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Reviews & advice

The world’s 50 greatest travel bargains right now

The world’s 50 greatest travel bargains right now

Travel budget shrinking? Here are the best-value destinations, hotels, flights and more for Australians right now.

  • by Nick Trend and Julietta Jameson
Don’t be a slob: How to dress when you’re travelling

Don’t be a slob: How to dress when you’re travelling

Your choice of holiday attire could help you secure an upgrade, or see you ejected from the plane – here’s how to get it right.

  • by Amanda Hyde
The big myth about drinking alcohol on planes
Air travel

The big myth about drinking alcohol on planes

There’s a classic school of thought that your tastebuds change significantly in flight because of the altitude.

  • by Ben Groundwater
Airline reviews: A to Z of Traveller's expert flight tests

Airline reviews: A to Z of Traveller's expert flight tests

Taking a flight? Find out what to expect from your seat, service and route with our comprehensive airline reviews.

Airline review: An upgrade on this flight is a steal
Airline reviews

Airline review: An upgrade on this flight is a steal

It’s definitely worth paying for an upgrade to premium economy on this five-hour flight. I’m able to stretch out, work and not spill hot tea in my lap.

  • by Kristie Kellahan
Travelling light means washing your clothes. Here’s why I love it

Travelling light means washing your clothes. Here’s why I love it

There’s no better way to blend into a new country than by using the local laundrette, particularly if there’s a watering hole nearby.

  • by Tim Richards
The 20 annoying things the travel industry constantly gets wrong

The 20 annoying things the travel industry constantly gets wrong

Badly designed bathrooms, hidden light switches, confusing airport layouts – here are the biggest fails in the world of travel.

  • by Brian Johnston
Tripologist: Which is better, the US or Canadian side of Niagara Falls?

Tripologist: Which is better, the US or Canadian side of Niagara Falls?

The Canadian falls are more thunderous and more impressive, and you can get to within a few metres of Horseshoe Falls.

  • by Michael Gebicki
Ten things we’ll never understand about Ireland

Ten things we’ll never understand about Ireland

Who doesn’t love the Irish, even if we need subtitles to understand their accents? Yet even then not everything is clear, with plenty about Ireland to puzzle the traveller.

  • by Brian Johnston
Hawaii’s main airport terminals are 15 minutes, and 50 years, apart

Hawaii’s main airport terminals are 15 minutes, and 50 years, apart

Honolulu’s Terminal 2, the main gateway for international and domestic flights, opened in 1927. It was “modernised” in the 1970s.

  • by Kristie Kellahan
What you need to know about Europe’s train stations

What you need to know about Europe’s train stations

For all their busyness, European train stations are remarkably easy to use, as long as you’re familiar with a few basic operational instructions.

  • by Brian Johnston