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r/HarryandMeghanNetflix icon
r/HarryandMeghanNetflix icon



People that had been given Meghan's American Riviera Orchard jam

Kelly McKee Zajfen, the co-founder of Alliance of Moms

Abgail Spencer

Nacho Figueroas & wife Delphina

Tracy Robbins- Fashion Designer- Paramount Ceo wife

Mindy Kaling- Actress, producer

Tracee Ellis Ross - Actress, Producer

Chrissy and John Legend

Kris Jenner


Nacho with raspberry jam

Dog biscuits as well

Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex is not affiliated with the subreddit

These accusations are confusing because I don't write anything like Meghan Markle. The two screenshots above might be the same person (God willing, because who wants two people like this roaming around) and they could not work for the FBI and they suck at stylometry.

Just because someone wants something to be true, in this case, feeling that their trolling is important enough to cause The Duchess of Sussex to spend her time running subreddits or what have you, doesn't mean it is. It just isn't very likely.

It takes a certain amount of narcissism to believe you have the ability to negatively impact a high profile person in this way. Meghan Markle is taking time away from her kids, touring, yoga, traveling, jam-making, charity contributing, content creating, chatting with friends, and banging Harry, to tweet and post all day in her defense. These trolls must feel so powerful, behind their keyboards, harassing people for a reaction. Desperately willing that the object of their harassment feels as badly as they do about themselves.

Do these people not have real jobs? I have one demanding job--which is why I have haven't the time to post with the same frequency. Meghan has like five or six hats she's wearing at a time. When is she supposed to have the bandwidth to be "chronically online"? That's troll logic for you.

Troll logic is so stupid that I'm afraid for the fate of the world. Come on, at least construct a plausible narrative. If they had said that Meghan was paying people do write on her behalf (I know, don't give them any ideas) THAT would AT LEAST make sense. But MEGHAN MARKLE, tweeting ALL DAY? She doesn't even like social media. And no one would have the stomach to read bad shit about themselves day in and day out.

What's super alarming is that there are people who still hate Meghan Markle. Still. In the year 2024. Why haven't they moved on? Why is hating Meghan Markle still THE most important issue in their lives. So much so that they are posting nonsense on socials and messaging me. It's also alarming that they believe I am Meghan. Is she not allowed to have defenders or admirers? These trolls are sick.

I really don't think anyone who is STILL trolling Meghan Markle online is sane (this includes all those "journalists" who get paid to write shit about her online), I really don't. They have some sort of delusional disorder or they really over identify with "senior royals". There is nothing to be upset over with Meghan. It's been a very, very, sadly, embarrassingly long time trolly folks. Time to move on.

Dearest troll, I'm not saying this for me; this is for you. Truly, seek help. Reality test by telling someone this is what you do with your spare time and confess how long you've been doing it. The reaction on their faces will tell you all you need to know. You are obsessed in a pathological way. In a stalker way.


JUST TO BE CLEAR: I am NOT being paid to write anything on anyone's behalf-- just in case some paranoid delusional person starts running with that story. Also, please consider that some these people who constantly troll celebrities might be mentally ill. Don't jump on these paranoid delusion bandwagons.

Also, the monarchy can still kiss my ass. God-damned colonialist oppressors. Perpetual exporters of racism and hate (Meghan Markle is the prime example). And, oh yeah, fuck a tiara.

Abuse Towards Meghan Abuse Towards Meghan

Hi! Sorry, this is a bit of a rant/question combined, but I just feel the need to ask this. I'm new to Reddit, this is my first ever post, so it might not be too clear.

I don't follow royal gossip that closely, but I've supported Meghan and Harry's decision to leave the UK to get away from all the abuse and I respect that they want to make their own money instead of living on millions of pounds of taxpayers cash.

Over the past few days, for no particular reason, I've been looking up why people hate Meghan so much. Some of the comments I saw are actually sickening. I saw one post saying that she must "100%" be a horrible person because of something about staff turnover, and another that she must be abusing Harry because she supposedly made him leave his family. I mean, a high staff turnover (if it even happened), is far from proof about someone being a horrible person, and obviously men can be victims of abuse and women can be abusers, but there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that this is the case with Harry and Meghan. I saw other comments saying that they are a waste of oxygen. Another saying that she "lauded" the Royal Family's privilege over everyone else, while the rest of the RF doesn't do that. Umm... yes they do? That's kind of their whole thing. And then issue was taken with her leaving the bastion of privilege. Someone else took issue with her not inviting her father to her wedding because he sold her out to the tabloids a few months prior.

People seem to allege she is a bully (which I highly doubt, considering that people who actually knew her generally have nothing but nice things to say about her, and anything negative seems to come from the Daily Mail and other not-so-reputable tabloids), but the abuse she receives from people who believe this is simply not proportionate. Meghan brings out a visceral hatred in some people that your average workplace bully would not (again, I certainly don't think Meghan is a bully).

I'm sorry, I know this post was a bit all over the place, but I just find the level of abuse directed towards Meghan highly upsetting. It's no wonder the poor thing contemplated suicide. I mean for goodness sake there's an entire subreddit dedicated to hating Meghan. Don't get me wrong, obviously there are public figures I strongly dislike, but I wouldn't join a subreddit dedicated to hating them- why would I want to be surrounded by so much hatred?

And after all that, I still don't understand why Meghan has so many haters, and what she could have possibly done to make people hate her with such a passion and intensity. Any insights?

Serena Williams takes a dig on British press Serena Williams takes a dig on British press

While hosting the event, serena Williams ask harry and meghan not to breathe too much as she doesn't want to be overshadowed by them.

The fact she made such bold statements on espy awards made my day . Of course, no newspaper will highlight this part.

For reference, here's an article

Prince Harry with other Pat Tillman's award winners Prince Harry with other Pat Tillman's award winners

So about the clothing issue Meghan brought in the Netflix show So about the clothing issue Meghan brought in the Netflix show

Dresser to the Queen, Jacqui Meakin has slowly released her grip on who can wear the colour blue at the same time as Queen Camilla – but it must be a very different shade, a source claims. The source tells that the colour blue is particularly problematic for the senior royals’ dressers because it’s a favourite of both Queen Camilla, 76, who was once named the second-best-dressed royal, and Kate, the Princess of Wales, 42.

“The Queen is now able to choose her outfits before all the other women in the Royal Family,” the source said. “It’s part of the royal pecking order and that includes the clothes and colour. Her Majesty’s favourite colour is blue and so is Kate’s. Sophie is also quite fond of it. There was a time when Jacqui [Meakin] was a bit apprehensive to allow blue to be worn at the same time as the Queen, but she’s relaxed that now as long as the blues are very different shades. In the end, it all became a bit comical with all the ladies seeing the funny side.”

Meakin was put in charge of choosing outfits for the most senior woman in the Royal Family after taking over from the late Queen’s dresser Angela Kelly.
However, soon after taking up the role sources claimed she had quickly “ruffled a few feathers” at Buckingham Palace by being too strict over outfit colour choices – most notably the colour blue. A source said that Camilla’s long-time dresser was quite strict in enforcing the royal rule that Queen Camilla’s preferences come first.
That made Meakin the target of Palace sniggers but now everyone can see the funny side and it has become an “in-joke”.

From Express

Pictures of Harry, with Better up Co-founders Alexi Robichaux, Eduardo Medina Pictures of Harry, with Better up Co-founders Alexi Robichaux, Eduardo Medina

Some new*pictures on Lee Morgan website Some new*pictures on Lee Morgan website

The pictures are not new but looks they were less known

Visit Lee's website they are more pictures in there

A Storm in a teacup! The Pat Tillman Award A Storm in a teacup! The Pat Tillman Award
Disinformation Campaigns

Mother Tillman has given her opinion on Prince Harry but if she was a part of her son's foundation, she would have noticed that they have highlighted Harry's work with veterans since 2013. They have also highlighted Invictus athletes and the Games in 2016,2017 and 2018 and so on.

Prince Harry Slammed By Pat Tillman's Mom For Receiving Son's Award Prince Harry Slammed By Pat Tillman's Mom For Receiving Son's Award

Don't understand why someone (Prince Harry) who has done a lot of for veterans would be underserving of an award that honors servicemen and women?? Make it make sense.

And it is so incredibly stupid to judge these people on gossip and gossip based on offending the English nobility. Why any American cares about anyone offending the British monarchy, I'll never know. These people need to move to Britain or read a book about the Revolutionary War. Some of y'alls have watched too many episodes of Bridgerton and think it's a biography: "Britain had a Black Queen who freed the slaves. They can't be racist." SMH.

Pat's mom might as well go ahead and say that she needs someone who will uphold institutional whiteness and familial abuse; not someone who has started competitive games for wounded soldiers and has a charitable foundation. I mean, Harry literally served in Afghanistan and so did Pat Tillman.

So...Pat Tillman's mom is an idiot who probably guzzles the poison on Fox News. There I said it. Sorry for her loss parent should ever have to live through that. RIP Pat Tillman.