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So much of what’s happening comes down to a matter of the Jews vs the World. Granted, plenty of Jews aren’t neo-satanist or crazy. Not all are powerful as there are plenty of righteous Jews who speak the truth or a portion of it. The late Stephen Cohen, Brother Nathanael, Norman Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald, and etc. Alas, they lack power. Finkelstein was soon booted from a second-rank university, DePaul of Chicago, because of a JSP or Jewish Supremacist campaign spearheaded by the spiteful Alan Dershowitz. Jeffrey Sachs of late has become like Robert McNamara who eventually opened up about his role in the Vietnam fiasco.

Of course, the world would be rife with problems and challenges with or without Jews. Even if all Jews vanished into the air, conflicts and tensions would be everywhere. Consider the on-and-off battles between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. The raging drug wars in Mexico. The tensions between China and Vietnam or between China and Philippines(mostly over islands). India and Pakistan still eye one another as an existential enemy.

Still, Jewish Power has made things far worse by interfering all around the world. Instead of letting the locals come to terms of their own accord, Jewish Power has often worsened matters via its control of the US as the lone superpower. Would Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, and Afghanistan be in the state that they are in if not for Jewish Power? Would there be a ‘new cold war’ with Russia? Possibly but far less likely.

Without Jewish interference in global affairs, there would have been no coup in Ukraine and the bloodbath that followed. Syria would be in one piece. Assad is no saint, but what decent person would prefer Al-qaeda or ISIS? Jewish Supremacism prefers ANYONE(even sub-nazis in Ukraine) if it’s GOOD FOR THE JEWS, the cornerstone of Jewish political logic.

Now, every nation has its internal divisions, which could be ethnic, religious, ideological, or whatever. There are aggrieved factions or minorities in any society. Usually, they learn to get along as the best bet for peaceful co-existence.
However, when national order is destabilized and various groups are supplied with arms & materials, things can spiral out of control.
This dynamic is no less true of Israel. Suppose foreign powers undermined government authority and supplied a shitload of arms to Palestinians in both Israel proper and the West Bank. Things would go up in flames in street-to-street fighting, like in Syria.
The Yinon-ist divide-and-conquer strategy has been concocted by Jews for goy nations. So, Syria and Yemen were torn asunder. Jews simply don’t want those countries to be stable, secure, and close to Iran. So, any justification continues to be invoked to undermine them.

But then, a low-intensity Yinonist Plan has been devised for the West as well. Why do Jews push for mass-immigration and Diversity on goy nations(while never for Israel)? Because Jews know that more Goy Diversity means they can play the divide-and-rule game more effectively.
But then, even in relatively homogeneous nations, Jews encourage and exploit and play on ideological and idolatrous divisions to tear them apart. Poland is an example. Jews are masters of psychology and play on Polack Psychology. Poles are infected with Polish Disease of self-loathing Slavic Inferiority Complex. Poles seek to disassociate themselves from the Oriental Despotic Russians who are portrayed as crude and backward. They crave acceptance and approval as part of The West. They tirelessly bleat about how they’re CATHOLIC as opposed to Orthodox and how they use the Latin Alphabet and not the barbaric Cyrillic.

Poles once held prestige as empire builders but came to ruin and weakness. They got swallowed up by Russia and came to idealize the West. Jews analyzed the ‘Dumb Polack’ psychology and figured out a formula, which explains why so many young Poles are into Globo-Homo and Negrolatry. As Christianity has been replaced by Gay Rites and Jungle Fever in the West, young Poles abandon Catholicism and hoist the new banner of BLM with ‘rainbow’ colors. They go with whatever is ‘cool’ in America. Their modus operandi boils down to ‘West is cool and awesome, and Polish worth is a matter of Western approval.’
Now, such servility wasn’t so deleterious in the past when the West was undoubtedly more advanced than the East, i.e. Western Enlightenment over Russian Oriental Despotism. Also, there was a time when the West was more awesomely and magnificently race-ist than the East. Russia, with its polyglot empire, became somewhat mongrelized and confused in identity. In contrast, Western Europeans, especially of Central and Northern Europe, were more homogeneously white and proud.

But, what’s there to salvage in the Current West? Just about everything is about cuckery to Jews, Negroes, and Homos. The governing policy is Erase-ism or Erasism, or erasure of the native population. It’s about the Great Replacement or White Nakba. Incredibly, current Russia is whiter than many parts of Germany, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, and UK(which should stand for United Kolony than United Kingdom).
But the Polish Disease is impervious to reality. (Collaborationist)elite-dominated, it only hankers for approval from the West that still hogs the lion’s share of global prestige(albeit declining since the outbreak of the Ukraine War). The Polish Disease means that Poles lack an autonomous or independent way of gauging meaning and worth. All that matters is sucking up to the Prestigious West for approval.

Why does the West still hold so much prestige(and allure) when its popular culture is garbage, its borders are broken, its elites are cuck-maggots to Jewish supremacism, and its ‘civilizational’ expression is ‘twerking’? One reason is the power of hype. The West controls the media machine and advertising. It sprinkles glitter in the eyes of the globe. And the deracinated youths around the world are easily dazzled by the latest ‘cool’ fashions and fads doused in hedonism and vanity.


It’s been said(by Mark Twain?) that history doesn’t repeat itself but rhymes. A notable historical rhyme is between the current Taiwan crisis and the Manchurian crisis of the 1920s/1930s. In either case, a non-Chinese, even anti-Chinese, imperialist power attempts to pry away a key Chinese territory under dubious pretexts.

Japan coveted parts of northeast China, especially Manchuria(connected to Korea, already a Japanese colony)and concocted an ‘enlightened’ and ‘humanistic’ justification for the landgrab. Japan insisted that Manchuria or Manchukuo is an autonomous region worthy of independence from China, and its presence was as a brotherly power to secure the integrity of the Manchurian nation, one to be led by its rightful emperor(said to be on friendly terms with the Japanese counterpart).
Initially, Japan had set its eyes on swathes of Siberia as well and took full opportunity of the Russian Civil War to occupy its easternmost part. But when the Soviet Union grew in power and dealt a series of setbacks to Japanese ambitions, the two domains settled on a kind of compromise. Mongolia, long part of the Chinese Empire, would serve as a puppet state of the Soviet Union(though this process was initiated under the Tsar) while Japan would spread its influence over Manchuria.

In both cases, there was a nominal illusion of national sovereignty when, in fact, Mongolia was a satellite of the Soviets while Manchuria was being transformed into the jewel in the crown of the Japanese Empire. The Mongolian case was somewhat contradictory because the Soviet Union was officially anti-imperialist, whereas Japan, along with the European powers, openly claimed to practice a kind of benign and enlightened imperialism, even at times preaching a kind of comradely pan-Asianism at odds with the non-Asian powers.

The Soviets could be faulted for hypocrisy, but one could argue a truly independent Mongolia wasn’t viable at the time. If the Soviets left it alone, Japan would have gobbled it up. As far as the Chinese were concerned, Mongolia should have been part of their civilization given the long interaction between Mongolia and China. (Besides, the Mongols, upon invading China in tandem with the Manchus, had de facto become a part of Sinosphere.)
At any rate, even though China was irate with both cases, it could afford to lose Mongolia, mostly a sparsely populated desert, whereas Manchuria was geographically, demographically, and economically essential to the development and security of China. (Similarly, Russia can tolerate Finland and Sweden as new members of NATO but not Ukraine serving as a dagger to the heart of Russia.)

As monstrous as Japan’s intrusion into Northwest China turned out to be, it was at least understandable given Japan’s limited resources and desperate economic straits. For all its rapid advancement and process into modernity, Japan’s place in the world was precarious given that the rest of the world had been carved up by Russia and the Western powers.
What is truly appalling about US neo-imperialism is that the US has so much and doesn’t need an empire for power, peace, and prosperity. America itself is an empire-sized country. Canada is essentially its front yard while Mexico(and much of Latin America) is its backyard. The US has Japan, South Korea, and Philippines as whore-puppets. The EU is now just a vassal of the US(as the Jewel in the Crown of the Empire of Judea).
Unlike Japan in the 1920s/30s, the US has tons of everything, land and resources and control of sea routes. And yet, it virtually lays claim to Taiwan as well and, in doing so, accuses China of aggression for seeking eventual reunification with an island that had long been part of China?
In this respect, the US empire is surely the most obnoxious in history, made worse by its craven servitude to the petty imperialism of Jewish supremacist gangsters who, despite all their riches, cannot let go of the dream of completing their once attempted rape of the Russian economy. Given its current character of utter depravity, the richest country in the world with an excess of billionaires and lots of fat people continues to occupy entire swaths of Syria to steal its grain and oil from a desperate people whose lives have been torn asunder by terrorist proxies of the US, Israel, and their duplicitous allies. The current US is many times worse than Imperial Japan as its policies are driven by vanity and avarice than necessity and desperation.

Fast forward in history, and Manchuria reverted back to Chinese control with the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army at the hands of the Soviet Union. And with the end of the Cold War, Mongolia gained something like full independence and now exists in a kind of limbo among the influences of Russia, China, and the US(with its cash prizes). In the future, Mongolia will likely remain independent but become absorbed into the Sinosphere. At any rate, there is no controversy about the status of Manchuria. It’s part of China.

But now, we have the Taiwan Problem. Just as Japan claimed the role of protector of Manchurian independence against Chinese resurgence or revanchism, the US professes to be the noble defender of Taiwanese independence and freedom, aka ‘democracy’.
Of course, the difference is that, whereas Japan didn’t acknowledge China’s claim on Manchuria, the US under the Nixon-Kissinger administration accepted that Taiwan is a part of China and hoped for a gradual and peaceful reconciliation and reunification between the two states.
But with growing anti-Chinese sentiment, the agreement(that Taiwan is part of China) has come to be in name only. In actual policy, the US is clearly working to drive a permanent wedge between China and Taiwan(as has de facto been accomplished with the division of Korea). As Xi Jinping said to Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken, “You say this but do that. It no good.”

There has been a kind of perfect storm developing in the politics of hostility towards China. The most obvious reason is the US became accustomed to its role as the lone superpower since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Hubris is like an addictive drug. The US has also grown accustomed to the prestige as the hegemon over all of the Pacific, the East as well as the West, following the collapse of the Japanese Empire that, for a time, laid claim to the control of the Asian Pacific. (Especially as East Asia is the only part of the world that caught up more or less with the West in wealth-generation and technological prowess, the US maintains Western hegemony through the control of trade routes and positioning of military bases to encircle the Asian landmass.)

BWIQ or Blacks with White IQ — How Prostitution went from Association with Madames to that with Pimps — Predator and...

Black IQ will go up because of the BWIQ(BLACKS with WHITE IQ) factor. As more white women with jungle fever go for ACOWW or Afro-Colonization of White Wombs, they will pass white IQ to their mulatto kids who will most definitely identify as black. Indeed, to compensate for their partial whiteness(evil), they will try to be blacker than black in attitude. Jungle Fever will raise black intelligence(and looks). Many blacks at elite colleges are BWIQs.

Race traitor white women have been passing white intelligence(and beauty) to blacks, just like renegade Jews(aka Early Christians) passed the secret of the Jewish God to goyim. As BWIQS are smarter than blacks, they will more ably compete with whites(while also benefiting from Affirmative Action); they will lead the blacks, much like light-skinned Caesar the talking chimp leading the gorillas in CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. They will be like Cyrus in the gathering of the gangs in THE WARRIORS.

Things are worse than ever for whites. Back in the gang-infested 1970s, whites didn’t worship blacks and detested black thuggery. But now, whites obsessively fetishize, idolize, and worship blacks. Biggest passions for whites are Jungle Fever/Faith, Jew Worship, and Homo Celebration. (Btw, Gary Oldman in TRUE ROMANCE made the best ‘black’ pimp. He was to pimpery what Eric Burdon of the Animals was to soul.)

In a way, the black pimp and white ho’s are the perfect metaphor for our times. Just like white whores are sexually owned by black pimps, middle class white soccer moms are mentally colonized by ‘wokeness’ and beholden to the likes of Barack/Michelle Obama, Colin Kaepernick, and Fentanyl Floyd, pimp-as-saint. They are cultural and spiritual whores of blacks. BLM ‘moms’ are Soccer Moms as Sucker Moms. Even many white ‘conservative’ women are mental and sexual whores of blacks. Hardly with any agency or autonomy left, whites are like slaves or commodities of the Other.

And to extend the metaphor further, many white populists were attracted to Donald Trump’s pimpish style. He has swagger, which is why Mike Tyson and Kanye West like him. And, White-Jewish power dynamics is pimpish. Trump is both a pimp and whore. He whores out to bigger pimps like the late Sheldon Adelson and others. And white whore politicians are to Jewish pimp donors what young white girls were to Jeffrey Epstein.

Old-fashioned prostitution faded because Jews legalized porn(and of course, there is now do-it-yourself electronic prostitution for global women on platforms owned by Jews.) Jews used to be major players in pimpery but got muscled out by others in the criminal world. But by legalizing porn, they came to dominate electronic prostitution.
If Jews could legalize prostitution as ‘sex work’ across the nation, they may dominate the real-life industry once again. It’s like Mexicans and others dominated the Pot trade when it was illegal, but now Pot is being cornered by Jews as legally sanctioned big business. Jews also took total control of gambling once it became legal all across America, decided more by lawyers and politicians than by hoods and labor bosses.

Some pimps insist that physical violence is actually appreciated by the prostitutes who come to respect their pimps as no-nonsense men of strength. It’s useful to fuc*-up women whose business is to get fuc*ed. There may be a grain of truth to this. Athletes admire a tough coach, even if he’s sometimes abusive. Jews beat on whites constantly, but this makes whites even more whorey to Jews. Even John Derbyshire, Jared Taylor, and Ann Coulter exhibit this quality. Jews beat them, but they still defend Jews. And Trump is constantly attacked by Jews, but he keeps sucking up to them with the same old song, “I Love Israel.” And blacks rob, rape, and murder whites, but whites chant ‘black lives matter’ and wet their pants watching this year’s Super Bowl. Whites = whores in a Junglo-Idiocracy. White fear of blacks also leads to white awe of blacks as badass mofos who can kick white butt. “That’s my master.â€?

It’s not always easy to tell pimps and preachers apart in the black community. MLK or Fartin’ Poother Bling acted like an out-of-control pimp. A total sexual degenerate. Many black preachers were actually admired for their sexual prowess. Black Gospel easily morphed into Soul music. Little Richard was a pimp-preacher entertainer. Richard Pryor ran with this idea in THE CAR WASH. So many Americans are either pimps or whores. Some are both. Ellen Degeneris or Degenerate, a lesbian whore to Jewish Power, was exposed as a pimp-slave-driver over her support team.

What is the white-black psychological power dynamic? The logic goes like this: If all animals were lions, it would be hell on earth. For lions to thrive, most animals must belong to other species, especially herbivores, for the lion kings to feed on. Blacks see the world that way. They are the special kings or kangz whereas the rest of humanity exists to serve blacks or be devoured by blacks for their pleasure. Ideally, a society shouldn’t have too many blacks as the excess of lion-kangz would lead to total mayhem. Other races, as the herbivoric majority, are necessary to run and maintain the social order of industry and production. Still, all their work must ultimately go to serve the black kangz, or so the blacks like to believe.

The BLM madness of recent years suggests that many whites agree with this worldview. White herbivores as serfs exist to serve the superior black kangz as the new aristocracy. So, while ‘lame’ white herbivores(and beta-predators) must do all the boring and square stuff to maintain productive nations in Europe and North America, the blacks as lion-kangz shall be the idols and lords at the top because they make better athletes, rappers, and studs.
If blacks feel like rampaging around, robbing, raping, murdering, looting and burning, they must be allowed to run wild as the badass lion-kangz. After the mayhem, whites must toil-and-sweat to clean things up, restock the shelves, and restore a semblance of order… that is until blacks feel like rampaging around once again as if the world is a football field where black athletes are cheered for tackling and sacking. How many cycles of this has the US gone through since the Sixties?

However, this racial dynamic is sustainable ONLY IF blacks are the minority whereas non-blacks are the majority, just like an ecosystem requires the prey to far outnumber the predators. But what will happen when ultra-fecund black Africans migrate to Europe in increasing numbers and become the demographic majority? It will be like an ecosystem with many more predators than prey… like South Africa. How are things going down there?

Jewishness is the New Faith in the US, meaning Jews Always Win regardless of Political Outcomes — Jews as the 'New...

Jews control the gods, meaning they decide what is holy and unholy, what is sacred and what is taboo.

Now, if only half the nation accepts those gods and demons, the other half would at least be free to worship its own gods. But what if the entirety of the nation worships those same gods. Then, all sides would be compelled to honor those gods and hound the designated demons.

As Jews control the gods of the entire nation, Jews are blessed while whites are damned. Why? Jews who control the gods via media, academia, and organs of the state made Jewishness holy and whiteness unholy. So, whereas BOTH political parties must kneel before Jewish holiness, neither party can stick up for any kind of white positivity.
The Democratic Party now openly denounces and defames whiteness(to the point where the slightest whiff of white identity or interest counts as ‘white supremacy’), and the best the GOP can do is timidly bow its head in shamed silence.

Effectively, the anti-white Democratic Party has the gods on its side because whiteness is now the Devil. Surely, the side that denounces the Devil has the moral advantage over the side that is either silent or tepid in the anti-Devil discourse. Because whiteness is the Devil, neither side can speak up in its favor. One can denounce it like the Democrats do or remain mum on the matter, like the GOP does(though there are plenty of anti-whites in the GOP as well). The GOP is NEVER explicitly pro-white. The great majority of White Conservatives vote for the GOP as the un-anti-white or less anti-white party than as the pro-white party.

Now, if Democrats favored the gods of the Jews whereas the GOP favored the gods of the proud whites, we can have a clash-of-the-titans scenario. “Their gods vs our gods.” But when both sides worship the same gods and reject the same demons, the side that is more passionate in its worship and denunciation has the moral high ground. Democrats are seen as morally superior and spiritually holier because they receive the lion’s share of the blessings of the Holy Three of the Jews, Homos, and Negroes, thus emboldening their conceited sanctimony.

In a world where Jews control the gods, those three groups are the ultimate icons of sanctity. And as white ‘conservatives’ have drunk the same Kool Aid with their ‘muh Israel’ & ‘holy holocaust’ invocations, MLK worship, and even acceptance of globo-homo, they are at a severe moral disadvantage. After all, no matter how much the GOP claims to be for Jews, blacks, and homos, the fact remains most Jews, blacks, and homos are with the Democratic Party. As Jews, blacks, and homos are supposedly holy and better than the rest, the mere fact that they favor the Democratic Party must mean it’s better than the GOP, which is shunned by the great majority of Jews, blacks, and homos.

If God blesses one thing over another, the thing blessed must be better as who are we to question God? Similarly, if Jews, blacks, and homos are indeed holier, their blessings upon the Democratic Party must mean it is the better party of angels.

Acceptance of this template is the fatal weakness of White American Conservatism. It values the Holy Other over its Selfness. Whiteness accepted its lot as a planet revolving around the Jewish sun as the source of moral radiance. As if incapable of generating its own light, it relies on the Other, the Holy Jew, for the glow.

But then, what is the control of electronic media but control of the modern sun? Jews control the media. Those who can’t or don’t create their own light/sun have no recourse but to rely on the light/sun of the Other, and the Jewish Light is coded with the message, “Worship and Obey the Jews”, as if without Jewish ‘wisdom’ and ‘truth’, there can be only darkness and ignorance among your kind.

Indeed, Jews now desperately push for Censchwarzhip in the Age of the Internet because there’s finally a means by which goyim can independently create and share their own light. Judeo-centrists insist on a world where they not only own the bonfire but control who gets to make and share the fire.
After all, if everyone can make fire on their own, they could make their own fires to rival the bonfire. No wonder Jews ordered Amazon to shut down Parler and other free speech sites. It’s like the British Imperialists once monopolized the salt trade in India. The making and selling of salt independent of British Control might as well have been ‘hate salt’. But then, so many lowlife Hindus today work with Jews to control and corrupt the West.

At any rate, while the GOP denounces overt displays of white supremacism like the KKK and Nazis(mostly nonexistent or mostly feds), it doesn’t go whole hog on denouncing whiteness like the Democratic Party does. So, in the current ‘spiritual configuration’, the Democrats totally denounce the White Devil whereas the GOP does so only half-heartedly.
As if to compensate for this moral deficit(of not fully condemning the Devil), white ‘conservatives’ make noises about how ‘Democrats are the real racists’ or how GOP is even more pro-Israel or how ‘conservatives’ care more about defending homos from Muslims. So, white ‘conservatives’ are never for whites or whiteness. At most, they don’t denounce the White Devil as virulently as the other side does, but this opens them to accusations of being half-hearted about fighting ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacism’.

Jews have it so good because they control the gods, and that means both parties worship Jews, Zionism, Israel, Holy Holocaust, and Jewish Whatever. The Iron Law is Jews Know Best, and that’s that. So, even though Jews favor the Democratic Party, they know they will be revered, obeyed, and praised regardless of which side wins elections. If both parties and all factions in the US are united on ONE THING, it is in their total obeisance toward Jews. Jews might as well be god.

It’s like whether Catholics or Protestants win, God wins because despite their sectarian differences, both churches worship the same God and Jesus. So, God and Jesus can never lose among the Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox. The various churches may bicker among themselves over interpretations and across institutions, but they are all for God. Also, the Devil is always the loser regardless of which church dominated society. Whether a particular society is ruled by Catholics, Protestants, or Orthodox folks, the Devil is the Bad Guy.


The spin is more important than the facts in matters of political control. Thus, the ‘facts’ of white superiority, white equality, and white inferiority can all be used to make white people tolerate, welcome, celebrate, ‘include’, and serve the Other. The current order manipulates all three modes among whites to make them serve Jews and/or nonwhites(usually blacks as proxies of Jews).

1. How white superiority is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are made to feel special, rich, powerful, and accomplished. They are great whereas the other peoples are pathetic, especially those half-starved or diseased black Africans. Therefore, superior white people need to be decent and take care of those nonwhites by allowing mass-immigration and providing endless aid. The White Knight or White Savior Syndrome in other words.

Jews manipulate the psychology of white superiority as well. Jews paint themselves as forever Holocaust Victims, and great-good whites must step up to the plate to protect Jews from the ‘new nazis’, such as Iranians and any ‘Anti-Semite’ who dares to criticize Jewish Power or Zionism. Steven Spielberg gave the game away in THE FABELMANS where his alter ego makes a Leni-Riefenstahl-like film that idolizes a blond Aryan-looking popular kid to curry favors with him, especially against the ‘Anti-Semites’.

There is also an aspect of white superiority in LGBTQXYZ stuff, i.e. whites are ‘more evolved’ than the rest of humanity for being more enthused about queer culture, therefore whites should guide the world to celebrate homosexuality and trannies.
So, feelings of white superiority are made to either serve nonwhites or spread Jewish-concocted ‘Western Values’ via globo-imperialism. (Globo-Homomania is totally the brainchild of Jewish supremacists.)

Of course, no one explicitly states that whites are superior, but the implication of White-Savior-ism is premised on something akin to enlightened superiority, a variation of the White Man’s Burden.
Even ‘white guilt’ is intrinsically white superiorist in judging whites by a higher standard. All of humanity practiced slavery and waged murderous wars. So, why are whites judged more harshly? Because they’re deemed as higher beings who should have known better than the rest of mankind, the stupid darkies. “Oh my, how could the white race have done such a thing!?!?” If Arabs, Africans, and Asians did much the same, oh well, that was because they didn’t know any better. But whites? As higher beings, they should have known better.

2. How white equality is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are told that all races are equal or that the concept of race is just a fantasy, aka ‘social construct’. There is just common humanity, and therefore, it doesn’t matter if white world is demographically taken over by nonwhites or if whites mix with other races. Whites and nonwhites, they are not only equal but virtually the same. It’s just humans and more humans.

So, whites should welcome mass immigration and be either demographically replaced or miscegenated out of existence. You see, it doesn’t matter because whatever happens, it’s just humans replacing or mixing with humans. As whites are the global minority, such an agenda would make the white world subordinate to or supplanted by nonwhites in the long run. What will happen to Europe if hundreds of millions of black Africans go there? It will become Africanized, but never mind, because, black or white, what does it matter? (If it doesn’t matter and if all peoples are alike in talent, why don’t blacks stay in Africa and build civilizations like the rest of humanity?)

Anyway, white equality as currently understood doesn’t bestow white people the equal right to survive as a race and a variety of cultures(as Jews in Israel do). It’s not about universal nationalism. Rather, whites must be erased like Palestinians and accept it as a ‘good thing’ in the name of equality.

3. How white inferiority is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are made to feel that the Other, especially Jews and blacks, are so awesome that whites should worship and serve them. If we go by images than ideas(or idolatry than ideology), the current Western Culture is totally racial supremacist in entertainment and cultural emphasis. Sports, entertainment(especially pornified and junglized), and music are heavily about black dominance, black power, black prowess, and black whatever. Blacks are so highly prized that even Afrocentric lies are favored over objective facts. Take BLM, based on a total lie but revered as a quasi-religion among so many foolish whites.

When it comes to sports, diversity has led to something like ‘monoversity’, or monopolization by one group in a diversified world. California is very diverse with a white minority population, lots of Asians and many more browns, but its sports teams are heavily black. Europe celebrates diversity and has many more Muslims and Asians than in the past, but its sports are turning more and more black, with France leading the way.
So, diversity doesn’t lead to more diversity at the top but domination by a single group or a handful of groups. Today, the typical European Sprint Events have nearly all blacks(representing France, UK, Holland, etc.)

‘Monoversity’ is also the end-result in brainy fields. Technology is an open field in welcoming diverse talents from all over the world, but the top are dominated by Jews/whites, Hindus, and yellows. And the finance sector around much of the world is dominated by Jews. It’s not about more kinds of people having equal possession and control of wealth but about Jews gaining more financial access/control over other nations.


Decadence sets in when people have it too easy. Most manifestations of decadence are obvious enough and have limited shelf-lives given their nature of excess, exhaustion, and expiration. Decadence can even fester into degeneracy, which, if widespread and unchecked, can bring down civilization.

If decadence is a matter of fashions that come and go, it could be tolerated and written off as just part of doing business with history. Whoever said mankind was ever perfect?
However, if decadence is institutionalized, it could be mistaken for something of value because of the officially sanctioned ‘legitimacy’ about it. It can gain validation and prestige, thus power.

Consider the decadent(and even degenerative) culture of dog-breeding.

There was a time when dogs were bred and appreciated for what they could do. They were prized for qualities of running, hunting, retrieving, fighting, herding, guarding, pulling sleighs, fetching objects, or etc. So, even though dog breeds came in all shapes and sizes, they were healthy, sound, purposeful, and functional as organisms. Their existence and legitimacy depended on utility than futility.

But over time, dogs became increasingly less useful in a mechanized and urbanized world. Most owners had no use for them as anything but pets. For some, having a loving creature in the house wasn’t enough. They had to play games with canine genetics to show off, gain attention, and/or win prizes. They raised their dogs to be trophies or oddities.

The varying traits of the healthy and purposeful breeds were exaggerated and perverted into caricatures. The resulting phenotypes served no purpose and could even be unhealthy, but they were perpetuated(and made even more extreme) to serve the vanity of owners who had nothing better to do except show off that they owned something ‘special’, ‘exotic’, or ‘cute’.
Some owners had a perverse knack for particularly grotesque and unwieldy traits. Others acquired such degenerated breeds because the Establishment deemed them to be ‘valuable’, ‘worthy’, or ‘expensive’. And over time, these freak-dogs were prized for their ‘purity’ even though their purity was based on something close to deformity.

The ancestor of the bulldog was a tough and healthy creature. But the later bulldog as a show-animal was a genetic perversion with over-sized head, cumbersome limbs, and flat nose that made it difficult to breathe. Such dogs were totally useless, but owners wanted them because of their cartoonish features and ‘pure’ pedigree. And the Establishment(made up of so-called ‘experts’ on dogs) deemed such breeds to be of ‘value’ as status-items.

The Chinese court bred totally useless dogs like the Pekinese, the canine equivalent of bound feet. Small, neurotic, inbred, and nuts. They were ‘toy dogs’. Totally purposeless but for serving the decadent whims of owners.
Consider something as ridiculous as the Sharpei. Just awful.

Even the original dachshund wasn’t what it is today. They were bred to be shorter in limbs and longer in body to pursue burrowing animals in holes. But over time, they made the legs even shorter and the bodies even longer, leading to all sorts of skeletal problems.

When dogs served a real purpose, they had to be healthy and functional. But as dogs became show-objects of vanity, they were designed for quirks, oddities, and eccentricities. The health and function of the dogs mattered less than the ‘charm’ of their peculiarities.
Some of these prized peculiarities could be harmless enough, like colors and patterns on the fur(though extreme-inbreeding to maintain those traits could lead to health & mental issues), but others were obvious genetic disasters, which however were lent legitimacy by the Establishment that determined the relative ‘value’ of dogs. And many people bought such dogs as ‘status’ symbols. Since such dogs were associated with ‘status’ and ‘privilege’, many rich owners preferred genetic disasters to healthier and sounder dogs lacking in ‘pedigree’.

A similar logic is at the center of globo-homo, tranny-tyranny, and various forms of gender-bender craziness. When life was tough but meaningful, humans understood it came down to men and women, family and children, health and survival. Of course, throughout history, some people were born weird and tolerated as such, but on condition that they remained on the periphery or fringe. If a guy wanted to bugger another guy or if a guy wanted to wear a dress and act whoopsy-doo, that was his problem. Most people understood the true meaning of life as shown in an Akira Kurosawa film or John Ford movie. It was about the daily struggle, important events, and/or the essential meaning of life. There was a time when most people had definite roles in life in terms of survival, health, morality, and meaning. Life was about core values and essential needs.

But with massive increase in plenty/prosperity where even poor people got fat and where ‘leftism’ turned into celebrations of vanity & narcissism, humans began the process of becoming like the degenerative dog breeds. We went from Kurosawa & Ford to Tarantino & Takashi Miike, the hideous freak.

The various healthy and virile breeds of dogs were turned into mutants of the original. Look at the mutative degeneration of the bulldog. Once a well-proportioned and powerful animal but later turned into a gross mutation of its former self.


THE GODFATHER and THE GODFATHER PART II have been among the most resonant in cinematic history. Their stature as Great Movies owes not only to artistry but social, cultural, and political significance. Like Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY in relation to science-fiction movies, they were unlike all previous movies in the gangster genre in subject, style, and suggestion.
Most gangster movies featured misfit outlaws rapidly rising to the top, only to crash and burn in infamy(and a bit of glory) from an excess of vanity and greed; in contrast, THE GODFATHER films were about men with survival instincts and staying power: Qualities of patience, diligence, intelligence, and empathy(albeit for nefarious reasons). They generally weren’t hotheads.

The centrality of the hothead in the classic Gangster Movie was a win-win for the studios. Hotheads are exciting, bursting with bad boy exuberance, the sort of outsized personalities that draw in the crowds. But as they were almost always destined to fall sooner-than-later, they could be peddled as ‘morality lessons’, aka crime-doesn’t-pay, to assuage the scolds.
Over time, the formula became so repetitious that the gangster movie fell out of fashion. And, few thought to capitalize on the other side of gangster life, deemed too dull and boring for crime movies: Mob activities interwoven with accountants, lawyers, judges, labor leaders, and the dreary machinery of local politics. (Even the much esteemed GOODFELLAS met with limited box office, and THE IRISHMAN, a film just as remarkable, went nowhere. Both were immersed in the mundane aspects of gangsterism.)
Likewise, most Westerns have been about gunslingers at the expense of other kinds of people who were more instrumental in the fulfillment of Manifest Destiny; but then, the appeal of the Western is the freedom, equally promising and dangerous, at the dawn of settlement. And guns are more fun than pens or hammers on the big screen.

As a further consideration, a more banal representation of the gangster world might have been incriminating of, thus more dangerous to, the establishment. It was one thing to show gangsters as a bunch of bootleggers and hoodlums mowing down one another. It would have been quite another to show how organized crime was intricately interwoven with the activities of legal, financial, and political spheres. Instead of simple rise-and-fall tales of hothead gangsters, the public would have been confronted with the dilemma of criminal operatives worming into the system and rubbing elbows with the respectable elements of society, i.e. gangsters need not self-destruct but thrive in cahoots with politicians, bankers, labor bosses, and even the clergy(that, like politics, hardly cared about where the donations came from).
If the classic Gangster Movie emphasized the outlier nature of its outlaws(supposedly at odds with the mostly decent and law-abiding citizens of their ethnic community), a more realistic assessment of the gangster world implied that penchant for criminality was more hardwired in some cultures than others, a troubling prospect for the Italian-American community and the more liberal-minded voices opposed to ethnic prejudices.

As it happened, Mario Puzo wrote a best-seller, a landmark in American fiction. There had been countless novels about crime, but THE GODFATHER was different. Puzo was too talented a writer to crank out just another piece of pulp about hoodlums. But then, he was too desperate to agonize over a serious piece of literary fiction — his second novel took him ten years to write. His earlier and more literary attempts, THE DARK ARENA and THE FORTUNATE PILGRIM, a minor masterpiece of the Immigrant Experience, garnered good reviews but made little money, and besides he was a degenerate gambler burdened with debts. He also had a family to take care of and chose to ‘sell out’ his considerable talent to churn out a work with all the bells and whistles of a best-seller. Of course, Puzo being Puzo, a man of literary passion, he found himself immersed in the subject and producing a work far more impressive than was initially conceived.

In actuality, Puzo only had indirect contacts with the mob through relatives and friends/acquaintances(some involved in gambling) and relied mostly on government reports and newspaper archives. Being an outsider to mob culture, his fictional account owed a good deal to the tropes and conventions he’d absorbed from countless novels, pulp and serious(usually about families than criminals). THE GODFATHER novel was inspired more by literary tradition than literal facts. His brand of somber sensationalism was aimed for middlebrow sensibility. He combined the brutal and grisly details of the underworld(mostly gleaned from news archives and books), a Machiavellian intuition of mobster strategizing, and literary craft that could render any character more interesting than he is.

Had THE GODFATHER been a truthful novel about organized crime, the characters and their activities would have come across as shabbier and cruder, like the hoodlums in Martin Scorsese’s GOODFELLAS and THE IRISHMAN. If truth is any criterion for art, one could argue that THE GODFATHER, novel and film, fail miserably. But if myth-making is an art in its own right, Puzo’s novel has a place alongside the works of Henryk Sienkiewciz, Margaret Mitchell, Edna Ferber, and Ayn Rand.

As a runaway success in book form, it hardly stirred up controversy in the Italian community, not even among the mobsters, surely not the most avid readers in the world. No matter how successful a novel, it rarely generated the kind of anxiety and excitement it might in movie form, which explains why certain novels(deemed a bit racy) never made it to the big screen or were fundamentally altered to pass the censors: PEYTON PLACE and LOLITA, for example.
The various ‘decency’ organizations in the US were less worried about the impact of books than of movies(and of course TV), which came under heavier censorship, that was until the late Sixties. When word got around that Puzo’s best-seller would be turned into a movie, certain members of the Italian-American community, not least mafia types posing as concerned citizens, chose to turn it into a socio-political issue. It was also a reflection of a time when identity politics took on a whole new meaning with the Civil Rights Movement. If the eggplants got much mileage by making a big fuss, why not the olives too?


If Pope Francis doesn’t want to judge, why not join a disco than a church? Religion exists to judge, and Christianity is a judgmental religion. If he doesn’t want to judge, he should find a new ‘faith’ or some hobby. But then, Francis really does love to judge. He loves to judge and condemn traditionalists for refusing to bow down to the latest fashions of degeneracy.

1. It has gone from so-called ‘gay rights’ to Gay Rites, a ‘neocracy’ of globohomo-mania as a new object of reverence, rapture, and worship. While the West is becoming irreligious(in the waning of traditional faith), there’s a neo-theocracy or ‘neocracy’ of satanism with Sodomania and Tranny-scendence as the highest value, along with Magic Negro Cult and Holy Jew Worship. Idolatry is the new faith, with its adherents foaming at the mouth in their faddish fanaticism.

From its inception to around the new millennium, the ‘gay’ agenda was marketed as a secular and ‘rational’ movement in favor of individual rights, i.e. some individuals are homo, and they have rights as individuals to practice homo-fecal-penetration and be what nature made them to be.
But then, the ‘gay’ agenda(or globohomo or queertianity) became the official policy of statism: Government and politicians must either observe, celebrate, and praise homosexuality OR keep their mouths shut if deficient in requisite enthusiasm. At the very least, they must NOT oppose the agenda as it would displease the Jews who control both political parties, big media, and the deep state. Finally, we now see globo-homo nuttery being pushed into houses of worship. We’ve reached the point where the hope of American ‘conservatives’, Donald Trump, proudly hosted a ‘gay wedding’ at his estate Mar-a-Lago with almost no pushback from the weeny MAGA base.
The Agenda is no longer secular but neo-theocratic or ‘neocratic’. Indeed, given its success, it’s past being an agenda and is the de facto state religion of the ruling elites who’ve replaced Jesus with the Jewish-promoted homo anus as the holiest symbol of civilization.
In our time, churches and temples fling their gates wide open to the worship of satanism. And Jews turned the Holy Land into Sodom and Gomorrah, and we must praise the fact that Israel annually(and anally)has one of the biggest ‘gay’ parades in the world. Furthermore, even non-homo things now seek blessing via ‘christening’ or ‘limp-wristening’ via globo-homo symbolism/ritualism. Want to make your dog or sports team more special? Wrap it in globohomo colors.

Sign says ALL ARE WELCOME but of course decent people who refuse to celebrate Homo-Fecal-Penetration and Tranny-Penis-Cutting are NOT welcome in this neo-satanist church gone rotten. More like All Are Well-Cum.

2. Jews were the main force behind globo-homo. Anyone who denies this fact is either ignorant, dishonest, or cowardly. It was a ploy by which Jews reinforced minority-elite-supremacism. As homos are minorities all around the world, any society that puts homos on a pedestal effectively ends up favoring the minority over the majority. It complements Jewish minority-supremacist power. People who bow down before minority-homos are made more likely to bow down before minority-Jews. Also, as homos are alienated from their own societies, they make ideal fifth-column collaborators of Jewish Globalist Power. Jewish Power coddles and bribes them, and they do the bidding of the Empire of Judea.

Welcome to Anno Sodomini

3. Jews hated Christianity for historical reasons — ‘antisemitism’ and the smuggling of the Jewish God to the goyim — and ideological reasons, as the Church remained the bastion of conservative values. The church was, at one time, the main force against globo-homo and other forms of decadence, depravity, and degeneracy, often pushed by Jews.
Jews figured on two ways to deal with the challenge. Bring down the church and discredit it with salacious scandals, mocking caricatures, and secular arguments. Or change it from the inside. Turn the church into a manger for globo-homo, thereby eroding any effective force against the ‘gay’ agenda, especially as secular ‘conservatives’ only cater to power and money, sucking up to anyone on top — notice that once rich Jews told GOP to stop opposing globo-homo, ALL Republicans followed suit.
Jews know that christianity gone globo-homo is spiritually dead. No sane religion celebrates sodomy and tranny-penis-cutting in its houses of worship. The fact that so many people(especially ‘educated’ people) in the West will approve of christianity ONLY IF it embraces the ‘gay’ agenda is proof that they put sodomy and tranny-vanity over God and Jesus. They don’t expect homos and trannies to repent and atone before God and Jesus(and Allah and Muhammad). Instead, they expect Divinity to bow down to the fad-fanaticism of the day. In other words, divinity now exists to flatter the deviancy of sexual perverts.

Jewish Satanism and Homo Vanity demands that the Christian God and Jesus cater to the narcissism of sexual deviancy.

4. The character of any institution is ultimately decided more by personnel than principles. There is nothing in the teachings of Christianity that would celebrate sinners and sodomy. Jesus opened His heart to everyone, even murderers and rapists, but on condition that they seek repentance and redemption.
So, all this globo-homo stuff has nothing to do with church doctrine or principles. But then, the fate of any institution is decided by its members. If satanists take over the church, it will become satanist even if it remains nominally Christian and features frescos of Jesus on the wall. If capitalists take over a communist government, it will practice capitalism. If communists take over a capitalist industry, they will run it along communist lines. If the Supreme Court is taken over by radicals or Jewish supremacists, it will do away with free speech, gun rights, and freedom of assembly EVEN IF those are guaranteed in the Constitution.


Jewish Powerites understand a crucial truth. People tend to be Extensions than Individuals. As a complex domain of social organisms, the human world is more like an ant colony or a bee hive than a random assemblage of lone creatures like tigers or bears. People constantly pick up signals, all the more so in our age of electronic media and gadgets. Every time someone uses ‘my’ device, he or she is being tuned to signals emanating from a center of power/influence. He or she may think, “I’m a free individual with ‘choice'”, but in fact, the possible ‘choices’ are fed into his/her mind through electronic signals.

In a way, people became less individualistic with the rise of radio and TV. Prior to such technologies, everyone in the US did something different on any given night. Some read books(countless different titles) and magazines, some went for social gatherings, some went for a walk, some stared at the moon, and etc. If ANYTHING unified the masses in the US and the West prior to Radio and TV, it was the Bible, which of course was interpreted differently by every reader.
With the advent of the TV, however, countless viewers could be watching exactly the same thing at the same time, the only notable difference being the qualities of TV sets. Despite the ‘participation’ of millions, the programming was decided by just a handful of people, among whom Jews were prominent; they controlled the signals fed into the Collective American Mind.

As the character in A SERIOUS MAN(by Coen Brothers) messes with the TV antennae on the rooftop for better reception of signals from ‘heaven’, he worries that the impact of television, serious in influence but unserious in content, isn’t all for the good of his children. It’s as if the antennae on the roof replaced the fiddler on the roof, a figure of unique folkloric significance.

Still, Jews in general had less to worry about as the Jewish Media Masters were careful not to send signals that might negatively affect Jewish interests. Instead, signals instilled the mass public with the message that one’s moral character is a measure of his/her ‘philosemitism’.
The signals did carry animus, hostility, and hatred far and wide, but they were mostly aimed at whites because Jewish supremacist power needed white submission and obedience, the logical offshoots of white shame, moral paralysis, and self-loathing instilled into white hearts-and-minds via media(and academia). Jewish Powerites needed whites to be in permanent-atonement-and-redemptive mode(for the ‘historical sins’ of ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, and etc.) because it could be exploited to steer white thoughts and actions toward serving Judeo-Centric goals. Whites came to think thus: “Because Jews are so good and holy whereas whites are so vile and loathsome, whites must look to Jews for wisdom and guidance and appease them at every turn.”

In a way, libertarianism, especially the kind pushed by Ayn Rand, has been of great advantage to the Jews. Libertarianism served as a loosening agent. First, the bonds that hold a structure together must be weakened; then, the structure can be disassembled piece by piece. That said, the ultimate trick isn’t to break things apart to keep them separate indefinitely. No, they’re taken apart to be used as building blocks for a new structure based on YOUR blueprint.
Libertarianism promised individuality, freedom, and choice for everyone. It was especially useful in disassociating the White Right from its bonds of conservatism. White Conservatism upheld the bonds of heritage and the bonds of race(and of Christianity).

While Americanism(and Western Culture in general) had long been more individualistic than others, it rejected radical individualism. If one had to make a choice between unity/community and division/individuality, the former was almost always prioritized. So, while American Conservatism wasn’t anti-individualist, it put unity before the individual.
Libertarianism was committed to reversing the formula. Among the more moderate libertarians, it was individuality and choice before unity and tradition, but they weren’t necessarily hostile to the latter. Ron Paul belongs to this school. (His is the school of Virtue Libertarianism, the idea that more freedom and individuality will mean more choice and means by which people can make more rational and sensible decisions. More freedom means more opportunity to be good and moral. In contrast, there is the school of Vice Libertarianism that looks upon traditional virtues as ‘square’ & ‘lame’ and believes that the vices will cancel each other out and lead to a kind of natural equilibrium. It might be called the Anton LaVey school of libertarianism. LaVey argued that the problems of gluttony will be solved by another vice, vanity and narcissism, i.e. gluttons, in their desire to be attractive, will naturally control their appetite; but then, what is to be done about the ‘body positivity movement’ that says ‘fat is beautiful’?)

If moderate Libertarians placed individuality before unity(but still valued unity), the radical libertarians were opposed to any kind of unity and heritage. It was all a matter of ‘me and my choice’. It’s no wonder they oppose nationalism that consolidates the organic whole for survival and power. Radical libertarians see such policies as standing between the individual and choice. In their eyes, the evil of Group Interest stands in the way of individuals and their freewheeling options in a borderless world.

At any rate, unbeknownst to most goy libertarians, Jewish elements pushed libertarianism as a means to an end, not as the end itself. Consciously or subconsciously, Ayn Rand and other Jews would have sensed that Jewish Power would grow immeasurably if whites could be made more atomized while Jews maintained their tribal consciousness. Unity generates a gravitational core whereas individuality scatters everything to the winds. The universe is filled with stardust, but stardust remains adrift in the dark. Powerful suns are formed by the gathering of stardust into great concentrations of matter.
No wonder cities have always ruled over the countryside. Cities concentrate power, countryside scatters it far and wide. Even Mao Zedong, who called on his peasant armies to ‘surround the cities from the countryside’, got his education in the cities and, when his side won the war, made sure that the communists controlled the cities with an iron grip.


If war movies generally dwell on the physical manifestations of war, understandable given its nature, there is a subset of the genre that deal with the POW experience away from the battlefield — THE GREAT ESCAPE begins in a prisoner-of-war camp but belongs more in the prison-break genre. Because we are shown enemies co-existing in close quarters under an imbalance of power between the captors and the captives, the emphasis is more on the psychology of the conflict, not only between opposing nations/cultures but among the men of the same team trapped inside the same cage.

In combat, one side brutishly struggles for advantage over the other side, generally by killing as many enemy combatants as possible. Soldiers are faceless in the battlefield, mere shooting ducks, especially in modern warfare where most soldiers are felled by bullets and bombs from a distance. Besides, in order to fight like a soldier, a human killing machine, the last thing on a soldier’s mind is the humanity of the other side. And for all the bonding as brothers-in-arms in the same unit, most soldiers probably live by the rule, ‘better you than me’, Animal Mother’s exact words as he stares down at a dead comrade in FULL METAL JACKET.

The brutality of battle is horrific, but its simple logic is a kind of a saving grace. A soldier need not think. He needs to go by training, orders, and instinct and just fight like a man, or a beast. No one’s paying him to think, let alone feel anything other than the sports-game emotions of ‘we win, they lose’. In the rip-roaring melee of the battle scenes in SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, the only rule is kill or be killed. (Rather cleverly, Spielberg constructed the movie like a boot-camp. The first battle scene at Normandy explodes with such force that the audience is rendered ‘green’, unprepared for and shitting its pants over the visceral force of mayhem hitherto unequaled in cinema. It’s so powerful that it seems ‘anti-war’ and makes the audience wonders if it could take more of this. But step-by-step, as the G.I.’s gain equilibrium and footing, the violence, though horrific throughout the remainder of the movie, becomes more manageable at the emotional level. So, by the time another huge battle erupts at the movie’s end, we are no longer in a state of shock but one of admiration and respect as ‘our heroes’ gotta do what they must.)

Indeed, the prickliest moment in the movie is when the GI’s capture a German soldier and argue as to his fate, to regard him as a faceless enemy(not quite possible as he’s in their hands at their mercy) or a human being. Spare him or kill him(which could be construed as ‘murder’ or a ‘war crime’; as it happens, the decent Tom Hank character lets him go but, a ‘kraut’ being a ‘kraut’, he eventually rejoins with fellow ‘krauts’ and ironically ends up shooting the very man who’d spared his life; the moral logic of the scene is eerily like the Nazi attitude toward Jews, i.e. all Jews are bad and none should be spared because they are weasels and liars, and some may argue the fatal flaw of Anglo Civilization was going soft-and-mushy and giving Jews the benefit of the doubt, which Jews, like the ‘kraut’ captive, showed no appreciation of; fellow tribesman William Friedkin made a similar point about Arabs in THE RULES OF ENGAGMENT, i.e. it’s justified for the Zionist-directed US military to mow down any number of Ay-Rabs because all them ‘ragheads’, everyone from old man to a little girl, are liars, cutthroats, terrorists, and devil’s spawn; if such an attitude is warranted against a segment of humanity, especially in the eyes of Jews, the logic of ‘antisemitism’ seems just another variation, but of course, it’s intolerable only when directed at Jews and their allies, especially homos and Negroes).

Because of the inevitability and even necessity of human-to-human interaction than merely wanton slaughter, P.O.W. movies make for complex dramas, especially if the cultures and/or visions of enemy nations are strikingly different. In a prison camp, the captors must treat the very people they’d kill without second thought on the battlefield as human beings, and the prisoners must take orders from the very people they were trained and ordered to slaughter.
There is also an element of mutual respect and contempt. Respect in the sense that some degree of communication and even camaraderie may develop between the captor and captive(as between a master and a slave) but also contempt in the sense that the captors must house, feed, and guard the enemy soldiers(who may be deemed as cowards or weaklings who surrendered than fought to the last). Also, as the captives generally far outnumber the captors, whose only advantage is firepower, there’s a sense of unease on both sides. (In Gillo Pontecorvo’s KAPO, the Soviet and other prisoners manage to overwhelm the German prison guards, albeit at a high cost of life.)

In MERRY CHRISTMAS, MR. LAWRENCE matters are complicated due to the Japanese martial code that an honorable soldier does not surrender but chooses to die. To the Japanese, the Western P.O.Ws lack the spirit of the true warrior and patriot. They feel that the British and the Dutch surrendered to save their own hides. Such a contemptuous attitude is, however, confounded by the character of Jack Celliers(David Bowie) who claims to have surrendered not to save his own skin but the lives of other men.

Though MERRY CHRISTMAS, MR. LAWRENCE was hardly the first P.O.W. movie, it is perhaps the most psychological in its grappling with subjects and issues that war movies generally ignore or shy away from for their discomfiting or embarrassing nature. As such, it is less a genre movie with familiar ‘tropes’ but a challenging work of cultural psychoanalysis set in a prison camp in Indonesia during WWII. That said, the approach is less clinical than metaphysical, unfolding more like a fever dream than a session on a couch.

There is an uptightness about some of the main particulars in the movie, especially concerning the tensions between Captain Yonoi(Ryuichi Sakamoto) and Jack Celliers. Yonoi is dedicated to the purity of the Japanese warrior code(to which all else is subordinate or secondary), whereas Celliers is a man who seems partly to have embraced war as an escapism from private anguish. Both are driven to some extent by a guilt complex(and death wish, either of poetic death or personal redemption). Yonoi grieves the deaths of his comrades in a failed military rebellion, an attempted coup in the name of the Emperor of course, and harbors a certain shame that he hadn’t been one of them; therefore, he strives to be the perfect warrior with the purest spirit. He seems partly drawn from Yukio Mishima who was haunted by shame for not having died an honorable(and beautiful) death in the Pacific War, something he managed to avoid. (Though rejected by the recruiting board for his sickness and frailty, other accounts suggest he cunningly avoided being conscripted.) Celliers’ repressed shame(or guilt) is more of a personal(and familial) nature, something he’s nursed all his life without the knowledge of anyone, not even his brother, the one he’d wronged. He bears a private cross, for which he seeks atonement(and when it comes, only his friend Lawrence knows the deeper motivation of Celliers’ sacrifice).

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