wonder if you were really in love.

🚀🎱Venus in the 11th house/Venus in Aquarius:. They crave something extraterrestrial. They want the kinda love thats forward and futuristic something that goes beyond society and something that invites something new and uninhibited. They want to see the future in your eyes the uncertainty of man and see you aloof to the idea of it all. They want the unbothered and unmoved partner in crime they've ached for. Someone who's believes in something yet doesn't let anything categorize them. Someone just as un-labeled as they. The rockstars.

* Love: okay let's be honest. These people are so sos soooooosjsbdodbriehejehdjebdjd like cmon. They are super ooey gooey. The meaningful messages and the complete understanding. The doting partners who are willing to stand before all in protection of their partners individuality. They will be cool and far away even in love as their hearts are in love with human nature just as much as you do at times they can't help but be captivated. They are endearing and romantic and erratic. You'll never stop hearing from them. They'll always communicate and let you know what's happening. They won't be good at expressing their feelings but they'll feed you it with their actions and before you know it you'll have a scrapbook of all of the moments you two have shared as you lay crying remembering all of the seemingly harmless but deep gestures made from such a unique human being.

  • Fall: alright these guys are a trip. When you cheat on them not only do they cease all emotional involvement but they completely cut you off and lots of people say aqua Venus will hold on to the friendship part that is very accurate but it'll take some time for them to see you as a "friend"

🌊🌪Venus in the 12th/Venus in Pisces: they want the divine. They want to feel the spirit world coursing through their veins. They want to feel death at their finger tips and the tether of life's 8 ball dangling beneath their feet. They want to be devoured by the feeling to be annihilated by the moment. The torment and the loss and sacrifice of love is their life force. They grow from it. They want someone who reminds them of the humbling stance of "man"

* Love:these are some of the most intense and overwhelming lovers period(me) they are always touching and rubbing. They love to listen to your stories and show you their undivided attention. They sacrifice for you much like Venus in Virgo and feel rejuvenated doing so. They stand by you through pain and seek to ease your suffering. They guide you and worship you and see the absolute best in you. They encourage you're quirks and the parts of yourself you hide from the world. They are sensitive and connected to you so dearly. You become their world and everything they desire in life. In as sense you become their divine.

  • Fall: okay speaking on me personally.. yes I've gone back after minor cheating like flirting and maybe a mistake here and there but one thing I cannot come back from is sexual cheating. And I hope I speak for all Pisces placements..astrology describes these people as unable to stand their ground to giving in to easily especially to abuse but once you cheat on a Venus in Pisces it's over.. you've broken them and theirs no fixing what you took away. Their heart is fragile and due to Neptune's influence they idealize you as a god and once they see you betray them the novelty wares're nothing more then a "human" to them and nothing more. Hope this post was helpful I've been wanting to do it since I felt like some of these signs get a bad rap. And personally cheating is wrong and even if someone goes back or comes back to you after you need to understand it's a horrible thing to do and maybe this is controversial but maybe you didn't truly love that person..

That being said all venus signs are beautiful and amazing in their own way and I hope this post allows you all to see that in yourselves. (credits : lilmajorshawty on tumblr)

I’ve been in therapy for 5 yrs and my therapist told me today she is dismissing me as a patient

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I’ve been in therapy for 5 yrs and my therapist told me today she is dismissing me as a patient
r/AskAstrologers - I’ve been in therapy for 5 yrs and my therapist told me today she is dismissing me as a patient

Does Venus in Aquarius (or Aquarius in General) Correlate with Having an Avoidant Attachment Style?

A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title.

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Does Venus in Aquarius (or Aquarius in General) Correlate with Having an Avoidant Attachment Style?

I've dated 2 men with strong avoidant attachment style and both had Aqua Venus (one was an Aqua Rising, Mercury, and Venus, and the other was an Aqua Venus and Mars... both also became increasingly asexual the more comfortable and familiar they became with me, to the point that they both claimed to love me deeply but had 0 desire to f*** me over time, but were super into me while I was still a stranger).

Curious if avoidant attachment can be a feature of Aquarius placements.

Is not flipping cards during a reading normal?

For tarot enthusiasts of all experience levels and belief systems. Beginners, professionals and skeptics welcome! Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more.

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Is not flipping cards during a reading normal?

Hi! This is my first time posting in this group. I had a virtual tarot reading today and the reader pulled three cards for each of the wuestions I asked. I wrote them all down so I could just do my own research and pondering afterwards without forgettinf. During my research of the individual cards, I noticed that they have different meanings when pulled upright or upside down. She never did this. Is this normal? I have not gotten a lot of readings in life so Im not sure what the protocol is. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated ☺️

What’s a trait/behavior that you have that seems at odds with your chart?

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What’s a trait/behavior that you have that seems at odds with your chart?

I’ll go first. I’m a literal OVERFLOWING pot of empathy. I will literally tear up at the drop of a hat and I have to hide this throughout the day all the time. Whether I hear about it, watching it on tv or a short vid or reading it, the emotions hit like they’re literally happening TO me. Extremely happy or sad moments immediately start the waterworks and moments that are just a little touching or sweet in a subtle way still get the pricks of tears stinging my eyes. My husband literally isn’t even surprised anymore when he leaves me playing video games or watching stuff on my phone and comes back to me sniffling 😭😭 I’m mostly fire and earth in my chart with like one rare water placement. (In my Venus) I don’t hate that I’m like this but I feel like it doesn’t fit 🫠 what about you?

Edit: I forgot all about my Pisces rising but even then, I’m not sure it fits well with all my other traits

Do you think Aquarius are cowards in some ways ? I don't think much about my late mum at all. Not without crying myself weak and feeling devastated

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Do you think Aquarius are cowards in some ways ? I don't think much about my late mum at all. Not without crying myself weak and feeling devastated

It's been almost 3 years since she left for a better place. I remember crying till I have no tears left the first few days and then....

I stopped thinking about her. Like I avoid trying to think how she loved me, her smile, her frown.

Most of it is selfish. Coz whenever I think about her, no matter where I am, the tears come like a flood and I embarrass myself.

My Scorpio dad thinks how could I have "moved on" so well... he probably thinks am not emotional enough to mourn her absence.

He recently had a heart surgery so I haven't contradicted him. My grief is my burden.

If I told him, he would probably tell me to confront my vulnerability rather than run away but...

When I think about her, get absorbed by grief, I get into a very dark place. I get angry at the world. I get irrationally jealous of friends who still have both parents. I hit rock bottom.

If I spend my time angry at everybody I won't function.

So, I avoid thinking of her.

A precognitive dream about a foreign trajedy

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A precognitive dream about a foreign trajedy

On Tuesday June 19, 2024. I asked Ms Blue Eye (updated post with recent events) to come to me in my dream so we could talk. She didn't do that but instead, I had a precognitive dream.

In my dream, I was watching a scene play out through a TV screen. I was seeing the Kaaba and surrounding pillars collapse. They were crumbling top down, the way the twin towers collapsed and yet it also looked as if they were collapsing like jenga towers. The scene replayed over and over and over. I felt shock and fear. I saw my cousin and her father in the scene yet they were smiling, looked unaware and were unharmed. 

When i woke up Wednesday morning, the dream was at the forefront of my mind. My stress levels were still heightened. Whoa what was that about? Minutes later, while still in bed, i pull out my phone and check my Facebook notifications. One of the first posts i see was a news post about the 500+ deaths in Mekka. "Oh that must be what the dream is about ''. But since i was still groggy, I misread the news headline because i read "500" as "50" and thought "well this isn't news. People die during Hajj every year." I save the post as a reminder to reflect on it and the dream later.

The next day (yeterday) my husband points out a news article. Death count is now over 1000. "oooh! This tragedy is bigger than I thought". Well this may be a first. I don't remember having precognitive dreams about foreign events before. Also, the fact that my cousin was in the dream threw me off. I contacted her and she wasn't/isn't in Makkah. So my premonitions can also include insignificant filler detail? Ok, note taken...

Screenshot of the news post i saw

Sag with Scorpio Venus

November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for them. They are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key.The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion. What Sagittarius wants most is to know the meaning of life.

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Sag with Scorpio Venus

Hello! I have posted here before about this combo and all of us seem to go through the same thing. But I think I realised something and I am wondering if other fellow Sags with Scorpio Venus have the same thing. I found myself in an impossible situation falling for the only person I shouldn’t. And I realised I do this in general, I tend to like people I should not! Is it a Sag thing? Is it a Scorpio thing? Is it the combo? I honestly have no idea

What to do in case of client freaking out over the future of a reading?

For tarot enthusiasts of all experience levels and belief systems. Beginners, professionals and skeptics welcome! Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more.

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What to do in case of client freaking out over the future of a reading?

I hate doing future readings for this reason but I had a client order a reading and several smaller questions regarding a future love situation and asking about a current person and whether their next relationship would be casual or serious. Well I don't feel like their current person is coming back and the cards I pulled for the next relationship appear to be something lighter and casual and now they're freaking out sending message after message.

I've told them the future is not set in stone but they're so stuck on it and won't listen to any advice I offer. I'm debating about canceling the orders and cutting them off as I don't want to fuel this any further and I don't want to risk a bunch of bad reviews but I don't want to lose income either after I poured so much time into the reading and answering additional question after question. What would the best course of action be in dealing with someone who's spiraling and hooked on a future outcome that I've stressed is not set in stone and they can change or simply not pursue the next love interest that comes into their world?

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  • Welcome! This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. Share anything Capricorn! Be respectful to others! Hate will be removed. Feel free to post anything of yours Capricorn related whether it be art or music as long as it has to do with Capricorns. No chart posts or asking for analysis. It goes against Rule 1. The only active admin currently will be "ThePhotographer530" Any questions message me personally. Goat power! members
  • Welcome to r/AdvancedAstrology—a community for experienced astrologers and enthusiasts to discuss advanced topics. members
  • November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for them. They are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key.The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion. What Sagittarius wants most is to know the meaning of life. members
  • Welcome to our community! Please be sure to review the rules. members
  • Hello, everyone! Welcome to community, where we delve into the fascinating world of 22 arcana, the fate matrix, and other invaluable spiritual tools. I want to emphasize that this is a safe space for all of you. Feel free to share anything in the comments, and together, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery. I'm here to guide you through life's challenges and assist you in achieving the fulfilling life you truly deserve. members
  • This is a subreddit for those developing and honing their skills/gaining experience to practice doing *free* readings. members
  • 🌌 Each zodiac sign a symphony of stars, a poetry etched in timeless memoirs. In the celestial sphere they dance, twelve souls adorned in cosmic trance. members
  • This subreddit's main focus is to discuss divination decks and to help others find ones that they may be interested in. We welcome any and all deck creators/artists to showcase their newest works! This is not the place for readings or interpretations. members
  • A place for individuals with their Moon in Scorpio. Always looking to connect to others with the same deep emotions and intensities. We can be disturbing to some, yet intriguing to others. We have a need for change and rebirth. We want all of it or none of it. We have a strong interest in the occult and unusual. Intuitive, passionate, fearless Scorpions. Hiding ourselves all day in the desert, waiting for nightfall. Calculating, for the exact time to strike. Join us ✨♏️🌙✨ members
  • Astrocartography is the study of energetic influences and how they specifically apply to you based on your birth chart and geographic location. r/astrocartography is a community for sharing experiences, sharing knowledge, and asking questions on astrocartography. members
  • A community for newbies and beginners of witchcraft, wicca, and the metaphysical. Baby witches, welcome home! Feel free to post your pinterest art & spells, your tiny alters, and ask all questions your heart desires! members
  • A place to discuss the astrology app The Pattern. members
  • A community for fellow Leos (Sun, Moon, etc.) to discuss and celebrate our placement. Leo, the 5th sign in the zodiac, is a fire sign ruled by the Sun. Those born July 23 - August 22nd are born under a Leo Sun. Community Keywords ~ Leo, Astrology, Zodiac, Lion. members
  • A sub for experienced, trusted and verified readers to offer paid and personally delivered psychic services. Unverified readers are welcome to offer free or optional donation services only. *Please check the sub rules for more information on the verification process. *If seeking a reading we encourage you to accept paid services only from verified readers by checking the reader’s user flair. members
  • Feel free to post your birth/rashi charts, and be advised You can ask questions about your chart Don't promote your business in the comments. Sidereal or tropical charts are both accepted wheel, north, and south indian charts are also accepted whole sign charts are preferred please thank or up vote others if they took the time to give you free information about your situation. IF NOT YOU WILL BE BANNED members
  • For anyone who takes a secular approach to tarot; a space to discuss the cards without the mysticism, pseudoscience or woo. members
  • Your Personal Astrosignature according to what is written by the star. The Place where you can found the Very Accurate interpretation and interpreter of your Chart. members
  • Reviews of spellcasters, psychics and magicians. members
  • Discuss and share concepts and core principles of Jyotish Shastra also known as Vedic astrology, Hindu Astrology. Only for people seriously interested in learning, sharing and asking genuine questions. If you are serious about the knowledge, step in or else keep out and go someplace else. You may ask for a reading for a particular topic or question but you should be above 18 years of age. No cross posts. calculate and upload charts from Don't repost the chart every few days. members
  • An unofficial space for people following the Quareia magic course, to learn from each other and share links and ideas. More official info and FAQ at (See also the study guide for many commonly asked questions: members
  • Ever wanted to get a tarot reading? Ever wanted to read a strangers cards? Then this is the place for you. Subreddit dedicated to Tarot Readings!!! Learning and honing the skills for Tarot. Exchanging and requesting readings. Sell Tarot Readings, if you are a professional Tarot Reader and want to sell readings this is the place for selling readings, once you have proven you are professional Reader. You can only post advertisements for paid readings if you're verified! members
  • Welcome to r/lenormand! A place to discuss card meanings, readings, tableaux, and everything in between! members
  • A subreddit for learning about astrology and how to read astrological charts. Everyone is welcome! members
  • Welcome to r/AngelNumbers, your dedicated community for exploring the fascinating world of numerology and angel numbers! Angel numbers are repeating number sequences believed to carry messages from the spiritual realm, offering guidance and insights into our lives. Whether you're new to the concept or have experienced the magic of these numbers firsthand, this is the perfect space to share your experiences, ask questions, and learn more. members
  • 同聲相應、同氣相求。陰陽五行#命理研究#八字格局法 Yin Yang Rhythm Reading 阴阳节律解读 #Bazi Chart members