Adam Hanieh cartoon
Adam Hanieh provides an alternative approach to understanding Palestine – one that is framed by the wider region and the Middle East’s central place in our fossil fuel-centred world.
Mandela Palestine
Salim Vally discusses Israel’s war on Gaza and the global campaign against Israeli apartheid.
Cyn Huang, Daniil Sapunkov and Amey discuss how the Palestine student movement plans to progress over the summer break and its impact on labour struggles, the left and the 2024 presidential elections.
Modi 3.0
CPI(ML) Liberation — By all indications Modi will try to stabilise the new government by paying lip service to the NDA while continuing his aggressive fascist agenda, even if at a slightly slower pace at first.
US soldiers in Iraq
Michael Pröbsting — The struggle against imperialist aggression and wars has always been an elementary feature of the revolutionary program in modern times.
income inequality US Russia
Dmitry Pozhidaev — In combination with growing state capitalism and the war economy, Russia’s delinking has created additional internal investment opportunities and fiscal space for income redistribution.
Europe far right
Miguel Urbán Crespo — The recent European elections have illustrated how adopting far-right policies can lead to an increase in far-right influence and representation across Europe.
EU elections transform
Cornelia Hildebrandt — The few successes cannot conceal the continued defensive posture of leftist parties in Europe and the existential crisis faced by individual parties.
Dave Kellaway examines the outcome of the European elections, while Johanna Bussemer writes that strong showings in several countries will ensure a left presence in Brussels, but internal contradictions are bigger than ever.
War on the commons
Steve Leigh — Ian Angus's excellent new book covers the violent transition from feudalism to capitalism, demonstrating its relevance to the modern world.
Trump rally
Paul Le Blanc — Donald Trump represents a kind of politics that has powerfully transformed political realities in the United States, a kind of politics labeled by some as Trumpism.
CPIML on elections
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation —Democracy in India received a powerful and much-needed shot in the arm in the 2024 elections.