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The Power of Film & Video: Reaching All Ages with Truth | The Creation Podcast: Episode 75
Is there a place for the use of film and video within Christianity? If so, how can we leverage this powerful tool to reach viewers of all ages with the truth of the Gospel?   Join Trey and other Media & Marketing team members as they discuss this vital topic on episode...
The Fruit-Bearing Christian
“Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” (Philippians 4:17) The apostle Paul here was commending the Christians at Philippi as the only church that had sent an...
The Latest
The Power of Film & Video: Reaching All Ages with Truth | The...
Is there a place for the use of film and video within Christianity? If so, how can we leverage this powerful tool to reach viewers of all ages...

Scaly Skin on a Feathered Dinosaur?
Fossil experts from University College Cork in Ireland took stunning images of Psittacosaurus skin. The dinosaurs’ belly shows patches of skin...

T. rex Not as Smart as Thought
Have movies and most conventional paleontologists got it all wrong? T. rex and other theropod dinosaurs (the meat-eaters) are often portrayed as intelligent...

June 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8 NKJV) ICR June...

A “Just-so” Story About Ancient Genes
An evolutionary website recently published “a groundbreaking study” that supposedly identifies a basic, uncomplicated, “simple”...

Dinosaurs with Bird Brains??? | The Creation Podcast: Episode...
Evolutionists claim that birds are descended from dinosaurs. A feature that is often cited as linking these two types of creatures is the brain....

From Ruins to Revelation: Truths Revealed Through Biblical Archaeology...
The Bible is full of people and places that are seemingly lost to time, but through the field of archaeology, new finds are shedding light on the incredible...

Bergmann’s Rule Falsely Refuted
A recent study of dinosaur sizes claims to break Bergmann’s rule.1 Bergmann’s rule was named after biologist Carl Bergmann, who...

New Shark Fossil from Arkansas
The fossil record contains a plethora of shark teeth, but fossilized shark skeletons are exceptionally rare. When they are found, though, they are always...

Photosynthetic Proteins Power Plants
Some scientists think the photosynthetic process is all but figured out since the discovery of more details regarding the place, assembly, and function...

Kids on Mission

Kids on Mission

Join us in the Fall of 2024! Check back soon for details of future courses.


Discovering Dragons!

The Power of Film & Video: Reaching All Ages with Truth

Scorching Days and Frozen Nights!

Louis Pasteur: Annihilating Abiogenesis
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