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My friends are about to name their daughter after my boobs and I don't know what to do.
My friends are about to name their daughter after my boobs and I don't know what to do.

My best friend Sarah and her husband Matt are about two months away from having their first child, a baby girl. A few weeks ago they told me that they've decided on the name Dolly, after me. Now, Dolly is not my real name, but instead the nickname I've gone by for years, and basically everyone in my life knows me as such. Regardless, I am extremely flattered and super super excited for them.

However, I was first called Dolly by a middle school bully, for my (fairly large) boobs, just like Dolly Parton's. After a few years of hating being teased like this, right before my junior year of high school I kind of did a 180, and started to like it, so much so that for my senior year I stopped going by my real name (Allison) and started going by Dolly.

Sarah knows Dolly isn't my real name, but she doesn't know about the backstory of the nickname, because A. it's pretty embarrassing, and B. she's never asked, but I now feel morally obligated to help her avoid a naming mishap, because this is a HUMAN CHILD.

What do I do? Is there any way for me to help her without revealing my secret? Should I just roll with it? Help!!!

My boyfriend wants me to give him fifty grand
My boyfriend wants me to give him fifty grand

So I recently got a huge blessing with a lump sum of money and my boyfriend of 5 months asks me if I would give him $50,000 hypothetically. My response was what would you need $50,000 for that’s a lot of money. This started a huge argument. He said he asked that question because he already knew the answer to it and wanted to prove a point. Basically he claims I’m fake and I act stingy with money. He told me if he had the same amount of money I had he’d give me $50,000 and he even says his ex or close friends would also do the same. He keeps trying to make me feel like I’m wrong because I wouldn’t give him $50,000. We’ve only been dating for 5 months and that’s way too much money to just be handing out to someone I’ve only just started dating. I don’t want to waste money on a person that could be temporary in my life. Am I not right to not want to give him $50,000?

my boyfriend faked his age
my boyfriend faked his age

I’m 17 and thought my boyfriend was 19 but after dating for a month he confesses he’s actually 22 after I had already sent him explicit photos of myself plus with the plan was he was gonna fly over to me next month and take my virginity without my parents knowing

To make things worse I told his friend who’s a girl about this and she decided to confess when she was 13 and he was 20 before we met he said he had urges to fuck her but supposedly he tells me he wasn’t aware of her age so now I don’t know who to tell or what to do..

I’m incredibly upset and feel like I was taken advantage of after thinking I’d finally found a genuine guy just for it to crumble down again

girlfriend keeps accidentally hurting me
girlfriend keeps accidentally hurting me

title, my (M24) gf (f25) keeps accidentally hurting me and I cant narrow down how I am supposed to feel on situations like this.

For our most recent problem, I was trying to look at a menu for a restaurant we were going to on her phone. I opened her web browser and I was greeted with the front page of tinder. Her explanation to me was she accidentally clicks on tik tok ads sometimes and she showed me another tab of another ad she accidentally clicked on.

Other things like 9 months into the relationship and my laptop dies and I go onto her laptop and she's randomly logged into an old instagram account ive never heard of where she's being very promiscuous and hasnt been used in 3 years. "oh I accidentally logged into this account for [reason], I was going to delete it".

I could recite multiple scenarios of stuff like this happening but the situation itself is not the point, the point is the dynamic.

I find something odd/makes me uncomfortable -> I start overthinking -> "oh I know this looks bad but its actually not bad" -> explanation for something is sound -> I realize I was stupid -> im supposed to just feel fine

I'm F16 and struggle with paraphilic sexual thoughts
I'm F16 and struggle with paraphilic sexual thoughts

no creeps please!

I'm a 16 year old girl, and really am beginning to feel like there's both a woman and man inside of my head, and the man isn't all that great.

To start off, I would say I'm more 'sexual' than other girls. I started m*sturbating at 6 years old where I'd watch videos of men and women kissing, then later my little pony characters kissing (which now I find super weird and idk why i was like that) and I think then afterwards maaaybe around 11+ years old, I was somehow sexually into dogs humping girls or other dogs and animals??? my goodness what the fuck!!!!!!. I'd m*sturbate occassionally, didn't understand what it was, it felt wrong but I'd do it. I then had a pretty big sexual attraction to a female singer I was a huge fan of and would read fanfic time to time when I was 12 about her.

Now for the worrysome part, I've always been a HEAVY feminist. I'm very passionate about topics like human trafficking, p3dophelia and the struggles women have to go through. But then at 15, It's so hard to talk about, but I started forming a fetish around old men and young women. And overtime the women I fantasized about became younger and younger. Ugh!!!! Then I began getting into punishment and stuff and incest :(. It seems like my brain just purposefully likes to 'like' things that are abnormal and strange. Please note that my attraction to 'normal' sexual activities was still 100% there.

And since I was 6, I always imagine I'm the man in my fantasies. I also feel like I can view women the way men do sexually. And it's so weird!!!

And I simulatenously think these fantasies are extremely wrong for anyone to have. But God...

I don't know what is wrong with me. No 10 year old should be getting turned on by beastiality, then at 15 getting into whatnot... What do I do!? I would never harm a soul by the way as I have neeeever had the thought of doing anything in real life. These just stay in my head but I haaate them!!! But since 15, I've realized how abnormal my sexual thoughts have been since I was a little girl and I really have no idea why!

My boyfriend’s porn addiction is hurting me.
My boyfriend’s porn addiction is hurting me.

I know you guys have probably seen posts about this same problem many times before. I just need some advice.

I (F24) moved in with my boyfriend (M25) and his family. I moved from California to Texas because I tree fell on my house and I had nowhere to go with my dog. We have been in an online relationship for 2 years before this.

I’ve been here a little over a month. When we were doing our online relationship he always wanted to do sexual stuff, well as much as we could do. ALL THE TIME. that was not a problem for me because he respected it when I didn’t feel like doing anything.

Now that I’m here we don’t really have sex that often and when I try to initiate it he just kinda blows me off or acts dis-interested in it. I’ve talked to him about it and he said he’s just nervous because he’s not as experienced in it. When we do do it he acts like it’s a chore. I don’t mind that he’s nervous about it. He told me when I first got here that his _____ isn’t as sensitive because of how often he masturbated and watches porn.

When we have sex he either just closes his eyes or stares off into space. Never really engages me.

I asked him about it and if it was me or my body and he’s very adamant that it’s not about me or my body.

He’s told me about his porn addiction before but he never watches it at home anymore at least so I thought it wasn’t a problem anymore. And he’s rarely home when I’m not.

Well yesterday I found out he just goes to the bathroom at work every day and watches porn there.

I don’t care if he watches porn but it’s the fact that I’m here wanting physical intimacy and love and he’s more interested in watching porn than having that type of relationship with me. How can I not take it personal?

Our relationship is good on all other parts but this is really bothering me. We had plans to do something yesterday but when I found out about what he does at work it hurt me and I just couldn’t really enjoy being around him. I’ve never been this kind of hurt. I never questioned how my body looked or if I was good enough in a relationship before.

How do I get this to not bother me so much? because I don’t think it’s going to stop. I might just be being insecure.

TLDR: my boyfriend seems to be disinterested in sex with me. He says it’s because he’s nervous. He told me his porn habit was better but he watches porn at work. My feelings are hurt.

How do you converse with people who don’t ask questions?
How do you converse with people who don’t ask questions?

I’m used to talking to people who will reciprocate asking questions back-and-forth. But I am starting a new career where I have to do a lot of networking and I’ve noticed people in this new industry don’t ask questions back to me.

I’ve talked to some people at a work event for 15 minutes and I could tell you where they’re from, what they studied in school, what they do now, etc. but they wouldn’t even know my first name if I hadn’t said it during our initial handshake. I’ve even gone so far as to stare and nod silently after they’ve finished answering my questions to see if they’ll ask me one in return. It’s like a game of awkward-silence-chicken and I always seem to lose.

The behavior is so prevalent among this industry, that I’m starting to think it’s me who doesn’t know how to hold a conversation without being asked a question. Is my conversation game off? How do I tell people about myself and my background without waiting to be asked?

coworker keeps calling my by the wrong name even after I’ve corrected her multiple times.
coworker keeps calling my by the wrong name even after I’ve corrected her multiple times.

I dont usually like to air out my dirty laundry but after consulting with multiple people on how I’ve handled my problem so far, I’m not sure how to proceed from here.

I recently started a new job a couple months ago where there is a constant flow of people that come and go at any given time. Naturally, sometimes new faces and new names are hard to remember. With that in mind, i don’t expect people to know my name off the bat (its unrealistic) but if you call me the wrong name i will just gently correct you and move on with my life.

My name is Aubrey (fake name), it isnt too difficult to recall but sometimes people misread it and say Audrey. Like i said, not a big deal, i will correct you and move on. My coworker, however, is a different story. She one day mistakenly misread my name on some paperwork and called me Audrey, i corrected her and she decided to respond to me with “tomato tuhmato, same thing”. I was surprised and slightly annoyed and said “uh no its not the same thing, its Aubrey.” she continues with “but it kinda is” and that when i started to get irritated. I told her i have been Aubrey my whole life and not the other name and i wasn’t going to start being called the other name at any point. I thought this would be the only time i would have this conversation with her but no, today she did it again but this time shouting at me in front of guests.

Initially i ignored her, but then she proceeded to yell louder at me until i would respond. I turned to her and asked “who are you talking to?” and she said me. I looked at her and said once more “That’s not my name, it’s Aubrey” and once again she said the same thing about tomatoes. I was furious and quite loudly told her that my name is Aubrey and that it once again isn’t the same as Audrey.

After my shift was over I decided to tell my lead what's up, because it honestly felt like she is blatantly being disrespectful for no reason (and in front of guests too!!!!). Again, i have no issue if you make a mistake in saying my name. My main problem is that she keeps correcting me over what my name is and making it seem like i shouldn’t get heated about it. I personally feel like I have been very lenient, my mom and bf think i should forgive and forget meanwhile my dad, bro, and bff say that i should ignore or involve HR.

Im sorry for the long post, I am still heated over this since it’s still fresh in my memory but what should I do?

Dividing Rent With a Couple
Dividing Rent With a Couple

Hey everyone, I (23M) will be moving in with a friend (23M) and his girlfriend (22F) soon. Recently, my friend and his girlfriend came to me with a plan on dividing rent. We are moving in to a 4 bedroom house. So I will be getting two rooms, and they will be getting two rooms. I initially thought we would just split everything 3 ways, but since I would be having two rooms to myself, they suggested that I pay closer to half the rent (Rent is 2k a month) while they would pay more on utilities. This made sense to me at first, as initially they would technically be paying ~$1333 for two rooms and I would only be paying ~$667 for two rooms.

With this new plan, I'd be paying around 1k while they each pay around $500. The only issue I have with this is the thought of paying double the rent even though they are earning double the income. With their combined income, they are making far more than I am alone, but I would be paying double their individual rent. For some reason, this thought makes me a little uncomfortable.

Is this kinda just the way it has to be? It does make sense to pay equal amounts for having equal square space. But paying double the rent when they are earning double the income is just a weird thought to me.

Do yall have any suggestions for me? Does the idea of them paying more on utilities equal it out? Maybe just tell me I'm overthinking it and it's completely fair. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing here. Thanks!

did i hit a car?
did i hit a car?

so today i was parked at the store and a car was parked on the right of me. as i pulled out (backed up to the left) they were staring at me and i thought it was weird. when i got home i noticed a paint splotch in the middle of my passenger door (about an inch going up and down.) now im worried i hit them, the color vaguely matches (its like a darker gray and the car was a dark blue ish color.) i feel like if it was in the middle of my passenger side door my mirrors would hit before the door did? do i need to contact the store and tell them i may have hit someone? i want to make it right if i did hit them, the paint on my car wiped away but what if i did damage to their car? i also didnt feel them hit or anything and i live in an apartment complex with tight parking. i have moderate ocd when it comes to driving and thinking i hit people but this seems credible. what should i do? thank you

My parents are "Ashamed" of my son
My parents are "Ashamed" of my son

When I was 16 years old I got my girlfriend pregnant and she had my son. During her entire pregnancy my parents told me how much of a 'fuck up' and disappointment I was. Told me and my girlfriend that we had to give my son up for adoption and when we said no, they tried to kick me out of the house to live with my grandparents 4 states over so I would not be able to be in my son's life. Because of this, I left the house at 17 and joined the military so I could get away from them and be with my child and now wife. Fast forward 5 years, I got out of the military and have been living in the same town as my parents for 3 years now, because my wife's family happens to live here too and her parents are ill. A year ago, I got into slight legal trouble and hit rock bottom. Because of this I messaged my parents because I had no one else to turn to. Well my son told me that he wants a relationship with my parents and wants to spend time with them. We've seen them only about 5 or 6 times since I regained contact with them. But this most recent time, they asked if they could take him to their church, which I agreed to because although I have mostly fallen out of religion, I was told that his church camp would be 90% fun and games since he is only 6 years old, and 10% actual church worship. I wanted to ease my son into religion so as not to give him a culture shock. Well I found out that the 'church camp' was just 100% Baptist church service. As in long, dry, sit in your seat and be quiet type service. My son, being 6 and a wild personality who never experienced something like this, was disruptive and got out of his seat frequently. When my parents brought my son back to our house, they were cold and distant. A specific situation is I asked my father 'Do you want to hold our 6 month old baby"' As he has never held her. He told me no.This came to a head when I called my mother later that night and she said that my father was 'Ashamed' of my son. They now have invited us back over to see them this weekend, and I want to give them one more chance, and also to tell them that their actions are not how a grandparent acts and that if they want to be a part of our life, they will show my children unconditional love and respect. My wife however, says that my not immediate defense and yelling at them, is a sign that our marriage is not going to work. I don't want my parents' choices to ruin MY marriage. I plan to tell them that their actions are reprehensible and that I want nothing to do with them over text now. Please I just need someone else's opinion.

Moving out of my home without notification to my family… Anxiety is killing me.
Moving out of my home without notification to my family… Anxiety is killing me.


18f, oldest sibling, and currently packing to leave my home. I have a flight leaving at 5am and I drive to the airport in 11 hours to fly to another state 1000+ miles away, and stay with friends who I plan to move out with in the next few months.

I’m freaking the hell out. Anxiety is killing me.

For years, I’ve tried to communicate with my father about how he treats me and others. He’s a constant hypocrite and makes me and my siblings feel horrible. Things he’s done off the top of my head:

  • Told me to “be an adult” but then tells me to “be better” when I want to save to move out (originally planned for December)

  • Wouldn't let me pay for my car or car insurance, which I had been offering since I was 16, then when he lectures, he uses it against me. If I mention that he didn’t let me pay, he yells more about what he’s angry about and ignores the point of what I said.

  • Really he uses anything against me during lectures that aren’t in my control or things he offers: car payment, car insurance, gas money around once every month or two since he sends me on errands a lot, food, housing, the fact that we have three dogs and a pool… etc.

  • When I would walk around with only a sports bra on, he had an issue with it, so I started to wear jackets over it at night when I left my room. He still had a problem with it, telling me that “my tits are out” even if the jacket was completely zipped up and you couldn’t see anything. It’s still somewhat noticeable if you look VERY hard, as my bust size is DD, but when If I asked him why he was looking, he’d get mad and say that men usually look. He doesn’t do the same for my 16f sister, who can wear a sports bra around the house without a single comment, day or night.

  • Yelled at the top of his lungs at me and my siblings when he was angry.

  • Yelled at my five year old sister at the top of his lungs since she could talk coherently. Now she has anger issues. If my dad gets upset, he has mannerisms and behaviors that reflect in her when she gets upset, and often times both of them will get angry and yell instead of talk.

  • Told me he would shoot my cow (I was in FFA for a year) and my dogs if I didn’t fix my attitude (again, attributing to the reflex of yelling back when yelled at like he’s done for years).

  • Caused me to have anxiety issues when it came to yelling after being subjected to it from a young age.

  • When he found out I sh in middle school and high school, told me to “just quit.” When I requested therapy, he told me to stop being a little bitch and to just stop sh myself.

I think I just need advice as to how to get my anxiety out of the way. It’s making me doubt leaving. I talked with a friend’s dad who I trust and he said a few things to ease my mind: “It’s a new adventure for you away from a bad place” and “you can be nervous but you’ll feel so much better when you leave.” It helped but now anxiety is attacking my mind again.

Thank you in advance.

He cheated what do I do
He cheated what do I do

Me F/17 him M/17 I had logged into his snap the other day and I wasn’t really planning to look through but I decided to anyway and there was this girl Alex F/22 she had a star by her name so I tapped on it and there were audios between them he started the chat but he was saying stuff like “you like my voice hm” “I mean it’s only a six year age gap soo” “yk what I mean by so” “ nah I’m not like that why would I ever hurt your feelings you just gotta get to know me I ain’t like that” “you fine asf” “we should get together” “bbg” “we got to know each other a little bit more because I fr can’t get you off my mind like every time I get a text my face lightens up” “I love girls with piercings especially nose piercings” “what do you mean by that it’s long and thick” “when I’m in my prime mood I can by freaky as shit” “shit I mean I got a lot of seamen for you too” like wtf like and I kept going through and I found arch pics from one girl multiple nude pics and he was like adding girls saying wyll like wtf and he used to always tell me people would add him so why tf are you adding girls asking them wyll and they would send photos and he would save them he would send photos of him too that he would save or one girls asked if she could save photos but I didn’t see what photo she saw and just it hurts because I love him and I know he loves me now but just I don’t feel good enough for him and just I lost love like I used to get butterflies when I thought of him but now I cry but then I saw him yesterday and we were fine it’s just when I’m alone yk and I wanna forgive him because tbh like a year ago I didn’t really show much love towards him like I felt it it was just hard to express but at the same time like I wish he would of just talked to me about it and like even when I confronted him he didn’t just say sorry he like cried a lot and really loud and like genuinely felt sorry and was saying he could leave if I wanted and just idk I really just love him and it happened a year ago and he didn’t even remember and just idk what to do because I don’t wanna lose him but idk how to fix this and it sucks because tbh I deserve this this is the karma that’s been waiting for me because before him I cheated on everyone and yk now I know how it feels just worse then what they heard but still and just idk so I guess just
dose anyone have any advice on how to fix this or if it’s even fixable

How do I approach my roommate neglecting their cat?
How do I approach my roommate neglecting their cat?

TLDR- my roommate goes out too often and doesn’t care for their special needs cat as often as they should. I’m close friends with them and don’t want to ruin our relationship. How do I approach them about neglecting their cat?

I (21 NB) currently live with 4 other people, one of them being my partner who shares a room with me. One of my roommates (20 NB) has a cat, but not just any cat, she has Cerebellar hypoplasia, aka “wobbly cat” and her condition is pretty severe, hindering her from walking a straight line let alone being able to eat her food without bonking her head or flying sideways. This is their first ever cat, let alone their first pet that they have gotten on their own. Because of her condition she requires a little bit more care and attention than a regular cat would. My roommate decided to get this cat 3 years ago and I’ve been around her from the moment we even visited the shelter she was at, so I feel incredibly attached to this cat, as well as my roommate giving me the title “god parent” for her. I want her to do okay. Very recently it has become more apparent to me that my roommate doesn’t have the schedule nor the patience for her. My room is right across from theirs and we live in the basement, also restricting where she can go since she can’t climb stairs without hurting herself, meaning she’s trapped in a small bedroom that is already cramped by herself for hours on end. Examples of this include; week long benders from drinking (amongst other things), sleeping over at peoples houses for multiple nights on end and only stopping by for an hour to feed her, spending endless hours on their phone and ignoring her, and so on.

I’ve mentioned many times that they should bring her upstairs and play with her for enrichment, as well as that she needs a bath (her coat is so greasy and unkempt it’s hard not to notice it). I’ve even gone as far to buy her toys and play with her when I can, but I also have a cat of my own and have had cats since I was born so I can tell she is unhappy and extremely anxious. My roommate is mentally ill and I understand that can be debilitating, but they don’t even reach out to me or any of our other roommates to help and always very last minute asks us to watch her when they go on their week long benders. Any advice would be helpful, I’ve never had to approach someone like this before and I value our friendship but i also care for this cat. :,)

My boyfriend told me not to get him anything big for his birthday incase we broke up. We’re on good terms now. What should I get him?
My boyfriend told me not to get him anything big for his birthday incase we broke up. We’re on good terms now. What should I get him?

I am respecting his wishes by not doing anything massive (I’m taking him out for dinner) or paying for anything expensive, but I would like it if he received something from me. I’m thinking a bunch of orange flowers (he loves flowers and I’ve noticed him hinting at getting some for a while-orange is his favourite colour), a few tubs of ice cream (his favourite snack) and a card. I am making him a cake too. Is this enough? I don’t want him to get nothing just because we had a few fights. Thanks

Edit: I appreciate the concern, but I’m really just looking for birthday gift ideas. I know how it looks, and we’ve spoke it through. We’re working on it. Thank you for any suggestions.

The more time that passes, the more nervous I am to reconnect
The more time that passes, the more nervous I am to reconnect

So my last job was really great. I worked at a rehab center for people with brain injuries and got super close to the residents and the people who I worked with. I had some life changing experiences there and grew a lot. I quit about 7 months ago. I’ve visited back once. The residents there have been sending me letters and I feel guilty cause I’m forgetful and don’t write back. I’ve been really busy in life and was depressed for a while. I keep texting one of my coworkers to say I’ll visit but I haven’t.

Why does this always happen? The guilt of not reconnecting for so long? And then the more time that passes, the worse it gets. I know they would love to see me and it would be fine, but something is stopping me.

Anyone else tired of being- “good girl” for everyone?
Anyone else tired of being- “good girl” for everyone?

My mother likes to say very often how good and well-mannered girl I am , she has this angelic image of me and likes to mention it , that I am different from others , etc. However this annoys me a lot . The idea that for my family and friends, especially for my parents I am 100% true all the time, very good girl bothers me . It’s not that I’m doing something else and they have the wrong picture of me , but I still wish they didn’t have this kind of opinion about me.

Lost virginity to escort at 28, am I a loser?
Lost virginity to escort at 28, am I a loser?

After a decade and a half of being mocked everytime I tried to flirt with a woman, having embarrassing videos of me spread, and even having food thrown at me by assholes in bars, I finally caved and paid an escort. Before last week I never even got a hug or anything.

I’ve been rejected FOR my virginity, quite brutally in fact, many many times. Like even “why are you even trying to date at this point, you haven’t even ever been hugged by a woman. Why would I be any different?”

Thing is, my best friends are women and I know women hate when men pay for sex (even if it’s obvious that the escorts aren’t being trafficked). They’ve been great friends since 2011, and I don’t have the heart to tell them what I did. I love those women (even just as friends), but I can’t bring myself to say what happened.

I only had one opportunity to lose it before, and it was when I was 25. And it was with an 18 year old high schooler who thought I was also still in school. Banging someone who was quite literally cheerleading for her high school team a few hours ago as a 25 year old man felt wrong (even though 18 year old high schoolers are legal), so I didn’t do it. Didn’t change the fact that I’ve been mocked since and people telling me to end myself.

I feel like the most pathetic man in existence.

Advice Received

My brother spanked my daughter and left a whole red hand print and welts. myself (35f) and her dad (33M) have decided that we were not going to use spanking as discipline. However, both my family and his family still spank her when she's bad. No one has left marks so far but today after I picked my daughter up from my mom's my daughter (6F) told me on the way home her bum was hurting. so I checked it and found a whole hand print with red areas the entire way around it and welts on both cheeks. no one has left marks on her until today. my anxiety is so high so please so super mean comments as I'm in a very vulnerable space right now. I'm just honestly at a loss and when I try to talk to my family about this subject I get ignored bc im never allowed to be upset with them and I grew up never allowed to be mad. PLEASE help. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

My workplace is a complete mess and somehow, I'm getting pulled into it
My workplace is a complete mess and somehow, I'm getting pulled into it

I have worked at a fairly popular retail store for about 2 months. In those 2 months, I've already seen 4 different Gm's. Since I've started, me, one of our stockers and one of the asm's are the only ones still left from when I started. Now mind you, the first 3 gms I dealt with were a gay man and two elderly ladies. Now we have a young mid (30s'm). And he already had the reputation for being a "womanizer" with all coworkers. So once the new GM started, our asm immediately gravitated to him, but has now let her personal feelings and emotions bring everybody into their drama because GM just wants to have fun and Asm thought she was special to him. Now he just treats her like everybody else.

Now here comes the weird part.

Asm has been coming on to me every since she told me that her and Gm had a one night stand. She said he just ruined her perspective on a lot of things and now feels like he's been taking advantage of her. Not sexual wise but work responsibilities wise. And every since asm hasn't been giving a single f*ck about work. She's been trying to get me and coworkers to drink with her every night after work. This past weekend I let her (asm) talk me into going to her house with another coworker for drinks. Me as a dumbass accepted the invite because I've been needing a night out. Well.... on said night, asm comes on to me. Now let me tell you guys this because I forgot to include it earlier. I've called her sister since the day I met her because she gave off older sister/cousin type of vibes. And that was all true until this weekend and she invited us over. Mind you, asm is 10 years my senior and I never thought I stood a chance with her. And for context this is a very attractive mid 30's woman who has everything going for her, so I never even considered her having the thoughts of me in a sexual way, especially after I felt we established I felt like she was a big sister and she's been calling me little bro. But when she took me and our other coworker, who is a mid 20's female like me to her place for "shots", I thought everything was platonic but Asm starts kissing and touching on me and my female coworker. And just to say this, me and the other female coworker have never had any kind of sexual convo or interaction. So when asm starts to try and have both of us interact with her sexually, we were both hesitant. But being honest here. Our female coworker called it quits after a little kissing but I stayed at asm's house because I rode with her. Me and Asm end up having drunk sex that night and attempt to in the morning but I was too sober in the morning to be able to go through with it. I told asm it just didn't feel right because I was still thinking about how she's supposed to be my "big sister" but she went on to say we had already taken it that far so I should just let go. Well I haven't let go. I see memes and hear stories about coworkers fucking each other and things like that but I've never personally experienced it until now. So fast forward to today, I've been giving asm dry text. And she's been responding aggressively for the past week. The last 2 days she's been asking me to hangout (for the the holiday, etc) but I was still dry texting. Like she asked me to come to the jobs parking lot to (chill) but I didn't respond.) but I had to text her earlier to know (Gm) the first guy she slept with in our workplace, sent me home today. He said we were closing because of short staff but he would make sure I got paid for my full shift. So I texted asm, knowing she had more experience and can let me know if Gm logged my hours, but now she's texting me dry. She told me she could adjust my hours but she texted it in like a weird manor. She used to text me everyday about shit that didn't concern work and I'd give her the bare minimum response but now she's doing the same to me. Not saying that's wrong , but I've never texted her anything that didn't concern work. Now I'm in fear for my job . What do I do.

And here's the really hard part. What do I do if I actually liked her despite her asshole flaws? Again the only reason I never pursued her was because she's older , she'd be considered a milf to my age. But she's also already fucked the Gm and caught feelings over it then fucked me and caught feelings over it. And now is acting weird towards me after we fucked. I'm ready to quit my job Reddit fam. And don't judge me. This is my first real Reddit post

mixed signals
mixed signals

theres this girl I've been talking for about a month,we are quite literally the same person,its actually scary how much we have in common, we've hung out a lot and she told me stuff like she was thinking i could be some sort of soulmate and it was destiny,it was in a really indirect way ofc,but i got the hint. she rested her head in my shoulder,joked about living together but in a really specific way. she sends me videos about couple stuff and even gave me a kiss on the cheek quite affectionately after our hangout once,but then in the last few times she stopped being physically affectionate, sometimes she touches my face playfully,and we get really close when we're sitting in the subway or smth,like she doesn't mind the intimacy but also won't do anything. she mentioned once i was like a "girl best friend" and that scared me,but that was also before the kiss. she still talks about living together,and we still have a great time but i feel like we're slowly losing intimacy and that makes me wonder what she actually wants. I don't get why she's being like this,since I didn't do anything,and technically she still talks about slightly romantic stuff but really casually. maybe she's just like this with everyone?? i feel really confused and slightly frustrated, and I don't know what to do,i don't wanna talk to her about it,because if I read her actions wrong then I'd embarass myself and ruin the chances between us,so can anyone help me out and give me advice please?

I messed up
I messed up

Hey everyone like in the headline mentioned I really messed up and I need advice.

This will be a long text, because I want to give you a whole picture of what happened.

I'm a female 31 years and I have one child and I'm married. I'm depressive since several month. My husband is neglecting me for a long time, he cheated, he's a narcissist and gaslights me a lot for several years now. Of course I considered several times to end things between us, but it's so hard. No matter how poorly he treated me, I always was loyal, I never insulted him or blamed him. Because I'm too insecure, have a low self-esteem, no self-confidence, can't set boundaries and stand up for myself.

It's been like this for years and it got worse the last 9 months. I was at my lowest and I feel so trapped, because I didn't know what to do. I don't really have true friends and no supportive family background. I felt lonely and on my own. I watched a lot of TikTok and viewed relatetable stuff, sometimes commenting on some. I was looking for help, for advice and feeling not so lonely anymore.

One day a person commented to one of my depressive comments and offered to listen. After considering for two days if I should open up, I did. It turned out that the person is a 14 year old teenage boy from another country. It felt weird for me that I talked to him, but he listened to me and didn't judge me at all. I thanked him for listening and that would have been the point to leave things be, but it didn't.

He texted again about general stuff and things he went through in his past and I returned the favour, I listened to him gave him advice and we started texting regularly. We texted about our days, our interests and recognised that we're pretty alike. We enjoyed talking to each other about general stuff and personal things and really trusted each other. He literally knew everything about me and I about him. We did this for like a month every day.

Then we recognised we catched feelings for each other. At first I pushed it away and said that this is not right, but one day later I gave in. He gave me all this what I was missing for years: love, patience, appreciation, he listened to me and treated me so right. We then shared intimate photos and texts for 4 days, beside our normal conversations. I was in my own little world with him. On one day he mentioned his parents and then reality hit me. That I had this deep emotions to an teenage boy and that this wasn't right and that I'm still married and have a child.

I started to realise that what I was doing isn't right and that we need to stop this. The whole situation was bad enough at this point. I felt so bad about everything that happened that I started to have panic attacks and feel sick. I feel like the worst person on earth, I still do. I explained my thoughts to him and he accepted it, he understood that this isn't going to work out well. I apologised several times to him and that everything is my fault. I never should let that happen. We stopped talking for five days. He wants to be friends again, because we have this emotional bond. I'm not sure if being friends is a good decision and I don't know what to do, I feel so horrible. Of course my romantic feelings towards him are gone. I'm so pathetic and ridiculous. Should I better break contact or accept the friendship offer?