Join CPA

Why You Should be a Communist

The Communist Party of Australia works for …

  • Jobs for all, better pay, safety at work and trade union rights.
  • Equal rights for women, migrants and refugees.
  • Aboriginal land and human rights.
  • Improved public health, public education, public housing and public transport.
  • Laws to force polluters to stop killing our planet.
  • Higher pensions and improved welfare services
  • Peace and a cut to military spending to pay for socially needed projects.

A better world is possible — help us build it!

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You Should Be A Communist Because ...

The world is changing direction. People are taking control. You can be part of this process.

Capitalism is crisis-ridden, driven by corporate cowboys … we pay their gambling debts.

The only way to end poverty, unemployment, environmental destruction, war … is to take society out of corporate hands.

Why You Should be a Communist

  • We have an outstanding history of struggle for democratic rights, especially workers’ rights.
  • We have always fought for high standard public housing, public education and public health for the people.
  • We were the first to campaign for the environment and started the “green bans”.
  • We have always fought for equal pay for women.
  • We were the first to champion Aboriginal rights.
  • We were among the first to fight for migrant rights and against racism.
  • We have made a major contribution to Australian culture.