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GATE: Thus THE GENEVAS fought at the second One. GATE: Thus THE GENEVAS fought at the second One.

proluoge 2

None's POV.

The door slowly opened and the scream behind it was pure otherworldly. SHT-7 quickly ready their rifles, and pointed them to the gate while taking cover behind their car or sandbag. They also already set up barbed wire along with some obstacles right in front of the door of the gate. SHT-3 ready their grenades and

Mafrot quickly ran up to a nearby police van and saw that the policeman was there too. Ducking behind it. He then notices Mafrot's presence and understands what is his intentions. The policeman then tells Mafrot.

"Listen here, buddy. I with SHT-7 and see if they are friendly or not, If not then we will start blasting. You will provide support fire to machine gunner. If something gets too near, drop it down. You may already know SHT-3 with those grenade boxes. Good?"

"Any backup plan?"

"When things go bad, they will send more men to reinforcement alongside with close air support."

"That it? That's not like... a backup plan at all. You surely this entire defense is work?"

"Well... When we get overrun for example. We can fall back and continue to defend at the park which opposite direction from the Gate."

''Huh. Not as bad as I thought, but I was scared of the fact that some Chaos's mf pop out of nowhere and terrorizing this place.''

''Oh come on! We have a hero who has received a Blood Cross medal right here! I am sure he can one-man army entire otherworldly attack.''   

After saying that, The Policemen just chuckle while Mafrot just rolls his eyes with a small smile on his face but still doesn't give a fuck about that achievement. Then a scream started to get near them at the gate, louder and louder. Mafrot quickly ducks behind the machine gun truck while one police is mounting it. SHT-7 and the policeman quickly go to the frontline next to the fence's extraction from 150 ft away from the gate. Some were standing up, and some lying down covered by sandbags. The policemen stand still while his SMG is ready to fire at any moment. Then the first wave comes out...

Then the wave of monsters started to appear and they quickly rushed to SHT's defense while they held very primitive weapons with very bloodthirsty faces. Orge, goblin,... which is kind of strange compared to Quad. But knowing they are not friendly, The policeman immediately shouts.

''OPEN FIREEE!!!!!!!''


Then all of the police start blasting with dozens of L.E.A.D (Letal Energy Amadasinium Damage) to them. Gun sounds echoing the entire city, blood started to spill out everywhere, and flesh lay around. Mafrot with his carbine drops down any single soul who gets near the machine gunner, while the gunner is busy blasting the crowd of charging monsters. Each bullet of the machine gun pierces through the monster's body easily, some with only a few bullet holes in the body, and some are split into two by 20mm anti-material rifles. Or some explode into a mist of blood by rocket launchers. 



Some of the police from SHT-7 start to run out of ammo in their gun, they quickly duck behind cover and start to reload. Then out of nowhere, a goblin jumps to the cover of the police who are reloading their guns, but The Policemen quickly drop that creature down with his SMG by giving it a spray of LEAD on the body, then he continues spraying the nearby orge trying to destroy the fence. SHT-7 uses their AR headshot and then keeps fire at the swarm of orge that continues advancing toward them. The policemen see the situation not chill out a bit then he notice SHT-3 with their box of grenades. Knowing what they gonna do.

''FRAG OUT!!!''

one of the SHT-3 quickly pulled the pin of the grenade and started throwing at them. The explosion of the grenades was enough to shred those creatures apart. Destroying them completely. Leave many holes on the street and make blood, flesh, and bone splatted everywhere. SHT-4 continued to provide fire support and helped SHT-3. 

The policemen after a long minute of shooting then he quickly checked his vest but realized he ran out of mag. Panicked. He looks around and sees others are run out too. He quickly turns back to the nearby ammo crate and drags it to SHT-7. He then quickly ducks behind the sandbag cover while searching for the mag that fits his SMG. SHT-7 is still busy holding the ground, not letting any monster cross the line of fence.

Mafrot uses his carbine to drop down the enemy and get near the truck. but then he hears something. *click*. The gunner quickly turns behind to take another mag of ammo and try to reload the machine gun, quickly, but precisely. Then he continued to shoot, Mafrot noticed from afar something not particularly right, he then took out the binoculars on the table next to the truck and saw a goblin with a crossbow now aiming at the machine gunner. Mafrot quickly shoots that monster and makes several holes in its body. Pulling the trigger seems to make the time stop as the corpses of the monster continue to pile up more and more, some even trample on each other just to kill their enemy, but right before they exit the gate, they face thousands of L.E.A.D.

Then at one point the wave of monsters suddenly stops. Nothing more comes out from the gate. Making the entire place fall into silence. Too silence... A death silence perhaps? Mafrot feels uneasy with this silence, he looks to The Policemen and he looks back to him, they both nod one thing 'This is not over'. One thing Mafrot learned from his experience in war is not ever celebrate after the fight. 

''Check your ammo! This is not over yet!!''

Quickly all of SHT-3, SHT-4, and SHT-7's police start checking their ammo to prepare for something that coming that they don't want to know. Then suddenly a wyvern rider flies out of the gate alongside with dozen of Romatalia's army? Then a large cavalry army charged the police's defense. With no time to shout or order. All of them quickly open fire, with no destination, trying to take them down as many as possible. The gun sounds echo throughout the entire city along with the explosion and the enemy's scream. 

A large amount of wyvern riders quickly shoot SHT-7 with their crossbow. Making some of SHT-7 having a hard time to deal with. The machine gunner gets tagged down as he is rapidly being shot by the crossbow's bolt. Mafrot tries to pick them up but it has no use. They just immediately notice Mafrot when he peeks out the cover. The light machine gun guy peeks out the cover and then starts spraying the position where the crossbowmen are. A random wyvern riders in the sky see the light machine gunner kill his colleague. The rider dives down to try to pick him up but suddenly gets destroyed completely by police with an anti-material rifle. The Police or Sniper who use anti-material rifles are doing anti-air roles. 

A bunch of falling flesh from wyverns and riders in the sky rains upon the hill of the corpse. But only himself is not enough. Then 5-6 Wyvern riders quickly fly past the defender because the sniper is being distracted by a random goblin jumping on him. One of SHT-7's police on the left side looks behind and sees the Sniper struggling against that goblin, he shoots it dead, but being distracted from the main objective results him a bunch of crossbow bolts hit across his body and his face too. He tries to keep steady but the defense line of the left side is weakened without fire support from fully 2 guys, making some of the knights successfully break through the defense. They shouting each other, and start pressing 2 police down. Helpless. The Sniper wants to help them but his explosive ammunition the rifle will kill both of them and he also runs out of pistol ammo which he used to kill a crowd of goblins charging at him earlier.

Overwhelmed by stress at his sight, making him cannot think clearly and make decisions. He looks at his lip and sees his untouched sword from the start of the battle. He unsheaths his sword and starts charging to the enemy. Then he thrusts his sword right behind the knight's back, killing that bastard in one strike. The mana flow in his body started to increase his performance. He slashes, strikes, and cuts down dozens of knights who are staggering down 2 police. Before The Sniper gets burned alive by a wyvern.

2 police, stand up and pick up their rifle. Their first target instead of The horde of Knight right in front of them. Instead, they focus fire on a large number of wyverns who are charging deep inside the city. They are trying to kill them before too late, but it's already late... 

''CONTACT! CONTACT! THE LEFT SIDE HAS BEEN BREACHED! I REPEAT. THE LEFT SIDE HAS BEEN BREACHED!!'' One of SHT-7's police used his radio to report the situation to the right side but...

''THE RIGHT SIDE IS FALL! WE NEED ASSISTANCE ASAP!'' Another SHT-7 police on the right side yelled on the radio simultaneously.

The sudden attack made everything go downhill very fast. The policemen, Mafrot along with 4 police left right now fall back, deep into the city. Mafrot is carrying the machine gunner as he is getting several wounds from crossbow bolts. Although the armor is made from anti-cut material and is bulletproof and able to stop and block bolts, some bolts are still capable of piercing their armor a little bit by shooting at the least padded place, making him bleed out a lot. The machine gunner uses Mafrot's carbine to shoot back those otherworldly knights. They continue to fall back until they see the park... That is the last place to defend... The Wyvern rider already breached deep into the civilian zone where the hospital and civilians are. If they fail to defend this park, those knights will have an advantage, they will surely, die, and retake will be harder for others.

'' _______________________ '' The random Romatalia who seem like their commander suddenly shout to them in the Jadanese (Jadan language), while pointing their sword with malicious faces. 

The policemen guess what the knight's intention is. With the last of his mind and sanity, he yelled back to the Commander on top of his breath. 

''NUTS!'' (Not Understanding Terms of Surrender)

Mafrot also yelled at the top of his lungs along with The Policemen


''NO. TURN. BACK!!'' Alongside the remaining police. 

They declare they won't surrender until their blood runs out. The Romatalia commander hears this although don't understand what they talking about, what he knows is. They. Won't. Surrender. He then orders the cavalry behind him to attack them. Mafrot with P-1909 traded his shot back to the sudden calvary. Each shot impacts right on the head, killing them instantly, and opening the entire head, the gunshot of this pistol just makes him remember the old thing he hates. But no time for that. The machine gunner with Mafrot's carbine drops down a lot of enemies within one hit right on the head, leg, or body shot. Along with the remaining police and their pistol. The policeman then takes out his radio can starts calling the reinforcement. Then he takes out his electricity baton and the S-shield he took from the trailer before. Charging and engaging the enemy like a bunch of Riot he has been facing from his experience. 

Mafrot then also starts running out of ammo, as he only has 1 mag left. He then pulls out his sword at his hip, then looks up, and sees one Wyvern rider diving down, aiming at him. He then suddenly enters the slow motion mode and when The rider gets near enough. He then uses his pistol to shoot Wyvern's eyes and Rider's head, killing them in mere moments. The Wyvern gets furious as being shot right in the eye and can't see anything, it spits out fire randomly, making the entire park burn. But Wyvern can't see anything, and it crashes right on the ground. Let Mafrot his sword thrust right on top of its head and kill it like nothing. 

The remaining police support Mafrot by keeping the cavalry busy and the horde of knights out of the range. They drop down creating a hill of corpses, flesh, and blood. To the point that makes it like massacres, but they run out of ammo. The remaining police throw their pistol away and pull out their sword, baton, axe, or hammer. And start charging to the enemy line. The policemen announce to his team every bad, bad news.




Mafrot and others hearing that just furious. As they are forced to defend this place longer. But they have no time to complain about all of that. Mafrot uses his sword to slash right at the neck of the nearby knight. Suddenly an explosion appears at the frontline where they were defended. It rapidly exploded killing those knights at the frontline. Mafrot then shouts to The policemen.




Then he quickly parkours across the place, with his sword and 5 bullets in the mag to defend against thousands of them. He quickly uses his gun to headshot the Rider charged at him. while using his sword to cut down anyone trying to charge at him. After a long run, he finally reached that place. And what he sees is that young Oni girl with a box of explosives hiding inside the collapsed building. While throwing the grenade to the enemy. She when notices Mafrot, she quickly runs up to him, not forgetting the grenade box. Knowing what was happening and the reason why. He does not question why she is still here, instead, he carries her and continues to run past the enemy line. Thanks to the fact that she is a kid and does not have anything heavy except the grenade box, allows Mafrot to parkour over the place. 



The Policemen shouted to Mafrot with the face of 'wtf is he doing?' But when saw a kid he carrying, he did not want to ask further. Then he refocuses on the enemy. The Commander is furious because his army can't be advanced deeper into the city by a bunch of weaklings. He decides to order all of his men to focus the attack on The Policemen. Start to kill them one by one. Notice the strange presence and line of attack from the enemy, The remaining police try to interrupt their attack, just only to be pushed away, and kept distant by them.

The policemen now see it and in his head, only one line he thinks. 'This is no good...' Then a large amount of cavalry charged at him, and due to the kinetic force he was rapidly attacked making his arm start to get tired and in pain. A large amount of Wyvern Riders spit fire on The policeman making him burn but his armor is designed for anti-riot stuff to protect against molotov and melee attacks, so he can stand longer a bit but from behind a bunch of knights use their sword thrust to his armor weak spot unintentionally. He is also being attacked from behind. The Policeman tried to shock and burn those knights down with his baton but the constant fighting, resisting against fire, and blocking strikes from the enemy were just too much for a normal human like him. 

Blood dripping out, pain reaches to level of torture, and Flesh starts to weaken. But his adrenaline still pumping in his veins, and his mana flow continues to help him heal the flesh wound. Seeing the situation is leading him to hell, and he can't escape destiny. Last ditch effort. He quickly fully charged his baton and slammed it right on the ground, creating a small electricity explosive, dazing those knights in range temporally, although it also broke his baton. He then rushes into the enemy line, ramping any enemy trying to block him up or in his way. Stumble anyone who lies on the ground. All by his shield and his willpower. 

Mafrot sees him charge deep into the enemy line, and he shouts to him.


But The Policemen don't respond, instead keep ramping deep to the enemy line. Mafrot decides to run up to him, he places the young Oni down and tells her to hide inside the building nearby. But he gets shot right on his knee by random crossbowmen. He falls to the ground, and he just can't move his leg. One of the remaining police picks him up and pulls him out of the danger zone. While another stops the enemy from advancing. Mafrot tries to stand up, but his limbs won't obey him, helplessly abandoning his friend there.

Until one of the screams from the deep enemy line suddenly echoed. That is not a battle cry, or the scream of battle. This is the scream of someone who is killed. But this one was different, this scream made all of the knights, soldiers, or any human soldier stunned and fearful. Mafrot hearing it, just... only two words come out. ''No way...''The remaining police just sign in respect. 

But the battle was not over yet, Mafrot quickly held charge of commanding The remaining Police. Then he commands.

''You! Bunch of you attack the left flank! I will become the bait on the right side! When the enemy focuses on me, immediately attack deep on their line! Penetrate their line with a sudden attack! I will finish those focus on me!! Come on let's go! let's go!! We won't abandon our comrade!''

Then all of The Remaining Police simply answer. ''Sir! Yes, Sir!'' 

Mafrot quickly pulls out the bolt, although it is very painful for him. The young Oni hides inside the next building. Cowardly. And fear. But deep inside her, she wants to do something to help Mafrot. She wants to do something to help the police win this fight. The only useful thing she has right now is just a box of grenades from SHT-3, but too risky as the police can get damaged by grenades too.

'What should I do now? I can't abandon them. I don't want to be a deadweight. I had to do something!' She is in her thoughts, worrying about the lives of those men. Then she looks behind her and has an idea. 

Mafrot tries to stand up and rebalance his body. Then he quickly rushes to the enemy line, attacking and taunting them on the right side. This drew most attention of the enemy's knights, cavalry, and Wyvern Riders to Mafrot. They have now lost their commander, no one is commanding them, but somehow they won't retreat and continue to hold the line at this place. Mafrot uses his sword to thrust the enemy's head right on the spot not covered up by a helmet, then he pulls it out, slashes the enemy behind him, and chops down another enemy behind him too. The Enemy furiously attacked him while shouting in Jadanese. 

But little did they know. ''ON CHARGE!''. All of The Remaining Police suddenly attacked the right middle of the street, charging deep into the enemy line with an arrow line. Facing dozens or hundreds of crossbow bolts. The Rider spots them then they dives down to kill them, but one of the police notices that Rider, he then takes out the grenade he hiding under his vest, and when it gets near enough, he uses his tomahawk to chop on Wyvern's head and put the grenade that already pull the pin on its mouth. The Wyvern is attacked like that makes it panic, the rider tries to calm it down, but the grenade explodes, destroys the Wyvern's head, and kills the rider by the fragment of Wyvern's skin. The Remaining police continue to attack deep while keeping their stance low to avoid being shooter right on the weak spot. They ram the shield phalanx line with almost no effort and attack and kill them in the most brutal way possible. Their spear can't penetrate and pierce the armor of police, crossbow bolts are almost useless to their armor, and the only way to deal with them is fire but they are surrounded by enemy, so The Wyvern Rider can't spit fire at them.

Mafrot is right now being attacked and chased by dozens of knights, he killed almost all of the cavalry chasing him. He is right now at the spot where he pulls out the bolts impaled his knee. He then shouts.


With no time to reply she quickly ran out while holding 2 boxes. One is a dirty emergency box and another is a grenade box. She drops them down, and then she pulls the pin and throws it a little further than Mafrot's spot, killing a bunch of knights. Then Mafrot turned back facing the knight, with his little swordsmanship skill, he tried to hold them back, while the kid threw the grenade at the enemy. Killing them. The number continues to drop. Corpse by corpse. flesh by flesh. The smell of hatred, fear, and death filled up this place.

Nothing left survives. Only The Remaining Police, Mafrot, and the kid. 

Half an hour later

''Report the situation.'' The sound of the radio from the Police.

''Number-74 is KIA. 75 crossbow bolts, 53 stabs, several burning, and 15 more cuts on his body. The otherworldly Gate army is killed about 99,7% only a few left have been captured... Mission complete...''

''... We will aid you guys with some more supply and men's. Tomorrow The Genevas will send their men to control the gate. If there is any more problem, report it back to us... O.W.A.D over and out.'' Then the communication line cut.

''... Sir Mafrot...''

Mafrot right sitting on the bench at the park looking down at the broken baton and Federn's anti-riot helmet... He failed to save his friend. Again. The Young Oni sitting next to him wants to do something to make him few better, but it's better to leave a broken man alone than trying to help him. She also experiences this. She understands his feelings. She sits there, lays her back on the bench looks at the blue sky, and wishes her brother and sister were safe and Mafrot will be better.

''Kiddo... Here. Give them the picture... I don't think I will help you this time. They will surely help you... I can't just... ahh...'' Mafrot then gives 2 pictures back to the young Oni.

He then looks back at those bunch of primitive knights, Rider, crossbowmen,... He just wants to grab his sword and execute them immediately, but he can't and won't allow to. He looks around the park and it the street more like the battlefield. The sorrow, the pain, the feeling of losing. Losing someone has been and always there for you in the hard times just... The feeling he can't understand, he can't escape. He blames himself, stresses himself, he just. Not sure why. He is still there. Existing. Like a failure of humanity. 

The corpse and flesh are everywhere. Guts and brains lying around the field. blood deep in the soil. This battle is a success in the statistics but to Mafrot. This is the failure. The promise of brother-in-arms was now nothing more than the past echoing and screaming inside his head. He then pulls out the pistol. Then mumbling with it.

''You... I never truly escape from you huh? Fucking... shit...''

Then he looks at the medical box that was left by the young Oni and the bandaged wound earlier. He just... Unsure why he, the failure still receives the light of life... God such a merciful sadist fucker...

''I need to rest... Tomorrow will be a wild trip...''

(the flag of The Genevas)

GATE: Thus THE GENEVAS fought at the second One. GATE: Thus THE GENEVAS fought at the second One.

I finally finished the proluoge. I hope you guys can read and test this. Before I upload it.



12:11 pm. 12/3/2934

A strange man with a ghillie suit. Under several fatal wounds, blood continues to drop, and pain continues to increase, but the adrenalin and mana in his vein help him continue to move.

He continues moving until he touches the wound at his shoulder and finds that he doesn't have much time left and he decides to run, run as fast as he can to a specific place. He took out his knife, cut his wrist, and started to draw a magic circle by using his blood and his mana (in liquid form) while mumbling with fury and hatred. 

"The last step... You... Shall know the pain...Emroy...!"

when he finishes it, he goes to the middle of the circle and then raises the knife, and stabs his belly, and the middle of the stomach.

It hurt, very hurt and painful. He was groaning and screaming under the disgusting sewer. nobody hears it. Nobody knows. He is dying but he still slowly smiles and then starts laughing like a madman.

*HAHAhahahaha!...* he remains silent. Death. His last suffering. Lifelessly on the ground of the sewer.

The magic circle started to glow the color of red and then it evaporated the corpse of the man and then created a small explosion that didn't damage anything and emitted energy around then slowly disappeared.

A beacon has been sent.

8:32 am. 14/3/2934.

None's POV.

It is a beautiful day, the sun is rising, birds are flying, and flowers are blooming. As people, from various races, Humans, elves, dwarfs, Hybrid, and Anians (beastman) are already starting their busy day alongside police patrolling around to stop any suspicious individuals in the city, the flame of war between The Genevas and The Chaos is still not cold down a little bit. Then lone policemen who seem to be heavily armed with anti-riot gear, his face covered by a Balaclava ski mask, along with a Submachine gun behind his back. He is heading to a nearby café.

"Mafrot! How is it going, buddy!?" A voice call from the lone policemen to someone named Mafrot who is chilling drinking coffee while scrolling down his phone.

The guy is named Mafrot. 32 years old. He is about 5'7 tall, has fair skin, black normal eyes, and blue-ocean mullet hair. He has a long scar on top of his forehead to his right neck. His clothes right now are ordinary white working shirts with a badge of The Genevas but already rolling up their sleeves. The pants he is wearing are Jeans. Along with hiking boots. And a blue scarf with the icon of The Genevas.

Then he replies.

''Normal.'' He said while holding his coffee and looking back at the police.

''Is that so? Oh, I want to show you this.'' Then he searched for something behind his back.

''Then what?'' Mafrot curiously asked back, while holding his coffee ready to drink.

''Wait me a sec, I think... Oh here.''He pulled out a pistol with 5 mags in it. 

''It that? Wait? Don't you dare to tell me...'' Mafrot just looks at the police with pure surprise  ''*haiz* So... you... are showing me the 'favorite' gun that I lost 5 years ago?''

''Yeah! I fought this P-1909 under the sewer of the cit-'' Then he got cut short by Mafrot.

''Before we continue, sit down, please. And carefully tell me. Don't just stand there.'' Mafrot politely tells him and points to the seat opposite his seat.

''Oh then sure. I have a lot of free time so 'sit down' a little bit won't hurt.'' Then the police sit down and place the pistol along with its mags on the table.

'' *ahem* Ok let's start with this. yesterday, at 10:00 PM, I received a call from the captain as they ordered me and my colleague to go down to the city sewer to investigate the tunnel as... you know... The Chaos... But truth be told, we didn't find anything suspicious down there, instead, I found this gun and its mag near the manholes. Anything after that, nothing too special, just a line of drug dealers under down there. We already quickly dropped them down and arrested them so no need to worry about *haha*'' He awkwardly laughed when he finished his story.

To Mafrot, who carefully listens to the entire story from his friend. Deep in his mind, the nightmare appears again, making him lost in thought by just looking at the old gun on the table.

"Hey. Mafrot. Hey, hey! Wake up!" the policemen call him up, waken him from reality

"uhhh... You good?" He asks Mafrot calmly with concern in his eye.

"I think... *Aghh* my head feeling dizzy...'' He then stands up with his hand placed on top of his forehead ''*haiz* Well some ungood memories reappear again in my head... Fucking shit..."

"This means you need to rest more and if you find your mental health has some problems. Go visit a therapist, or you can tell me and I can help you to overcome it. We are best buddies dude. Don't hold the entire burden or pain on your shoulder it isn't good for you." he said with a worried tone in his voice while keeping his neutral face.

"haiz... Thank you, Federn." a simple thanks but grateful from Mafrot to the policemen.

Then the policeman reaches out his hand and places it on Mafrot's shoulder as a way to say 'Everything will be alright'.

"Back to our topic. So will you keep it? You don't need to take it anyway. If this thing makes you feel no good." said the policemen.

"Federn, you know what? I think... I-"

But suddenly Mafrot's words get cut off by a strong earthquake. This makes almost all of the people in the city panic, all the people quickly run and hide or lie down just to avoid the debris falling on their heads. 

Mafrot and the policemen are already inside the café, also hiding under the table, they look outside the window and see everything, entire buildings, malls,... just collapsed. Then out of nowhere, the sound of an explosion suddenly echoes the entire city. The fire then spread everywhere. People in the café also panic and fear. Another attack from The Chaos is happening. Then suddenly a giant debris drops down on top of a nearby customer's head. Making his head expose his entire skull, flesh, Brain piece, blood, and mana. Killing him. Lifelessly. A meaningless death. Some are getting crushed in half by debris. Some are getting trapped outside and killed by another thing.

The policeman tries to remain calm, as calm as possible, and then he looks at Mafrot and sees his eye. Deep in thought. A flashback. Of the 1000-yard stare. The policemen decided to wake him up. Shouting to him while his voice is blocked by the sound of falling and the screaming outside.

''hey! HEY! WAKE UP! MAFROT! WAKE UP!'' He shouts to him while shaking him on the shoulder.

"WAKE UP! DIPSHIT! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He continues to shout to him, hoping he can wake him up.

After a minute of shaking, the earthquake is stopped and Mafrot finally snaps back to reality after some flashbacks of the past. First, he is confused plus his body is shaking, then slowly calms down as he knows he finally escaped the flashback... For now.

Back to the present, The policeman notices Mafrot wakes up, and the earthquake is stopped. He then asks Mafrot.

"How do you feel right now? Better?"

Mafrot glares back at him with an unpleasant look. Then the policeman just says.

"I will take it as no."

Then both of them get out of the table and go to the exit of the café or more like a ruin now. They seek out the door,  see outside and what do they see? A gate. A giant gate with an ancient structure. Standing there in the middle of the giant street with dozens of collapsed buildings nearby. People in the city are confused, yet curious about it. But with the earthquake and the fire that is spreading everywhere a lot of civilians are trapped inside collapsed buildings, and inside the buildings are on fire too. Some collapsed by the earthquake, some didn't, but the ones that didn't collapse will be burned in the fire. Some blood, guts, and flash lying around the street or below debris.

Mafrot before exiting the café, decides to pick up the pistol as it is the only thing that may help him recall back the past. The policeman secretly notices it and he puts a small smile under his mask. But he has something better to do, a call from his higher. He takes out his phone from his armor vest and starts to report almost everything, including the strange gate that appears out of nowhere. 

"...Yeah... Yeah. Ok, number-74, out.''

 Mafrot looks at the policemen and then asks with curiosity.

''So... What did they say?''

''F.E.A.T will be sent here to rescue and aid the civilian, and he said I will be tagged with team SHT-3, SHT-4, and SHT-7 to be guarding this gate.'' He answers.

 Then from a distance, the sound of ambulances and helicopters from afar comes closer and closer until they see 15 ambulance vans, 8 helicopters, and 12 fire trucks. Mafrot, the policemen, and other survivors just smile at how effective the F.E.A.T on their job. Then they stop right in front of the gate, the fire truck group gets out of their vehicles and takes out their special spear that has a hook under the blade and their fire axe. They quickly use the special radar that can scan under debris and fire to searching any survivors. When they start to get a signal from survivors, they start to rush to the place where the survivors are waiting to be rescued.

While the ambulance team is set up all of the medical places are ready to do some field medical stuff. Some civilians see them, and head to their place, asking them to tend their wounds, asking for pills, or requesting an emergency healing spell, if some civilians are suffering a fatal wound and are in near dying stage, the helicopter will quickly bring them to the nearby hospital. 

Mafrot sees it and just smiles at the effectiveness of that organization. Then he talks to the policemen ''You know, they showing their actions just like their company name.''

''True. Fast Emergency Action Team. Almost no mistake made during their job.''

Then Mafrot turns his head to the policemen asking him one question.

''By the way... where are they?''

''They coming, seem like the debris cause a lot of trouble during their way to this place.'' He answers him while looking down at his phone.

''Fair enough.''

''Oh here, they come.'' Then the policemen point to their left side, and see 3 types of vehicles coming to them, heading to the gate.

The first one is an armored vehicle with a mark that says 'SHT-3'. The second one is an armed vehicle which can be called a combat vehicle, It is a light utility vehicle (more like a small truck) with machine gun turrets on top of it, and it has a mark that says 'SHT-4'. The final one is a utility vehicle, which is more like a truck that connects with a trailer and the trailer has a mark that says 'SHT-7'. 

When they arrived right in front of the gate, The policeman quickly put his phone back in his pocket. Then run to the 3 teams. The first team comes out of their vehicle SHT-7 as 7 men wearing entirely combat gear (swat gear) with long trench coats outside. They take out a rolled fence inside the trailer and then carry it out, quickly creating a wall of fence to not let any civilians enter or any creature get out, then they take all of the weapons and ammunition crates inside their trailer, and bring them out and ready the equipment to another team. The SHT-3 team also exited their vehicle as 3 people wore the same type of armor SHT-7 wore. They pick up the weapon at the creates, and start to examine their guns and swords. And set up the grenade box from the trailer. Checking ammo inside the mag and loading them to their belt. The SHT-4 team, as only 3 men came out of the vehicle, one guy mounting the machine gun, and 3 men then took the heavy weapon-type rocket launcher, anti-material rifle, and light machine gun.  

Total 15 polices. 10 assault riflemen, 1 rocket launcher, 1 sniper, 1 light machine gunner, 1 turret machine gunner, and 1 submachine gunner (the lone policemen).

The policemen get near then greet them. Waving his hand to them. But they just ignore him, and continue their business. Mafrot is behind him somewhere just curious asking him.

''They are not the type of talkative huh?''

 This almost freaks out the policeman but then he turns his back and answers him. 

''Yeeah... They train to be... less talk and more action.''

Then a police tap on his shoulder, trying to gain his attention. The policemen turn his back and look at him, then he asks the policemen.

''Sir, why that Genevas's soldier at here, sir?'' He points to Mafrot as he is wearing the working shirt with Genevas's badge.

''Oh, he is my friend. He is on a short vacation but will get a new order tomorrow.''

The 1st police nods and gets back to his patrol. Then the policeman raised his hand and told Mafrot, then he headed to them.

''I will discuss a few things with those guys. See ya. If you are interested, you can guard with us. You can use equipment from us because I allow.''

''Ok, then. See you around.''

Mafrot then pulls his gun out of its holster and heads to the nearby table which the SHT team just set up earlier. He then dismantles P-1909 and starts cleaning the gun. He in his thought.

'Why the fuck this gun can be under that sewer... Does someone want me to kill someone?... And the gate... why there is a gate appearing at this place...'


Then he turns his head to his right and sees a little girl standing next to him and seeing him clean up his gun.

She is a little Oni girl (kid). With short red-apple color hair and red-blood color eyes. On top of her head is short oni horns. Her clothes are torn dresses with oversized coats outside but both are dirty with dirt and some stains on it. She is quite skinny like she has not eaten for a long time... 

Mafrot just doesn't know what to do in this situation, as he awkwardly thinks that the kid is just interested in his gun or...

Mafrot's POV.

Uh... What should I do in this situation... Is she interested in cleaning a pistol? Or she is just a poor kid who wants some money? Based on her clothes, she is a poor or homeless kid. and her horn... I guess she is from Jadan.

''Oh! hello. Sir... '' She greets me with a small smile, but I find it a bland smile with no actual emotion on it. "Sir... What is that strange-looking gate?" 

I just replied.

''I don't know kid, but I think this is some kind of gate that is linked with another world or another dimension.''

''It that so...'' She said.

Then I decide to ask a question that I already know the answer to but I just want to make sure if it's true. 

''Where... are your parent And what is your nationality kid?''

''My parent... no longer here... And what is nationality sir?...*sod* I'm sorry'' She said with little sadness in his tone.

Her eyes fill up with sadness, tired, and pain. Her fake smile is a simple mask she creates to hide her emotions. I then place all of the cleaning tools down on the table. Then knee myself down, slowly patting her head. 

*haiz* ''So... You need some help right?''


''Then... tell me, what do you need assistance with? If you want shelter, ask people in black-red 'rubber cloth' with spears (F.E.A.T) they help you find a family.''

''But sir... I want you to help me to rescue her...''

''So who is 'her' you just mentioned? I think I will help you in that one.''

Then she takes out an old photo which has... I don't know what to say in this situation... Those children... crawling... dying... starve to death. Inside those cages fill up with the darkest. Like an animal. That photo is enough to show they are slave that will be sold to the place no one knows, and no one wants. She takes out another photo showing a group of armed men shaking hands with someone. But what gets my attention is that the badge of those armed men is The Chaos... But that is not my point, under 'The Chaos' is another word that makes me look back at the kid. ITF. 'Insurgency' Task Force...

Both of my arms quickly grab her shoulders. This is so sudden and it freaks her out. Making her freak out... I then tell her.

''Don't you know, you just gave us one of the most important things that we have wanted for a long time?'' I tell her with the face of 'insanity relief' which makes her confused but then she immediately understands the meaning behind those confusing lines.

"Thank- thank you so much!!"

"You are welcom-"

My word was cut short by the loud noise behind me. I turn back and see one thing... That we already expected. The door of the gate starts opening. This makes all of the civilians get curious, fearful, or even paranoid about it but the FEAT quickly evacuation civilians to the safety zone. I quickly picked up all of the pistol parts and started to reassemble them. Then I run to a nearby armory crate and equip myself with a light tactical Kevlar vest, taking the carbine rifle next to the box. And checking up on the weapon. And put my scarf on.

I ready.

(due to limited words. I will cut this in 2 posts)