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Cringe & Facepalm

They're so casual about child abuse

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros

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They're so casual about child abuse

Yesterday my husband and I went to get ice cream in a nice area downtown by the river. Lots of tourists out and about, but thankfully the shop was relatively empty. We are the only ones in line while we were choosing our flavors when a Boomer couple walked in. The husband goes straight to the bathroom (it's for paying customers only) and the wife goes in line the wrong way to stand over my shoulder to see the flavors. Whatever. We are picking our flavors when she walks around us and does the same thing, leaning basically in front of my husband to look. They didn't get anything, but instead head back outside and sit in the shop's tables out front. It's a nice spot, but still, rude to not get anything.

We take up seats in a corner and are eating when I notice a large family is headed in. They're all ordering while the mom is trying to wrangle her youngest into a high chair. He is fussing and begins crying. I am fine with kids, but the shop is small, so we decided to head out. Kid is still crying as we are passing the Boomer couple (now chatting with other Boomers) and we overhear their conversation:

"Oh sounds like someone didn't get the flavor they wanted!"

"That would never be me, if my kids had acted like that I would have beat their ass!"

My husband loudly mocks them by parroting what they said back to them with a "ha-ha-ha isn't child abuse FUNNY?"

got outed to everyone


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got outed to everyone

i hooked up with a mate of mine, known him for years, and he’s gone and told everyone all the intimate details, including the fact that i’m trans. he already knew i was trans and didn’t want folks knowing, but apparently it was absolutely vital information that i used a strap.

now half my mates are “accidentally” referring to me as “she” or “they”, and only correcting themself when someone else calls them out on it - which then leads to more people finding out i’m trans 💀

to make matters worse, an old acquaintance popped over to the pub with some of her mates and introduced me as “OP, he’s a transgender”. i didn’t even remember her name, haven’t seen her since i started hormones, but sure, tell everyone about my genitals, love to hear it

for context, i’ve been living as myself for 8 years, legally changed my sex, been on hormones for 4 years, had top surgery, and i’m on the wait list to sort my downstairs out. no one’s clocked me as trans in years.

i was in the process of debating moving towns but i figured i’d stay for my mates, and ngl i think this has sorted me out in terms of my decision but i’m still bloody pissed off

Poor Dan.

A place to watch the best and worst videos from TikTok. Here you can find TikToks that are cringe-worthy, funny, wholesome, and more! We recommend sorting by flair to find the exact content you're looking for.

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Poor Dan.

Boomer vet demands respect

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros

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Boomer vet demands respect

I brought my car to the local shop for the state inspection. They don't take appointments, so it's a first come, first served method of pulling up in front of the dedicated inspection bay. They open at 8 AM, so I'm there at 7:45. It was a nice morning, so I was sitting on my hood enjoying my coffee. Two cars pull up behind me, and I'm patting myself on the back for showing up early.

Boomer gets out of the 3rd place car and walks over to me and starts with a "good morning, son". I respond in kind, and then he dives straight into a ramble about how he has a busy morning and got here early, blah, blah. "So I need to go first."

I was feeling magnanimous that morning and told him that I would be willing to give him my spot if the car in 2nd is okay with it. Boomer huffs and says, "I'm a veteran."

"Thank you for your service, but it doesn't really matter in this situation."

"I'm a veteran and I demand some goddamn respect."

At that point, the garage bay opened and I was waved in. I wished Mr. War Hero a good day and drove in.

Why do they place so much of their personal identity on their military service?

Boomer thinks painkillers for a biopsy is another sign kids these days are week.

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros

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Boomer thinks painkillers for a biopsy is another sign kids these days are week.

I was having coffee with a girlfriend, and she was asking me about my most recent biopsy of my cervix. My OB gave me a Xanax beforehand and lidocaine, so it was relatively pain free. My OB said it's now standard practice to provide at least painkillers and offer Xanax for biopsy and IUD insertions in her practice. My girlfriend also needs to have a biopsy. Due to her mom dying of cervical cancer at 52, she is high risk, so she will probably have a lot more. I recommend my OB.

As we chat, I hear a woman huff and mumble something about kids these days. I thought she was talking about the teenagers that walked in, but she was talking about me and my friend. She proceeds to tell us that she was an L&D Nurse, and back in her day, women were women and could deal with pain. She bragged about how many women under her care gave birth without painkillers because she withheld painkillers.

My response was, "So you admit you give substandard care?" She starts to fumble her words and isn't sure how to respond. I flat-out said I would report her to the state board. She then admits she is a CNA rather than an LPA and then says she is retired. I flat-out tell her I hope so. She then says something about kids these days having no respect. I tell her I am 40, so I am not really a kid, and I provide respect to those who give me respect, like minding their own business. She Huffs and walks out.

The barista was walking over when she heard the lady start to give us shit. The Boomer regularly comes here and berates young people for various things. It's an odd hobby if you ask me, but it's very common with Boomers. The barista was done with this lady's shit also. I told her I felt honored that the lady thought I was young enough and that she thought she could bully me. She asked me to complain to the owner because he might take my complaint more seriously than that of a bunch of college kids. The owner isn't a Boomer, but he is an elder Gen X. I am about to give him the best middle age white woman shit to get him to trespass the Boomer. I'm not about to start shitting on kids these days.

Boomer flipping his lid because I wouldn't debate politics with him

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros

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Boomer flipping his lid because I wouldn't debate politics with him

Hey everyone. First time poster here. So this happened at a local bar I go to every now and then. It's in the south where the state is covered red almost everywhere. It's a place where a lot of the older crowd hang out but I like it because it's mostly quiet. Some of us will go to the pack patio area to smoke and just sit and talk about whatever.

I like sitting out there to listen to some of the old timers tell stories about when they were young and/or what they did in what war etc etc. This one guy started going on and on about Trump. Of course being in the state we're in everyone was agreeing with him. I try to stay out of politics but I refuse to support anything to do with the orange lump even before he ran the first time.

The guy noticed I was the only one not saying this or that, I was just sitting there. He went don't you agree? I simply said nope. He turned as red as the hat he was wearing and said why tf not. I said because I don't have to. That's the great thing about freedom.

He demanded that I explain. I said no thanks. He jumped out of his chair and leaned over the table and said why tf not? Again, because I don't have to. What don't you like about him? I have my reason but I don't care to debate them if i dont want to. Especially when theres alcohol involved. He flubbered about these young people today and the country is going to hell in a hand basket. The usual boomer stuff.

You could see the smoke coming out of his ears. The other people mainly just sat back, watched and some were giggling watching him get so flustered. At the end of course he thought he wanted to fist fight because I apparently insulted him to the highest degree and got even more insulted because I wouldn't partake. The others grabbed him and last I saw he was being escorted to his truck by the bouncer and he sped out of the parking lot.

What a time to be alive I guess.

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