June 16

Be gay, do crime

I want to watch re-Bound with some friends before watching Loves Lies Bleeding. Seems like a good time to watch any other queer heist, rampage, crime spree movies you can recommend. [more inside]
posted by Iteki to Media & Arts at 11:12 AM - 4 answers

Where do you buy blu-rays online these days?

I would like to buy blu-rays from places that aren't large companies like Amazon, Target, etc. (I'm in the US.) I buy them in person sometimes from Scarecrow Video in Seattle, but don't get over there too often. What small companies/stores are you buying blu-rays from online?
posted by skycrashesdown to Media & Arts at 10:10 AM - 3 answers

Is there a way to download videos from Facebook?

Is there a way to download videos from Facebook?
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries to Computers & Internet at 10:06 AM - 1 answer

Pie masters, help me troubleshoot my pies

I'm learning to bake sweets from scratch and it's going all right. I've got the important part down: It tastes good! But ... I am struggling to make a nice, neat-looking pie crust. I keep giving my parents these really tasty, but really ugly pies. I run into a couple of issues: [more inside]
posted by Kutsuwamushi to Food & Drink at 8:28 AM - 13 answers

Should I try antidepressants even if my mental health is improving?

The doctor said after 15min of chatting that she doesn't give therapy sessions, that i should go in nature more, pet my dogs more, and take Sertraline for my mild depression. That I probably just don't respond to stress as good as an average person. I've never been prescribed ADs before. [more inside]
posted by Salicornia to Health & Fitness at 7:21 AM - 9 answers

Do Deterra MP pouches work

We need to dispose of tens of opioid painkillers but the pharmacy dropoffs are always full. Do Deterra MP pouches work? Are they better than just mixing the pills with coffee grounds and burying them in the trash?
posted by donpardo to Health & Fitness at 7:13 AM - 3 answers

End of life considerations for cat with skin cancer

One of our cats has suffered from skin cancer for years, and it's looking pretty bad. Unsure how to gauge "quality of life" at this point. What would you do? (cw: gross details inside) [more inside]
posted by Sweetie Darling to Pets & Animals at 6:43 AM - 4 answers

June 15

Is a personal support worker what we need? How to find one? (Toronto)

My mother, 81, fell and broke her hip. They replaced it. She is doing pretty well but will take some time to recover. I want to find someone who can help her out around the house. I think there’s a lot of uncertainty about what sort of help she’ll need and when. We are in Toronto. [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit to Health & Fitness at 8:04 PM - 7 answers

Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie Help

My brother and I have an obscene recipe for peanut butter ice cream. We want to make some sandwiches. What kind of cookie? [more inside]
posted by kathrynm to Food & Drink at 7:46 PM - 21 answers

Puppy Potty Training Regression

I have a 9 month old puppy who I adopted in February as a rescue from a hoarding case. We've had ups and downs with potty training, but lately it's regressed to the point where I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do anymore. Please help. [more inside]
posted by Malleable to Pets & Animals at 7:21 PM - 4 answers

Are those red flags of an unhealthy/possibly DV relationship?

In February, I posted about one of my closest friends, Xavier. I've seen some things here and there that are concerning me, so wanted to ask. [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude to Human Relations at 6:22 PM - 13 answers

Redoing Jam

I made cherry jam without pectin. Can I heat it back up and add pectin? [more inside]
posted by mygothlaundry to Food & Drink at 6:13 PM - 7 answers

Help me help my kindle

I need to delete about 2000 expired libby loans from my new kindle. [more inside]
posted by bookworm4125 to Technology at 5:11 PM - 9 answers

Participant captioning in Zoom

Is it possible to get captioning or live transcription in Zoom as a single meeting participant? What am I doing wrong? [more inside]
posted by amusebuche to Computers & Internet at 4:34 PM - 5 answers

Need suggestions for Great Smoky Mountain trip!

We're going to be visiting friends in Ringgold, GA from June 27 thru July 6 this summer. Would love to spend two or three days in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Our Goals would be to see some country we've never seen before and perhaps cool off. We're not too interested in the Pigeon Forge or Gatlinburg scene. So been thinking of spending a couple nights in Townsend TN with forays into the park like going to Clingmans Dome. [more inside]
posted by Rad_Boy to Travel & Transportation at 2:56 PM - 7 answers

Gruesome Las Vegas

If I were to travel to Las Vegas, what would be its most gruesome aspects today? What is the most disgusting casino? What is the ickiest dinner buffet? What is the most depressing public space? What is the worst hotel? What is your secret awful spot in Las Vegas? This masochist mind wants to know. Tell me your nastiest Las Vegas stories!
posted by Scarf Joint to Travel & Transportation at 12:14 PM - 18 answers

Do I really need a realtor?

A friend of mine didn't use a realtor but a broker I believe to buy their house. I've never heard of that before but I also met someone who she says her dad was a mortgage loan underwriter and "he wrote her loan" for her. So tell me, what is it that these people know that I don't? I don't have the cultural capital to learn this stuff from my family but I'm surrounded by people who buy houses like it's nothing. [more inside]
posted by mxjudyliza to Home & Garden at 11:41 AM - 18 answers

Career midpoint: how to prepare for a (maybe) move

I've had a short-term conflict at work that will blow over, but it has led me to realize that there are some structural issues that may complicate my staying there long-term. I've also got some personal reasons for considering a move. What's the best way to prep for a job search before it becomes a five alarm fire? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Work & Money at 7:20 AM - 4 answers

Adventure/humor/educational podcasts for kids?

My kid really loves Greeking Out, and the grownups like it ok too. But we have almost run through it. What else might we all like? [more inside]
posted by SaltySalticid to Media & Arts at 7:03 AM - 10 answers

Losing that glove-ing feeling

Anyone out there who also hates the feel of wearing gloves? If so, have you found work gloves or cleaning gloves that are bearable for daily use? [more inside]
posted by Bardolph to Home & Garden at 4:54 AM - 16 answers

June 14

Men's gradient sweater, light on top

Looking for a variation on this gradient sweater but light on top and dark on the bottom [more inside]
posted by Ideal Impulse to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 7:53 PM - 6 answers

How to run a portable A/C all day?

I have a portable A/C in my room. I'd like to keep it on all day because it takes a while to cool the room, but I'm limited by the fact that it drains into a bucket and produces lots of water when it's super hot out. [more inside]
posted by wheatlets to Home & Garden at 4:15 PM - 13 answers

Second question of the week: tasty crunchy dirt, and bitterness

I love yummy crunchy dirt flavors, like cacao nibs and carob. Help me find more? [more inside]
posted by St. Peepsburg to Food & Drink at 3:46 PM - 43 answers

When exactly to file a home insurance claim

I know that filing a home insurance claim is something you don't do lightly. For example, you don't do it if repairs are less than or near the deductible and just pay out of pocket etc. etc. My question is how to get to a numerically-exact or -near-exact sweet spot for deciding when to bite the bullet and make a claim, based on the particulars of my policy and the consequences of filing a claim. [more inside]
posted by They sucked his brains out! to Work & Money at 3:29 PM - 10 answers

Help me deter the wrath of Zeus

My devices seem unusually prone to bizarre semi-damage from passing thunderstorms. This never seems to be a problem for friends or family in the same area. What's going on and what's the best way to address it? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi to Technology at 12:57 PM - 6 answers


My 2-year old HP all-in-one computer at home is doing something strange - whenever there is a text-entry field, it begins auto-typing wwwwwww. [more inside]
posted by davidmsc to Technology at 12:11 PM - 5 answers

Problem with phone/car connection

My touchscreen in my car keeps freezing when connected to my phone. [more inside]
posted by bookworm4125 to Technology at 11:23 AM - 6 answers

Personal use cases for ChatGPT and/or other LLMs

I've seen a lot of use-case articles citing how ChatGPT can be maximised for work like marketing, writing, etc. But I want to know how you've used it in your personal life? [more inside]
posted by benimaru to Technology at 9:44 AM - 26 answers

Heart emoticon at work?

Personal opinions needed <3 [more inside]
posted by Eyelash to Work & Money at 7:47 AM - 32 answers

Should I quit my marketing business and switch careers?

I run a marketing business which has struggled for the past two years. I'm considering whether to pivot, change careers, or find an in-house or agency job. I have lots of experience but am burned out. Should I try to turn my business around or look for a new career path? [more inside]
posted by allthethings to Work & Money at 7:40 AM - 6 answers

Investment book for fresh college grad with a job?

What's a current book with good advice for a recent college grad who has a job (so not just surviving)? [more inside]
posted by wenestvedt to Work & Money at 7:32 AM - 10 answers

Hair goo suggestions?

What hair product should I use? [more inside]
posted by latkes to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion at 7:14 AM - 12 answers

Team lead is trying to fix my relationship with his direct line.

I’m NOT interested in being friends with this person. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Work & Money at 6:47 AM - 16 answers

Can you explain blood donations?

I donated regularly before Covid, and I want to start again. I'm also thinking about having one or both of my dogs try it. [more inside]
posted by toucan to Health & Fitness at 4:54 AM - 7 answers

What’s on in Scandinavia this autumn?

I'm visiting Denmark, Sweden, and Norway during the first half of October, with the possibility of adding days at the end of September too (the precise schedule hasn’t been set yet). Hoping I'll have a lot of free time during my stay, I'd like to hear about interesting events and opportunities for unique activities that time of year. I'd be down for anything anywhere, especially stuff related to local cultures, nature, history, and food. Speaking of food, is October too late in the season for something like a guided foraging course somewhere in the region? [more inside]
posted by theory to Travel & Transportation at 1:10 AM - 1 answer

June 13

Long Layover in Saigon

Due to a travel agent's skullduggery, I had to book flights that included a 13-hour layover in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). Recommendations and tips on how to spend that 13 hour time with teenager in tow? [more inside]
posted by jadepearl to Travel & Transportation at 9:51 PM - 2 answers

Knowledgeable help for breast pain?

For the past year or two, I have had intermittent pain in and around my breast, usually but not always on the right side. It is sharp, pretty strong, and it feels like pressure or like I am being squeezed. It does not seem correlated with anything. During this time, I have had a normal mammogram, and I have seen a gynecologist, who wasn’t much help. The gynecologist did mention physical therapy might help. [more inside]
posted by NotLost to Health & Fitness at 9:09 PM - 14 answers

Media that prepared in advance for revisitng in the future?

What are some shows/movies/comics episodic entertainment media that prepared in advance for a later revisit via time travel or whatever? [more inside]
posted by rmd1023 to Media & Arts at 8:19 PM - 19 answers

Easy Festive Side Dishes for Salmon?

I need a couple of dishes for Father's Day that minimize chopping and weight bearing, etc. [more inside]
posted by NotLost to Food & Drink at 8:12 PM - 10 answers

Data secure / Local storage Health diary app...?

Recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's, I want to track my food, sleep, symptoms, activity, etc. Is there any input framework I could buy and keep my data off someone else's servers? [more inside]
posted by droomoord to Health & Fitness at 6:39 PM - 3 answers

Teaching dog to potty on command

I’ve been trying to teach our dog to pee on command, but she’s just not getting it. Any advice? [more inside]
posted by roaring beast to Pets & Animals at 5:43 PM - 12 answers

It's 2024. How do I transcode my DVDs to my hard disk

I have a bunch of movies on DVD. I would like to have these movies in a more modern format, so I can travel with them, for example, without toting around a DVD player. What's the best way to do this on an Apple Silicon Macintosh? [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust to Technology at 5:36 PM - 10 answers

Destination wedding gift?

My friend is getting married next week, a few hours flight away. What's a good gift I could send to her home before she leaves, via Amazon or similar? Budget of $50 is perfect, could go higher if it's really great. Thanks! [more inside]
posted by nouvelle-personne to Shopping at 3:17 PM - 9 answers

is this loose electrical socket a fire hazard?

I'm renting a room in a foreign country. The socket box is loose and falling out of the wall. I'm contacting the landlord to see about getting it fixed, because when I plug stuff in it doesn't charge. But I'm also concerned that it may be a fire hazard. I don't have enough understanding of electricity to know, and was wondering if someone might be able to help me understand how much of a risk it might be (if any) so I can use that information to push the landlord to get it fixed ASAP. [more inside]
posted by ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli to Home & Garden at 3:15 PM - 10 answers

Get me to the Greek: Parking

I am going to a show at the Greek theater this weekend in Los Angeles. (Guess which one!) I've never been there and I am nervous about parking. My parking pass is for lots A, B, or H. Both the parking lots AND doors open at 5pm. Which is the best lot to aim for?
posted by The Adventure Begins to Travel & Transportation at 3:01 PM - 5 answers

Is this a good place to buy a dinosaur? (replica)

Does anyone have experience ordering from this company? What did you get, and did you like it? [more inside]
posted by Secretariat to Science & Nature at 12:26 PM - 3 answers

What did I read?

Can anyone help me remember what I read? It was an essay by a woman who gave birth as a teenager and gave the baby up for adoption. Driving home with her parents afterward, there were several minutes of miserable silence, then she said she wanted to go back to get the baby. “We’re going to get the baby,” her dad said immediately, pulling a u-turn. Then her parents helped her raise the baby. That’s all I remember. Anyone?
posted by HotToddy to Media & Arts at 12:22 PM - 2 answers

"Great stuff! How can I follow you!" "Here's my site!"

What are your favorite artist / designer / thinker / etc websites by people who have no social media presence? I am soon launching a blog and am looking to highlight people who only promote their work through their own websites. I know this is a bit of a tall ask, but that's exactly why I want to highlight them.
posted by dobbs to Media & Arts at 11:24 AM - 5 answers

Things to do in Portland, Maine

A friend and I are flying to Portland, Maine, for a few days in August. Tickets are cheap and this is just a chance to get out of town in August. What are some things we might do? I like the ocean but am not a beach bather. Happy to hear about your favorite things to see and do in Portland or nearby.
posted by swheatie to Travel & Transportation at 11:24 AM - 12 answers

What news websites have "lite" versions?

I am absolutely in love with CBC Lite (I might make an FPP about it) and wondering if there are other news sites that have a version like this. [more inside]
posted by Shepherd to Computers & Internet at 10:30 AM - 7 answers

Like a Lifetime thriller but.... better?

I like high concept thrillers and slashers that were greenlit in large part for their two or three sentence plot summary. I also like tense, talky low budget films that do their best with very few actors and locations. [more inside]
posted by Number Used Once to Media & Arts at 10:17 AM - 18 answers

Hostgator is bouncing emails that are sent to me

For the past week or so, some clients (whom I've communicated with before) and new people (from reputable domains) are getting emails rejected from Hostgator. PLEASE HELP [more inside]
posted by cyndigo to Computers & Internet at 9:56 AM - 11 answers

How to express "I don't want to spend THAT much time with you"?

I've started a friendship with a couple - they are both retired; I am not. We've made dinner dates a few times, and every time she subsequently asks me to come over an hour in advance for a glass of wine and then go in one car. There are reasons I don't want to do that (see below) but largely because it turns a 2-hour evening investment into a 4-hour evening investment, once I factor in all the driving time. To date, I've made one-off excuses: is there a gentle way to address this as a blanket "can't do that?" [more inside]
posted by Silvery Fish to Human Relations at 6:37 AM - 20 answers

Biography of X by Catherine Lacey - discussion forums, ideas, anything.

I've got book club this Sunday, and the title in question is "Biography of X" by Catherine Lacey. The problem? I really enjoyed the book, but something feels hollow inside me about the fact that it presents a (relatively) perfect gay future(~ish) for most, where trans people don't exist. I'm looking for any content which might help me here. [more inside]
posted by Audreynachrome to Writing & Language at 3:38 AM - 13 answers

Academic burnout

Exhausted academic seeks help. [more inside]
posted by surely sorley to Work & Money at 2:02 AM - 21 answers

Do I move on?

In the early days of a relationship and worried that it's not a fit. [more inside]
posted by treetop89 to Human Relations at 2:00 AM - 23 answers

June 12

How can I replace this power supply safely?

I have a 4 bay USB-attached hard drive enclosure. It's a bit old and the internal power supply has died. Unfortunately it's not a standard size component. I'd like to replace it with a PicoPSU and an external power brick. That seems to work but there's a twist that worries me. Advice needed. [more inside]
posted by vibratory manner of working to Computers & Internet at 10:51 PM - 12 answers

Mexico City Solo Trip - Tours

Are tours necessary for all sites and activities in Mexico City? [more inside]
posted by dtp to Travel & Transportation at 9:53 PM - 7 answers

Name that T-top car

What is the make, model, and year of the car in the video for Sabrina Carpenter's Please Please Please? Bonus question: has a car like this appeared in any other music videos, t.v. shows, or movies?
posted by fussbudget to Travel & Transportation at 7:47 PM - 4 answers

How do I recover my overall physical strength after four surgeries?

After four surgeries in four years, I have completed my transition, but discovered that my old mid-40s estrogenated body is no longer able to handle unguided DIY exercise. How do I seek hands-on assessment and guidance to get back to being strong? [more inside]
posted by Callisto Prime to Health & Fitness at 7:33 PM - 9 answers