Hector Monsegur A.K.A. “Sabu” the Anon LulzSec Snitch

Hector Xavier Monsegur, 29-years-old, has been working for the FBI to entrap and gather information about his Anonymous and LulzSec compatriots since shortly after his arrest last summer. Unfortunately this has only been public knowledge since March. Monsegur was mentioned in last weeks Wired Magazine story about the internal workings of Anonymous.

Monsegur lives with his two children in a 6th floor apartment in the Jacob Reis Housing Projects on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. His treachery led to the arrest and imprisonment of numerous activist hackers or hacktivists in the U.K. and U.S.. Jeremy Hammond is one individual who faces years behind bars thanks to Monsegur’s continued cooperation with federal authorities.

Monsegur deserves the worst.

Jeremy deserves your support.

“Jeremy Hammond is accused of using his computer savvy to attack conservative groups and State operators. He is being charged with providing Wikileaks the documents for their latest Stratfor release.”  – FreeHammond.com

Donations are welcome as are letters of solidarity. Write to Jeremy at:

Jeremy Hammond    18729-424
Metropolitan Correctional Center
150 Park Row
New York, New York, 10007

If you are in the NYC area this month there is even more you can do to support Jeremy. On Friday, July 13th at 8:30pm, a noise demo will be held outside the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in solidarity with Jeremy Hammond. The event will conclude at 9pm.


On the July 23rd 2012, the Jeremy Hammond Support Network will sponsor a rally in NYC to show support for Jeremy. Friends, family, and supporters of Jeremy Hammond will gather at Foley Square for a brief march to the Metropolitan Correctional Center where we will pack the courtroom in solidarity with Jeremy.

5 comments on “Hector Monsegur A.K.A. “Sabu” the Anon LulzSec Snitch

  1. […] the sentencing of Jeremy Hammond, who was prosecuted thanks to the infamous FBI snitch Hector Xavier Monsegur a.k.a. Sabu, much has been revealed about the surveillance state. Following a harsh ten year sentence being […]

  2. […] WikiLeaks was publishing documents that had been passed to them by Hector Xavier Monsegur a.k.a. Sabu, an anonymous affiliated hacker who helped found LulzSec but by that time was working for the FBI […]

  3. […] leaked documents appear to show that members of LulzSec other than just Hector Xavier Monsegur a.k.a. “Sabu” cooperated with the FBI, in their efforts to destroy the group and prosecute it’s members. […]

  4. Snitch Watch says:

    […] leaked documents appear to show that members of LulzSec other than just Hector Xavier Monsegur a.k.a. “Sabu” cooperated with the FBI, in their efforts to destroy the group and prosecute it’s members. […]

  5. […] leaked documents appear to show that members of LulzSec other than just Hector Xavier Monsegur a.k.a. “Sabu” cooperated with the FBI, in their efforts to destroy the group and prosecute it’s members. […]

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