Author Playlists

Holly Wilson’s playlist for her novel “Kittentits”

“I’ve spent countless hours listening to the songs below in my car on the way to work or while mowing the yard, zoning out to enter the right mind-state where ideas bubble up.”

Author Playlists

Puloma Ghosh’s playlist for her story collection “Mouth”

“Sometimes, a song itself can be the impetus for a story.”

Author Playlists

Sejal Shah’s playlist for her story collection “How to Make Your Mother Cry”

“Music was so important to me in composing How to Make Your Mother Cry that I actually included a soundtrack / playlist at the beginning of the book.”

Author Playlists

Amy Lee Lillard’s Playlist for Her Story Collection “Exile in Guyville” and Memoir “A Grotesque Animal”

“Sometimes it starts with the song. I’m listening to the Pixies, or Nina Simone, or Sleater-Kinney, and I get an idea for a story or essay. “

Author Playlists

Alex DiFrancesco’s playlist for their memoir “Breaking the Curse”

“The songs below were constant companions in my Ohio years (don’t worry, I’m not in Ohio anymore!). A lot of them are dark, and not a few of them have hope woven into that darkness like a silver thread. That’s kinda a theme for me.”

Author Playlists

Sara B. Franklin’s playlist for her book “The Editor”

“In knowing her, and living, these many years, with the stories she helped shape, her own words, and my memories of her, Judith emboldened me to claim my own hungers and appetites unabashedly.”

Author Playlists

Emma Copley Eisenberg’s playlist for her novel “Housemates”

“Why is it so fucking true that the minute you make a playlist for an idea, it becomes a book? I was in denial for a long time that I was writing a novel, the novel that would become Housemates, but then I added a song and then a second and then a third to a playlist that I was calling at the time just “Bernie and Leah,” the names of my main characters, and the novel was, irrefutably, real.”

Author Playlists

Frankie Barnet’s playlist for her novel “Mood Swings”

“Here are some of the songs that helped me slip out of my obtuse consciousness while I worked on Mood Swings.”

Author Playlists

Bobi Conn’s playlist for her novel “Someplace Like Home”

“As I listened to old murder ballads and stories of love lost, I discovered features like irony, understatement, and rising action.”

Author Playlists

Kent Wascom’s playlist for his novel “The Great State of West Florida”

“Other than in all the ways, I can’t really say I’ve changed that much from when I was thirteen. I still collect comics and lurid old paperbacks, I still watch anime, I still write weird-ass novels, and I still make soundtrack playlists for those novels.”