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Posted by2 days ago

Saturday Night (Photorealism Study)

  • r/blender - Saturday Night (Photorealism Study)
100% Upvoted
level 1

Damn nice work. I bet you can really sell it if you also add some grain and lower the resolution a bit. 🔥

level 2

this + a little but of dust or cracks, etc on the space heater, walls, and floor would make it look perfect imho. The space heater especially is a bit too 'clean' looking.

level 2

I’m sold as is…

level 2

Floor needs fingerprints and there should be more moths.

level 2

Thank you :) I already did, but I guess it was too subtle. Here is a smaller and granier version!

level 1
Op · 2 days ago · edited 12 hr. ago


I tried to get the look of a random smartphone photo. Took me a while to get the lighting right and I'm still struggeling to make textiles look real. It might have been a bad choice to make the chair so present in the center...

Feedback is appreciated!


Thank you everyone, that was far more feedback than I expected :) It will take me a while to answer everything. But for the people saying the walls are wrong.. here is a real photo of the room I tried to make. :D I know it looks a bit.. unreal but I'm very happy with the paint job because I did it myself and I'm not willing to add digital dirt or cracks to my beautiful walls! :P Oh, and this was shot with the same smartphone camera I tried to replicate. The lighting is a bit different though, there was a bit more natural light coming from the opposite site of the window (door was open) and through the window itself.

level 2

in a smartphone photo in this low light you'd have jpeg and sensor noise everywhere, maybe a little bit of motion blur as well, slight vignetting on the outer sides and probably slightly less sharpness around the edges.

level 2

If you're trying to emulate a smartphone photo, we'd probably see the person holding the phone in the window reflection

level 2

For a random smartphone image the exposure is too good, especially in the shadows there should be less detail and more noise, dark areas and in general. Otherwise very good, it took me a moment to realize I'm in the blender sub.

level 1

Bro I didn't know this was t a real photo until I looked at the subreddit it's posted on

level 1

There's a very very slight 'flatness' to the fabric of the chair, but I had to study this for a while to find that "fault", it's superb work.

As a Photorealism study I'd call it a definite success, nice work!

level 2

Thank you :) yeah, I'm not that happy with the chair. I tried different textures and resculpted it a few times, but something is still wrong.

level 1

Lots of little details.

level 1

I scanned this room upclose for 4 mins, and kept thinking “this is real.. this has to be a picture..” and got annoyed that someone would post a random photo. And then I got to the table on the left and the texture was a dead give away..

And THEN I saw the second photo. Really nice work.

level 2

Thank you :) yeah, it has a bit too much texture for a cheap Ikea table. I should have made it a bit more smooth and shiny.

level 1

This is one of those renders that could actually be a real photo but people will still say "add some noise" "it's too clean" or god forbid "the lighting is flat"

level 2

Thank you! Yes, this is definitely one of the hardest judging subs.. :D But that's fine, I want to improve!

level 1

This looks really good! I thought it was real until I saw the arrow to the second picture and realized what sub I was in. Great job!

level 2

Thank you :)

level 1

Dude I love the TARDIS in this pic

level 2


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