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The economy

Globalisation might be worsening inequality, but I’m OK with that

Globalisation might be worsening inequality, but I’m OK with that

It’s important to look at exactly how globalisation has tipped the scale when it comes to equality.

  • by Millie Muroi


Fed’s rate cut caution can’t spoil Wall Street party

Fed’s rate cut caution can’t spoil Wall Street party

The US central bank has dialled back expectations of rate cuts this year. The US sharemarket still hit another record overnight as investors bet on a soft landing for the world’s largest economy.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
‘Still too high’: Fed signals just one rate cut coming in 2024

‘Still too high’: Fed signals just one rate cut coming in 2024

Fed chief Jerome Powell says the central bank still needs to see more evidence that it is winning the war on inflation.

  • by Jonnelle Marte
The billionaires backing Trump have selective memories

The billionaires backing Trump have selective memories

Billionaires tend to get very creative with history when they explain their reasons for backing Trump’s bid to return to the White House.

  • by Robert Burgess
The US is turning up the heat on China
Trade wars

The US is turning up the heat on China

When Donald Trump was taking aim at all things made in China, he left a back door open. It now appears likely that Joe Biden will slam it shut.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Canada, Europe cut rates. Can Australia follow with monetary policy easing?

Canada, Europe cut rates. Can Australia follow with monetary policy easing?

The path between taming inflation and avoiding a recession is narrow and getting narrower. 

  • by Sumeyya Ilanbey
Yikes! Our tiny manufacturing sector makes us rich but ugly

Yikes! Our tiny manufacturing sector makes us rich but ugly

Did you realise that our manufacturing sector is the smallest among all the rich countries?

  • by Ross Gittins
The tax office brawl that almost ended investigation of PwC scandal

The tax office brawl that almost ended investigation of PwC scandal

The tax office faces fresh scrutiny over allegations that it actively attempted to derail the investigation that led to the banning of PwC’s Peter Collins for sharing sensitive government tax plans.

  • by Colin Kruger
The great American boom is running out of steam, leaving mountains of debt

The great American boom is running out of steam, leaving mountains of debt

The US economy is slowing to a halt. Personal savings are way down. National debt is way up. Brace yourself for a hard landing.

  • by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The RBA has squeezed us like a lemon, but it’s still not happy

The RBA has squeezed us like a lemon, but it’s still not happy

Maybe the Reserve Bank needs to see more blood on the street before it will believe we’re getting inflation back under control. If so, we’re running a bigger risk of recession than the central bank cares to admit.

  • by Ross Gittins
Australia’s caught in a spin cycle. Thank goodness you’ve got me to slow it down

Australia’s caught in a spin cycle. Thank goodness you’ve got me to slow it down

Politicians like to deploy spin doctors, and economists, to give you a version of the truth. It’s my job to make sure you’re not led astray, but it’s getting harder.

  • by Ross Gittins