Frequently-asked questions


I need a job, can you help me?

Yes! You have come to the right place if you are looking for a job.  Our mission is to simplify the job-seeking journey by giving you, the jobseeker, the confidence and certainty that you have seen all available job opportunities at any given point.  We use aggregation technology to pull all the job ads that meet your search criteria into your results page. To start your search today simply type the job and location you are looking to apply for and click ‘search for jobs’.  There are thousands of new jobs added to the site everyday, so we encourage you to set up a personal job alert so you never miss a relevant job opportunity.

Our website is designed to make your search easy so that you can find the best jobs for yourself independently. Jora is not a recruitment service or immigration agency.

Is Jora free?

Jora is free for all candidates to search and apply for jobs. It is also free for employers to list a number of jobs on Jora.  For more information see ‘How do I post a job advertisement?

How do I change or cancel an email alert?

Maybe you got the job!? Or have decided to change your search criteria.  We get it.  At any time you can edit, pause or cancel your email alerts by navigating to the My Alerts section of Your Account page. The My Alerts section will provide you with a list of email alerts that have been associated with your account.

If daily alerts are too frequent (yes, we post a lot of new jobs!) you can change your email alert frequency from daily to weekly.  Click the link ‘edit job alert’ at the bottom of the email, then click the option to ‘Switch to weekly job alert’.

If you have subscribed to email alerts and you have not yet registered an account with us, you can cancel your email alerts by scrolling to the bottom of your email alert and clicking the link ‘Cancel this email alert’. Each email alert you have set up is individual, so don’t forget to unsubscribe from each alert if you want to stop receiving email alerts from us completely.

How do I create an account?

To create an account on Jora you need to go to the Sign Up page, enter your email address and a password in the create an account form.  You can access the Sign Up page via the Login button on the homepage, under the Jobseeker tab.  You can register to have a Jora account directly through Jora or using your Facebook, Apple or Google sign up information.

Can I delete my account?

As a job seeker, you can delete your account by signing in to your Account page

  1. Click the Delete account link.
  2. Enter “delete” to proceed.
  3. You will see a confirmation window. If you are certain that you would like to proceed, click on Delete. Please note that this is an irreversible action and cannot be undone.

Instead of deleting your account, you have the option to edit, pause or delete your alerts or unsubscribe in your email alerts that you are actively receiving. 

If you wish to use Jora again after deleting your account, you can create a new account using the same or any other email address, however, you will no longer have access to any of your original information.

If you do not see the option to delete your account, submit your request to our support team for further assistance.

I don’t remember my password. How can I reset?

Forgot your password?  Don’t worry, it happens to all of us!  If you have an existing account with us you can quickly reset your password by navigating to ‘Forgot your password?’ and filling out the email textbox. After submitting the email address you will receive an email with a link to reset your password. 

It’s common to think you have set up an account with us, when you have only set up email alerts so keep this in mind.  You can register for email alerts about new jobs without an account.  If you need to Edit, Pause or Delete your email alerts, you can still do so by navigating to Alerts within your account, or by scrolling to the bottom of an alert you received and click on ‘Edit Job Alert’.

How can I edit my profile?

Within your account you can manage your job alerts, save jobs you are interested in, and view and update your email address and password associated with your account.  Visit the Your Account page or log in and click on Profile to access and update any of your account details.  To update your email address or password associated with the account click edit profile.

I did not receive confirmation instructions, how can I resend it?

When you sign up for an account we will send you an email to verify your email address.  It can sometimes be caught in your junk mail, so please check just in case it went there by mistake. If you didn’t receive our confirmation email you can manually request to have it resent by going to the ‘Email Confirmation’ page.  Enter your email address and click to submit the form, and an email confirmation will be sent to you.

How to apply for a job?

To apply for a job on Jora, click the job title of the role you would like to apply for.  This will open up a new window, and depending on the type of job there are three ways to apply.

  1. For ‘Quick Apply’ jobs, you will stay on the Jora website and can apply for the job by filling out a simple form.  You will need to submit a resume and you can write a message to the employer. The accepted file formats for the resume are pdf, doc, docx, txt, html and htm. If you have an account with us, you can re-use the same file for multiple applications. You can still click on ‘View original job posting’ and apply from the employer website if you prefer.
  2. Jora ensures you can see all the jobs available in one place by pulling job ads into our website.  For these job ads you will be redirected to the employer, recruiter or job board website to apply. Please read the job description and application instructions carefully since some employers have specific requirements. Most jobs will require you to submit a CV (resume) and a cover letter. 
  3. For some jobs, a job description page will open up. To apply for these roles, click the link ‘View or apply for job’ which will redirect you to the employer site. Follow the instructions provided by the employer to make sure you have covered all the application requirements to successfully apply for the job.

How do I search for jobs in Jora?

To find jobs, enter your search query and your desired location in the search bar and click on the ‘search jobs’ button. After you click the search button, you will see a list of jobs that meet your search criteria.  You can refine your search to get even more relevant results by clicking the green drop down menus at the top of the page.  Refine by job type (full time, casual/temporary, part time, permanent or apprenticeship), how recently the job was advertised, how close the job is to your current location by km’s, and salary range.

How can I keep track of a job I’m interested in?

If you’re not quite ready to apply, you can find the ‘save job’ right next to ‘apply’ at the top and bottom of each job page.  You can also click ‘save job’ on the search results page next to any role you might find interesting.

If you are logged into your account these jobs will be instantly saved to your account.  You can find the jobs you saved by clicking the ‘Profile’ button and ‘My Jobs’.  

If you don’t yet have an account, you will be prompted to make an account to use this handy feature.

The ‘save job’ feature can also be used to keep track of the job advertisements that you have already applied to.

How can I view my list of previous searches?

If you have visited our website and input a query, your last searches should appear at the top of the page so you can easily recommence your search based on your previous search terms.  Click on your recent search query, or the number of new jobs available to recommence your search and see all the available jobs that meet your criteria.

We want to help you to quickly identify which jobs are new, which ones you have already seen, viewed the details of, and applied for.  A flag on the top right of each job listing will change depending on what stage you are at with each job.

New - a job listing you haven’t yet seen.

Seen - this job listing has previously appeared in your search, but you haven’t yet clicked to see the job description.

Viewed details - you have previously clicked into this job listing to view the job description for this job.

Started applying - you have started to fill out the application but haven’t submitted your application yet

Applied - your application has been submitted for this role.

How do I create an email alert?

Keep track of the latest jobs on Jora that meet your search criteria by creating a personal job alert.

If you don’t have an account, or are not logged in

  1. Enter a specific query into the search box and click ‘Search jobs’.
  2. On the right hand side of the page, you will be prompted to enter your email address to create a job alert for your search. Enter your email address and click ‘Create job alert’ to confirm and create the job alert.
  3. Entering your email address in this textbox will send you job alerts but it is different to having a Jora account. 

If you are logged into your account

  1. Click on the ‘Alerts’ button at the top of the Jora website.  This will take you to the page within your profile where you can see your existing job alerts, and create new ones.
  2. Enter a keyword (ie. Barista), Location, Radius, Job Type and Salary Estimate.
  3. Click ‘Create Job Alert’ to confirm your search preferences and start receiving email alerts.

You can remove email alerts at any time by going into your email alert in your inbox and clicking the link ‘Cancel’ which is situated at the bottom of the email alert.

Please be aware that if you did not input any location or keywords, the results you will get will be very broad. We suggest that you first make sure you are happy with the results before you create an email alert. If you create several email alerts for very similar queries, you will get very similar or identical results, too. You can change or remove redundant email alerts at any time.

The job ad has offensive content, no longer exists or is a spam. How to proceed?

If you have found any abusive or fraudulent job advertisements, please send us a message via the “Contact Form” with the link and we will remove that particular job advertisement immediately.

If you have found a job advertisement that is no longer being published on our website it may be due to the fact that we have manually removed it from our system or it has been removed by the original publisher of the content. In any case we are not able to provide you with the job advertisement details and you may have to contact the publisher directly.

How can I get more details about a particular vacancy?

To get the most accurate and up to date details about a specific vacancy, you need to contact the company or the author of the job advertisement using the contact details they have provided on the listing. The majority of the job advertisements will redirect you to the appropriate website.

At Jora we will list all the available job advertisements on our platform, but do not take ownership of the job advertisements themselves, nor are we a part of the application process.

How do I install Jora mobile App?

The Jora mobile app is the easiest way to browse for available jobs on your mobile device.  To download Jora mobile app scan the QR code below with your mobile phone:

Download the Jora mobile app

Or depending on the smartphone you have, you can go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Jora, or follow the links below from your smartphone:


Why is my job on Jora?

Jora is a free job search engine which combines self posted ads, and aggregated ads to provide job seekers with a single place to find all the jobs within their search criteria.  

Your job ad may be appearing on Jora due to aggregation.  We source job ads from many different locations including: partner job boards; integrations with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS); and publicly accessible careers listings on companies’ websites. Jora has an aggregation technology that finds your ad and lists it in one place, on our site, so that thousands of incremental candidates can find and apply for your available positions.

Your job ads may also be listed on Jora when a representative of your company has given permission to one of our staff to post your ads on Jora.

Jora typically redirects candidates to the original source of a job in order to apply, and you can measure the value Jora is delivering through your ATS or web analytics platform. If you notice something about your ad on Jora which you would like to have changed, please get in touch with us, we are always happy to help.

I have posted a job ad but I can’t find it on Jora - where is my job ad?

Here are the five main reasons why you may not find your free job ad on Jora:

  1. Hirers will need to verify their email account as the first step to setting up an employer account.  The verification email includes a time sensitive verification code which you will need to enter on the website to verify your account.  If you don’t think you have our email, first check your spam or junk mail folder in case it has gone there by mistake.  You can resend the email by clicking ‘resend email’ on the verification page.
  2. Your job ad is still being checked for quality. This process can take up to 1-2 business days. If you already have a verified account, your posted job may take up to 3 hours to become live. You can check the current status of your ad at any time in the Employer centre by logging in as an employer here Every time you make changes to your ad we will check it for quality, so for this reason, your changes may take up to four hours to go live.
  3. Your ad has passed the 28-day time limit. All self-posted ads are active for 28 days from the time of posting, and then they expire automatically. If you were unsuccessful in finding a candidate, you can easily repost the ad on your Employer account and consider sponsoring your ad with Jora ‘Plus’ or ‘Max’ to reach more potential candidates.
  4. Your ad has not passed our quality checking and will not be published. Typically, this is because the ad is for a business opportunity rather than for genuine paid employment or because the ad is from an agency collecting the details of prospective workers rather than advertising actual real jobs. Any ad that requires any payment from jobseekers is likely to be refused. Any sales or marketing job that does not state what product or service is being marketed or sold will also be refused.
  5. The location associated with the job ad is different from your intended location. If you have multiple locations you need to register a business for each location and then associate the job ad with the correct business location. You can have many businesses registered with us, but one business cannot have many locations.

If you still have any concerns about why your ad did not get published, please contact us here.

I don’t remember my password for my Employer account. How do I reset it?

If you already have an employer account with Jora you can easily reset your password. To reset your password please visit the password reset page and follow the prompts. After submitting your email address, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to reset your password.

What are the benefits of having a Jora account?

  • Post up to 100 free job ads a month.
  • Your account is verified to ensure no one else can post jobs for your business.
  • Manage your account from all your devices.  Employer app coming soon!
  • Promote your open roles to your network with our social media sharing feature.
  • Upgrade your job ads to get more applicants faster with Plus and Max.

How safe is my Jora account?

Your ads are securely stored in the Jora platform and only you can edit or delete your ad using your login details.

At Jora we will never share your personal details with anyone. Your personal details will not appear on your job ad.

Every Jora account and job listing is verified before going live to ensure no one else can post jobs for your business.

How do I post a job advertisement?

Jora allows employers to publish individual job advertisements directly to our website to benefit from the free exposure to millions of jobseeker searches and millions of email alerts.

To post a job directly to our website, navigate to the ‘Post Job (free)’ link, which is located in the top right hand side of the website, and complete the form. You first fill in the job details and then create an advertiser account using the e-mail address that will receive the applications. You also need to provide your name and mobile phone number.

Once you have completed your job advertisement it will be screened for quality, and may take 1-2 business days to be published to Jora.  We screen the jobs so that we can minimise the amount of spam and fraudulent job advertisements that are posted to our free system.

There are some criteria that advertised jobs must meet in order to be published on Jora:

  • A clear location for the work;
  • A clear job title and description which describes the true nature of the work;
  • Clear working hours (one only of: full-time, part-time, casual, temporary);
  • It is clear who the employer is;
  • The advertisement is a true position paid working for an employer and not a franchise opportunity, training or certification scheme, business opportunity, marketing scheme or self-employment of contractors. We do not accept ‘work from home’ / ‘self employment’ model sites advertising the opportunity to join their database rather than actual jobs.
  • The jobs included in your feed should be unique, posted directly on your platform, not copied from another source and not redirected to a third party website.

If you already have an existing website or XML feed with a list of jobs, we may be able to crawl your jobs automatically. To enable this please send through a link to your website or XML feed using the ‘Contact Us’ form and we will get back to you with further details.

I realised there is an error in the job advertisement I posted, how do I edit it?

Simply log in to your Employer Account and click on the ‘edit’ button next to your live ad, make changes and press save. Every time you make changes to your ad we will check it for quality, so for this reason, your changes may take up to four hours to go live.

How much does it cost to post a job advertisement?

Posting jobs on Jora is free; whether by posting a job directly on our website or by Jora crawling jobs from your website. We also offer paid options for employers looking to increase their job ad views and applications. Find out more.

I need to hire urgently, what can I do to increase the applications I receive?

If you want more applicants faster, as an employer you can upgrade your job listing to increase the visibility of your ad to relevant job seekers.  You will be given a prompt for this option after you’ve successfully submitted your job for review.

Plus: Up to 3x more search result views than Basic.

Max: Up to 4x more search result views than Basic.

If you upgrade your ad to the ‘Plus’ option, Jora will take a combination of measures to increase the exposure of your ad. These may include:

  • Placing your ad on Jora’s sponsored slots.
  • Increasing the frequency that your job turns up in search results pages.
  • Featuring your ad in direct communications with candidates.
  • Distributing your ads to external partners.

A ‘Max’ ad would have higher priority to increase the exposure of your ad compared to the ‘Plus’ option.

While we do our best to ensure ‘Plus’ and ‘Max’ ads receive greater exposure than other Jora job ads, Jora cannot guarantee that these will result in an increase in the number of applications received in relation to a ‘Basic’ ad, as application levels are influenced by many factors beyond our control.

For employers looking to upgrade multiple ads at once, please contact us with your website or XML feed details, and our representative will get back to you to offer support.

I upgraded my ad to a “Plus” ad, but it hasn’t gone live

Once you have completed your job advertisement it will be screened for quality, and may take 1-2 business days to be published to Jora.  All ads published on Jora are reviewed for quality assurance, and we thank you for your patience while your ad is being reviewed.  If your ad is rejected by our quality checks, you will receive a full refund for any payments made to upgrade your ad. Please note this may take up to 15 business days to process depending on your banking institution.

How can I sponsor multiple job advertisements?

If you have a large amount of jobs to post, and would like to sponsor them all, we can support you to upload them via XML feed. Please leave your company and contact details in our contact us form and we will forward your details to our representative.

How to post my job advertisement in multiple locations?

If you have multiple locations you need to register a business for each location and then associate the job ad with the correct business location. You can have many businesses registered with us, but one business cannot have many locations.

In the current Jora Employer advertising system, you can create multiple business entities. Each entity can have its own location. So you need to log in, and create businesses for each of the locations you desire and then create job ads for each of those businesses.

If you have a large number of jobs to post and would like to sponsor them, please complete the contact us form so we can put you in touch with our representative who can support you to post.

My job advertisement has expired, but I am still looking for candidates. Can I repost it?

Yes absolutely.  We hope you will be successful in finding the right candidates for your job in the next 28 days.  All self-posted ads are active for 28days from the time of posting and then they expire automatically.  Yes, you can repost your job advertisement if;

  • It was a live job ad and it expired.  
  • It was a live job ad that you (the employer) closed.

If your ad was never live, you are unable to repost your ad.

Make sure your job ad stands out to your preferred candidates. See “I need to hire urgently, what can I do to increase the applications I receive?” to find out more about upgrading your ad, and increasing your visibility on Jora with our ‘Plus’ and ‘Max’ options.